Chapter 153

He Fan saw that it was almost time to get off work, and there was nothing he needed. Even the small stove ordered by Deputy Factory Manager Li was given to the newcomer Master Yang, so He Fan was ready to get off work.

He Fan remembered his actions tomorrow morning, and then said to his apprentice Ma Hua, "Ma Hua, I have some personal matters to deal with tomorrow morning, so I may be late for a while, if there is anything to do, lay an ambush for me!"

Hearing He Fan's instructions to him, Ma Hua said with a smile, "Master, don't worry! I know it well!"

Watching the back of master He Fan leaving, Ma Hua turned around and came back to clean up again.

The new master Yang who came to the side, seeing the master and apprentice, immediately said to Ma Hua in admiration, "Your master is so good, it seems that he enjoys eating in the rolling mill!"

Hearing Master Yang's words, Ma Hua didn't care whether he was speaking truthfully or ironically, he just sneered, and then said proudly, "As far as my master's skills are concerned, do I need to ask others?
You really don't think my master can't live without the rolling mill, do you?
You are also a hard-working old man, a master with real skills, will you worry about not having a job? "

Hearing Ma Hua's words, Master Yang agreed in his heart, no matter where the capable person has the final say, before he had time to sigh, he saw Liu Lan coming to the two of them in a hurry, and asked Ma Hua, "Where's your master Shazhu?
Seeing that it was about to call for food, where did he go? "

Hearing what Liu Lan said, Ma Hua explained with a smile, "My master is back from get off work!"

"What? Didn't I say hello in advance, is there a banquet tonight?
Didn't you tell your master? "Liu Lan was stunned when she heard what Ma Hua said, and then said to Ma Hua angrily.

"I said it! But my master was sick last night!
Coming to work today is also a strong support!
Before leaving, he had asked Master Yang to make a small stove!

You can rest assured! "Hearing the complaints in Liu Lan's words, Ma Hua didn't care. He has been a colleague for so many years, and the relationship is still passable. Then he explained with a smile.

Hearing Ma Hua's words, Liu Lan wanted to blurt out, "Leave it to Master Yang, can he do it?"
But seeing Master Yang standing next to him, Liu Lan didn't say anything in the end, but could only accept the reality helplessly, and then said with a wry smile, "Let's do whatever you want, master and apprentice!

After a while, deputy director Li will be unhappy, and you will cry sometimes! "

In order to make this banquet a good one, Master Yang put in a lot of effort and thought, and every dish is very particular about the presentation.

Looking at Ma Hua next to him, he was stunned for a while, and Ma Hua suspected in his heart that Master Yang in front of him felt very level, and he couldn't really be a dragon crossing the river!

Not only Ma Hua was shocked by Master Yang, but even Director Li and the guests he invited were dazzled and didn't know how to set their chopsticks for a while.

Director Li looked at the dishes in front of him strangely, and asked Liu Lan who was beside him suspiciously, "Isn't Master He cooking this dish today?"

Hearing the question from Deputy Director Li, and seeing the delicious dishes made by Master Yang, he thought that the taste must be great, so he smiled and said, "Silly Zhu has a big air, and I don't want to serve you!

Just leave after work!
I think Master Yang's craftsmanship is also very good!It must be better than that silly pillar! "

Hearing Liu Lan's explanation, Director Li was very angry. It seems that he needs to find an opportunity to clean up this He Yuzhu, and let him know what the sky is high and the earth is thick!

"Everyone, don't patronize and watch! Eat quickly!

This is made by a new cook in the canteen of our rolling mill. I don’t know how the craftsmanship is. It’s just a matter of everyone’s comments today! Seeing the guests around him, Factory Manager Li put on a smiling face and said hello again.

Then everyone picked up the dish they wanted to eat together, and after taking a bite, they all spit it out in unison.

"What the hell is this? Why is it so sweet?"

"Mine is too salty! The chef's house sells salt!"

"Hey, mine is even more outrageous, I didn't wash it clean!"

Hearing the customer's reaction, the angry Deputy Director Li threw the chopsticks on the table, and said to the stunned Liu Lan, "Go! Call that Master Yang!"

"Oh? Well, I'll go right away!" Liu Lan was also shocked by the reaction of the crowd. Hearing the order from Deputy Director Li, Liu Lan stammered quickly.

Soon Liu Lan came in with Master Yang. Master Yang, who didn't understand the situation, thought that there was a reward for being called, so he asked with a smile on his face, "Are the leaders satisfied with these dishes?"

Hearing that Master Yang in front of him acted like asking for rewards, everyone present looked constipated and felt extremely uncomfortable.

"What the hell are you doing!

Taste it yourself and see if we should be satisfied! "Director Li angrily questioned the self-righteous Master Yang in front of him.

"Yeah! You're too much to be a cook!
Let's not talk about the taste, you haven't washed the dish, who dares to eat it with confidence! "The guest who found that the dishes were not cleaned just now couldn't help but said with a wry smile.

"Director Li, you can't use us as guinea pigs for experiments!
Next time there will be a new cook, you will check it yourself first!
I still have something to do, so let's go first! "

"Ju Liu, I did something wrong today! Don't mind it!"

The middle-aged man who was called Bureau Liu by Director Li didn't say anything, just shook his hand and left directly.

Seeing that the master had left, the other guests looked at each other in embarrassment, got up to say goodbye and left.

Soon there were only Deputy Factory Director Li, Liu Lan and Master Yang left in the box, and then Deputy Factory Director Li said to Master Yang with a livid face, "You don't need to come tomorrow!"

Master Yang was not worried at all when he heard Deputy Factory Manager Li's words, but said indifferently, "I'm afraid you won't count whether I will come tomorrow or not!

You know, my surname is Yang! "

Hearing Master Yang's words, Deputy Factory Manager Li became even more angry. He pointed at the arrogant Master Yang in front of him, and was about to scold him. Said, "Director Yang is also surnamed Yang!"

Hearing Liu Lan's reminder, Deputy Director Li finally realized that he suddenly felt as sick as eating a live fly, and could only say helplessly, "Get out!"


Seeing Deputy Factory Director Li who had died down, Master Yang raised his head proudly and left the box directly.

Seeing Master Yang leave, Deputy Director Li suppressed his anger and said, "What's going on with He Yuzhu?"

Hearing the question from Deputy Director Li, Liu Lan looked puzzled and said blankly, "I don't know either!
However, I heard the meaning behind MCA's words, it seems that Shazhu wants to leave the rolling mill! "

"Ah? Could it be that someone hired him with a high salary?" Hearing the speculation in Liu Lan's words, Deputy Director Li said in surprise.

"I don't know exactly!
It seems that Ma Hua once said that Sha Zhu will not worry about finding a job wherever he goes! Hearing Deputy Director Li's surprise, Liu Lan explained with a wry smile.

Hearing Liu Lan's explanation, Deputy Factory Manager Li thought for a while, and then said with a sneer, "I go to poach other people's talents, how can I allow others to poach my people!
I'll take care of He Yuzhu's matter, so don't ask me any more! "

(End of this chapter)

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