Self-cultivation of the Siheyuan God of War

Chapter 154 Is This A Fake Siheyuan

Chapter 154 Is This A Fake Siheyuan
When He Fan returned home, he only cared about whether he could live on in his small life. As for how Master Yang tortured and tortured Deputy Director Li, he didn't care.

During this time travel, I felt very lazy, I couldn't arouse any interest in many things, I felt so boring, and I really felt a little bit depressed.

Last night, when the elder brother Yi Zhonghai and the elder mother left, He Fan handed over two yuan and fifty cents to the elder man. Instead of returning the money to them, he asked him to buy some stick noodles for himself today.

Yes, you read that right, He Fan is too lazy to go shopping now!
When they came to Yi Zhonghai's house, without He Fan's words, the first mother quickly took out a large bag of stick noodles and handed it to He Fan who came.

The elder Yi Zhonghai at the side laughed and joked to He Fan, "You never ate stick noodles before, why did you buy so much this time?"

"I only have two yuan and fifty cents on me, and I have to persist for half a month before I can get paid!
I can't survive without buying the cheapest cornmeal! He Fan explained miserably when he heard the old man's doubts.

Hearing He Fan's words, Eldest Master Yi Zhonghai and Eldest Mother looked at each other helplessly, feeling that everything had changed overnight. He Fan, who has always been high-profile and public, suddenly faced the reality and worked hard?

This world is too amazing, and the changes are too dazzling!

Seeing the miserable state of He Fan in front of him, the elder Yi Zhonghai suddenly felt a sense of sadness in his heart, and he had to think deeply, maybe Qin Huairu's family is really demanding too much from He Fan?

It seems that Qin Huai should be reminded to pay attention to the methods and methods in the future, and he must not engage in the practice of fishing out the water.

Then he said to the aunt who was also unbearable, "Go and get five catties of white noodles for Zhuzi, you can't just eat stick noodles!"

After hearing what the old man said, the first mother quickly took out a smaller noodle bag and handed it to the stunned He Fan.

He Fan took the five catties of white flour in surprise, the shock in his heart was beyond words.

It turned out that pretending to be pitiful was so cool, and he got five catties of white noodles so easily, no wonder Qin Huairu would happily sell miserably everywhere.

Besides, I am really miserable now, do I still need to pretend?
In his 30s, he doesn't even have a wife!You can wake up hungry when you sleep!The family has no savings or surplus food!

In the future, if anyone says that his salary of 37 yuan is a high salary, I will definitely spit on him!
Shameless, is there a high-paid cook like me who is hungry and begs everywhere?
He Fan was so moved that he started cooking when he got home. After all, the world is big, and eating is the biggest!
Here, as soon as He Fan was ready, he was ready to serve the meal and start eating, when he saw Qin Huai appearing at his door like a girl, He Fan felt very baffled when he saw Qin Huai's uncharacteristic appearance, and then He Fan listened Qin Huairu said to himself with a smile, "Silly Zhu, my family has cooked dinner! Do you want to eat?"

"Ah?" He Fan was stunned when he heard Qin Huairu's words, and said in disbelief, "Isn't your family unwilling?"

Hearing He Fan's words, Qin Huairu suddenly felt that his family had gone too far yesterday, so he could only explain with a wry smile, "It's because we cooked too little yesterday, not enough to eat!

I was also upset by Bang Geng crying at the time, so I was a little confused! "

Hearing Qin Huairu's explanation, He Fan wondered what this girl was up to, and then said with a sneer, "But I think your mother-in-law Jia Zhang is very sober!

I have been a neighbor for so many years, but this is the first time I have discovered that she still has such a sober side! "


"Forget it, I still won't go!
But I still have to thank Sister Qin for her concern. I drank porridge at your house, and my mother-in-law called the neighbors from the whole yard to watch me.

what?I'm a big horse monkey in the zoo? "Seeing Qin Huairu being speechless by his slander, He Fan continued to sneer.

Seeing the back of Qin Huairu leaving, He Fan didn't care any more, just sat down to eat, not long after eating, he saw his younger sister He Yushui running back crying all the way.

He Fan quickly dropped the bun in his hand, and said to his crying sister Yushui in surprise, "Yushui, what's wrong with you?"

"Brother! You were so hungry yesterday that you begged everywhere, why didn't you tell me?" Yu Shui looked at his brother in front of him, crying.

He Fan almost choked to death on the cornbread in his mouth when he heard Yu Shui's question, "Ahem."

Heaven and Earth Conscience, I just came here yesterday, I was so hungry that I couldn't stand it anymore, thinking that I was just blackmailed by Bang Geng for two yuan and fifty cents, I felt a little unwilling for a while, so I went to Qinhuai to fight the autumn wind at their house, I didn't expect that I had a very good life The miserable reputation spread completely.

"Cough, there is really nothing to eat at home!
It just so happened that the last bit of money I had on me was also paid for the tuition of Bang Geng!

I just wanted to go to Qinhuai Ru's house to have a drink of porridge, but I didn't expect that her mother-in-law, Jia Zhang, didn't know who she was, and called all the neighbors in the courtyard to watch me!

Made me look like a big horse monkey in the zoo!
Next time, even if I'm starving to death, I won't go to their house to eat! He Fan coughed a few times choked, and then explained to his sister Yushui with a wry smile.

He Yushui cried even more when he heard his brother's explanation, and then complained, "Silly brother, you are really right!
You are starving yourself!
She even has to help other people's children pay tuition!
Is there anyone like you who sacrifices himself for others? "

He Fan was completely stunned when he heard his younger sister He Yushui's correct three views. Could it be that he had traveled to a fake courtyard house? Why are the people here so weird and different from the beasts in his impression?

Qin Huairu even invited himself to their house for dinner again!
The uncle would actually support him with five catties of flour!
The younger sister, He Yushui, actually has the correct three views!
What made He Fan even more horrifying was that his younger sister He Yushui took out ten yuan from his pocket and handed it to the bewildered He Fan, "Brother, I'll give you ten yuan!

Save you to buy something to eat!
If you run out of money in the future, just ask me for it!
We will never beg for food from others again! "

He Fan quickly took the ten yuan handed over by Yushui, his eyes widened in surprise, and he looked back and forth in disbelief at the ten yuan and the inexplicable sister He Yushui in front of him, muttering to himself, "I, this is Are you dreaming?"

Hearing He Fan's words and seeing his unbelievable look, younger sister He Yushui was a little dumbfounded at this moment, and then said helplessly, "Silly brother, you are not dreaming!

If you run out of money in the future, you can ask me for it! "

He Fan didn't know what to do when he heard his younger sister He Yushui's words. Whether it was a dream or not, he put the ten yuan in his pocket first.

The money came too fast, yesterday I wanted to get back my two yuan five, and today my sister He Yushui gave me another ten yuan. The feeling of getting the money is more enjoyable than those rewards from the system!

(End of this chapter)

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