Self-cultivation of the Siheyuan God of War

Chapter 155 Yan Laoxi, You Should Pay Back

Chapter 155 Yan Laoxi, You Should Pay Back
Seeing Qin Huairu coming back alone, Jia Zhang still had a bad face, and then said to the three children, "Don't wait! Let's all eat!"

"It's a good time not to come! Giving him silly food such good food is a waste of food in my opinion!"

Hearing her mother-in-law Jia Zhang's words, Qin Huairu suddenly felt that her mother-in-law was unreasonable and wanted to refute, but the long-term endurance had made her lose the ability to resist, so she could only silently endure the oppression from her mother-in-law Jia Zhang, and then Go squeeze He Fan again.

"What are you thinking? I know it all!

If I really want to take a step forward, I, an old woman, will not stop me.

But at least you have to choose a man with a superior family and outstanding ability!

When Bang Geng grows up, the man you found must be able to help our family Bang Geng!
Do you see what this silly pillar is up to?
Isn't he just a bad cook?
He can't even drag around all day long, and he can't even eat food. What's so crazy about it! Seeing that her daughter-in-law Qin Huairu was indifferent to her words, Jia Zhang sighed, and then said to Qin Huairu earnestly.

"Silly Zhu, he gave everything to our family!
He also just had a sip of porridge at our house. Is it true that you did that yesterday? " Hearing what her mother-in-law Jia Zhang said, Qin Huairu couldn't bear to retort.

Hearing his daughter-in-law Qin Huairu's rebuttal to him, Jia Zhang was furious, and then asked bluntly, "I tell you, it's because he's stupid and incompetent!
Among the really capable big shots outside the family, which one has no concubine outside?

Which big man have you seen who almost starved to death because of raising a little wife?
After all, it is still silly to have low ability, only know how to eat and wait to die!
Even Xu Damao from our courtyard house is much more capable than Sha Zhu, he used real money to coax girls.

You don't know yet!Why do you think your sister Qin Jingru suddenly disagreed with blind date with Sha Zhu?It was Xu Damao who coaxed him with real money!
Xu Damao often went to the countryside to show movies, and often had ambiguities with some women in the village. Do you think he had any problems because of this little thing in his crotch?

Also, I have already inquired clearly, there is a new Master Yang in the cafeteria of your rolling mill, and his backstage is Director Yang of your rolling mill!
So Silly Zhu was in the canteen of the rolling mill, and now he has to stand aside.

It was for this reason that yesterday he was so hungry that he went around begging for food! "

"Who did you listen to? I don't know many of them!" Qin Huairu said in disbelief with her eyes widened in surprise when she heard her mother-in-law Jia Zhang's long speech.

"Hmph! Just leave it alone!
Let me tell you, you are not allowed to wash clothes and clean up the house for Silly Zhu in the future!
If you let me see you helping him again, just wait for me to make a fuss about the courtyard! Hearing Qin Huairu's exclamation, Jia Zhang sneered, and then said bluntly.

Thinking about his important arrangements this morning, He Fan specially prepared a blank piece of paper, and wrote directly on it with a brush. Although the writing was ugly, it really caught the attention of others.

Seeing that the time was almost up, He Fan took the notice he wrote and left the courtyard directly.

Today, I want to seek justice from the third master Yan Banggui. My advantage is not so easy to take advantage of. He also let me lose the opportunity to pursue Ran Qiuye. How can I not be angry!
If you don't bring this round back, how can you mess with yourself as the god of war in the courtyard!
He Fan just wanted to let these beasts know that he was not easy to bully, so that they would become truly honest one by one.

When I came to the elementary school where the third master Yan Banggui was, I didn't have a watch, and I didn't know the exact time, but I just felt that school was about to end at noon.

Sure enough, He Fan didn't have to wait long, when he heard the sound of the school bell, and the elementary school started to close.

Seeing the students and teachers coming out, He Fan smiled, held up a notice written by himself at the door, and shouted loudly, "Primary school teacher Yan Banggui asked me for a huge amount of property in the name of introducing someone. , but not helping with the work, it is really a fraud!"

The students and teachers after school heard He Fan's shouting and struggled to identify the ugly characters written by He Fan.

He Fan soon discovered that there was a teacher pointing at the words he had written, admonishing the students next to him and saying, "Look at how ugly this word is written!

You must practice your handwriting well. If you can't even write well, you just run out to show off. It's really embarrassing! "

"Understood, teacher! My handwriting is much more beautiful than this!"

Hearing their diverted conversation, He Fan suddenly felt hot on his face, so he could only yell louder, "Primary school teacher Yan Banggui, in the name of introducing someone, asked me for a huge amount of money, but It's a scam if you don't do anything!"

Soon the school security noticed the situation here, ran over quickly, pushed away the crowd, and shouted at He Fan, "You are making trouble here! Do you want to enter the security room?"

He Fan's eyes lit up when he heard the security guard's scolding, and seeing his thick-skinned appearance, he immediately put his hand on the security guard's arm, and sighed, "It's ok! Brother, you seem to have practiced before!"

Seeing He Fan's inexplicable behavior in front of him, the security guard was very puzzled, but when he heard He Fan's praise for himself, he still couldn't hide his complacency and said, "That's it! I can tell you!
Sensible people, get out of here quickly!

Or I'll beat you out of shit! "

He Fan's eyes lit up when he heard the threat from the security guard, and he felt very familiar. Isn't this what he often said?Then he said in surprise, "What you said is true?"

Seeing He Fan who was threatened and still smiling, the security guard suddenly felt that He Fan in front of him might be crazy, and said in a daze, "Yes! So if you are afraid, you should leave immediately!"

He Fan smiled when he heard the security guard's words, and directly picked up the bricks that he had prepared a long time ago. The security guards saw He Fan picking up the bricks, and then saw the students and teachers who were frightened and scattered. Don't bite the bullet and said, "What are you going to do? Don't be overwhelmed, you will go to jail if you do this!"

He Fan smiled again when he heard the security guard's stern scolding, but still didn't say anything, but directly punched the brick, and saw that it quickly became two knots, scaring the security guard and the nearby onlookers to shout loudly .

"What exactly do you want to do?"

"I want to see your principal! I want justice!" He Fan suddenly said coldly when he heard the security guard's question.

Soon the principal appeared, looked at He Fan in front of him, heard the security guard's explanation, and quickly understood what happened, and then said with a forced smile, "This is a private matter between you and Teacher Yan, you should solve it privately. What you are doing now will greatly affect the normal schooling of students!"

"Hmph! It is said that officials and officials protect each other, so it turns out that your teacher is also like this!

What a disappointment!

He is a teacher in your school, if he asks for justice, I will come to your school!
Unless your school expels this kind of scum who violates teacher ethics! He Fan sneered when he heard the cover-up from the headmaster, and then said bluntly.

Hearing that He Fan refused to enter in front of him, the principal also had a headache, so he could only say, "Comrade, look at this, let's go to the principal's office first, and I will call Teacher Yan. It's settled!"

"No, you let Yan Penggui come out, and we'll confront each other at the school gate. My request is not high, so I apologize to me in public and compensate me for the property I lost!
Of course, there is no need to compensate or apologize, but your school will expel him!

Otherwise, I will block the gate of your school every day! He Fan said without the slightest interest in the principal's proposal.

Soon the third master Yan Banggui appeared in front of He Fan, looked at He Fan in front of him, widened his eyes in surprise, and said in disbelief, "Silly, what exactly are you trying to do? Are you crazy?"

"Hehe, Yan Laoxi, you finally appeared!
Today is your time to pay!
It's not so easy to take advantage of me, He Yuzhu!

You will definitely pay the price! "Seeing the third master Yan Banggui appearing, He Fan said with a sneer.

"Isn't everything in the past?

You actually ran to the school gate to make trouble!
You know you stole my car wheel as revenge, aren't you afraid that I'll call the police and arrest you? "The third master Yan Banggui tried to threaten He Fan by calling the police.

Hearing the threat from the third master Yan Banggui, He Fan suddenly smiled and said, "I'm just getting what I want, and I'm just worried about how to make things worse!?

If you call the police, that's exactly what I want!Ha ha! "

How could He Fan be afraid that the third master would call the police? Che Gulu would have already paid back!

Even if the police want to deal with themselves, it will take a few days at most.

Now that he has been made notorious by his neighbors, He Fan really doesn't care about such a small matter!

"You are a scoundrel!" The third master Yan Banggui pointed at He Fan angrily when he saw He Fan's unmoved look.

"Primary school teacher Yan Banggui, in the name of introducing someone, asked me for a huge amount of property, but did not help with the work, it is a fraud!" He Fan sneered directly at the accusation of the third master Yan Banggui, and then shouted again.

At this moment, the principal's face also turned livid, and he put pressure on Yan Banggui who was beside him and said, "Teacher Yan, quickly settle this matter!

It's time to apologize and pay compensation!
Otherwise, the school will expel you directly! "

"Ah? Don't be so serious!" The third master Yan Banggui was stunned when he heard the principal's words, and then said incredulously.

"It's all like this, how serious do you want to be!" The principal was very angry at the third master Yan Banggui's ignorance, and then he scolded him indisputably.

Hearing the headmaster's scolding, the third master Yan Banggui became really scared, and quickly said to He Fan who was shouting, "Stop shouting! Silly Zhu, you want to destroy me completely!
I promise you, apology, compensation!
Just please stop making trouble! "

Seeing that the third master Yan Banggui had completely confessed, He Fan sneered, and then said directly, "Then pay me 20 yuan! Then make a sincere apology to me!"

"What? You want me to be twenty!
As for those native products, there are so many! Hearing He Fan's request, Third Master Yan Banggui said with his eyes widened in surprise.

"I spent 25 yuan at that time!

Most of my money this month is in it!
You even shamelessly said that it was just some local products?

Principal, you saw it too!

Yan Banggui is still arguing with me here, I don't want his apology and compensation!
Your school should expel Yan Banggui! He Fan said angrily when he heard that the third master Yan Banggui was still talking about it.

The teachers watching around, those who understood his temperament, all commented on the third master Yan Banggui's pointing.

The third master, Yan Banggui, wanted to find a mouse hole at this time, and went straight into it, it was really embarrassing!

"I'll accompany you! I'll give you money when I go back!"

"No, I'm going to see Qian right now. You're really shameless. It's hard to say what weird things you can do!"

"I don't have so much money on me!"

When the principal at the side heard that the two had finally solved the problem, he quickly took out 20 yuan and handed it directly to the third master, then said helplessly, "Let me lend it to you first!"

Seeing the principal's move, the third master quickly handed over the money to He Fan in surprise, "I'm satisfied now!"

"Yan Laoxi, did you forget something?
My deep and sincere apology!

Also tell the cause and effect! Seeing that the third master Yan Banggui still engaged in some selective amnesia and tried to muddle through without apologizing, He Fan said directly.

Hearing He Fan's debunking, the third master Yan Banggui could only apologize with a livid face and said, "I shouldn't have accepted He Yuzhu's gift, but didn't help He Yuzhu introduce someone!
A serious misunderstanding has been caused!I am deeply sorry! "

He Fan said with a sneer, "Yan Laoxi, you really deserve to be a teacher!
The level of this literalism is high! "

But when he saw that the calculating third master was deflated in his own hands, He Fan didn't bother with his petty rhetoric anymore, but said loudly to the students and teachers who were watching, "This is Yan Banggui's compensation of 20 yuan for me. !
That's all for now!Let's all go away! "

Seeing that the problem had finally been resolved, the principal also dispersed the crowd of onlookers.

Seeing that there was no one else around, He Fan suddenly put his arms around the shoulders of the third master Yan Banggui, and said in a low voice that only two people could hear, "Actually, I don't like Teacher Ran!

I like your daughter-in-law Yu Li!
I think she is smart and capable! "

"What? You're a lunatic!
You are daydreaming, I will definitely go to the police station and sue you! "The third master immediately said angrily when he heard He Fan's words.

"Hehe, third master, don't worry!

Listen to me, I won't do anything illegal!

You see, I have a salary of 37 yuan a month, and I keep [-] yuan for myself, and the remaining [-] yuan is given to your daughter-in-law Yu Li.

Do you think she will divorce your son Yan Jiecheng? "After comforting the angry Third Master, He Fan whispered again.

"You are a lunatic!" The third master looked at He Fan in front of him in horror, and said in surprise.

"You're right! I'm a lunatic!
It's you good neighbors in the courtyard that are driving me crazy!
I warn you, don't provoke me again, or else, hehe." He Fan was very disapproving of the evaluation of the third master Yan Banggui, and then said with a sneer.

Hearing He Fan's threat, the Third Master Yan Banggui suddenly felt that He Fan might really be able to divorce his daughter-in-law Yu Li and his son Yan Jiecheng.

After all, that's 30 yuan a month!
Whoever changes it will be moved!
Even if they don't get a divorce, it's hard to guarantee that they won't do something outrageous.

Thinking of this, the third master Yan Banggui really felt afraid of this silly pillar!

(End of this chapter)

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