Self-cultivation of the Siheyuan God of War

Chapter 159 The First Tamed Beast

Chapter 159 The First Tamed Beast

He Fan's arrogance this time was originally a test for Deputy Factory Director Li, and it was also an attempt.

Since this is the second time to travel through the courtyard world, He Fan is not planning to go to Hong Kong Island, so he can't live a routine, otherwise he will still miss many good opportunities.

The result was pretty good. Deputy Factory Manager Li is indeed a capable villain.

With He Fan's current culinary skills, dealing with these diners who have never really seen the world is completely easy and effortless.

"Ma Hua, you have to be careful!

In the future, I will try to only cook these dishes once, and take advantage of the rare opportunity of Xiaozao to cook a few more different dishes!

How about you, pay more attention to study, and I will tell you the key parts of these dishes when I come back! "He Fan looked at Ma Hua, the true disciple in front of him, and said with a smile.

Hearing that Master He Fan is finally willing to teach him real skills, Ma Hua's excitement cannot be expressed in words, "Oh! Master, thank you!
I will definitely learn how to cook! "

The fat man on the side heard the conversation between He Fan and Ma Hua, and his heart was mad with jealousy.

I thought in my heart how much worse I was than this stupid Ma Hua, to be treated like this by the silly Zhu!
Is it really the silly sympathy between Shazhu and Shahua? !
It's no shame that others call you a fool, you have such a bad eye for picking apprentices!
The fat man cursed Master He Fan in his heart, but he approached him with a cheap smile, and shouted sweetly, "Master! You can't just teach my brother Ma Hua!
You also have to teach me this little apprentice, Xiaopangpang! "

Looking at the fat man with a cheap face, He Fan suddenly felt tired, not to mention that the fat man will bully himself with Yu Li and his wife in the future, but the greasy and hypocritical face is not acceptable to He Fan, "Fatty, Are you mistaken!
I didn't agree to accept you as an apprentice!
I have no obligation or responsibility to teach you how to cook! "

Hearing He Fan's words, the fat man became anxious immediately, and said aggrievedly, "Master, you can't deny it like this?
When they agreed to accept me as an apprentice, everyone in the cafeteria knew about it!
If you don’t believe me, you can also ask my brother Ma Hua!

He can also testify for me! "

Ma Hua on the side, suddenly heard someone calling himself a senior, felt like drinking honey, and immediately said to Master He Fan, "Yes! Master, when Fatty first entered the cafeteria, you agreed to accept him as an apprentice of!
Is it too long, you forgot! "

He Fan was almost overwhelmed by his stupid apprentice when he heard Ma Hua's stupid words. He immediately picked up the long chopsticks that were used to fry fried dough sticks next to him in the morning, and slapped Ma Hua hard on the head, "Idiot, at that time I Is that a promise to accept disciples?

That's just politeness and address among colleagues!

Then according to what you said, I will accept anyone who has called me a master as an apprentice?

What the hell, at least half of the workers in the rolling mill are my apprentices?
Deputy Factory Director Li who called me Master He just now, do I have to knock his head and let him learn to cook with me? "

Everyone in the cafeteria, hearing He Fan's novelty, felt that it was very reasonable and funny at the same time, and they all laughed at the same time, "Haha."

It was supposed to be a joyful laugh, but at this moment in Fatty's heart, it was a great mockery.

Laughing at his fat man's overreach and nonsense.

Now that the matter has come to this point, the fat man can only walk to the corner in desperation, trying to avoid it completely.

Master Yang saw He Fan teaching Ma Hua cooking skills just now, but he was also eager to steal the teacher.

I didn't expect that Fatty would be bored before me, but Fatty came earlier than me!
Master Yang doesn't think that his backer is Director Yang, so he can ask He Fan in front of him to take special care of him, so he can only calm down and calm down.

After being taught a lesson, Ma Hua immediately remembered his status.

It is definitely not someone who can worry about accepting apprentices for his master, and he is just an apprentice who needs to be obedient and obedient.

For wanting to make decisions for master He Fan, today's lesson is already considered a slight punishment.

Knowing Ma Hua's character, but seeing that Ma Hua is too naive, He Fan was not really angry, nor did he take what happened just now to his heart, and continued to teach Ma Hua in detail.

He Fan is very confident in his cooking skills, but he is not blind. Soon, Deputy Director Li brought a middle-aged man drunk to the back kitchen of the cafeteria, and said with joy and pride, "Master He , I really read you right! Your craftsmanship is awesome!"

"Director Li, you're welcome! You can do as long as you like!" He Fan had heard too many compliments on his cooking skills, and he had long since become calm, and simply coped with it.

Then Deputy Factory Manager Li said to the middle-aged man beside him who was also tall and tall, "Ju Liu, I'm not wrong!
Our rolling mill is definitely very powerful!

This Master He is the boss of our rolling mill!
What happened last time was purely an accident, I hope Bureau Liu doesn't mind! "

"Deputy Director Li's words, after trying Master He's craftsmanship today, I am really convinced!" The middle-aged man who was called Bureau Liu by Deputy Factory Director Li said with a sigh.

Then he said to He Fan who was beside him, "Master He, hello!
I am the director of the Beijing Grain Bureau, and my surname is Liu!
Your cooking skills are awesome, I hope you can help us in the future when our Food Bureau needs you! "

"Bureau Liu, hello!
I am honored that you like it!
In the future, as long as the leader approves, I can go to the Grain Bureau! He Fan responded with a smile when he heard Director Liu's explanation in front of him.

Hearing He Fan's answer, Deputy Director Li and Director Liu were very happy, exchanged some pleasantries, and then walked away unsteadily.

He Fan was also very happy when he came to work today and got an almost brand new bicycle.

In the past, He Fan felt that it didn’t matter whether he had a bicycle or not. After all, he had seen the materialistic desires of the new era. Even though he had traveled through the courtyard world once, he still couldn’t understand how bicycles were regarded as Ferrari sports cars in this era.

But when He Fan actually rode his bicycle through the factory area and the streets back home, and was watched by others, He Fan realized that the bicycle would really be regarded as a Ferrari sports car!
Back in the courtyard, the Third Master Yan Banggui watched He Fan push a bicycle back with a look of surprise on his face. As usual, he would at least interrogate him, but today the Third Master immediately returned home and closed the door of his own house.

The third mother saw the abnormal behavior of the third master Yan Banggui, and asked suspiciously, "Old Yan, what's wrong with you?"

"Hush! Silly Zhu is back!

And pushing a bike!

I don't want to hide away! "Hearing the third mother's question, the third master said in a low voice angrily.

"Oh! Silly Zhu! That is to hide!
I heard that Xu Damao in the backyard was frightened and hid with his wife Lou Xiaoe! "Third Mom agreed after hearing Third Master Yan Banggui's explanation, and then thought of Xu Damao in the backyard.

"Hey, where can Xu Damao hide?
I will never go back to the courtyard for the rest of my life!

Don't worry, he can't escape, just wait and see!

Xu Damao will definitely be much worse than me! When the third master heard the third mother mention Xu Damao, he disapproved very much, and then said with a sneer.

He Fan outside the door saw the cute and sensible side of the third master Yan Banggui, and felt that it was very rare. It was not easy to finally tame a beast in a courtyard.

Thinking of this, He Fan still smiled happily, and went home directly.

(End of this chapter)

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