Self-cultivation of the Siheyuan God of War

Chapter 160 The Brilliant Operation

Chapter 160 The Brilliant Operation

He Fan's brutal revenge against the third master Yan Banggui completely frightened the neighbors in the courtyard. Xu Damao hid with his wife Lou Xiao'e!

The second uncle Liu Haizhong, who has always been high-profile, has also become low-key!
I don't know if the uncle feels that He Fan is too aggressive recently, and he consciously keeps a certain distance!

As for Qin Huairu and Jia Zhang, they have already regarded the current He Fan as a hopeless trash stock, and temporarily abandoned it!

Without the harassment of neighbors, He Fan feels very comfortable, and enjoys it every day.

The only thing that bothers He Fan is that recently, Deputy Director Li either keeps having small or big banquets.

Ma Hua is happy to learn new cooking skills every day, and Fatty and Master Yang are also mad with jealousy, but he suffers from the master He Fan.

In the end, He Fan lost his temper, and simply let Ma Hua do the work, and he guided by himself, and now the jealous fat man and Master Yang turned pale.

And everyone in the cafeteria envied He Fan for treating Ma Hua so favorably.

Liu Lan has always been a big mouther, and now he has the support of a powerful lover, Deputy Factory Director Li, so he has always spoken without any scruples, and it can be said to be unscrupulous, "Silly! You are too kind to Mahua, right?" This is treating him like a son!"

In fact, Liu Lan's words were not insults. We must know that in this era, the master-student relationship is more important than the sky. The master is like the apprentice's father, which is not an exaggeration.

But for the current He Fan, he doesn't agree with it. After all, he is only a few years older than Ma Hua, so for Liu Lan's ridicule, He Fan said with a smile, "I am not a few years older than Ma Hua, and the relationship between father and son Master and apprentice are not counted!
At most, they are mentors and apprentices in cooking, and brothers and friends in private!
So if Ma Hua doesn’t want to call me master, it’s also very appropriate to call me big brother! "

After hearing He Fan's explanation, the colleagues in the cafeteria were really surprised.

He Fan is too righteous, and Ma Hua is too lucky.

As for the fat man who was jealous of Mahua, he could only sit in a corner in pain and feel sad.

When Ma Hua heard Master He Fan's statement, he was so moved beyond words, and said excitedly, "Master, I will respect you for the rest of my life!

It will definitely not embarrass you! "

Hearing Ma Hua's excited statement, He Fan smiled and said, "I believe what you said!
The most important thing you should do now is to learn how to cook well. When you can be on your own in the future, I will also have a bright face! "

"Master, I saw Xu Damao's grandson in the box just now!

He even overestimated his ability to fight wine with Deputy Factory Director Li and the others!
What nonsense are you talking about! "Ma Hua said mysteriously to He Fan after serving the dishes.

"Xu Damao, he doesn't drink very much!
The wine was poor!
The person who pours wine when he sees it often runs out to fight with others. Maybe he thinks that only being able to fight for wine means that he can eat well!
have to!Just look!
We'll have something to do in a while! He Fan sneered after hearing Ma Hua's explanation, and expressed his evaluation and prediction of Xu Damao.

Sure enough, not long after, Ma Hua ran back again and said to He Fan in admiration, "Master, you are really amazing!

Xu Damao really drank unconscious, but Deputy Director Li asked us to take Xu Damao back!

Then it's time to get off work! "

He Fan felt funny when he heard Ma Hua's words, but he didn't expect Xu Damao to fall into his own hands like in the original play.

The last time they traveled through the courtyard world, He Fan and Ma Hua put Xu Damao in the factory toilet all night, causing Xu Damao and Lou Xiaoe to almost divorce.

Whether it’s Xu Damao’s underwear hidden in the original play, or the toilet in the first time travel, He Fan feels that there is no technical content, so he travels through the courtyard world for the second time, and He Fan is going to do an even more explosive operation.

"Ma Hua, you go to the factory to find a cart, let's pull this Xu Damao!" He Fan thought for a while, then came up with an idea, and then said to Ma Hua.

Hearing Master He Fan's instructions, Ma Hua quickly brought a cart despite being puzzled.

He Fan and Ma Hua directly carried Xu Damao, who was unconscious and drunk, onto the cart, pulled them out of the factory area, and went straight to the hospital near the rolling mill.

"Master, this is not the way back to your courtyard!

Are you going wrong! Ma Hua said to his master He Fan suspiciously.

"Don't talk nonsense! Who said you're going back to the courtyard! This is going to the hospital!" He Fan said angrily when he heard the doubts from his apprentice Ma Hua.

"Ah? Master, haven't you always been against this Xu Damao?
How could he be so kind to Xu Damao!And send him to the hospital!
Besides, he was just drunk, he would be fine if he woke up after a night of sleep, and he didn't need to go to the hospital! "Ma Hua said in surprise when he heard what Master He Fan said.

"Hmph! If you think the master did this, it's good for Xu Damao!

Then I hope you will never enjoy the kindness Master treats you like! Hearing Ma Hua's surprise, He Fan sneered at Xu Damao, and then said a very philosophical sentence.

Ma Hua doesn't understand the words of his master He Fan, so he can only follow his master's orders.

Soon, the master and apprentice pulled Xu Damao to the emergency room of the hospital. The doctor on duty saw the situation and ran over to check the situation. He Fan quickly explained to the nervous doctor on duty, "Doctor, Poor my brother!

He married two wives without a son and a half daughter, either beat his wife every day, or drank heavily every day, and then fell unconscious!
The first wife was beaten and divorced by him. After finally marrying the second wife, she was about to be beaten away by him again. I couldn't stand it anymore, so I took him to the hospital for a check-up!
If it's his own problem, let him give up completely, and then receive treatment, so maybe my brother can treat his wife better! "

"This is against the rules!

But seeing your situation is special, I will help him open a small tadpole quality inspection! "The doctor on duty was surprised when he heard He Fande's explanation, and then said reluctantly.

Seeing that the doctor on duty was willing to help, He Fan was very excited, and quickly thanked him and said, "Doctor, our family is not short of money, and I will use all the physical examinations that can be used for my brother!
Just in time for a full body check! "

Hearing He Fan's request, the doctor on duty was immediately overwhelmed, and sighed, "He can have you as a good brother, he is really convinced after several lifetimes of cultivation!"

The doctor on duty took Xu Damao for a physical examination, but Ma Hua was even more confused, even a little confused.

Seeing Ma Hua's bewildered look, he knew Ma Hua's doubts at this time, and then He Fan said with a smile, "Kid, watch!
You'll know when the test results come out in a while!

Come back to the courtyard with me in a while, the master invites you to watch a free show!
I'm going to help Xu Damao pay the fee first! "

He Fan paid the fee, and it didn't take long for the test results to come out. He Fan didn't care about the other test reports. He directly took out the tadpole quality test report, saw the above results, and then handed it to his apprentice Ma Hua. Ma Hua quickly widened his eyes in surprise.

"Doctor, in my brother's condition, is there any possibility of a cure?" He Fan asked the doctor on duty next to him.

"Hey! The chances are slim!
But don't give up, there may be other ways! Hearing He Fan's question, the doctor on duty sighed and said sadly.

"Thank you doctor! But my brother is more stubborn!

He may not believe the test report tomorrow, so I hope you don't mind. If he doesn't believe it, I hope you can introduce him to a bigger hospital for testing!
Only by making him realize the truth can he be treated properly and live a good life with his wife!

Don't beat your wife indiscriminately anymore," He Fan reminded, thinking that tomorrow's fierce conflict might affect the doctor on duty in front of him.

The doctor on duty suddenly felt that something was wrong, but when He Fan said again that his brother beat his wife, he let go of his doubts and said with a smile, "I see!"

On the way back, Ma Hua was still in shock, and said in disbelief, "Xu Damao has no children, so it's his own problem!

But he put all the responsibility on his wife, Xu Damao is too much! "

"Hmph! What's more, he may have known all this a long time ago.

He just deliberately passed on his own pain to his wife, Lou Xiao'e!
So, it's time for Xu Damao to be ruined! He Fan sneered when he heard apprentice Ma Hua's exclamation, and then said coldly.

Beasts, wait!I, He Fan, must deal with you one by one!

(End of this chapter)

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