Self-cultivation of the Siheyuan God of War

Chapter 161 The Infertile Xu Damao

Chapter 161 The Infertile Xu Damao
He Fan and Ma Hua pulled the drunk and unconscious Xu Damao with a cart, making a lot of noise and successfully attracting the attention of the neighbors in the courtyard.

Lou Xiaoe looked at He Fan with a bewildered expression, and when she saw her husband Xu Damao on the cart and smelled the smell of alcohol in the air, Lou Xiaoe understood everything.

Although Lou Xiaoe was very puzzled as to why He Fan was so kind all of a sudden, since He Fan brought Xu Damao back, she was still very grateful in her heart, and then said with a forced smile, "Silly, Ma Hua, thank you both master and apprentice!"

Hearing Lou Xiaoe's thanks, Ma Hua, who was helping to carry Xu Damao, suddenly felt that the woman in front of her, Lou Xiaoe, was really pitiful, and said a little embarrassedly, "You're welcome!"

"Lou Xiao'e, as soon as I left the rolling mill, I suddenly felt that Xu Damao was not breathing. Our master and apprentice thought he was suffering from alcohol poisoning, so we took him to the hospital first and gave him an examination. This is the examination receipt." He Fan Then he handed the test results in his hand to Lou Xiaoe, explaining.

Hearing He Fan's explanation, Lou Xiao'e looked at He Fan in surprise, and suddenly felt that He Fan, who had always been a fool, was so careful. Whether it was superfluous or not, this kind of behavior was worthy of the couple's gratitude.

Lou Xiao'e thought to herself at this moment, it seems that in the future, Xu Damao will be asked to be more polite to He Fan.

"Thank you so much, silly Zhu! I'll give you the money in a while!"

"Don't be so anxious, wait until Xu Damao sobers up tomorrow, then give it to me!" Hearing Lou Xiaoe's words of thanks, Ma Hua felt very uncomfortable, and He Fan knew that if she asked her to pay back the money now, Lou Xiaoe would pay the bill, and then smiled refused to say.

Hearing He Fan's words, Lou Xiao'e said with a smile, "That's fine too! Tomorrow I will have our family, Xu Damao, thank you properly!"

The third master Yan Banggui and the third mother hiding in the crowd watched the conversation between He Fan and Lou Xiaoe in surprise. Suddenly the third master figured out something, and his face became terrified and said to the third mother next to him, "It's started! Silly Zhu The revenge against Xu Damao has begun!"

"But this doesn't look like revenge! Old Yan, are you too nervous!" Hearing the panic of the third master Yan Banggui, the third mother said doubtfully.

Hearing the doubts of the third mother, the third master Yan Banggui shook his head, and then said, "Although I don't know what He Fan is doing?
However, I absolutely do not believe that he would be so kind!
Wait!You'll find out why tomorrow at the latest! "

Lou Xiao'e looked at Xu Damao who was sleeping on the bed, and suddenly felt a burst of disgust. He can't drink so little, but he prefers to drink. Xu Damao often does it when he is unconscious like today.

Maybe it was feeling that it was too late, Xu Damao made a lot of troubles, and felt a little tired, so she casually put the test results on the table beside her, and Lou Xiaoe also fell asleep.

Until the next morning, Xu Damao woke up with a splitting headache and woke up the sleeping Lou Xiaoe, "What happened last night? I feel like I've been to a lot of places!"

Hearing Xu Damao's doubts, Lou Xiao'e explained angrily, "I was worried that you would die from drinking, so I took you to the hospital for an examination!
The inspection results are all on the table!

From now on, you should be more polite to others! "

Hearing Lou Xiaoe's explanation, Xu Damao was also very surprised, but he quickly dismissed it, and while picking up the test results to check, he said disdainfully, "How kind can a fool be?
That is, you are stupid to believe him!
What kind of inspections are these, aren't they all scams for money! "

Hearing the disdain from Xu Damao's mouth, Lou Xiaoe took the test result from Xu Damao's hand and complained, "You just don't know good people!"

Then Lou Xiaoe flipped through the test results one by one, and saw the most important tadpole test report without looking at a few. Doctor's diagnosis illustration.

Lou Xiaoe's abnormality caught Xu Damao's attention, and he looked over suspiciously, "Ezi, what's wrong with you?"

Hearing Xu Damao's doubts, Lou Xiao'e woke up, looked at Xu Damao angrily and asked, "What's the matter? Take a good look yourself!

The two of us have no children, and I always thought it was me. I was always rejected by your family, but I didn't expect that it was you, Xu Damao, who had the problem! "

Hearing Lou Xiaoe's question, Xu Damao was only surprised for a while, then married the tadpole test report in Lou Xiaoe's hand, and then regained his composure and said, "Can you believe the inspection that Shazhu took me for?"

"You are not surprised at all! Did you already know that you have a problem?
Watching me being bullied by your family on purpose? "Seeing Xu Damao's calm and composed appearance, Lou Xiao'e understood everything.

Hearing Lou Xiaoe's questioning, Xu Damao seemed a little embarrassed to be exposed.

Xu Damao's embarrassment at this time explained everything, Lou Xiaoe then burst into an angry roar, "Xu Damao, you bastard! I want to divorce you!"

After waiting all night, finally saw Xu Damao and Lou Xiaoe clashing. He Fan looked at Lou Xiaoe and Xu Damao with hurt faces, and knew that Xu Damao was definitely over this time.

The old man saw that the neighbors in the courtyard had arrived, and then said to everyone, "Xu Damao and Lou Xiao'e fought very badly today! Lou Xiao'e, can you tell me what's going on?"

"Master, I have been married to Xu Damao for so many years, and I have been discriminated against by his parents because I have no children, you all know that!
I didn't know until now that it was Xu Damao who was barren!
For so many years, he deliberately concealed it, how much wronged I have suffered!
So I decided, I want to divorce Xu Damao! "Hearing the uncle's question, Lou Xiao'e explained in tears.

"Wow! No way! It turns out that Xu Damao is barren?" Hearing Lou Xiaoe's words, the neighbors were all surprised.

Hearing Lou Xiaoe's words and seeing the neighbors' reactions, Xu Damao shouted excitedly, "Everyone, don't listen to Lou Xiaoe, a silly woman talking nonsense!
Today's incident is completely a deliberate frame for me by Sha Zhu!

Silly Zhu, he did not know where to get a fake inspection report, saying that I am infertile!
So everyone don't believe it! "

Hearing Xu Damao's words, the neighbors in the courtyard were even more surprised, and they all looked at He Fan who was eating melons, and the uncle saw that He Fan was involved, and asked He Fan, "Zhuzi, what's going on?

How could they implicate you between husband and wife! ? "

He Fan had to be prepared when he heard the uncle's question, he was not surprised by Xu Damao's grabbing, but said with a smile, "I really blame me for this matter!

Last night, deputy factory director Li of the rolling mill treated guests. Halfway through the meal, deputy factory director Li said that Xu Damao, who accompanied the wine, was drunk and unconscious, and asked Mahua and I to take him away, but I saw that Xu Damao was gone at that time. Breathe, thought he drank and died! "

"Although I have always been at odds with Xu Damao, this is also a human life, so I pulled the cart with Mahua and sent Xu Damao to the hospital.

The doctor on duty was a newcomer and had no experience, so he prescribed some more tests, and the quality test of tadpoles was also prescribed! "

"After a lot of tossing and a series of treatments, Xu Damao returned to safety, but he found that the tadpoles in his body were inactive!

It also means that there is no fertility at all!
The test result was known to Lou Xiao'e, so today's matter! "

Hearing He Fan's explanation, Xu Damao immediately pointed at He Fan angrily and said, "Silly, you are talking nonsense! You must have colluded with the doctor on duty to give me a fake report! I won't admit it!"

After hearing He Fan's explanation and Xu Damao's rebuttal, the uncle felt a headache and asked He Fan, "Zhuzi, what do you say about Xu Damao's rebuttal?"

"Hey! I can't argue with this matter!
But since there are doubts, let Xu Damao go to a bigger hospital for testing, and the three uncles will be the witnesses!
If there is any deviation, I, He Yuzhu, will be responsible to the end! He Fan sneered when he heard Xu Damao's rebuttal and the uncle's question, and then said sternly.

Hearing He Fan's proposal, the neighbors in the courtyard believed the tadpole test report, the three elders looked at each other, and then the elder Yi Zhonghai said, "This is the only way now!

If it turns out that today's test report is inaccurate, Zhuzi will be responsible for all consequences!Xu Damao, what do you think? "

Hearing what He Fan and the uncle said, Xu Damao knew what he was saying, and immediately became impatient, and quickly refused, "I'm not going! I know my own body!

It can't be my problem!

It must be Lou Xiao'e's disobedience to women, deliberately colluding with Shazhu to corrupt me!I won't admit it! "

"Xu Damao, it seems that you are not fertile, you must be clear about it!

What happened today was indeed caused by me being troubled!
But if you slander my reputation, I, He Yuzhu, am not a vegetarian!

Since you think that I forged the test report, you must go for another test, or I will sue you for defamation!

There is also the 20 yuan test fee and treatment fee last night, all of which have receipts!
You must return it to me now!Otherwise this table is your end! He Fan sneered when he heard Xu Damao's slander against himself and Lou Xiaoe, and then said in a stern voice, and then punched the solid wood table, only to see a hole the size of a fist on the table.

Hearing He Fan's words and seeing the hole in the table, Xu Damao no longer dared to spit feces all over his mouth, swallowed in fear, quickly took out 20 yuan, put it on the table, and ran away like a frightened rabbit opened.

(End of this chapter)

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