Self-cultivation of the Siheyuan God of War

Chapter 169 Feng Cheng, Forced to Run Away

Chapter 169 Feng Cheng, Forced to Run Away

Saihanba World.

When Qin Xuemei thought about He Fan's affairs, she couldn't figure it out no matter what, and then gradually realized that what He Fan did to her was not to be a hooligan, but to let herself stop talking about shading seedlings, at least stop entangled with shading seedlings He is amazing.

Tan Xuemei, who wanted to understand everything, suddenly felt very annoyed that she had fallen into He Fan's trap.

Meng Yue is like Tan Xuemei's bosom friend. She noticed Tan Xuemei's fidgeting state from the very beginning, and then asked with concern, "Xuemei, what's wrong with you? Could it be that you are still entangled with Director Feng's treatment of you?" Propose!"

"Meng Yue, are you talking nonsense like that? Feng Cheng is proposing marriage?
It's completely hooliganism!
No, he is trying to make me completely give up shading seedlings by playing hooligans! "When Qin Xuemei heard Meng Yue's words, she felt a little shy unconsciously, and said hastily.

"Ah? Is Feng Cheng so scheming?" For Tan Xuemei's point of view, Meng Yue was surprised and unbelievable.

"Hmph! Don't be fooled by Feng Cheng's appearance! There is a lot of little Jiujiu in his heart!"

"Haha, Xuemei, why do you know so well what Director Feng thinks?
Could it be that you have been observing Director Feng?

I heard that Feng Cheng is the super school grass of Northern Forestry University, and girls often come to him to confess their love!

Xuemei, if you are interested in him, you should take the opportunity to develop it! "Meng Yue felt a little funny when she heard the little complaints in Tan Xuemei's words, and then joked with a smile.

Hearing Meng Yue's jokes on her, Tan Xuemei's face turned red, and she complained shyly to Meng Yue, "I'm almost pissed off by Feng Cheng, you're still teasing me here!
It's a pity that I have always regarded you as a good best friend, so I misjudged you! "

Seeing Tan Xuemei's angry look, her best friend Meng Yue quickly apologized and said, "I'm sorry, Xuemei!

I'm just kidding too!

However, when it comes to Director Feng, I also feel that he is always weird!

From the first time I went to the dam, I felt that he was always watching me secretly!
But when I looked at him, I found that he was looking elsewhere!

It's a good thing he just proposed to you, if he played such a hooligan to me, I might go crazy! "

"Oh no!

In fact, I feel the same way about you!
It's as if Feng Cheng has been watching me secretly!
At first I thought that, as a leader, he was simply examining my performance!
But his recent behavior, and what you said just now, actually scared me! "When Qin Xuemei heard Meng Yue's words, she felt a creepy feeling, and said nervously.

"Huh? Tan Xuemei, Meng Yue, I'm so timid!

Don't scare me! "Shen Mengyin on the side has always been timid, but when she heard Tan Xuemei's conversation, she became frightened.

"Ji Xiurong, do you feel like Tan Xuemei and Meng Yue?"

Hearing Tan Xuemei's conversation with Meng Yue and Shen Mengyin's question to herself, Ji Xiurong shook her head blankly, then said with a wry smile, "Why do I feel that Director Feng hates me since I went to the dam!

Maybe he likes you more knowledgeable college students!
On the contrary, I hate junior high school students like me and Na Dakui with a low level of education! "

"Ji Xiurong, don't think wildly!
Although Director Feng is rather strange, as a leader, he will not treat us advance team members differently!
I think it may be that you have not taken his words to heart, so he is a little impatient with you!

I think you just need to listen carefully to his opinions in the future! "Meng Yue felt a little sympathetic when she heard Ji Xiurong's helpless words, and then said comfortingly.

Hearing Meng Yue's consolation to her, Ji Xiurong unconsciously remembered the advice He Fan gave to herself and Yan Xiangli when she went to Saihanba, but at that time she was too nympho and didn't take He Fan's words to heart. Let yourself fall to the end of a chicken and an egg.

When Qin Xuemei heard everyone's comments on He Fan, she suddenly felt a little angry, and then said unconvinced, "Feng Cheng is so hateful!
I have been reading his work notes recently, and I feel that his professional level is very high. There is still a big gap between us fresh graduates and him!
He already knew that shading seedlings would not be successful, but he didn't talk about it, and he didn't talk to us. His selfishness was too strong! "

"Xuemei, what you said is indeed reasonable!
But he still doesn't want to talk to us now, if we ask him for advice, he will definitely treat us like a hooligan to you!
We have nothing to do with him now! "Meng Yue said with a helpless wry smile when she heard Tan Xuemei's angry words.

"No! We can't just admit defeat like this!

Let's go to Director Yu, and now only Director Yu can let Feng Cheng turn around and lead us!
It is very difficult for us fresh graduates to get things done! "Tan Xuemei finally recognized the reality, and she refused to admit defeat to the helplessness in Meng Yue's words.

He Fan woke up again from his basement, knowing that he had traveled back to the world of Saihanba.

He Fan's time travel is not like other predecessors, one world is over, and then he will go to another world.

Instead, the three worlds travel back and forth from time to time, which will kill He Fan!

Originally hibernating in the Saihanba Forest Farm, in addition to the great feelings of accomplishing afforestation, there is also a selfish desire to get two beauties, Meng Yue and Qin Xuemei, at the same time. He Fan's plan has already been made.

But the third world actually crossed over to the courtyard world again, which made He Fan exhausted.

After all, it is the first time to travel through the world of courtyards, and the things inside are not over yet, and the story of traveling through the world of courtyards for the second time will be carried out.

At the same time, he had to endure the arrogance of Qin Xuemei from the Saihanba World and the cautiousness of other forestry colleagues. At this moment, He Fan completely went berserk!
I'm not playing anymore, I'm going back to the capital!

I don’t go anywhere, it’s fine to just stay in the capital and live a small life with my family.

As for Tan Xuemei and Meng Yue, whether Wu Yansheng and Na Dakui would be cheaper, He Fan didn't bother to care about it!
"Yan Xiangli, get up and help me pack my luggage!" Seeing Yan Xiangli who was sleeping soundly, He Fan said angrily.

Hearing He Fan's words, Yan Xiangli was a little dazed, and said suspiciously, "Director Feng, has my transfer order arrived?"

"Shit! I figured it out!

I don't want to do it either!I want to resign and return to the capital! He Fan said angrily after hearing Yan Xiangli's words.

Hearing He Fan's words, Yan Xiangli sat up in surprise, no longer sleepy, and said in doubt, "Director Feng, what's wrong with you?
Why did you suddenly want to resign? "

"Hey! Saihanba is so bitter, I can bear it!
But I can't stand being cautious among colleagues, don't tell me that you don't know that Tan Xuemei has spread the word that I'm a hooligan! He Fan said helplessly after hearing Yan Xiangli's doubts.

"Hehe, I heard something!"

"Then it's over! Hurry up and help me pack my luggage!"


He Fan and He Fan, who were packing their luggage, heard a knock on the door. He Fan was very puzzled, and then said to Yan Xiangli beside him, "Yan Xiangli, go and open the door!"

Yan Xiangli obediently ran to open the door, and then saw Yu Zhenglai, Qu He and Tan Xuemei and Meng Yue came to his cellar.

Seeing that He Fan was packing his luggage, Yu Zhenglai and Qu He looked at each other in doubt, and then Yu Zhenglai said in doubt, "Director Feng, what are you doing?"

Hearing Yu Zhenglai's words, He Fan looked up at Yu Zhenglai and Qu He who were at the door, and Tan Xuemei and Meng Yue who were watching outside the door, and then said with a smile, "Director Yu, we have worked together for so long, and finally we have a tacit understanding." once!

I'm about to resign to you!

You appeared in front of me!Do you think this is God's will? "

"What?" Hearing He Fan's words, all the people present, except Yan Xiangli, knew it a long time ago, and the other four all opened their eyes in surprise, and said in disbelief.

"Director Feng, why did you suddenly think of resigning?
I'm getting ready to drop by and talk to you about winter science experiments!
You want to offer to resign? " Yu Zhenglai said in disbelief.

"I know, some time ago we did too much!
This time I came here with the director of the music field, and I also formally apologize to you! "

Qu He, who was next to him, heard He Fan's words and Yu Zhenglai's explanation, and quickly said with a forced smile, "Yes! Director Feng, I did come here this time to apologize to you.

I don't understand technology. I used to rely on laymen to comment on you expert technicians.

I hope you can continue to support technology for Saihanba Forest Farm regardless of past suspicions! "

He Fan smiled when he heard what Yu Zhenglai and Qu He had said. No matter whether Qu He was sincere or not, it was very rare for him to apologize in public. Then he explained with a smile, "For work matters, we It's normal to have differences!
Now that a route has been proved to be wrong, we have to just give up this wrong route!
I offered to resign, but I personally feel too tired!
I also miss my family a little bit!

I have made some breakthroughs in the past few years in Saihanba Forest Farm. As long as you continue to grow seedlings under full light, you will soon be able to turn Saihanba into a beautiful forest again!

As for whether I, Feng Cheng, are still in Saihanba, it doesn't really mean much! "

"I owed too much to my family for going to Saihanba, even my wife divorced me, now I feel that my task has been accomplished!
I will be satisfied if I return to the Ministry of Forestry or become a teacher in the Northern Lindali! "

"This is Feng Cheng! Saihanba Forest Farm is your hometown!
It's only just started to improve, so you just picked up the pick and went straight back home. Can you be worthy of the deceased Captain Feng? Hearing He Fan's words, Yu Zhenglai couldn't help but think of Captain Feng who died, and suddenly said excitedly.

"Director Yu, your words are too serious!

I have proved the correctness of all-light seedling cultivation!
As long as these college students and the next technicians can adopt full-light seedling cultivation, there will be no major problems!
I have made due contributions to my father's graveyard, and now it's time for me to retire!

So, I hope Director Yu can understand! "He Fan had expected Yu Zhenglai's excitement a long time ago, so he said with a wry smile.

"I don't understand! I, Yu Zhenglai, don't understand at all!
You are a descendant of Captain Feng, your roots are in Saihanba, you cannot leave here at will! "Hearing He Fan's explanation, Yu Zhenglai didn't calm down, but became even more excited.

"Feng Cheng, you must know that it was your father, Captain Feng, who taught me to fight against Japan!
After he died, I also buried him on this land with my own hands!

I, Yu Zhenglai, have never begged anyone, so I beg you, stay!

Stay in Saihanba and lead these college students to plant trees together!

After all, these students are just out of school, and there are still many things they don't understand!
Without you, Feng Cheng, Saihanba Forest Farm would really be in chaos! " Yu Zhenglai said suddenly begging.

Expected many possibilities, but did not expect that Yu Zhenglai would play the emotional card!

This made He Fan sit up a little, and said helplessly, "But I'm really tired! I really can't do it anymore!

Director Yu, just let me get out of here! "

"You can't quit your job now that you're tired! Then grant you a week off!

A week later, you must return to Saihanba to continue working!

Otherwise, I will go to the capital in person, look for Sister Li, and bring you back! "After hearing He Fan's words, Yu Zhenglai thought that He Fan might indeed be a little tired, and then he just allowed a week's vacation.

He Fan knew that he could only passively accept Yu Zhenglai's words.

Tan Xuemei and Meng Yue felt relieved when they saw that He Fan finally stopped mentioning his resignation.

Only then did the two of them discover that He Fan had unknowingly become the soul of the Saihanba Forest Farm.

(End of this chapter)

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