Self-cultivation of the Siheyuan God of War

Chapter 170 "Touch the head to kill" from Shazhu

Chapter 170 "Touch the head to kill" from Shazhu

A week passed quickly, and He Fan felt quite uncomfortable when he returned to the Saihanba Forest Farm before he had been intimate with his family in the capital.

Returning to Saihanba, where he had been away for a week, He Fan felt a little tired when he saw the unruly college students in front of him, and then said bluntly, "According to the observations of Yan Xiangli and Ji Xiurong, we can conclude that A similar conclusion is that this winter will be severe cold weather!
Therefore, for the next winter scientific experiment, the forest farm requires everyone to volunteer, and absolutely not to force it!

Next, everyone talk about their opinions! "

When everyone present heard He Fan's words, they all looked at each other in surprise, but did not speak. Seeing everyone's performance, Qin Xuemei quickly said impassionedly, "When we come to Saihanba to plant trees, we must not be afraid of hardship and severe cold. "

He Fan felt a little dizzy when he heard Tan Xuemei's impassioned speech again, so he quickly stopped him and said, "Stop! Stop! Today is not someone's speech meeting!

There's no need to be as impassioned as Tan Xuemei said!

Everyone is an independent individual with their own difficulties, so there is no need to forcibly kidnap other people's wishes!
I still have the same sentence, whether to stay for the winter or not is all voluntary! "

Seeing that He Fan directly interrupted her passionate speech, Tan Xuemei felt very wronged, even a little angry, and burst into tears involuntarily.

Super licking dog Wu Yansheng, seeing Qin Xuemei being wronged, immediately became excited, and was the first to say, "No matter how cold the winter in Saihanba is, I, Wu Yansheng, will stick to Saihanba under the inspiration of my classmate Qin Xuemei." Forest farm!"

Hearing Wu Yansheng's support for her, Tan Xuemei was very moved, and said excitedly to Wu Yansheng, "Thank you, Wu Yansheng, for your trust and support for me, Tan Xuemei!"

The other college students were very touched when they saw the interaction between Qin Xuemei and Wu Yansheng, and applauded for them.

Wu Yansheng, the super licking dog, was encouraged and praised by everyone, and he seemed even more excited, and he also praised his own cleverness and cleverness in his heart!

Seeing Wu Yansheng's excited expression, as if he would soon embrace a beautiful woman, He Fan felt a little funny, and couldn't help but remind him, "Wu Yansheng, I don't know if you have heard a saying, It's called licking the dog and ends up with nothing!
Hope you keep being a happy lap dog! "

Hearing He Fan's words, Wu Yansheng was a little dazed, although he didn't understand what "licking a dog" is, but he also knew that "licking a dog" was a derogatory term, and said angrily, "I'm a dog licking, I'm happy!
Don't worry about Mr. Feng! "

"Hehe, I really hope you can keep talking like this forever!
well, let's get back to business!
Wu Yansheng and Tan Xuemei are willing to stay!Who else? Hearing Wu Yansheng's blunt words, He Fan didn't care about his refutation, but said with a smile instead.

Ji Xiurong continued, "Originally, I planned to go to the dam, after all, I wanted to take Yan Xiangli home to meet my parents.

Now that Yan Xiangli has decided to leave Saihanba, I don't need to go down again!
So, I decided to stay too! "

Hearing Ji Xiurong's words, Da Kui looked at the embarrassed Yan Xiangli with hatred, and then said proudly, "Since Ji Xiurong decided not to go down to the dam, my Da Kui also wants to stay!"

"From Ji Xiurong's tone, I still have deep resentment towards you, Yan Xiangli!
You've thought about it for so long, it's time to give Ji Xiurong an explanation!

Yan Xiangli, don't hide anymore, face your mistakes like a real man! "Hearing Ji Xiurong's speech, He Fan felt deep resentment, and then said to Yan Xiangli who was ashamed.

Hearing He Fan's words, Yan Xiangli was very entangled at this time. He originally planned to leave Saihanba directly, and then ignore the right and wrong here.

But after all, he was the one who hurt Ji Xiurong, if he didn't give an explanation, he might not feel at ease for the rest of his life!

"Ji Xiurong, I'm sorry!
Ever since I went to Saihanba, I never thought about staying here!

I am used to life in my hometown Xichuan, and I am also used to my family taking care of me!

I don't like you either, I feel that you are too strong!

The reason why I didn't reject you directly is that I was worried that you would no longer help me with my housekeeping, so I lied to you!
Here, I, Yan Xiangli, sincerely apologize to you!
I hope you can forgive me. If you still consider me Yan Xiangli as a friend in the future, we can contact you by letter! "Yan Xiangli gritted his teeth, and then sincerely apologized to Ji Xiurong.

Hearing Yan Xiangli's sincere apology, Ji Xiurong and the other college students were a little touched, and unconsciously stood there in a daze.

Seeing everyone's reactions, He Fan smiled silently, and then said loudly, "Yan Xiangli's apology is very sincere, we should all be chirping!"

After hearing He Fan's reminder, everyone woke up from the shock and applauded Yan Xiangli's courage to face mistakes.

Hearing everyone's applause, Yan Xiangli knew that he had been forgiven by everyone. At this moment, he suddenly became grateful to He Fan beside him.

It was He Fan's persistence that allowed him to get rid of the demons in the future, so that he could face his future life calmly.

"Thank you Director Feng, thank you Ji Xiurong, thank you everyone! Thank you for your understanding!" Yan Xiangli said again sincerely.

"Okay! The matter of Yan Xiangli and Ji Xiurong is over!
Let's get down to business again!

Now Qin Xuemei, Wu Yansheng, Ji Xiurong and Na Dakui decided to stay!

Are there any others? Seeing that Yan Xiangli and Ji Xiurong let go of their grudges, He Fan felt a sense of accomplishment, and then said with a smile.

"My family is in Shanghai, and it is very troublesome to rush back to the dam!
So I will not go down the dam!
We are a collective after all! "Shen Mengyin looked at everyone, then explained with a smile.

Hearing that Shen Mengyin decided to stay, No. [-] Dog Licker Sui Zhichao quickly stated, "Shen Mengyin is willing to stay, and I also decide to stay!"

"Hehe, another licking dog!
Yan Xiangli will be leaving in a few days!

So Meng Yue was the only one who hadn't made a statement yet!

Meng Yue, what do you think? Seeing Sui Zhichao's behavior, He Fan smiled helplessly, and then said directly.

Sui Zhichao heard that He Fan also described himself as a "dog licking", suddenly felt a little embarrassed, and lowered his head unconsciously.

When Meng Yue heard He Fan asking her thoughts, her expression was very tangled, and she said, "I was going to go to the dam to go home with my boyfriend to meet his parents!
But I talked with Tan Xuemei all night last night, and I was moved by Tan Xuemei!
So I decided, and I decided to stay! "

He Fan was a little surprised when he heard Meng Yue's words, but he thought that Meng Yue would also stay, so his plan could be implemented, and then he said with a smile, "I didn't expect Meng Yue to sacrifice so much!

It was really touching, so in order to encourage Meng Yue's spirit, I decided to reward Meng Yue after she survived this winter! "

Hearing He Fan's words, everyone present was surprised. Tan Xuemei felt a little inexplicable anguish. She was the most active in this group of people, but she was not praised. It seems that this hateful He Fan is deliberately suppressing Own!
Meng Yue heard that He Fan was going to give her a reward, and then saw everyone's surprised expressions, blushing felt a little unnatural, and then refused, saying, "Thank you, Director Feng, for your kindness!

But I don't need rewards, after all, this is what I should do! "

"I suggest you listen to what the reward is before deciding whether to refuse it!

Otherwise, I think, you may regret it! He Fan said with a smile when he heard that Meng Yue rejected the reward as he expected.

"If Meng Yue can persist in this winter experiment and perform well, I will transfer Meng Yue to Wuhan Forestry Bureau next spring!

Isn't Meng Yue's boyfriend in Wuhan?
It just so happens that Meng Yue can stay with her boyfriend forever! Seeing everyone looking at him curiously, He Fan said directly with a smile.

Hearing He Fan's "reward", the college students and workers present widened their eyes in amazement, and looked at He Fan in disbelief, with He Fan's "reward" constantly echoing in their ears.

Meng Yue stood up in shock, and said to He Fan in disbelief, "Director Feng, are you kidding me?"

"What good does it do me to play this kind of joke with you?

Or do you not believe that I have the ability to mobilize your work? He Fan said with a smile when he heard Meng Yue questioning him.

"Thank you, Director Feng!

I was the one who wronged you before, and I apologize to you here! "Meng Yue said excitedly.

"No need to apologize!
This year's winter experiment, you just have to perform well! "Hearing Meng Yue's excited gratitude, He Fan said with a smile.

This is actually He Fan's plan, He Fan calls it a plan to have it both ways!

Everyone always thinks that you can't have both fish and bear's paw, but why do you have to eat fish and bear's paw at the same time?
You can eat fish today and eat bear's paw tomorrow!

Qin Xuemei and Meng Yue are a pair of good girlfriends with true love, and they have always been inseparable. If He Fan wants to get two beauties at the same time, he can only find a way to separate them first.

After the winter, when the spring comes, and then handle Meng Yue's job transfer, the time will come to summer!

By then, the day lily will be cold, and Meng Yue's boyfriend will have already moved on!
As for the exchange of letters, how could the two places be separated and communicate clearly? Meng Yue's boyfriend would not believe in He Fan's ability, and would only think that this was Meng Yue's intentional excuse to delay.

How can a distant girlfriend in fantasy compare to a new love who is actually by my side!

In the end, Meng Yue will only go to Wuhankong to have a good time, and then He Fan will suddenly appear in front of Meng Yue, Meng Yue will definitely be moved, and then haha!The picture is so beautiful!

As for Tan Xuemei, she is not only arrogant, but also very difficult to deal with. It is impossible to win in a short period of time, and she can only fight a protracted battle with her!

Traveling through the world of courtyards for the second time.

He Fan came to the State Guesthouse to work for several days, and stayed with Mario most of the time, taking care of his diet.

Seeing He Fan's appearance, Mario was very happy, because the leaders of the motherland still understood his intentions.

Over the past few days, He Fan has not only completely subdued Mario's picky stomach, but also successfully won the approval of his new colleagues at the State Guesthouse.

After all, capable people will be respected wherever they go!

When getting along with Mario, He Fan still acted like he didn't understand English and pretended to be ignorant, but his heart became more and more shocked.

Although he didn't quite understand some technical vocabulary, He Fan still felt Mario's ability and professional knowledge.

The Mario in front of him is definitely not the kind of foreign teacher that future generations of hooligans can act as, it can be compared!

Realizing the value of Mario, He Fan worked harder to take care of his diet. In a few days, Mario gained a lot of weight.

"Oh! Damn He, you've fattened me up!
How come your food is so delicious!
It pains me so much! "Mario stroked his gradually bulging belly, and complained to He Fan in front of him.

He Fan wanted to laugh when he heard Mario's complaint, but he still pretended not to understand and looked at the translator aside, waiting for the translator's explanation.

Now He Fan's job is quite easy. After all, he is mainly responsible for Mario's diet alone, so the workload cannot be increased.

Riding a bicycle on the way home, I didn't notice that a GAZ 69 suddenly blocked my way.

He Fan looked over suspiciously, and found that Director Yang, the director of the rolling mill, got off the GAZ truck and said to the bewildered He Fan with a smile, "Master He, do you still remember me?"

"Director Yang!" Although He Fan was very puzzled, he still greeted with a smile.

"Since you know that I am still your factory manager, then get in the car!

Don't ask anything!
Don't say anything either! Factory Manager Yang saw that He Fan still knew him, and then said with a smile.

"But what about my bicycle?" Seeing Director Yang's mysterious expression, He Fan was at a loss for a moment, and then said helplessly.

"Xiao Chen, go and tie up Master He's car behind the GAZ car!" Factory Manager Yang said to the driver Xiao Chen when he heard He Fan's doubts.

After getting on GAZ 69, He Fan and Director Yang didn't talk anymore, until they came to the gate of a familiar compound and saw Xu Damao driving the door for him, He Fan remembered this episode in the original play.

I really didn't expect that even after I left the rolling mill, I could finally get acquainted with my noble leader.

"Silly Zhu, why is it you?" Seeing He Fan who got out of the car, Xu Damao widened his eyes in surprise and said in disbelief.

"Silly Mao! Well done!

Very discerning!commendable! Seeing the shocked Xu Damao, He Fan directly gave this guy a "touch the head to kill", and said in praise.

Feeling He Fan's "touching the head to kill" himself and He Fan's specious "praise", Xu Damao became furious.

If he hadn't seen Director Yang who got off the car at the same time, Xu Damao would have shown He Fan in front of him what it means to be angry!
Seeing that Xu Damao restrained his own anger, He Fan smiled contemptuously, but did not continue to provoke Xu Damao in front of him.

"Remember what I just said, don't talk nonsense! Don't ask nonsense!

Just do your own thing! "Factory Manager Yang looked at He Fan and Xu Damao in front of him, and couldn't help but reminded again.

(End of this chapter)

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