Self-cultivation of the Siheyuan God of War

Chapter 171 A Very Difficult Old Lady

Chapter 171 A Very Difficult Old Lady

When he traveled through the courtyard world for the first time, He Fan had been to the Grand Leader's House many times, so he was already very familiar with it.

But He Fan knows that to be a human being is to know how to pretend!

So He Fan still tried his best to act as if he was here for the first time!
But when he came to the familiar kitchen, he still found the furnishings inside, which made He Fan feel so familiar.

Looking at the familiar furnishings in front of him, He Fan sat down very easily and naturally, and then felt the magic of this courtyard world.

He Fan, who was emotional, didn't notice that the leader's wife had walked into the kitchen, and was looking at him curiously, "Say!"

He Fan got up quickly when he heard the voice of the leader's wife, and said with a smile as if seeing an old friend, "Hello!"

Looking at He Fan in front of him, like a big boy, there is really no way to connect him with the imperial chef, and then the wife of the chief leader unconsciously questioned, "You are so tender, can you be the chef of the State Guest House?
Don't it be Director Yang who deliberately finds someone to deceive him? ! "

After the leader's wife finished questioning, she didn't wait for He Fan's response, so she stopped talking to He Fan in front of her, and turned and left directly.

Hearing the questioning of the leader's wife and seeing the back of the "old friend" leaving, He Fan's heart was immediately confused!
Could it be that I have a natural disagreement with this big leader's wife?

In the original play, Sha Zhu made the other party hate him because of his stinky mouth and the wife of the leader who directly slapped him.

It was the first time he traveled through the courtyard world, and He Fan learned his lesson. He also knew that the big leaders and the others couldn't watch movies, so he honestly prepared the ingredients.

Unexpectedly, just by laughing, the wife of the chief leader also thought it was impolite, and she still hated herself.

This time he traveled through the world of courtyards for the second time, He Fan already regarded the leader's wife as his old friend in his heart, but he still couldn't escape the fate of being rejected.

It seems that this girl is really too difficult to serve!

No matter what I do, it is a mistake anyway!

The following plot still develops as in the original drama. Xu Damao was kicked out by the big boss because he secretly slandered He Fan.

He Fan also impresses the chief executive and his wife because of his superb cooking skills, and made an appointment to come over once a week. In this way, He Fan once again successfully embraced the chief executive's big thick leg.

With the generous gift from the big leader, He Fan returned to the courtyard in Director Yang's GAZ 69.

When the third master Yan Banggui heard the sound of the GAZ car, he immediately came out to meet He Fan in shock, and then inquired about the news, "Zhuzi, you are actually riding in GAZ 69 now!

You really deserve to be the royal chef of the State Guest House! "

"What is this all about!

I just cooked a meal for a leader, the leader was very satisfied, and then asked the driver to take me back!

But listening to your third master's tone, it seems that this GAZ 69 has become my special car for He Yuzhu! He Fan didn't lose himself after hearing the exaggerated praise of the third master Yan Banggui, but explained in detail.

Hearing He Fan's explanation, the third master Yan Banggui felt embarrassed, but in order to get along with He Fan in front of him, he could only continue to flatter and say, "I'm not exaggerating at all!
Teacher Ran was very surprised to hear that you have now become the imperial chef of the State Guesthouse. I think you two should still have fun! "

"Hehe, then I can rely on the good words of the third master!
Take care of yourself, I'll go home first! "He Fan was very displeased with the words of the third master, and then said with a smile.

When I got home, I saw that my sister He Yushui had already returned, but He Fan had already learned to lock the door, so He Yushui could only stay in her own small room.

"Brother, why did you lock the door all of a sudden?
It made it impossible for me to go back home, why don't you give me the key! Seeing He Fan's return, sister He Yushui hurriedly came out and complained.

He Fan sneered at his sister He Yushui's proposal, but he refused with a sneer, "If I give you the key, I won't let others evacuate all the things in my room!"

Hearing He Fan's words, He Yushui didn't understand the meaning of He Fan's words, instead he said sarcastically, "As for the rags in your house, who would steal them from you!"

"Oh! This is looking down on my brother!

After a while I opened the door and saw the good things inside, you can't force it! "Hearing his younger sister He Yushui's contempt for him, He Fan was almost annoyed by the silly younger sister in front of him.

"Tch, it's just some stinky socks, old clothes or something!

It's like I've never seen it before! He Yushui still said disapprovingly when he heard what his brother said.

Hearing that his younger sister He Yushui still looked down on his brother, the chef of the State Guest House was very angry, and the result was very serious, and then he deliberately said, "You are amazing! But please remember what you just said!
Don't cry with regret for a while! "

After He Fan finished speaking, he opened the door directly, and then He Yushui saw the brand new four pieces in the room with three turns and one ring, and then his eyes widened in shock, and he said in disbelief, "My silly brother , is this the dowry you prepared for me?"

"Hmph! It was indeed a dowry for you!
But now that you despise it, forget it.

After a while, when I have a partner, I will keep it for myself when I get married! "Hearing the shock in He Yushui's words, He Fan pretended to sneer and said.

"Don't! My silly brother!
If you wait until you get married, you don't know it will be the Year of the Monkey!
Haha, let's give my sister and me a dowry for these four major pieces first! Hearing the refusal in He Fan's words, He Yushui didn't take it seriously, but said with a smile.

"Hey! I figured it out, so it's your sister who has always looked down on me!" He Fan was completely convinced by the silly sister in front of him, and then said angrily.

"Silly brother, don't be angry! Who told you not to tell me that you bought the dowry for me? In fact, I think you are the most capable brother!" Seeing that his brother He Fan was angry, He Yushui quickly said something wrong Heart compliment said.

"Hey! For the four major things in front of me, I wasted my boss's strength. I wanted to marry you, a younger sister, but I didn't expect to be rejected by you!

But anyway, you're getting married!I'm out of sight and out of mind! Seeing his younger sister's rascal side, He Fan could only say with a helpless wry smile.

"Jingru! The current Shazhu is no longer the poor cook he used to be!
He has now been transferred to the State Guesthouse to work!It can be said to be the royal chef!

If you followed him, it would be much better than following Xu Damao! "Ms. Jia Zhang looked at the silly girl Qin Jingru in front of her, and persuaded her earnestly.

Hearing Jia Zhang's words, Qin Jingru was very disapproving, and then said listlessly, "Where is Silly Zhu transferred, not only is he still a stinky cook, but he still cooks for others!
There is something rare for you! "

"You don't understand this!

There is a big difference between a cook and a cook!

I specifically inquired about it. In the past, Shazhu’s salary in the rolling mill was only 37 yuan, but now he is transferred to the State Guesthouse, at least [-] yuan! "Hearing Qin Jingru's disapproval, Jia Zhang quickly explained.

Hearing Jia Zhang's explanation, Qin Jingru's eyes widened in shock, and he said in disbelief, "How could his salary be so high?

Isn't this higher than the salary of Yi Zhonghai, the great master of your courtyard house? "

Hearing that Qin Jingru mentioned the great master Yi Zhonghai, Jia Zhang felt inexplicably a little embarrassed. Seeing that Qin Jingru didn't know what secrets he had with the great master, Jia Zhang stopped thinking about it and said with a sigh, " That's right! No one expected that the stupid cook who was too poor to eat would become the chef of the state guesthouse in a blink of an eye!
The current Shazhu's worth is no longer what it used to be. If he comes out to pick up private work again, his salary will be doubled!

In this way, you can imagine the real situation of Sha Zhu now, right? !
A few days ago I saw that he bought a new three-turn-one-ring four-piece, it must be a dowry for his silly sister He Yushui!
If you can live with Sha Zhu, that day will be fine."

Hearing Jia Zhang's words, Qin Jingru's heart was completely moved. She had never seen so much money of 120 yuan, and there was no image of such a huge sum of money in her mind. The shock in her heart at this time can be imagined.

(End of this chapter)

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