Self-cultivation of the Siheyuan God of War

Chapter 173 Lou Xiaoe is here again

Chapter 173 Lou Xiaoe is Back Again

Seeing He Fan who came back from get off work, Yi Zhonghai hurriedly greeted him with a smile, "Zhuzi, are you back from get off work?"

"Yes! Grandpa, is there something wrong with you?" Looking at the grandpa Yi Zhonghai who was waiting for him, he never expected that the two of them had such an unpleasant fight last time, and they could still be able to talk and laugh happily with him. Amazing!
"Yes! I have something to tell you! Lou Xiao'e from our courtyard is back!" Yi Zhonghai explained with a smile after hearing He Fan's words.

"Lou Xiao'e? Didn't she move out of the courtyard?
Besides, does it have anything to do with me whether she returns to the courtyard or not? He Fan was very surprised when he heard Lou Xiaoe mentioned by the uncle. He thought that Lou Xiaoe and Xu Damao had divorced a long time ago, and now she should have gone to Hong Kong Island with her family. When he arrived at the courtyard, he asked suspiciously.

"Huh? Something unexpected happened at Lou Xiao'e's house!
Her parents have been arrested now, and the property has been confiscated. It's not that there is no place to live, so she temporarily lives with the deaf old lady!
I think so, the two of them get together, but they can't cook, so see if you can cook for them! Hearing He Fan's doubts, the elder Yi Zhonghai explained with a smile.

He Fan really felt very speechless after hearing the explanation from the great master Yi Zhonghai. He really couldn't figure out that the Lou family, who can make such a big business, has no sense of politics at all!

Could it be that Lou's family was still arrested just because they crossed the courtyard for the second time without He Fan's intervention?

"Master, I've changed my job now, and I'm usually very busy!

Even if you don't have a job, you must be on call because of the special nature of your job!
So I can't cook for them!
Besides, you can ask Da Ma to cook two more bowls of rice!
Each of them has their own food, and they will not let you and the first mother pay more food!
Uncle, what do you think? After thinking for a long time, He Fan finally refused.

Now that he has decided not to travel to Hong Kong Island anymore, He Fan does not intend to have anything to do with Lou Xiaoe's family. It is too late for him to hide from such a sensitive matter!How could you take the initiative to join in?

In fact, the uncle also saw the sensitivity of dealing with Lou Xiao'e's family, so he threw the trouble on He Fan and asked He Fan to take the lead.

It's just that the current He Fan is no longer the fool he used to be, and once things are understood, He Fan will do what he says.

"Eh? Zhuzi, are you really not willing to help?" Hearing He Fan's refusal, the uncle was still a little unwilling to give up, and still tried to persuade him.

"Master, I've made it so clear, why don't you understand!

Forget it, I'm going home!Think for yourself! "Seeing that the uncle is still entangled, He Fan feels very headache, and then said angrily.

He Fan can see the nature of these neighbors in the courtyard house, they rely on moral kidnapping and stalking to force He Fan to compromise.

In this day and age, buying and selling things and real estate is not easy, otherwise He Fan would have moved out of this courtyard house long ago.

And He Fan's ideal living condition is to live alone, at least if he is a single house and enters a courtyard house!

Because if He Fan moves from this courtyard house to a new one, he still can't escape the relationship between neighbors. If there are one or two top-notch neighbors, He Fan will really be in trouble!

When he got home, he saw that his sister He Yushui had prepared a table of meals. He Fan was surprised and said with emotion, "Yushui, what day is it today? You are cooking so diligently!"

He Yushui, who was busy at work, saw his elder brother He Fan's joke, and explained with a smile, "Someday I will not work hard!

This is not my old classmate Yu Haitang. He heard that I was going to get married, so he came here to see me!
So of course I have to cook and entertain people! "

After hearing the explanation from his younger sister He Yushui, He Fan remembered the role of Yu Haitang, who seemed to be the younger sister of Yu Li, the daughter-in-law of the third grandpa. They all said that Yu Haitang was very beautiful, but when He Fan looked at the courtyard house, he didn't think that Yu Haitang was so beautiful. Where is it!

"Yu Haitang? That announcer in the rolling mill! Why didn't you see her!"

He Yushui said with a smile when he heard what his brother He Fan said, "Yes, that's her! She's still the flower of your rolling mill!

She went to the third uncle's house to see her sister Yu Li!

She will come over in a while, and she will sleep with me at night! "

Hearing his younger sister He Yushui's explanation, He Fan suddenly became disgusted with this Yu Haitang, and came to his house as a guest. He Yushui was busy cooking, and Yu Haitang didn't know how to do him a favor, so he ran to the third place like an old man. Uncle's house is hiding away!
He Fan could tell that Yu Haitang definitely didn't come to see He Yushui, an old classmate, on purpose. He must have other things to say to He Yushui on purpose.

Seeing the micro-knowledge, who are these people!
Although he was unhappy, He Fan saw his younger sister He Yushui happy, and suddenly realized that she had very few friends, so He Fan didn't make it clear, it's rare to be confused to be happy!
Sure enough, He Yushui was doing the cooking here, and Yu Haitang over there came over like a prophet.

Yu Haitang looked at He Fan, whom he was thinking of, and suddenly felt a little shy. He lowered his head and said with a smile, "He Yuzhu, hello! I'm Yu Haitang!"

It is said that you don’t hit people with smiling faces when you stretch out your hand, and you can still say with a smile, “I know you! The factory flower of the famous rolling mill is still an announcer! Stop standing there, the rain has cooked the food, come over to eat Bar!"

Hearing that He Fan knew about him, Yu Haitang felt a little secretly happy. It seemed that He Fan was also interested in him, so it would be easier for the two of them to get along with each other.

"Haitang, you're back! Come and eat!" He Yushui greeted Yu Haitang who was standing at the door.


After the three of He Fan sat down, they ate directly. Yu Haitang praised while eating, "He Yushui, I didn't expect your cooking skills to be so good! The dishes you cook are delicious!"

Hearing Yu Haitang's praise of his cooking skills, He Yushui's happy eyes almost disappeared, and he quickly said complacently, "My family's ancestors have been cooks since the beginning! Although cooking skills are passed on from male to female, but I am I watched a lot from the side, and I also learned a lot! My partner's family likes my cooking the most!"

He Fan was almost annoyed when he heard sister He Yushui's words. Your target family praised your cooking skills and deliberately praised you, just to let you cook and do more housework in the future. You are very happy!What a silly girl!

Seeing He Fan who was just eating, Yu Haitang accosted him with a smile and said, "He Yuzhu, I heard that you have been transferred to the State Guesthouse, so the salary must be very high?"

"Eh? The wages are a little higher than those in the rolling mill!" He Fan felt a little surprised when he heard Yu Haitang's question, and then responded with a smile.

"Oh! Your current job is so good, you still have a fixed property in the capital, and the conditions are so good, why don't you see someone looking for you?" Yu Haitang continued to ask after hearing He Fan's affirmative answer.

"Hehe, the main reason is that I haven't met the right one! So I'm still single! However, I think it's good to be like this! At least, no one is in control!" He Fan only realized when he heard Yu Haitang still asking himself. Later, I realized that she had taken a fancy to me, and said with a smile.

The younger sister He Yushui at the side heard the conversation between He Fan and Yu Haitang, and hurriedly said, "Haitang, don't listen to my brother's bragging! In fact, he is a stupid brother who looks down on me! How can I not meet like he said?" To fit!"

He Fan was helpless when he heard his younger sister He Yushui's dismantling of him, but he couldn't refute, so he could only smile wryly.

When Yu Haitang heard He Yushui's words and saw He Fan's embarrassment, she said empathetically, "I think He Yuzhu is pretty good. The conditions are so good, I'm so moved!"

He Fan was quite surprised to hear Yu Haitang's confession so directly, and then seeing Yu Haitang looking at him with affection, He Fan couldn't help but feel agitated, but he knew Yu Haitang's character and never had her The older sister Yu Li's kind of law-abiding, so He Fan is not really moved.

The sudden appearance of Yu Haitang, the factory flower of the rolling mill, in the courtyard is definitely a sensation, how could Xu Damao not know about it.

As soon as he heard the news that Yu Haitang had come to the courtyard, Xu Damao felt restless like a cat's paw, and kept wandering around in the courtyard, and then met Yu Haitang unexpectedly.

To Xu Damao's disappointment, when Yu Haitang came this time, he came directly after He Fan, which made Xu Damao jealous.

He Fan just changed his workplace, isn't he still a poor cook?What a big deal!There are so many people praising He Fan!

Although he wanted to take revenge on He Fan immediately, but with Xu Damao's current strength, he had no choice but to hide in the dark like a mouse, looking at He Fan who was in full swing with hatred.

When Lou Xiao'e and the deaf old lady saw Yi Zhonghai who came back alone, they knew that things were not going well. It seemed that He Fan was unwilling to help them cook.

"Zhuzi just changed to a new unit recently, so I don't have time to help with cooking! I thought about it, you should join our family together! It's about cooking two more bowls of rice!" Seeing Lou Xiaoe and the two Looking at him, the elder Yi Zhonghai was a little embarrassed, and then said with a forced smile.

"That's going to trouble the old man! I'll give you my grain book!" Lou Xiaoe thought about it after hearing the old man's proposal, and was surprised by He Fan's refusal, and then said with a forced smile.

After accepting the food book that Lou Xiaoe handed over, Yi Zhonghai did not give in, and then said with a smile, "It's not troublesome at all! I hope you don't dislike the food you cook!"

"Look at what you said, uncle! I am very grateful that uncle and mother can help me! Thank you!" Lou Xiaoe said gratefully from the bottom of her heart.

Seeing the back of the uncle Yi Zhonghai leaving, the deaf old lady sighed, and said earnestly, "I asked Sha Zhu to cook for us, in fact, I wanted to match you and Sha Zhu! But now Sha Zhu has suddenly become You're too smart, you're not as stupid as before!"

"I don't want to be friends with silly Zhu! He is a stupid cook, and he is cheated by Qin Huairu every day! I don't know what you like about him!" Lou Xiao'e retorted disapprovingly when she heard the deaf old lady's words .

"Haha, silly girl! In this world, only silly Zhu can be sincere to you! You don't like him now, it's because you still can't see his good points! In our courtyard, only Qin Huairu found out. Otherwise, why would you think that Qin Huairu just stared at Shazhu!" Hearing Lou Xiaoe's disapproval, the deaf old lady laughed and said.

(End of this chapter)

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