Self-cultivation of the Siheyuan God of War

Chapter 174 I want to buy a house

Chapter 174 I want to buy a house
Regarding Yu Haitang's enthusiastic attitude, He Fan really didn't feel like calling at all. It doesn't matter if a woman is beautiful or not. If you regard yourself as a collection of thousands of pets, you will inevitably have a princess disease.

The Yu Haitang in front of him has been pursued by others for too long, and he has lost himself in the kneeling and licking of others, which is really not something He Fan can bear.

Now He Fan suddenly remembered the information that the uncle said just now, Lou's father and Lou's mother were arrested, and the property was confiscated.

He Fan knew that even without his intervention, they would be released soon.

You must know that only those with a guilty conscience will be the first to be afraid of this hurricane.

The reason why the Lou family has not left is because they have made great contributions in the past, so even if they are arrested now, there is no danger!

However, if he still stays here after being released and enters the palace again, the result will be uncertain, and it is very likely that there will be great danger.

What concerned He Fan was that the property of Lou's family was confiscated, and he wondered if he could take the opportunity to buy this house through his relationship.

Lou's house, to be honest, can be ranked high in the DC area of ​​the capital.

If He Fan bought it and moved out of the courtyard, it would be a perfect choice.

In the following days, He Fan was busy with his younger sister He Yushui's marriage. Seeing that his younger sister He Yushui finally got married happily, He Fan suddenly felt relaxed.

This silly little sister who has never been trained well is finally no longer my responsibility.

Looking at the neighbors in the courtyard, He Fan suddenly lost a little bit of patience to stay here. He had better get the house done earlier so that he could truly relax.

Looking at He Fan who was absent-minded in front of him, the big leader smiled, then put down the chess pieces in his hand, and said with a smile, "Zhuzi, do you have something on your mind? Why do you always look like you're out of your mind today and keep walking away?" A few bad moves!"

Hearing the big leader's question, the big leader's wife looked over curiously, and said with a puzzled smile, "Yes! Zhuzi, if you have something on your mind, just say it! Let's see if I can help you solve it !"

He Fan was really touched when he heard the words of the big leader and his wife. What they said meant that they really regarded He Fan as their own family.

This makes He Fan, who has been deep in the abyss of the courtyard, how can he not be shocked, as if he is in the dark and suddenly sees a warm light.

"Huh? I'm interested in a house and want to buy it.

But you also know that it is very difficult to buy a house now, so I am very worried about losing this opportunity! He Fan was very moved when he heard the words of concern from the two, and explained with a smile.

Hearing He Fan's explanation, the leader and his wife looked at each other in surprise, and the leader asked doubtfully, "Which house are you looking at?

Also, don't you like the courtyard house you live in now? "

"There used to be a Lou Dong in the rolling mill where I worked, and recently his property was confiscated!

When I was young, I saw their house. Back then, my father He Daqing often took me to his house to cook.

I'm not afraid of your jokes when I say it out, I like that house the most among the houses I've seen so far! He Fan explained with some embarrassment when he heard the big leader's question.

"As for the courtyard house I live in now, because it's a large courtyard with dozens of families mixed together, there are too many troubles in daily life, and I feel a little upset! So I always want to move out!"

Hearing He Fan's explanation, the big leader nodded, thought for a while, and then said, "I've heard of the building director of your rolling mill!

It seems that he has contributed to the country before, how could he be arrested?

Do you know what the specific reason is? "

"I'm not sure about this, his daughter Lou Xiao'e used to marry into our courtyard, and her ex-husband was the projectionist Xu Damao who came with me last time.

I also heard the neighbors in the courtyard talking about it, and I learned the news that Lou Dong was arrested!

However, his daughter, Lou Xiaoe, has no place to live, so she is temporarily staying at the house of the deaf old lady in our courtyard.

If the big leader wants to know the specific situation, I can help you go over and inquire! He Fan explained in detail after hearing the big leader's question.

The wife of the big leader at the side suddenly smiled and said to He Fan, "Zhuzi, tell us the truth, are you interested in this Lou Xiao'e?
Want to buy this house just to please the beauty? "

He Fan had expected it a long time ago when he heard the words of the leader's wife, and anyone would doubt He Fan's motives, and then explained with a wry smile, "To be honest, I really have no idea about that Lou Xiao'e!

I want to buy a house purely for my personal needs!
Besides, she is a spoiled and spoiled young lady, it is impossible for her to get together with an ordinary person like me! "

"Well! But buying a house now is really troublesome, and your situation doesn't meet the regulations. It is very troublesome to buy this house!" The big leader thought for a long time, and suddenly said a little embarrassed.

"Boss, I know what you said!

I have an idea here, let's see if it works!
I want to do a house exchange, that is, use the house I live in to replace the property I like, and then I will make up the price difference! He Fan suggested after hearing the embarrassment in the words of the big leader.

Hearing He Fan's proposal, the big leader's eyes lit up, and then he said with a smile, "Zhuzi, I didn't see it, but your brain is quite flexible!

This real estate exchange can be operated!

But there is a lot of price difference, do you have so much money? "

"Haha, it's good to be able to work!
I have accumulated some savings over the years!

Shouldn't be much of a problem! He Fan explained with a smile when he heard the big leader's doubts.

The big leader didn't take He Fan's words seriously. He had heard that He Fan's salary in the rolling mill was only 37 yuan. How could a bachelor save so much money!
The chief leader smiled and shook his head, then whispered a few words to the wife of the chief leader, and saw the wife of the chief leader smiled and got up, and under He Fan's bewildered expression, she took out a passbook from the bedroom.

The big leader took the passbook and handed it directly to He Fan, who was confused, and explained with a smile, "I have saved more than 1000 yuan in the past few years. If you don't have enough money, use it for the time being!"

When He Fan heard the words of the big leader, his eyes widened in shock, and he took the passbook handed over with trembling hands, but did not open it, but explained excitedly, "Since my father went to Baoding City, I was the only one in the capital. I depend on my sister for life, no one has ever cared about me like you do!"

"Haha, Zhuzi! You are touched!

If you are really moved, don't call me a big leader in the future!

Just call us Uncle and Aunt! Seeing He Fan's excited look, the big leader laughed and said.

He Fan was moved when he heard the big leader's words, "Uncle! Auntie!"

"Hey! What a good boy!

The children in our family are all working in other places, and there are no children to take care of them, so I feel very uncomfortable!

It just so happens that you are always by our side, with you as a nephew, our old couple can feel at ease! "The wife of the leader said happily when He Fan called her husband and wife.

He Fan was still very moved when he heard the explanation from the wife of the chief leader. It might be the halo of the protagonist. Recognize the kiss directly!

"Thank you Uncle and Auntie, but I really have savings!

You must know that I am now a chef at the State Guesthouse, so it is very easy to save money!

If you don't believe me, take a look at what this is! He Fan returned the passbook to the two of them directly, then said with a smile, and finally took out his own one thousand dollars and handed it to the two of them.

The big leader and his wife looked at the thousand dollars that He Fan took out in shock, and said in disbelief, "Zhu Zi, where did you get so many dollars?"

"I was helping out at the Capital Hotel for a few days a while ago, and a customer named Mario suddenly insisted on eating steak Wellington.

At that time, the head chef of the western food kitchen was not there, and Mario was not satisfied with the steaks made by other western food chefs.

Because my father He Daqing studied western food, I tried to make one, and Mario rewarded me with a tip of a thousand dollars!

Then I was transferred to the State Guest House, and during that time I was in charge of Mr. Mario's diet! He Fan worried about unnecessary misunderstandings when he heard the big leader's doubts, and then explained with a smile.

Hearing He Fan's explanation, the leader's wife smiled and praised, "Zhuzi, you can even cook Western food! It's too good!"

"Hehe, I don't have confidence in other things, but when it comes to food, I really don't fear anyone!" He Fan said with a confident smile when he heard the praise from the leader's wife.

The big leader listened to the conversation between He Fan and the two, but he didn't believe it directly. Instead, he looked at the dollars in his hand and thought about something carefully.

Until he saw the familiar signature on one of the hundred-dollar dollars, the leader's eyes lit up, and he asked He Fan, "Zhuzi, what's the matter with this signature?"

"At that time, Mr. Mario gave me this tip, but I was unwilling to accept it!
This tip is really too generous!
A leader happened to pass by. After learning the details, he also knew my concerns, so he signed it, saying that it would save a lot of trouble! He Fan explained with a smile after hearing the big leader's question.

Hearing He Fan's explanation, the chief leader suddenly laughed, and then handed the signature to the wife of the chief leader, who saw the familiar signature, her eyes lit up, and she said to He Fan with a smile, "Zhuzi, you If you had said earlier that a leader would endorse you, your uncle would not have doubted it!"

"That's right! Speaking of which, I'm still acquainted with this leader, but I didn't expect him to be so careful.

It seems that the troublesome problems you may encounter, this old man has already anticipated! "The big leader also said with a smile.

"Well, I'll exchange the thousand dollars for you!

As for the replacement of the house, I will help you solve it!

Don't ask me anything else!
Also, if it's convenient, you can bring your neighbor Lou Xiao'e here, and I'll find out the details! "

He Fan finally felt relieved after hearing the big leader's words, and then said worriedly, "If you intervene in the Lou family's affairs, will it cause you any trouble?
After all, I heard that their Lou family plans to leave China afterwards! "

The great leader and his wife both care about themselves from the bottom of their hearts, how could He Fan be ungrateful and plant mines for them!I couldn't help but reminded me.

Hearing He Fan's reminder and worry, the big leader was very happy, and then said with a smile, "Gentlemen do something and don't do it, their Lou family has contributed to the country, how can I see them being imprisoned!
Don't worry, Zhuzi, if there is no big problem, I won't be implicated! "

(End of this chapter)

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