Self-cultivation of the Siheyuan God of War

Chapter 175 Lou Xiaoe leaves Hong Kong Island

Chapter 175 Lou Xiaoe leaves Hong Kong Island

"Lou Xiao'e, if you're okay! Come with me somewhere, someone wants to see you!" He Fan went directly to the deaf old lady's house and said to Lou Xiao'e.

Looking at He Fan who suddenly appeared in front of her, Lou Xiaoe felt a little inexplicable, and then said defensively, "Sizhu, what are you doing? I won't go with you!"

He Fan was almost annoyed when he heard Lou Xiaoe's defense against him. Isn't he already thirty and single without a date?How amazing!To be so guarded by you!
"Lou Xiao'e, don't worry! I don't have any thoughts about you! The main reason is that a leader wants to see you, and if possible, he can directly rescue your parents!"

Hearing He Fan's explanation, Lou Xiao'e's eyes lit up, but she didn't care about He Fan's sarcasm to herself, but said excitedly, "What you said, silly Zhu, is true? You can't lie to me, right?"

"What's the benefit of me lying to you? Whether you're going or not, tell me!" He Fan was suddenly speechless when he heard Lou Xiao'e's words.

"Go! I'll go! Silly Zhu, thank you so much!" Lou Xiao'e said gratefully.

"You shouldn't thank me! What you should thank most is the leader who is willing to meet you!" He Fan said helplessly after hearing Lou Xiao'e's gratitude.

The big leader is really vigorous and resolute in his work. He and Lou Xiao'e learned about the specific situation, and Lou Xiao'e's parents were released there.

In order to express his gratitude to himself and the great leader, Lou's father actually gave a huge amount of wealth.

If it is the first time to travel through a courtyard house and decide to leave Hong Kong Island, it will really be exciting.

But this is the second time to travel through the world of courtyard houses. Since he decided to stay in the mainland, he will not accept such unknown wealth.

"He Yuzhu, don't refuse! The other part belongs to the big leader! You can help him take it there!" Seeing He Fan's direct refusal, Lou's father quickly tried to persuade him with a wry smile.

"Director Lou, you may have misunderstood something! The reason why the big leaders are willing to take risks to help you is because you have contributed to the country in the past. After all, not everyone is a villain like Xu Damao!" For Lou Father's misunderstanding, He Fan explained.

Hearing He Fan's explanation, Lou's family was very moved, so they didn't insult others with money again, but put this gratitude deep in their hearts.

The Lou family still left the mainland and went to Hong Kong Island again, because He Fan did not have a relationship with Lou Xiao'e like in the original drama, and he will never have any emotional entanglements in this life.

He Fan, who had just come back from get off work, met the director of the street at the gate of the courtyard, and asked suspiciously, "Director, what are you doing?"

"Hehe, He Yuzhu, the leader said that you have settled the matter of replacing the house! We came to measure the courtyard house for you!" The director of the street explained with a smile when he saw He Fan who came back.

He Fan's eyes lit up when he heard the director's explanation, and he felt that there were people in the court who were easy to handle. He didn't expect such a difficult matter to be solved in this way, and then he said with a smile, "Then trouble the director, you and I come on!"

The third master Yan Banggui looked in amazement at He Fan who brought the director of the street to the courtyard. He wanted to inquire, but he was a little worried about He Fan's donkey temper, so he just smiled at the director of the street and said, "Director, you come to our courtyard. La!"

"Yes, Lao Yan! I'll come to your courtyard to do something!" The director of the street said with a smile.

When the other neighbors heard the movement, they all ran out to watch curiously. The first uncle Yi Zhonghai and the second uncle Liu Haizhong also ran out. First they looked at each other suspiciously, and then the first uncle ran to the street director to say hello. , "Director, are you here today?"

"Oh! I'm here to measure He Yuzhu's house this time!" The street director saw Yi Zhonghai and explained simply.

"Measuring the house?" Elder Yi Zhonghai became even more puzzled when he heard the explanation from the director of the street, but seeing that the director of the street did not seem to want to explain in detail, the elder did not pester him, but quietly watched up.

Soon the staff carefully measured He Fan's house, and the result came out soon, and then the street director said to He Fan with a smile, "The result came out, and you have to make up the price difference of 2000 yuan! He Yuzhu, you Do you have any comments?"

"No! When can I get the key over there?" He Fan said with a smile.

"Anytime, you can go to the street to get the key tomorrow! By the way, do you want the furniture over there? If you need it, I will keep it for you! You just need to pay another 200 yuan!" The director of the street said with a smile.

He Fan's heart moved when he heard the words of the director of the street. The Lou family's furniture must be some good things. It must be a good deal to buy for 200 yuan. Then he said with a bit of confusion on his face, "200 yuan? It's quite expensive! Can it be less?"

Hearing that He Fan was bargaining with him, the director of the street said with a wry smile, "200 yuan is not much! I will only give it to you for the sake of the leader! Furniture, pots and pans and other daily necessities, There are still a lot of them! If you want them, you won’t suffer a loss! It just so happens that we don’t have to move around on the streets!”

"How about it! If you agree, I can make the decision. All the furniture in your courtyard can be moved together. I just saw that you have a lot of things in your house!"

"That's fine! Then thank you, director!" He Fan said happily after hearing what the street director said.

The furniture in the courtyard is all saved by myself in the past few years. Although I don’t need it, I can give it to my sister He Yushui. Now is the era of scarcity. Furniture and so on are very important assets.

After seeing the street director and the others leave, He Fan finally felt relieved. He only spent 200 yuan to get a complete villa and furniture, which is really a bargain!
After the street director left, the first uncle Yi Zhonghai and the second uncle Liu Haizhong ran to He Fan to inquire about the news, "Zhuzi, what's going on?"

He Fan smiled and explained after hearing Yi Zhonghai's question and seeing the curious eyes of the neighbors in the courtyard, "Master, I'm moving out! From now on, this house will belong to the street!"

Hearing He Fan's explanation, the neighbors in the courtyard widened their eyes in surprise and looked at He Fan in disbelief. The uncle said in the same shock, "Zhuzi, are you really going to move?"

Seeing the shocked looks of the neighbors, He Fan understood their disbelief, and then said with a smile, "Yes! My place of work is far from the courtyard house, and it is really inconvenient to commute every day! So I stayed at the State Guesthouse I found a new house nearby!"

Hearing He Fan's explanation, the uncle was stunned for a moment, and he didn't know how to speak.

Qin Huairu, who came out to watch the fun, unconsciously showed a disappointed expression, while Jia Zhang's eyes lit up as if thinking of something, and then said excitedly, "Silly Zhu, I heard just now that your house over there is There are furniture! That is to say, you don’t need all the furniture here? Why don’t I bring it to my house tomorrow!”

Hearing Jia Zhang's words, many neighbors were moved, and the third master Yan Banggui was the most excited one, but when he thought of the tense relationship with He Fan, he could only let it go temporarily.

For Jia Zhang's behavior, He Fan has long been used to it, and just said with a sneer, "I don't need it, but my sister He Yushui needs it! I will send it to my sister tomorrow! Don't Worry about it!"

(End of this chapter)

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