Self-cultivation of the Siheyuan God of War

Chapter 176 4 Sleepless Nights in the Courtyard

Chapter 176 The Sleepless Night in the Courtyard

The news that He Fan is about to move out of the courtyard is too shocking, this night is destined to become a sleepless night in the courtyard.

Seeing that the fish in her hand was about to get off the hook and escape, Qin Huairu was helpless. Only she knew the pain of having more than enough heart but not enough strength.

"This silly pillar is really nothing!

They are all moving away, and the furniture at home and so on, I don’t know how to give it to us old neighbors!
What a penny-pinching iron cock!
Such a stingy man, which woman can bear it, no wonder he is 30 years old and has no date yet!It deserves it! Thinking of He Fan's refusal to her just now, Jiazhang became very angry, cursing non-stop.

"Mom! Forget it! Anyway, it's his silly stuff, it's his freedom to give it to us or not!" Hearing mother-in-law Jia Zhang's curse, Qin Huairu was a little disgusted, but he couldn't refute her mother-in-law, so he could only try his best to persuade her.

"Silly Zhu really has no conscience!

A few days ago, I persuaded your sister Qin Jingru to stay with Sha Zhu!

It's a good thing it didn't work, otherwise it would be cheaper again, this stupid and stinky cook!
He is living a comfortable life, but he no longer cares about the life and death of our family, what kind of person is he! "Although her daughter-in-law Qin Huairu persuaded herself, Jia Zhang became more and more angry and couldn't help complaining.

"Grandma, is the silly column next door really going to move?" Bang Geng, who was doing homework at the side, suddenly looked at his grandma Jia Zhangshi in surprise and asked.

Hearing Bang Geng's question, Jia Zhang was very puzzled, but she always loved Bang Geng, so she still answered patiently, "Yes! It's only been two days!"

Hearing grandma Jia Zhang's affirmative answer, Bang Geng suddenly dropped the pen in his hand, clapped his hands excitedly and said, "Great!

Will there be no one living in Shazhu's house in the future?
It just so happens that we can occupy it in advance! "

Hearing Bang Geng's words, Jia Zhang and Qin Huairu looked at each other, and then Qin Huairu explained, "Although silly Zhu has moved away!
But the house is still in the hands of the street office, there is no way to return it to our family! "

"I know what you said!

However, we can occupy Shazhu's house in advance, and then arrange people to live in the street. We can completely let grandma make trouble with each other!
If the new neighbors are worried about getting along with each other in the future, they may refuse to live in this courtyard, so we can live forever?
We must know that the longer we live, the more we have the right to speak!
Even if the new neighbors are not afraid, we can at least ask for He Yushui's house! Hearing his mother Qin Huairu's explanation, Bang Geng didn't feel discouraged, but still said excitedly.

Qin Huairu and Jia Zhang were completely shocked when they heard Bang Geng's analysis, and Jia Zhang muttered to himself, "This is really eye-opening!

My baby grandson is enlightened!

Such a good idea can be thought of! "

Qin Huairu said in the same shock, "Bang Geng, why did you suddenly think of this?"

"Mom, there are five people in our family, and now this house is not enough to live in!

Now the three of us, brothers and sisters, are still young, so there is nothing wrong with us!
But I am 14 years old this year, and I will be eighteen in four years!

If we lived in the same room as a family, it would be impossible!
If I don't think about occupying an extra house now, I might be like the silly Zhu now, never getting a wife! Hearing his mother Qin Huairu's doubts, Bang Geng explained with a wry smile.

It is said that the children of the poor are headed home early, and Bang Geng is already 14 years old!
You already know what you should know!
In addition, since he was a child, he has been under the influence of Jia Zhang and Qin Huairu, and knows how to take advantage of it.

So when he heard the news that Sha Zhu was about to move out, he suddenly thought about occupying the house.

Qin Huairu stared blankly at his son Bang Geng, only then realized that Bang Geng had really grown up.

Hearing his son's analysis, Qin Huairu felt that He Fan's departure might be a great thing for their family.

As soon as the elder brother Yi Zhonghai came home, he just sat there blankly thinking about things. The elder mother who was at the side saw his wife's state, so how could he not know what was going on in his mind.

But the two could only watch He Fan move out of the courtyard with their own eyes, but there was nothing they could do to stop it. The eldest mother sighed inadvertently, and persuaded the elder Yi Zhonghai, "Old Yi, forget it! Stop thinking about it !

Since we can't keep Sha Zhu, let's think of other ways!

Isn’t there a Qin Huairu in our courtyard?
Look at how kind she is to her mother-in-law Jia Zhang, maybe she is willing to help us take care of the elderly! "

Hearing his wife's persuasion, the elder Yi Zhonghai shook his head and said with a wry smile, "Qin Huairu? She only thinks about her three children and the Jia Zhang family. Without the help of Shazhu, it is impossible for Qin Huairu to provide for us! "

Hearing the old man's words, the big mother was completely impatient, and then asked nervously, "Then what should I do?
The nephew from your hometown can no longer adopt our family!
Shazhu is moving out again!
Who can help us in retirement? "

"Hmph! My nephew wants to adopt him now, but I don't want to anymore!
Looking at his demeanor, when he grows up, even if he finds a stable job for him, he will definitely return to his biological parents!
When the time comes, we will still be drawing water from a bamboo basket in vain! "Hearing that the aunt mentioned the nephew in her hometown, the aunt said angrily.

"As for what to do next! Don't worry, I'll think about it later!"

The next day, as soon as He Fan got off work, he went to the sub-district office and got the key to the villa.

The moment he got the key, He Fan became uncontrollably excited, and finally left the courtyard house, owning his own independent real estate.

"Hehe, He Yuzhu, congratulations!

When are you going to move? "The director of the street saw He Fan in front of him, smiled and congratulated him.

"Thank you, Director, for your congratulations!

As for moving, tomorrow!

how?The director needs to arrange for someone else to live in? He Fan said with a smile after hearing what the director of the street said.

"Yes! Your courtyard house is also very good. Many people want to live in it. After all, many people are facing housing shortages!
However, I still don't understand, why do you spend so much money and trouble to replace the real estate? "The director of the street explained, and then couldn't restrain his curiosity.

"Hehe, you still don't know about the messy things in our courtyard?" He Fan said with a smile when he heard the street director's doubts.

"Hehe." The street director suddenly became a little embarrassed when he heard He Fan's rhetorical question.

"It is said that the upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked!

The third master Yan Banggui only thinks about scheming, he schemed me too much last time, if he hadn't pushed me into a corner, I wouldn't have broken skin with him! Seeing the embarrassment of the street director, He Fan still sneered.

"There is also the second uncle, Liu Haizhong, who is completely an official fan. He knows how to put on official authority all day long, and he also beats and scolds his own children! Such a person can lead a good courtyard?"

"Finally, let's talk about this big man, Yi Zhonghai, who completely pretends to be a moral model and instructs others to do things they don't want to do!

But he himself hides behind, doesn't pull out anything, doesn't care about it!

Engage in some moral kidnapping of others at every turn!
You have selected these three things, can you bring the courtyard house? "

"These three uncles are not as bad as you said!" Hearing He Fan's analysis, the street director's eyes widened in shock, knowing clearly that what He Fan said was the truth, thinking that he was the one of the three of them Directly lead, said all those who felt a little guilty forcibly defending themselves.

"What kind of people they are, you know best!
There's no need for us to discuss it here, I'm moving out anyway!I don't care! He Fan suddenly felt a little funny when he heard the street director's forced excuse. Thinking that he was about to move out, he couldn't help reminding him that it was also a parting gift for the uncle and the others.

"Third Master Yan Banggui is good at calculating, we can also say that he can live a life, even if he schemes against other people, it is not a heinous thing!"

"Second Uncle Liu Haizhong also beat his own children, it is his own business that the parents are unkind and the children are unfilial!
As for official fans, it can also be said to be his personal hobby!

He can't be considered a big villain! "

"However, Director! I still want to remind you, it's really too much to be like a grandpa!

He often goes secretly to deliver food to Qin Huairu in the middle of the night, what exactly does he want to do?No one can tell!
There are so many orphans out there now, and he doesn't want to adopt one or two. You must know that their family is the wealthiest family in the courtyard!

As an eighth-grade worker, the uncle earns more than 90 yuan a month!
Raising two children is no easy task! "

"If you really want the courtyard to become a courtyard full of love, you must let the uncle set an example and adopt two children quickly!
Don't keep playing fake, what kind of conspiracy and tricks!
It's no fun doing that! "

(End of this chapter)

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