Self-cultivation of the Siheyuan God of War

Chapter 177 The New Neighbors of 4 Heyuan

Chapter 177 The Courtyard's New Neighbor

As soon as He Fan woke up the next day, he saw the director of the street leading a strong man to the door of his house in the courtyard.

"He Yuzhu, this is the next owner of your house, his name is Zheng San!

It's the security captain of the Jingcheng Towel Factory! Seeing He Fan's puzzled eyes, the street director explained with a smile.

"Oh! I thought the director specially asked someone to help me move!

My heart is being moved, listening to your explanation, wow!I was moved in vain! He Fan joked after hearing the explanation from the street director.

It seems that this guy named Zheng San has a big background, as soon as there was a vacant room here, he came directly over there.

It is said that appearances are born from the heart, and Zheng San with this horizontal face will definitely make the neighbors in the courtyard feel "happy"!

Coupled with what He Fan said to the director in the street yesterday, it will definitely make her realize that the courtyard is not peaceful, and she will definitely not bring a good old man to live in the courtyard again!

"Brother Zhuzi, hello! I'm Zheng San!

I've heard about an imperial chef in the rolling mill for a long time in the towel factory, and I finally saw you in person today!
If you need help when you move, I can help!
I just took a day off today! "The new house owner named Zheng San, heard the conversation between He Fan and the street director, and said with a smile.

Seeing Zheng San with a face full of flesh, smiling uglier than crying, He Fan almost wanted to laugh, but this man is quite polite. It seems that the neighbors in the courtyard will be really "blessed" in the future!

"You're welcome! Zheng San, right! Just to show you this house!" He Fan said with a smile.

Then He Fan took the street director and Zheng San into the room to visit, and seeing Zheng San's satisfied look, He Fan asked suspiciously, "Zheng San, are you married?
The whole family should be able to live there, there is a small room next door, which used to be lived by my sister!
Perfect for a kid's room! "

Hearing He Fan's question, Zheng San was a little embarrassed, and explained with a blushing face, "I'm divorced, and a son remarried with his mother! I'm alone now!"

After hearing Zheng San's explanation, He Fan was still a little surprised, after all, divorce is rare in this era.

It seems that Zheng San in front of him will not be a simple ordinary person, he should have his own story.

But now, He Fan has no interest and curiosity to pay attention, let the neighbors in the courtyard slowly discover it!
In order to avoid embarrassment, He Fan didn't ask any more questions. Thinking that Zheng San is a loner, his heart was moved, and then he said with a smile, "Actually, I don't have much to move. I bring my own clothes and bedding. What, the rest of the furniture will be left to you!"

Zheng Sanhe and the street director were really a little surprised when they heard He Fan's words. After all, there is a shortage of supplies in this era, and these furniture are still worth a lot of money.

Zheng San said happily, "Thank you so much, Brother Zhuzi! After a while, I will definitely treat Brother Zhuzi to drink!"

Hearing Zheng San's assurance, He Fan shook his head with a smile and said, "You don't need to drink! There is a long-lived old man in the backyard, we call her the deaf old lady.

Usually you try to take care of it, if there is something urgent, you also try to help!
If there is anything that the deaf old lady can't solve, you can also go to me! "

Hearing He Fan's words, the street director looked at He Fan in surprise, and Zheng San also patted his chest to assure him.

When traveling through the courtyard world for the first time, the deaf old lady really took good care of herself, because He Fan was actually quite regretful in his heart because he didn’t have time to see her off for the last time after leaving Hong Kong Island.

This time he traveled through the courtyard world for the second time. Although He Fan deliberately alienated the old man, now that he has left the courtyard, it is good to leave some arrangements behind.

I am a bachelor, and I really don't have any valuable property. I packed my clothes and bedding, put them on the bicycle, looked at each other and smiled with the neighbors in the courtyard and left.

When he came to his new home, He Fan smiled happily when he saw the chaotic situation in front of him because of the house raid. He Fan felt that a villa in the capital city belonged to him.

In fact, when they ransacked the house, they took away some valuable things such as gold, silver, antiques, furniture and so on, which they didn't like for the time being.

I asked for a day off early in the morning, put down the clothes in my hand, and started to pack them up.

He Fan, who was cleaning up his house here, didn't know that the courtyard house was about to explode at this time.

"Huai Ru! We made some mistakes!

I really didn't expect the newcomer Zheng Sanhui and Sha Zhu to connect so tightly, without giving us a little space! "Jia Zhang saw a new neighbor Zheng San happily tidying up the room, and complained with a sad face.

Hearing the complaint from her mother-in-law, Jia Zhang, Qin Huairu also felt a little dizzy. Hearing Bang Geng's proposal last night, the more he thought about it, the more feasible it became. He really didn't expect his new neighbor to move so fast. Then he said with a helpless wry smile, "Right now, there are a lot of families in the capital crowded into a small room, and the housing is very tight. If Shazhu leaves such a good house behind, there must be many people fighting for it!"

"Then what should I do? Last night, I was more worried about something. I thought about it and found it very reasonable!
If he doesn't have a house, it will be very troublesome for him to marry a wife in the future!

Or I'll go over and ask the new Zheng San for a house directly!

I heard he was also a recently divorced bachelor!Should be nice to talk about! "Jia Zhang said worriedly.

"Mom, don't worry!
Let's observe for a few more days!
If it is the same as the previous silly column, maybe it will be more beneficial to our family! "Hearing her mother-in-law Jia Zhang's anxious look, Qin Huairu felt a headache, so she could only persuade her with nice words.

"Okay! Mom will follow your arrangement!

I always thought you were the smartest in our courtyard! "Hearing that her daughter-in-law Qin Huairu had an idea, Jia Zhang said happily.

Hearing her mother-in-law Jia Zhang's compliments on her, Qin Huairu felt a little wry and thought that her idea must be in line with her mother-in-law's wishes.

The first mother looked at her stunned wife, and comforted her with a forced smile, "Let's go as soon as Silly Zhu is gone! I think this new Zheng San is pretty good. If I get on well with him, I might be willing to help Ours!"

Hearing Big Mom's words, Great Master Yi Zhonghai shook his head and said with a wry smile, "Do you know what this Zheng San does? Just think he's fine!

He is a real jerk, drinking and beating his wife is common, that's why his wife divorced him! "

"Oh no!

How could such a person live in our courtyard house!
With Xu Damao, it's annoying enough!

This... Here comes another one! "Hearing the explanation from the great master Yi Zhonghai, the big mother said in surprise.

"Hmph! Compared with this Zheng San, Xu Damao can be regarded as a good boy!

Just wait and see!

From now on, our courtyard house will never have a happy life again! "The old man said with a wry smile.

"Then what shall we do?
I heard that before Shazhu left, he asked Zheng San to take care of the old lady in the backyard, why don't we continue to be with Shazhu? "The big mother said with a sad face.

"Hey! Silly Zhu, there is no hope!
I plan to go to the street to adopt two children in the next few days, and in 20 years, I will be able to take over my class! "Hearing the melancholy of the elder mother, the elder Yi Zhonghai said with a sigh.

(End of this chapter)

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