Chapter 178
The second uncle Liu Haizhong saw that He Fan had left the courtyard and had a new neighbor, the security captain of the towel factory. In Liu Haizhong's eyes, this new neighbor Zheng San was much more valuable than the stinky cook He Fan.

Seeing the value of Zheng San, the second uncle Liu Haizhong wanted to make a good sale in front of Zheng San, and then went to the third uncle Yan Banggui to organize a welcome ceremony for Zheng San.

It just happened to let the newcomer Zheng San experience the essence of their courtyard culture, and also let Zheng San see the powerful influence of their three uncles.

Hearing the proposal of the second uncle Liu Haizhong, the third uncle Yan Banggui was very entangled. Although He Fan, who was on his own head, moved out of the courtyard, the shadow left on him at the beginning has always existed.

What also makes the third master equally entangled is that they all say that each other is born from the heart. Seeing that this new neighbor Zheng San may not be as easy to talk to as the former He Fan, if he accidentally offends this Zheng San again, he will But it's really troublesome!

The second uncle Liu Haizhong saw the concerns of the third master Yan Banggui, and despised the cowardice of the third master Yan Banggui in his heart. He was so afraid of He Fan. On the other hand, he said with a smile, "Old Yan, silly Zhu is gone! What are you afraid of?
Besides, this new Zheng San is the security captain of the towel factory. If you get along well with him, it will be good for you, Lao Yan!
It seems that I heard that your daughter-in-law Yu Li works in the towel factory!

If we have a good relationship, who else would dare to bully Yu Li in the towel factory! "

Hearing the analysis of the second uncle Liu Haizhong, the third uncle Yan Banggui was really moved, thought about it for a while, and then said with a smile, "Old Liu, you have a political mind, and your ideas are very clever!

Let's hold a general meeting tonight! "

After the third uncle and the second uncle discussed it, they went to the first uncle's house to discuss. After hearing the second uncle's explanation, the first uncle Yi Zhonghai thought it was necessary, and then agreed to their decision.

"Everyone knows that He Yuzhu has moved out of our courtyard, and a new neighbor has arrived today!

Let him introduce himself first! "Old Master Yi Zhonghai said loudly when he saw that the neighbors were all here.

"Hehe, a general assembly? This is the first time I've heard of it!
It seems that our courtyard house is different! Hearing the words of the great master Yi Zhonghai, Zheng San felt very surprised when he saw the bustling neighbors, and then said with a smile unconsciously.

"Come on, my name is Zheng San! I'm the security captain of the Jingcheng Towel Factory!

Divorced, I have a son living with my ex-wife!
Now I can be considered a loner! "

Hearing Zheng San's self-introduction, the neighbors in the courtyard were all surprised and whispered to each other. After all, there are very few divorces in this era, such as Xu Damao and Zheng San are very rare.

Seeing everyone discussing each other, Zheng San knew that there would be no good things to say, but he had long been used to it and didn't care.

"Okay! Zheng San's introduction is over too!
I hope everyone can still live in harmony and help families in need! "After hearing Zheng San's introduction, the elder Yi Zhonghai said with a smile.

Hearing Yi Zhonghai's words, Zheng San suddenly thought of something, and quickly said with a smile, "Because I'm alone, it's very troublesome to cook every day, let's see which neighbor is willing to partner with me!
The towel factory takes care of meals at noon, that is, breakfast and dinner need to be eaten at home. I will pay 20 yuan a month as food expenses! "

Hearing Zheng San's words and the 20 yuan for food expenses, the neighbors in the courtyard house widened their eyes in surprise. The salary of a temporary worker is only 18 yuan. Qin Huairu has worked for so many years and still takes A salary of 27 yuan and 20 yuan, so that a comparison will know the power of [-] yuan.

There are many neighbors who are excited, and Yan Jiecheng wants to start a conversation, but Yu Li, who is on the side, sees her husband Yan Jiecheng's heartbeat, but pinches Yan Jiecheng severely, and then warns in a low voice, "If you don't know the situation, you can tell me what's going on." I shut up!"

Hearing his wife Yu Li's warning to him, and remembering that Yu Li and this Zheng San are colleagues in the towel factory, they must know something that he doesn't know, so he gave up with an embarrassing expression.

The third master Yan Banggui was also very moved, but he thought of He Fan again, and unconsciously felt a little palpitation. Seeing his wife eager to try, he quickly stopped him and said, "Shut up! You If you dare to promise, I will divorce you when you go home!"

I have never seen the third master Yan Banggui treat herself like this, and the third mother feels very wronged.

Ever since the third master was punished by He Fan, he seemed to have a psychological shadow, and he was no longer keen on calculating.

Seeing that the third mother didn't look for trouble anymore, the third master involuntarily let out a sigh of relief, and then hid aside to watch the excitement again.

There were not a few neighbors present who were heartbroken, and there were also smart people who understood that there was no good thing in the world, but they still did not make a sound, but continued to wait and see the situation in front of them.

When Jia Zhang heard Zheng San's words, she immediately became excited and said happily, "Zheng San, come to our house!

Be sure to serve your food comfortably! "

If Qin Huai wanted to stop him, he always felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't think of what was wrong, so he didn't make a sound to stop him, but quietly watched his mother-in-law Jia Zhang's performance.

Seeing Jia Zhang's stupid behavior, the elder Yi Zhonghai was anxious, but he didn't dare to stop him, because he knew that Zheng San in front of him was not a talkative person, and if he got offended, he might punch him. Knock yourself down.

Since Jia Zhangshi would only take advantage of life and death, he had no choice but to complain in his heart that he hadn't reminded Jia Zhangshi and Qin Huairu in advance.

Seeing Jia Zhang's happy look, Zheng San was also very happy. Cooking alone is very troublesome. It seems that the old woman in front of me is the mother-in-law of the pretty widow Qin Huairu. Three happy, quickly took out 20 yuan and handed it to Jia Zhang, and said with a smile, "I will trouble you for my food in the future!"

Jia Zhang's eyes sparkled and he took the 20 yuan from Zheng San. He was so excited that he said quickly, "No trouble! No trouble at all!"

Seeing Zheng San's bold behavior of taking out 20 yuan directly, many neighbors in the courtyard house showed annoyed expressions, the second uncle Liu Haizhong and the second aunt were the two most annoyed, the second aunt said regretfully in a low voice , "If I knew it earlier, I would have said it directly!
It turned out that Jia Zhang took a big deal! "

"It's already like this, it's useless for you to say such things!

Who told you not to say it first, do you want me, the dignified second uncle, to say yes?
What a stupid fellow you are! "Hearing what the second aunt said, the second uncle Liu Haizhong was also very annoyed, and then complained angrily in a low voice.

(End of this chapter)

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