Self-cultivation of the Siheyuan God of War

Chapter 180 Zheng 3 reveals his true nature

Chapter 180 Zheng San reveals his true nature

Qin Huairu came to pester him about his affairs, but He Fan didn't take it to heart.

After all, I still have a lot of things to do, and I don't have much mood to pay attention to things like Banggeng.

Anyway, no matter what, Bang Geng's final ending will not be easy.

For Qin Huairu and Jia Zhang's dislike, He Fan didn't implicate Huaihua.

Although Sophora japonica has some faults of the Jia family, it is not too much, so He Fan has always allowed Sophora japonica to work in the five-star hotel.

"Brother, The Garland Under the Mountain will be released in a while! Shall we go to Hong Kong Island for the premiere?" Ah Hong looked at He Fan in front of her and asked suspiciously.

"Well! Anyway, there is nothing wrong here in the capital! Let's go! Just to see your parents!" He Fan thought for a while when he heard Ah Hong's question, and then said with a smile.

Traveling through the world of courtyards for the second time.

After a few days of getting along, Qin Huairu's family gradually got used to Zheng San's existence. Seeing Zheng San's boldness, Jia Zhang became more and more satisfied with her own self-assessment.

Zheng San has no other hobbies, but drinks a lot, and his monthly salary is 47 yuan. He also pays his son [-] yuan in child support, and [-] yuan is given to Qin Huairu's family as food expenses. The remaining seven and a half change to buy wine and drink.

The days are beautiful these days, anyway Zheng San feels this way.

Seeing the figure of Qin Huairu, a pretty widow who is famous in the courtyard, bustling around every day, Zheng San's heart became more and more heated.

Bang Geng on the side saw Zheng San enjoying drinking, and wanted to take a sip out of curiosity. After a few days of running-in, Bang Geng no longer had the defense against strangers at the beginning, so he said casually, "Zheng San Three, what does this wine taste like! Is it really delicious? Why don't you give me a taste!"

Zheng San, who was thinking about Qin Huairu, immediately changed his face when he heard the impolite words of the stick next to him, and asked sharply, "Boy, what did you call me?"

Hearing Zheng San's questioning of himself and seeing his stern face, Bang became a little scared for no reason, but thinking of He Fan's connivance to him before, Bang thought that Zheng San in front of him was still a good-looking guy, and then retorted: , "I'll call you Zheng San! I'm already an adult, others can call you Zheng San, and I can do it too!"

Hearing Bang Geng's still impolite words, Zheng San became angry, and slapped the arrogant Bang Geng directly on the face, knocking him flying, cursing, "Impolite bastard! Zheng Three is also called by you bastard!"

Seeing Zheng San hit the stick, Qin Huairu and Jia Zhang's eyes widened in surprise. It was Jia Zhang who was the first to react, and yelled and cursed, "You bastard, Zheng San, you don't know what to do. Why are you hitting our house! I can't stop talking to you!"

Hearing mother-in-law Jia Zhang's yelling, Qin Huairu, who was in a daze, finally came to his senses, and quickly asked Zheng San, "Zheng San, are you crazy?"

Hearing Qin Huairu and Jia Zhang's yelling at him, Zheng San became even more angry, unable to hide his true nature anymore, he slapped Jia Zhang's face directly, and saw Jia Zhang's face It swelled up quickly, and he cursed coldly, "Fuck you! I thought Bang was so rude?

Feelings are the root of you old hag!

I'm not easy to bully, if you take my money, you have to behave yourself!

Next time, see if I don't slap you beasts to death! "

Hearing Zheng San's yelling and feeling the pain on his face, Jia Zhang was stunned, and then forgot to yell, until Zheng San turned and left, Jia Zhang and Qin Huairu reacted.

Zheng San didn't care about the Jia family's mischief, but returned to his home in a cool and unrestrained manner.

Hearing such a big commotion, the neighbors in the courtyard who were keen to watch the excitement all ran out curiously to watch the excitement.

Seeing the commotion in the courtyard getting louder and louder, the elder Yi Zhonghai could no longer squat down, so he had to bite the bullet and run out to ask about the situation.

When Jia Zhang saw the appearance of the elder Yi Zhonghai, he ran in front of the elder as if seeing a savior, and began to attack Zheng San, crying bitterly.

After knowing the cause and effect, the neighbors in the courtyard all started talking in low voices, watching the joke, but no one came out to defend the Jia family.

The elder Yi Zhonghai also felt dizzy when he heard Jia Zhang's cry.

In the past few days, he wanted to remind Qin Huairu and Jia Zhang to wash away Zheng San's behavior, but they couldn't find a suitable opportunity, but he didn't expect Zheng San to reveal his true nature so soon.

But in front of so many neighbors, the elder Yi Zhonghai couldn't say anything, he could only comfort the angry and roaring Jia Zhang.

"Huai Ru! I have some plasters for reducing swelling and relieving pain. I'll bring them to you in a while. You can apply some medicine to your mother-in-law and Bang Geng first!
Why!Look at this face is swollen like this! Seeing Qin Huairu crying beside him, the elder sighed helplessly, then said with a wry smile.

Qin Huairu didn't react when he heard the words of the great master Yi Zhonghai.

Today's Zheng San is too scary, he has never had such an experience, and Qin Huairu, who is extremely clever, is also confused.

Seeing Qin Huairu's unresponsive appearance, the elder Yi Zhonghai knew that it was Qin Huairu who was frightened by Zheng San, sighed helplessly again, and then chased the neighbors around, "It's getting late, everyone go back Let's talk about it tomorrow!"

Hearing the old man chasing him away, although the neighbors in the courtyard house hadn't enjoyed themselves yet, they were used to the prestige of the old man Yi Zhonghai, and they all returned home reluctantly.

The third uncle Yan Banggui and the second uncle Liu Haizhong glanced at each other, both with expressions of rejoicing, then they turned and left without saying anything else.

"Huai Ru! Take your mother-in-law home first! Stop making trouble!
This matter is too complicated, tomorrow I will go to the street to find the director to see what can be done!
But I still want to remind you, don't provoke this Zheng San anymore!
He is not as talkative as He Yuzhu before, no one can tell what he can do! "The old man saw the neighbor leaving, and then said to Qin Huairu who was beside him.

"Then what if Zheng Sanyi keeps making trouble for a while?" Qin Huairu said worriedly when he heard the words of the elder Yi Zhonghai.

"Depending on the situation, it probably won't happen! Now Zheng San should be drunk and asleep!" Hearing Qin Huairu's worry, the elder Yi Zhonghai looked at Zheng San's closed door, and then thought for a while and said.

When the third master Yan Banggui returned home, he was anxious again for the family to hold a family meeting.

"You all already know what happened today!
In the future, try to avoid this new Zheng San, saying that the former silly Zhu was a bastard, and this Zheng San is an even more outrageous hooligan! "Third Master Yan Banggui saw the gathered family and said with a wry smile.

Hearing the instructions from the third master Yan Banggui, the third mother said with lingering fear, "It's a good thing that you, Old Yan, prevented me from letting Zheng San come to our house to join us, otherwise our family would be miserable!

It seems that being a person really can't just know how to calculate! "

"Yes! Mom!
At that time, your precious son Yan Jiecheng also wanted to take Zheng San's food. Fortunately, Zheng San and I are both colleagues in the towel factory. I have heard Zheng San's temper for a long time. "Yu Li, who was on the side, also said happily when she heard the conversation between the third master and the third mother.

Hearing his wife Yu Li's words, Yan Jiecheng felt very embarrassed. The Zheng San incident this time completely woke up the third uncle's family.

(End of this chapter)

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