Chapter 181 Yi Xiaochuan

The next morning, Zheng San woke up from his sleep, feeling refreshed, and suddenly felt that life was so beautiful.

Arriving at Qin Huai Ru's home, Zheng San ate breakfast as if nothing had happened. Qin Huai Ru and Jia Zhang looked at each other painfully, and finally Qin Huai Ru forced a smile and said, "Zheng San! I think you are here with us. Eating at home is a bit inconvenient. This is 20 yuan, and I will refund it to you directly!
What you have been eating at our house for the past few days doesn’t count! "

When Jia Zhang heard Qin Huairu's words, even though the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law had discussed it last night, when she saw the 20 yuan on the table, she still couldn't restrain her heartache and reluctance.

But seeing the ferocious Zheng San, Jia Zhang didn't have the guts to say something.

Hearing Qin Huairu's words, Zheng San sneered, but he didn't even have the interest to glance at the 20 yuan. He just drank the stick porridge in his own bowl. After a while, Zheng San said with a sneer, "Qin Huairu, who do you think I am, Zheng San?
Kittens and puppies who come and drink at will?
I, Zheng San, have no other skills, but I am very trustworthy, and I will not change things that have been promised! "

When Qin Huai heard Zheng San's words, he knew that the other party had completely deceived him, and was a little bit annoyed for a while, but there was nothing he could do.

"Okay! I'm done! I'll come back for dinner!" Zheng San finished his breakfast beautifully, got up and left, and said with a sneer.

Seeing that the back of Zheng San's departure could no longer be seen, Jia Zhang hurriedly picked up the 20 yuan on the table with some joy, and complained, "Don't be just right! I'm still not willing!

You beat me and Bang like this, and you still owe me medical bills!

I'll see what the old man has to say in the street later, anyway, I won't just let it go! "

Hearing her mother-in-law, Jia Zhang, talking to herself, Qin Huairu had a headache, but she didn't say anything more, because she knew that it was useless to say anything now, and she could only hope that the old man would go to the street to seek justice.

The elder Yi Zhonghai tossed and turned all night thinking about Qin Huairu and Zheng San's affairs, the more he thought about it, the more troublesome he felt, and he didn't feel sleepy at all.

"Old Yi, are you still thinking about Zheng San?" The aunt and the uncle have lived with the uncle for so many years, knowing the character and temperament of the uncle, she said with a sigh.

Hearing the big mother's question, the old man knew that his tossing and turning had affected his wife, and said helplessly, "This Jia Zhang family just knows how to take advantage and doesn't think about the consequences at all!

Even if she didn't know what Zheng San was, she dared to provoke Zheng San. She really thought that Zheng San was the former He Yuzhu! "

Hearing the words of the elder Yi Zhonghai, the elder mother thought of He Fan who had left, sighed again unconsciously, and said with a wry smile, "Compared to this Zheng Sanyi, silly Zhu is so good!
It's also because Qin Huairu and Jia Zhang's went too far, making people's idiots anxious!
Now Qin Huairu and Jia Zhang couldn't cry anymore! "

Hearing the big mother's emotion, the old man felt very uncomfortable, because he was also the main force in persecuting He Fan, saying that Qin Huairu and Jia Zhang's meant talking about him!

The elder Yi Zhonghai became more and more irritable when he thought about it, and then he said to the elder mother, "Forget it! It's getting late! Go to bed!"

With things in mind, the old man didn't even eat breakfast early in the morning, so he rushed to the sub-district office to find the sub-district director.

Seeing the elder Yi Zhonghai who appeared before him early in the morning, the director of the street knew that something happened in the courtyard again without asking, and then said with a helpless wry smile, "Old Yi, it's so early! Come to my office!"

"Tell me! What happened to the courtyard?"

"Last night, that new neighbor, Zheng San, beat both Jia Zhang and Bang Geng!
How do you see this matter handled? "Hearing the question from the director of the subdistrict, the elder Yi Zhonghai quickly explained.

Hearing Yi Zhonghai's explanation, the director of the street became even more puzzled, and then asked strangely, "Zheng San just moved to your courtyard, why did he have conflicts with Qin Huairu's family?
Is there anything else going on? "

Hearing the doubts from the director of the street, the uncle felt a little helpless. Chunqiu's brushwork couldn't hide any problems, so he could only explain honestly, "Zheng San said that it was too troublesome for him to cook alone, and he had to spend 20 yuan a month to pay for it. Partner with the neighbors in the courtyard.

No, at dinner last night, Zheng San said it was rude to say that Bang Geng was even more rude, so he started to beat Bang Geng and Jia Zhang! "

Hearing Yi Zhonghai's explanation, the director of the street completely remembered what He Fan said to him at the beginning. He thought it was He Fan's exaggeration, but he didn't expect that the problem inside was really serious, and then said angrily, "Old man Yi, you came to me to report the situation, such an important causal relationship must be concealed?
If I don't ask, you won't tell me! "

"It's not that I haven't had time to explain it yet." Hearing the street director's question, the elder Yi Zhonghai retorted with a guilty conscience.

"Hmph! Lao Yi, your neighbors in the courtyard have always said that your butt is a little crooked.

Seeing from the friendship we have gotten along with for many years, I have never taken it seriously, but I didn't expect that you didn't restrain yourself at all, but intensified a little bit! "Hearing some rebuttals from the elder Yi Zhonghai, but he seemed guilty, the director of the street said angrily again.

"I don't."

"Someone reported that you delivered food to Qin Huairu in the middle of the night, what's going on?" Seeing that the old man was still stubborn, the director of the street questioned directly.

"I'm worried that other neighbors will have opinions!
That's why I chose to do it secretly at night! Hearing the director's question, the uncle was stunned and forced to explain.

"Hmph! Just treat what you said as the truth!
Then I ask you, it's so difficult all over the country, there are homeless orphans everywhere.

Your uncle is an eighth-level fitter, and his salary is nearly 100 yuan. Why don't you think about adopting one or two children? "Hearing the old man's guilty explanation, the director of the street did not completely expose it, but asked another question.

"I, I was thinking about adopting my nephew from my hometown some time ago!
It's just that it hasn't been negotiated recently! "Hearing that the director of the subdistrict did not pester Qin Huairu anymore, the elder Yi Zhonghai felt a little thankful, and then explained with a wry smile.

"Since there is no adoptive nephew of yours, then adopt one!

It just so happens that I will go to the orphanage with me later, you can choose a child directly! "Until the uncle Yi Zhonghai explained with a guilty conscience, knowing that this was an excuse for the uncle, he didn't bother to pay attention to the real thoughts of the uncle, and said directly and resolutely.

Hearing the resolute arrangement of the director of the street, Yi Zhonghai's eyes widened in surprise, and he looked at the director of the street in disbelief.

Seeing the expression of the elder Yi Zhonghai, he knew that the elder Yi Zhonghai did not understand, and then he sighed and persuaded, "Old Yi, you are over 40 years old this year!

You are not young anymore, how many years of good times do you have?

You can no longer hesitate!

It's still too late to adopt a child now!

After more than ten years, the child will be able to enter the factory and follow you as an apprentice! "

"You're thinking about pension issues, but you still have to really pay when you're young and strong!
Coax your neighbor He Yuzhu like you did before, take care of Qin Huairu's family, send some miscellaneous grains, and always do small things that are beneficial and cost-effective. Can you really solve your own pension problems?

Just like a pension, if you want to receive a pension after the age of 60, do you have to pay pension insurance premiums when you are young?

Just thinking about eating ready-made ones, what a beautiful thing to think about! "

"Forget it! Don't say anything! Whether you understand it or not, just settle the child's matter today!"

The director of the street took Yi Zhonghai, who looked bewildered, straight to the street welfare home, and walked into the orphanage that he had never been to before.

Looking at the young figures one by one, the heart of the always selfish old man was touched a little bit.

I chose a well-behaved boy who was only two or three years old, and I couldn't help but think, I'm sorry, boy, I'm late!

At the age of two or three years old, the little boy knows something and is very eager for the love of his parents!
Looking at the stranger in front of him, does the little boy know what this means?
Because my little friends often left here with their parents like this.

The little boy unexpectedly guessed something, but he couldn't believe that such luck would befall him.

So he didn't say anything, just stared at the uncle in front of him with his big black and white eyes.

Looking at the boy's innocent big eyes, the elder Yi Zhonghai said with trembling lips, "Son, can I be your father?"

Hearing the old man's words, the child excitedly hugged the old man's neck and shouted happily, "Dad! You are my father!"

Hearing the name "Dream Come True", the elder Yi Zhonghai was moved and cried, hugged the child in his arms tightly, and said excitedly, "Son, Dad will take you home! From now on, your name will be Yi Xiaochuan!"

Looking at the touching scene in front of them, the street director and the dean of the orphanage were also moved and cried.

The elder Yi Zhonghai hugged Yi Xiaochuan, came to the director of the street, bowed deeply, and said gratefully from the bottom of his heart, "Thank you, director, for your success!"

"Old Yi, it's good that you can wake up! Raise your child well!" The director of the street said with a relieved smile when he heard the gratitude from the elder Yi Zhonghai.

The elder Yi Zhonghai looked at the director of the orphanage next to him, and explained, "You must be the director of the orphanage!

I am a worker in a rolling mill, and my name is Yi Zhonghai.

I brought Yi Xiaochuan home today, and when we all get used to it, my wife and I will come and adopt another girl! "

Hearing Yi Zhonghai's explanation, the director of the orphanage and the street director looked at each other in surprise, and then said with a smile, "That would be great! I thank you on behalf of the children!"

He left the orphanage with Yi Xiaochuan in his arms, and on the way back to the courtyard, the uncle's excitement gradually calmed down, and then he remembered the purpose of his visit this time.

Zheng San's matter was not resolved, and he was scolded by the director of the street, and then he came back with a child in his arms for no reason.

Feeling Yi Xiaochuan who was still just hugging him, the elder Yi Zhonghai smiled wryly and thought that he didn't care what happened to Qin Huairu's family!

When I go back, I will resign from the position of the uncle, and I will live a good life in the future.

Looking at the energetic He Fan, the leader smiled happily, and then jokingly said, "Zhuzi, it is said that people are in good spirits on happy occasions. I think you are in good spirits today!"

He Fan said happily, "Uncle, you don't know, living in a new house, it feels so good to wake up until dawn!

I'm rested, and of course my spirits will be better! "

Hearing what He Fan said, the big leader and his wife were also very happy, and then they took out some money and handed it to He Fan, explaining, "Zhuzi, at the beginning I exchanged 460 dollars for 200 yuan, and I directly gave me [-] yuan to the street. [-] yuan, this is the remaining [-] yuan!"

Picking up the remaining 260 yuan, He Fan smiled and said happily, "To be honest, I really appreciate this generous Mr. Mario.

If it weren't for his tip, I would have lost the chance to meet such a nice house! "

"Hehe, God rewards those who work hard!

You deserve it all!
If you don't have good cooking skills, you won't be praised by Mr. Mario, and you won't have the chance you have today! Hearing He Fan's emotion, the big leader said disapprovingly.

"Ha ha!"

"Zhuzi, my life has not been easy recently, you have to be prepared!" The big leader sighed, and suddenly said to He Fan.

"Ah? Has this hurricane affected you?" Even though he had expected it, He Fan was still a little surprised.

"Yes! This hurricane is too powerful and too wide!

Recently, your State Guest House is also very subtle! "The big leader heard the surprise in He Fan's words and said with a wry smile.

"Hey! I'm worrying about this!
Recently, the State Guesthouse suddenly circulated some news about the dismissal of some employees. I think I am also in danger! He Fan also said with a wry smile when he heard the big leader's question.

The wife of the big leader at the side heard He Fan's worry, but said comfortingly, "Zhu Zi, your cooking skills are so good, you probably won't!"

"Auntie, you don't know about this hurricane, so you don't pay attention to it!
It's like an elevator with a load of 14 people, and I'm the No.14 on the elevator!

Now it is suddenly announced that the elevator can only carry eight people, no matter what, I, the last one to get on the elevator, should also take the initiative to get down! He Fan shook his head and explained with a wry smile after hearing the comfort from the leader's wife.

"So do you have plans for the future?
Do you have any ideas of your own? "The big leader asked with concern after hearing He Fan's explanation.

He Fan was very moved when he heard that the big leader cared about him. He knew that the big leader wanted to make arrangements for him while he was still in the position, and then said with a smile, "I'm just a cook, it's the same everywhere of!

Besides, I stayed in the State Guest House for more than a year, and many units outside rushed to get it! "

"That's true! You really don't have to worry about not having a unit to accept it!" He Fan's explanation, the leader and his wife looked at each other and smiled, and said with a smile.

He's been jumping up and down looking for a relationship recently, trying to get me back to the rolling mill!
It is said that he also arranged for me to be treated as the deputy director of the rolling mill, responsible for the logistics work! He Fan suddenly thought of something, and then said with a smile.

When He Fan mentioned this matter, he was a little confused, and wanted to ask the big leader to give his opinion.

Hearing He Fan's words, the big leader and his wife's eyes lit up, and they said happily, "This is a good thing!"

"Uncle, Auntie, you think this way because you don't know what Director Li is like. He is too shrewd and self-interested, and he is more eager for quick success, so he is not a good leader!" He Fan explained with a wry smile when he heard the happy expressions of the two leaders. Said.

"And the most important thing is that if I take the opportunity to climb up now, when another group of people turn over, will they think I'm a villain, but it will be really miserable!"

Hearing He Fan's explanation, the big leader smiled disapprovingly and said, "Zhuzi, you think too highly of yourself!
You have to know that you are just a cook after all, if you are the deputy director or not, you won't lose anything anyway!What is there to be afraid of! "

(End of this chapter)

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