Self-cultivation of the Siheyuan God of War

Chapter 182 The Uncle 1 Who Has Figured It Out

Chapter 182
The neighbors in the courtyard looked over in surprise when the elder Yi Zhonghai brought back a two or three-year-old boy.

"Old Yi, who are you?" The Third Master Yan Banggui looked at the returning Eldest Master in surprise, and asked suspiciously.

"This is my son, Yi Xiaochuan! Xiaochuan, he is called the third master!" Seeing the curiosity of the neighbors and hearing the confusion of the third master Yan Banggui, the first master said happily.

"Hello, third master!" Yi Xiaochuan said in a childlike and obedient voice when he heard the elder master's words.

"Ah? Good! Xiao Chuan is so good!" Hearing the explanation from the first master Yi Zhonghai, the third master Yan Banggui widened his eyes in surprise, then looked at the well-behaved little milk baby Yi Xiaochuan, and responded with a smile.

Hearing the conversation between the first master Yi Zhonghai and the third master Yan Banggui, the neighbors in the courtyard looked over in surprise.

For so many years, my uncle has not had any children of his own, and he adopted his own nephew a while ago, but failed. I really did not expect to adopt a child so suddenly.

Qin Huairu and Jia Zhang, who heard the movement, looked over in surprise. Isn't this going to the street to seek justice for their family?Why suddenly adopted a child.

Seeing Qin Huairu's and Jia Zhang's suspicious eyes, the eldest master Yi Zhonghai suddenly felt a little embarrassed, after all, he hadn't done what their mother-in-law and daughter-in-law had entrusted him with, so he said to Qin Huairu, "Huairu, I just went to see you early in the morning. I found the director of the street. Anyway, this matter is quite complicated, and she has no solution!

Why don't you return the 20 yuan to Zheng San! "

Hearing the words of Eldest Master Yi Zhonghai, Qin Huairu felt a little uncomfortable, and his last hope was shattered. This is what provoked some plague god, and it seemed to wrap himself around him like a dog's skin plaster. Then he cried and said, "Mr., early in the morning I will return the money to Zheng San!

But Zheng San disagreed with his life and death, and insisted on having dinner at our house!
Uncle, what do you think about our orphans and widows? "

Hearing Qin Huairu's words, the elder Yi Zhonghai also felt overwhelmed. When Qin Huairu once again talked about orphans and widows, the elder was a little impatient. When he wanted to take advantage, why didn't he think that his own orphans and widows would cause trouble? !
"Huai Ru, I told you, this matter is very troublesome!
Why don't you wait for a month and stop accepting Zheng San's living expenses next month! Impatient in his heart, the elder Yi Zhonghai was a little rude when he spoke.

"Eh? That's the only way to go! Who is this child?" Qin Huairu heard the impatient tone of the elder Yi Zhonghai, then realized something was wrong, and hurriedly continued.

"My son, Yi Xiaochuan!" Hearing Qin Huairu's question, the uncle became happy, and then said with a smile.

The first mother had heard the movement in the yard a long time ago, but she was not in good health and didn't like the excitement very much, so she was the last one to come out to check the situation. When she saw her wife holding a little boy, her heart moved, and she asked excitedly. Said, "Old Yi, who is this child?"

"This is our son, Yi Xiaochuan! Xiaochuan, call mom!" Hearing his wife's doubts, the old man said with a smile.

"Mom!" Yi Xiaochuan obediently shouted in a childish voice.

The first time I heard the call of my dream, the first mother shed tears excitedly, quickly took Yi Xiaochuan, and said excitedly, "Son, my son!

Old Yi, you finally figured it out!

I've been waiting for this day for so long! "

Hearing the aunt complaining about him, the elder Yi Zhonghai was also very annoyed, he lowered his proud head unconsciously, apologized in a low voice, "I'm sorry, I was wrong!"

Qin Huairu looked at the happy family of the elder brother in front of her, and felt very painful in her heart, because she knew that the elder master Yi Zhonghai would never take care of her family like before.

What kind of Tai Sui has happened in the past two years? First, Shazhu moved out of the courtyard, and now the uncle has started to adopt children, and my family has provoked a stinky shit like Zheng San again. How can I be so unlucky!

Jia Zhang who was on the side couldn't see the grandpa's happy look, and cursed in a low voice, "Damn Yi Zhonghai, I don't know where to bring back a wild child, and even take him as a treasure!

It doesn't matter about our family anymore!

No, I really can't swallow this breath!

I must make Zheng San pay the price! "

Hearing his mother-in-law Jia Zhang's curse, Qin Huairu had long been used to it, and didn't bother to answer her unreasonable troubles.

The third master also showed a smile when he saw how much the first master and the first mother loved Yi Xiaochuan, and then said to the third mother beside him with emotion, "This old Yi finally figured it out!

If he had been adopted a few years earlier, how old would the child be now!

However, it is not too late now!
This is called "remedial after a dead sheep", it's not too late! "

"Yeah! I've always wondered about this old man, no matter what, he doesn't want to adopt a child, and I don't know what he thinks!" Hearing the emotion of the third master Yan Banggui, the third mother said with the same emotion.

After discussing with the big leaders, He Fan finally figured it out. Since he has the opportunity to climb to a high position, he doesn't need to be hesitant to be afraid of wolves and tigers.

Even if after the hurricane passes, I will be wiped out, and I have a big leader as the backstage, and I can still go smoothly.

After figuring it out, He Fan contacted Director Li directly. Although this Director Li is lustful and unscrupulous, his ability to do things is indeed very strong!

He Fan's consent was obtained here, and He Fan's transfer order came down there.

Looking at his own transfer order in front of him, He Fan was very moved. He went around the state guest house and finally returned to the rolling mill, and became the deputy director of the rolling mill like a king returning.

With happy things, He Fan wanted to find someone to share with, and then thought of his cheap younger sister He Yushui, who is still stupidly unaware that she has moved!
"Brother, you are so awesome!

How could you buy such a big house without making a sound?
how did you do it? "He Yushui followed He Fan to his brother's new home in a daze, widened his eyes in surprise, and said full of praise.

"My God! It's really not easy for you to say that you admire your brother!" He Fan said with a wry smile when he heard his younger sister He Yushui's praise for him.

"Hmph! Can this be my fault?
Don't you look at what you did before?

Can I admire it? He Yushui retorted disapprovingly when he heard his elder brother He Fan complaining to him.

Hearing his younger sister He Yushui's rebuttal to him, He Fan smiled helplessly and looked at his brother-in-law, Xiao Pianjing, before shaking his head unconsciously.

"Yu Shui, help me wash the vegetables in the kitchen later! Our guests will come back later!" He Fan said, looking at the silly younger sister in front of him.


"My nobleman, you can just call him uncle and aunt!
Don't inquire about the rest! He Fan ordered after hearing his younger sister He Yushui's doubts.

Not long after, the leader and his wife came to He Fan's new home in GAZ 69. The wife of the leader exclaimed, "Zhuzi, no wonder you miss this house! It's really beautiful! "

"Haha, that's right! My eyesight is still good!" He Fan said with a smile when he heard the admiration from the leader's wife.

"Uncle, aunt, this is my sister He Yushui and her brother-in-law!"

After introducing the leader and his sister's family, the leader and his wife visited He Fan's new home!
He Fan and his younger sister He Yushui hurried back to the kitchen to cook, and quickly made a sumptuous dinner.

(End of this chapter)

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