Chapter 183
After a sumptuous dinner, the cheap sister He Yushui didn't even wash the dishes, so she proposed to go home, euphemistically saying that the little policeman had to go to work early, but He Fan sent He Yushui and the little policeman away without saying anything. up.

When he got home, he saw the leader and his wife drinking tea and eating fruits leisurely, He Fan smiled happily, "Uncle, aunt, why don't you just stay and sleep with me today!

I have a room for you on the first floor, why don't you go and have a look? "

Hearing He Fan's words, the leader and his wife looked at each other with bright eyes, and then the wife of the leader said with some joy, "Oh? You reserved a room for us, take me to see it!"

He Fan brought the chief's wife to the bedroom on the first floor, and after seeing the brand new bedding, the chief's wife smiled and said, "Zhu Zi, you really have a heart!

Even the bedding here is brand new! "

"I just thought, you and my uncle, when you have nothing to do, you can come to my place to sit or stay for a while. It is very convenient to prepare some things in advance!" He Fan heard the emotion of the leader's wife. Explained with a smile.

Seeing that He Fan was so sincere in keeping them, the couple who had not had their children by their side for a long time were delighted to stay.

"Zhuzi, you're going to take up the post in the rolling mill soon, do you have any plans?" The big leader sipped tea leisurely while playing Go with He Fan, and then asked casually.

"Uncle, I think so!
Anyway, I am not familiar with the business of the rolling mill, and I happen to be in charge of the logistics, so I am going to set up a factory to run a farm and do some side jobs!
Like raising pigs, raising chickens, growing greenhouse vegetables and so on!

This will also allow the logistics of the rolling mill to be partially self-sufficient. If there is any surplus, you can also exchange some supplies with brothers! "Hearing the big leader's question, He Fan was prepared and explained with a smile.

Hearing He Fan's career plan, the big leader was completely surprised. He thought he was just asking casually, but He Fan actually gave a satisfactory answer, "Zhuzi, I really didn't expect you to think so clearly!
The situation at this stage is to do more and make more mistakes, and to do less and make fewer mistakes. It’s not bad if you don’t do it!

But your starting a farm has indeed avoided all sensitive issues, no matter what the result is, you can remain invincible!
Originally, I was still a little worried about your job in the rolling mill!

Now it seems that I am completely worrying too much! "

"Uncle can care about me, it's too late for me to be happy!

How can you worry too much!
However, the biggest problem now is Director Li. I don't know if he will support it! He Fan said with a smile after hearing what the big leader said.

"Hmm! What you said is also a problem!
But according to your description, Director Li is not a fool. He has no reason to disagree with such a good plan! Hearing He Fan's worries, the big leader analyzed with a smile.

"Tomorrow when I return to the rolling mill, I will raise this matter with Director Li!

If he disagrees, I'll just give up and just manage the logistics and canteen! "After hearing the analysis of the big leader, He Fan also believed that the surnamed Li would agree, and then still made the worst plan.

Hearing what He Fan said, the big leader laughed and said happily, "You probably think about defeat before thinking about victory, so you can win every battle!
I never thought you could have a political mind! "

When Jia Zhang saw that his elder brother Yi Zhonghai no longer cared about his family affairs, the more he thought about it, the more he felt angry. He didn't expect that this new neighbor Zheng San would dare to bully him, so he had to do something to make this Zheng San pay. cost!
During dinner, Zheng San came to Qinhuai Ru's house to eat like a normal person. Jia Zhang looked at Zheng San in front of him, felt the pain on his face, and felt more and more hatred in his heart!
I can't wait to tear up this Zheng San now!
Finally, when dinner was over, Mrs. Jia Zhang lay on the bed as usual, but she was thinking about how to deal with Zheng San.

Seeing that Qin Huairu and the three children had fallen asleep, Jia Zhang took out the photo of Bai Ling and her son Jia Dongxu that she had prepared long ago.

When I walked out of the room, I saw that the neighbors had already turned off the lights and went to bed. After all, it was very late.

Mrs. Jia Zhang tiptoed to the door of Zheng San's house, hung the white silk in front of Zheng San's door, and then stood at the front door of Zheng San with the photo of her son Jia Dongxu in her arms, cursing in a whisper.

Zheng San drank some wine tonight and was falling asleep in a daze, but he suddenly heard a strange sound, which annoyed Zheng San, who was sleeping soundly, and got up angrily to check.

Opening the door, Zheng San, who was dazed and staring, saw Jia Zhang holding a posthumous photo and the white silk hanging on the door of his house. Zheng San was suddenly frightened and yelled, and rushed directly to Jia Zhang who kept cursing. Shi, fought without hesitation.

After a few hits, Jia Zhang was knocked unconscious, and Zheng San stopped what he was doing, and gasped for breath.

The neighbors in the courtyard who heard the movement put on their clothes and ran out in confusion. When they saw Jia Zhang who was unconscious and Zheng San who was still in shock, they all cried out in surprise, "Killer!"

The police soon arrived at the courtyard house. Mrs. Jia Zhang had already been sent to the hospital by her neighbors. After understanding the cause and effect, the police were also very surprised, so they had to take Zheng San to the police station and lock him up.

"This Jiazhang family is getting more and more outrageous, even blatantly engaging in feudal superstition!
I don't even know what year it is! "The second uncle, Liu Haizhong, looked at the chaotic courtyard and thought of Mrs. Jia Zhang lying in the hospital, complaining angrily.

"Old Liu, stop complaining!

I heard that Jia Zhang's injury was too serious this time, it may be more or less auspicious! "The second aunt said with some lingering fear when she heard her wife's complaint.

Hearing the second aunt's words, the second uncle Liu Haizhong's eyes widened in surprise, and he said in disbelief, "No way! Zheng San is so ruthless!"

The third master Yan Banggui at the side heard the conversation between the second master and the two, but he sighed and said, "I suddenly saw Jia Zhang's appearance in the middle of the night, anyone would be scared to death!

It is not a loss for Jia Zhang to be beaten to death! "

"Yes! Mrs. Jia Zhang is too much!
Living in a courtyard, I didn't expect to play this trick! "

"However, this new Zheng San is too cruel!

You haven't seen Jia Zhang's body covered in blood, it's scary! "

"That's right! Isn't this Zheng San a security captain!
How could you be so careless! "

Hearing the comments of the neighbors in the courtyard, the elder Yi Zhonghai felt a little sad, and suddenly thought of He Fan who left inexplicably. If he was there, probably all the troubles would not exist. If something happened, He Fan would not can help.

Unlike when he saw Jia Zhang's miserable appearance just now, the great master Yi Zhonghai asked Xu Damao to send Jia Zhang to the hospital, but he was unwilling.

In the end, in desperation, the first uncle had to take out the money and hand it to Yan Jiecheng of the third uncle's family, and called Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu from the second uncle's family to send the unconscious Jia Zhang to the hospital.

The hurricane outside was blowing more and more fiercely, and when the courtyard did not calm down, the uncle Yi Zhonghai suddenly decided to resign the uncle as soon as possible so that he could be clean.

(End of this chapter)

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