Self-cultivation of the Siheyuan God of War

Chapter 184 Jia Zhang is the Unbeatable Xiaoqiang

Chapter 184 Jia Zhang is the Unbeatable Xiaoqiang

Although Qin Huairu insisted on coming to work in the rolling mill, he was absent-mindedly thinking about his mother-in-law Jia Zhang. Shi sent the idea to the countryside.

It's really that this Jia Zhang family is too troublesome to think of such an excellent way to punish Zheng San. She may have mistakenly thought that Zheng San is also a good old man like He Fan!

Then again, the vitality of this Jiazhang family is really tenacious, just like Xiaoqiang who can't be beaten to death. Under extreme fear, Zheng San punched and kicked mercilessly, and even knocked Jiazhang's family unconscious In the past, appearances were just some scary-looking but not fatal skin trauma.

Qin Huairu, who was thinking about something, didn't notice that Liu Lan, the big mouth in the cafeteria, ran to the workshop in a hurry, and said to the absent-minded Qin Huairu, "Qin Huairu, you are still working here! There is a big accident in our rolling mill!"

Hearing Liu Lan's bluff, Qin Huairu woke up from deep thinking, and said with a forced smile, "I'm just an ordinary worker. No matter how big things happen in the rolling mill, it has nothing to do with me. Go big!"

Hearing Qin Huairu's disapproving words, Liu Lan showed a surprised expression, and explained in an exaggerated tone, "Of course it has something to do with you! The old fool has returned to the rolling mill! Do you think it has something to do with you? "

Hearing Liu Lan's explanation, Qin Huairu was really surprised, his heart moved involuntarily, and then he said doubtfully, "Ah? Sha Zhu was kicked out of the State Guest House?"

Hearing Qin Huairu speculate about He Fan's unbearable situation, Liu Lan realized that Qin Huairu and He Fan had long been strangers, and then suddenly felt a little dispirited and said, "What! Shazhu was invited back by Director Li to be the deputy director of the rolling mill, mainly responsible for logistics work!

How about it?Great!
I thought you and Sha Zhu still had a good relationship!

It seems that you guys are breaking up too!
It's really disappointing that you can't grasp such a high-quality man! "

After Liu Lan finished speaking with emotion, she ignored Qin Huairu and the other workers in the workshop, and left directly.

Hearing the conversation between Liu Lan and Qin Huairu, the workers in the workshop exploded, "This He Yuzhu is too good!
Not only became the royal chef of the State Guest House, but also became the deputy director of the rolling mill in the blink of an eye!

It's like the return of the king! "

Hearing the surprised comments of the workers, Qin Huairu felt the pain in her heart that only she could understand, and then she was alone there feeling sad.

The great master Yi Zhonghai also heard the news about Liu Lan with a big mouth. The surprise and regret in his heart were not much less than that of Qin Huairu. What kind of deputy director?"

Hearing the uncle's question, looking up at the uncle Yi Zhonghai, Qin Huairu forced a smile and said, "Yes! Silly Zhu is getting more and more promising!

But he may never look up to us poor neighbors! "

He didn't care about the jealousy in Qin Huairu's words. When the elder Yi Zhonghai heard Qin Huairu's exact answer, only shock and regret remained in his heart. He shouldn't have fooled He Fan like a fool at the beginning, otherwise he wouldn't be like today Same, making the relationship so stiff!

Director Li happily brought He Fan to the office prepared by He Fan, and then explained with some embarrassment, "Director He, you know the conditions in our rolling mill are poor!

I can only separate a room next to this small warehouse as an office for you, and I hope you don't mind, after all, the other deputy directors are crowded into a big office. "

After hearing Director Li's explanation, He Fan smiled indifferently, "This is already very good! I'm not a big shot!"

Then He Fan set his eyes on a large pile of books in the small warehouse next to him, and asked suspiciously, "Director Li, what are these books all about?"

Hearing He Fan's doubts, Director Li also looked over, and then explained with a smile, "These are illegal books that were recently confiscated in the living and working area near the rolling mill!

Then they are temporarily stored here in our rolling mill! "

After hearing Director Li's explanation, He Fan suddenly realized that these books were confiscated due to the impact of the hurricane!
Seeing He Fan's expression of interest in front of him, Director Li's heart moved, and then he said with a meaningful smile, "Looking at Director He's consciousness, you are very interested in these books?"

Hearing Director Li's meaningful words, He Fan knew that this guy didn't have good intentions, but he didn't worry about it, and then asked with a smile, "I'm just a cook, and I don't know what a word is when the pole falls down!
But speaking of it, I am really curious about this kind of books being placed here! "

After He Fan finished speaking, he went straight to the pile of books and read them openly. He couldn't show any guilt in front of villains. He quickly found a set of textbooks, and then jokingly said to Director Li, "Director Li , come and see!
This seems to be a whole set of textbooks from elementary school to high school, and this will be confiscated, which is too outrageous! "

Hearing He Fan's exaggerated words, Director Li also looked over curiously, and found that it was an ordinary textbook, and then explained with some embarrassment, "Maybe some illiterate guy made a mistake!"

"Haha, it just so happens that I always feel that my cultural level is too low. With this set of textbooks, I can pass the boring time!" Seeing Director Li's embarrassment, He Fan said with a smile.

"Director Li, I'm back at the rolling mill this time, and I want to build a farm in the wasteland behind the rolling mill, raise some pigs and chickens, or grow greenhouse vegetables or something!

In this way, not only can our rolling mill be partially self-sufficient, but we can also have surplus to exchange materials with brother units. Maybe our rolling mill can show its face! "He Fan suddenly said something serious to Director Li beside him.

Hearing He Fan's plan, Director Li didn't pay much attention at first, but after a while, Director Li suddenly realized that this is a good opportunity to make meritorious deeds, which will definitely brighten his future.

With his own consideration, Director Li said happily, "Director He, your plan is indeed very good!

If you write a proposal, I'll think about it again! "

After hearing Director Li's words, He Fan was already prepared, and handed the written proposal directly to Director Li in front of him, "It's already been written, why don't Director Li take a look first?"

Surprised to accept the plan handed over by He Fan, Director Li looked at it curiously. When he saw the detailed and specific plan, Director Li showed a shocked and excited expression as if he had seen a great contribution. He said in admiration, "Director He, your plan is too detailed!

It is too easy to operate according to the plan!
It seems that Director He has sent a big gift to our rolling mill! "

(End of this chapter)

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