Self-cultivation of the Siheyuan God of War

Chapter 185 The Stupid Man Who Made a Big Mistake

Chapter 185 The Stupid Man Who Made a Big Mistake

Director Li acted very quickly. As soon as he got the plan prepared by He Fan, he quickly got the materials He Fan needed to build the farm.

The whole rolling mill did not deliberately conceal that the newly appointed He Fan wanted to build a farm and engage in some farming sidelines. The rolling mill workers were a little surprised and did not understand when they heard the news.

After all, in their cognition, it is enough to be their workers in the workshop and complete the tasks assigned by their superiors on time.

They are not farmers, and suddenly they were asked to raise pigs, chickens, and even grow vegetables in greenhouses, and they all rebelled against each other.

"You idiot, you don't know what's going on in your head!

What kind of farms are suddenly set up, are we workers supposed to be farmers?

Anyway, I won't go! "

"Yeah! I thought this silly Zhu had become a royal chef!

It should be smarter, but I didn't expect to be so ignorant! "

"If none of us workers are willing to go, will the factory recruit a group of new workers, and then go to work on the farm?
You must know that our rolling mill has not hired newcomers for several years! "

"Yeah! Why didn't I remember it!
It is very likely that this is an opportunity, who doesn't have a relative who needs to work!
However, the premise is that we must persevere and not go to that so-called farm.

Regardless of whether the farm plan dies or recruits another worker, it will be good for us! "

People's mentality is so complicated. The rolling mill has been reducing production recently. Suddenly there is a farm project that can inject some vitality into the rolling mill. It is beneficial to everyone, but the workers in the rolling mill are still reluctant to accept it for a while.

He Fan didn't pay too much attention to the workers' confrontation. He just shook his head and smiled, and continued to care about the establishment of the farm.

"Director He, I heard that the workers below are talking about it, and it seems that they don't understand your farm plan!" Deputy Director Nie, another deputy director of the rolling mill, suddenly said to He Fan who was working with a smile.

He Fan smiled when he heard Deputy Director Nie's words, and then explained, "I didn't plan to select workers from the original workers to work on the farm, nor did I plan to recruit new ones, so they are bound to be disappointed!"

Hearing He Fan's relaxed reaction and explanation to the workers' resistance, Deputy Director Nie was surprised, and said suspiciously, "There are no workers going to the farm, so why does Director He want to settle the big mess of the farm all by himself? Immortal Da Luo can't do it either!"

"Haha, Deputy Director Nie! Do you think I, He Yuzhu, look like a self-tortured person?

As for the workers on the farm, someone will take the initiative to send them over! He Fan said with a smile when he heard Deputy Director Nie's surprised words, but he didn't explain his plan in detail because he was too sensitive.

When the hurricane hit, so many people stepped down. With Director Li's opportunistic ability, he would definitely take the initiative to accept these people, and then arrange them to work on the farm.

In the future, the current rebellious psychology of the rolling mill workers will soon wait until the harvest season on the farm, and they will definitely regret their actions today!
Deputy Director Nie was a little confused when he heard He Fan's pretending to be calm.

Deputy Director Nie also has a backer, and he was warned by his backer that the He Fan in front of him is not as simple as a simple cook, and needs to have a good relationship with He Fan.

Only then did we have the conversation just now. I wanted to remind He Fan, but unexpectedly, it made me even more confused.

Jia Zhang stayed in the hospital for more than ten days, and then was discharged.

The police were very troubled with this matter. Both parties had their own mistakes, so they could only find the sub-district office to deal with it together. In the end, Zheng San was asked to compensate for the medical expenses, plus 100 yuan!
Seeing that she had received such a large amount of compensation, Jia Zhang was already happy, and happily accepted the compensation and adjustment.

Seeing Jia Zhang's face, the director of the street only felt disgusted, and then warned angrily, "Jia Zhang, because your behavior is a feudal superstition activity, and its nature is very bad.

Now it's just because of your serious injury, let you go home temporarily to recuperate!

After two months, he will serve three months in prison! "

Jia Zhang, who was originally full of joy, suddenly widened his eyes in surprise when he heard what the street director said, and said in disbelief, "Ah! I was beaten by Zheng San!
How come I'm going to jail instead?
Are you bullying me, a lonely old woman who is ignorant? "

Hearing Mrs. Jia Zhang's words, the policemen and street directors present were all amused, and the street director sneered and said, "Mr. Jia Zhang, do you not understand human speech?
Zheng San hit you, and he will compensate you for all your medical expenses and 100 yuan, which is all accepted by you yourself!
But if you engage in feudal superstition in the middle of the night, it is your personal illegal and criminal behavior, and of course you will be punished! "

Hearing the director's explanation, Jia Zhang was completely dumbfounded, and then stammered, "Then I don't want the money anymore!

Don't you have to go to jail? "

Hearing that Mrs. Jia Zhang still didn't understand, the policeman who came to deal with the problem and the director of the street looked at each other with helpless smiles, and the policeman then explained, "Whether you accept the 100 yuan or not has nothing to do with whether you are punished or not." of!

If you don't accept the adjustment and the 100 yuan, we will just punish the three of them. Do you understand this explanation? "

Jia Zhang understood everything, but deliberately confused the public to avoid punishment. Hearing the same explanation from the police, Jia Zhang completely lost his temper.

The farm has been built, and Director Li has received a large number of decentralized cadres as expected.

Looking at the group of devolved people in front of him, He Fan wanted to go up and take the initiative to establish a good relationship.

However, seeing the disinterested expressions of these people, He Fan realized that he had made a serious mistake belatedly.

This time, when I returned to the rolling mill, my biggest motivation was to know that the rolling mill would receive a large number of decentralized cadres.

He Fan just wanted to have a good relationship with them, and set up a cold stove in advance, so that after the hurricane, he could still get their rewards.

But seeing the real situation now, He Fan realized that although they were sent down temporarily, their arrogance and self-esteem were not affected at all, and they would not take He Fan as a cook seriously.

After understanding it, He Fan no longer has the intention to take care of them intentionally, as long as he acts according to the rules, anyway, he has the support of a big leader, so he doesn't need to work hard to please others.

"I won't say anything more than that!
The rolling mill farm is a new project, and no one knows what the prospects are, so I won't give you any encouragement or anything!
However, I don't think you need any encouragement!
Let's all go to work! He Fan looked at the crowd in front of him and said with a smile.

Director Yang, the former director of the rolling mill, was actually in the crowd. Looking at his expression with his head bowed and looking away, He Fan knew that this old leader also couldn't accept his current promotion.

For these, He Fan just shook his head helplessly, arranged their work, and left directly.

(End of this chapter)

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