Self-cultivation of the Siheyuan God of War

Chapter 186 Silly Zhu vs Liu Haizhong

Chapter 186 Silly Zhu vs Liu Haizhong

With this batch of highly educated and capable "workers", the farm quickly got on the right track.

He Fan now hides in the office every day and reads that set of textbooks, and reads some "special books" when no one is around. He is living a very comfortable life.

However, disturbing things will still exist. Director Li's greatest hobbies are beauties and food.

As for beautiful women, He Fan himself is very lacking and can only do nothing to help!
In terms of food, in order to keep my life comfortable, I can only occasionally use my housekeeping skills to let Director Li eat delicious food and save face.

He Fan, who was reading the "special book", heard footsteps, and quickly took out the high school textbook he had prepared a long time ago, and put it on top of the "special book".

"Director He, something happened on the farm!

Team Leader Liu of the Security Section wants to take people to the streets!
Go and have a look! "A worker rushed to He Fan in a hurry and explained anxiously.

He Fan got up quickly when he heard that it was about the farm, and then asked suspiciously, "Group leader Liu? When did the security department come to have a group leader Liu?"

Hearing He Fan's doubts, the worker quickly explained, "It's Liu Haizhong, who was recently appointed by Director Li as the team leader for the security department!"

He Fan smiled silently when he heard that it was the second uncle Liu Haizhong. It seems that the second uncle, who is an official fan, has become the leader as he wished, but he doesn't know how long he can be!

"Then who is Group Leader Liu going to take to parade this time?" After thinking about it, He Fan asked suspiciously.

"It seems to be an elderly couple at the vegetable shed. I heard that they used to be university professors!" After hearing He Fan's question, the worker told what he knew.

After knowing the information he wanted to know, along the way, He Fan didn't ask any more questions, and came directly to the farm, and then saw the second uncle Liu Haizhong with his hands behind his back, waiting for He Fan's arrival.

Liu Guangfu and Liu Guangtian on the side pulled a bunch of elderly couples, pushing and shoving them, and shouting and cursing.

"Hehe, the second uncle has not seen you for a while, you have been promoted!
What a joy! "He Fan said sarcastically when he saw the demeanor of the father and son of the second uncle Liu Haizhong.

"Silly Zhu, my dad is now the team leader of the security department!
Directly under the leadership of Director Li of the rolling mill, so you ask the workers on your farm to get out of the way, and we will take these two away! "

When the second uncle Liu Haizhong heard He Fan's words, he didn't hear the irony. Instead, he was a little complacent, but he just raised his head higher, and then Liu Guangfu sneered at He Fan quickly.

Seeing the villain's demeanor in Liu Haizhong, the second uncle, and hearing Liu Guangfu's arrogant words, He Fan laughed, went directly to Liu Guangfu, slapped him hard, and cursed sharply, "No! Well-educated! I have heard that you, Liu Guangfu, are arrogant, but today I see that you are just an uneducated guy!"

When Liu Haizhong saw that He Fan hit his son Liu Guangfu directly, he felt scared and angry, and then said threateningly, "Silly Zhu, don't take it too seriously!

I am directly under the leadership of Director Li!

You'd better be smart, if you dare to cover up these people who have made mistakes, you will regret it! "

Hearing the second uncle Liu Haizhong's threat to him, He Fan also slapped Liu Haizhong directly on the face. Seeing how shocked Liu Haizhong was after being slapped, He Fan sneered and said, "Liu Haizhong, call you two The uncle is saving face for you!
You can let the farm workers go to the streets if you want, but the three of you, father and son, must stay in the pigpen on the farm to clean up!

If you don't want to stay, then get out of here! "

Hearing He Fan's words, the second uncle Liu Haizhong covered his face angrily, pointed at He Fan in shock, and said threateningly, "Silly, wait for me!

I'm going to find Director Li right now, and you just wait to be turned into your stinky cook! "

After Liu Haizhong threatened, Liu Guangfu and Liu Guangtian left the farm in fear, and He Fan looked at the "workers" who were watching around, and He Fan didn't have any intention of friendship, he just said loudly, "Everyone go back to work! Stop hanging around here!"

Seeing the crowd dispersed by him, He Fan looked at the unfamiliar old couple who were the protagonists of the incident. He Fan didn't say anything, just smiled, then turned and left directly.

"It seems that this deputy director surnamed He treats us very favorably!

Should be a nice guy! "The old woman said to her husband next to her, smiling and whispering.

Hearing his wife's praise to He Fan, the elderly man said angrily, "What do you know!
They are completely dog-eat-dog!None of them are good things!

This man surnamed He is just a poor cook who doesn't cook well and wants to be an official!

He doesn't piss to take care of himself, isn't it that piece of material! "

Hearing her husband's evaluation of He Fan, the wife agreed very much, but she still reminded her in a low voice, "Keep your voice down! I don't know that walls have ears, and you don't think our family is too much trouble!
Besides, our daughter seems to have a good impression of this He Yuzhu.

If we can get married, it will be good for our family too! "

Hearing his wife's words, the husband said angrily, "You are still a university professor, why are you so short-sighted!

Our Qiuye is such a good girl, you actually want to let Qiuye marry this uneducated cook!

You don't really think that his surname He can be rampant for a long time, do you?

You know, one day there will be a time to set things right. When that time comes, what will our Qiuye do? "

Hearing his wife's analysis, the wife also agreed in her heart, but sighed silently.

He Fan returned to his office and started reading again. As for Liu Haizhong's threat to him, He Fan didn't take it to heart.

He Fan is not an official fan who fights for power and profit, and he is too lazy to compete with Director Li for the current "chicken ribs". As long as he gets through this hurricane comfortably, he will have a way to really take off after the hurricane passes.

The second uncle Liu Haizhong angrily brought his two sons to Director Li's office, and sued He Fan hoarsely.

Hearing Liu Haizhong's complaint, Director Li didn't say anything. He just leaned back on the chair and thought deeply. He Fan's behavior today was all weird.

It seems that He Fan also attaches great importance to the value of these "special workers", but he didn't expect that He Fan would treat these university professors very preferentially.

In fact, Director Li is reluctant to get He Fan down now. You must know that now that he is in control of the rolling mill, he often needs to entertain other like-minded partners. I can't bear it.

"Group Leader Liu, I understand what you said!

Maybe Director He was too anxious about the work of the farm, so he didn't pay attention to this method!
How about this!You go back to rest first, and leave the next thing to me!
Don't worry, I will ask Director He to give you an explanation! With a judgment in his heart, Director Li smiled and comforted Liu Haizhong in front of him.

Hearing that Director Li comforted him, he didn't directly ask for justice for him, the second uncle Liu Haizhong was very helpless, but he didn't dare to contradict Director Li, so he could only accept his fate and let it go.

The father and son of Liu Haizhong, who returned to the courtyard, all lowered their heads at the same time, which made the neighbors who have been used to the mighty Liu Haizhong's family for a while feel a little weird.

"Old Liu, what's wrong with you three?" the third master Yan Banggui asked suspiciously.

"It's nothing!" Hearing the third master Yan Banggui's question, the second master Liu Haizhong felt even more ashamed, but said copingly.

Seeing Liu Haizhong's behavior, it must be very embarrassing for the third master Yan Banggui not to ask more questions.

Back home, she wished she could find a mouse hole in her bangs. The second aunt looked at the father and son who came back in doubt, and then asked blankly, "Old Liu, what's wrong with you three?"

Hearing his wife's question, the second uncle Liu Haizhong said angrily, "It's all that idiot, I don't know what kind of nerves, beat me and Guangfu!"

Hearing the second uncle Liu Haizhong's explanation, the second aunt's eyes widened in surprise, and she said in disbelief, "Isn't he the deputy director of your rolling mill? Why are you messing with him?"

Hearing that his wife didn't understand him, the second uncle Liu Haizhong became even more angry, and said angrily, "Who am I to provoke him!
It's obvious that he, the idiot, saw me as an official and deliberately found fault with me!
Don't worry, as long as it falls into my hands, I will definitely make this idiot pay the price! "

(End of this chapter)

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