Chapter 187

After work, He Fan rode his bicycle and walked leisurely on his way home, but he hadn't left the rolling mill for long before he was stopped by Ran Qiuye, who hadn't appeared in front of him for a long time.

Seeing the beautiful Ran Qiuye in front of him, He Fan became happy from the bottom of his heart. This time he didn't go to Hong Kong Island, so he should be able to combine with Ran Qiuye!
"Teacher Ran, long time no see! Are you busy?" He Fan looked at the beautiful Ran Qiuye and said with a smile.

"Comrade He, hello! parents are working on your farm at the rolling mill right now and I want to meet them!

Not sure if this is possible? "Ran Qiuye said hesitantly.

He Fan's heart skipped a beat when he heard Ran Qiuye's words, and he couldn't help but think of the old couple in the vegetable shed.

I really didn't expect that they were Ran Qiuye's parents. It seemed that there was really a fate. After a long circle, I and Ran Qiuye might really become husband and wife.

After all, I just rescued Ran Qiuye's parents a few days ago, so I can be regarded as a lifesaver!

"Of course! How about I take you there now?" He Fan said with a relaxed smile.

Hearing He Fan's agreement, Ran Qiuye said excitedly, "Is it really possible? Will it cause you any trouble?"

"No! It's not as exaggerated as you think, it's just a meeting!" He Fan was very moved when he heard Ran Qiuye's concern for him, whether it was true or false.

"Then thank you Comrade He!" Ran Qiuye said sincerely.

For Ran Qiuye's thanks, He Fan didn't say anything, just smiled, and then pushed the bicycle, took Ran Qiuye back to the rolling mill, and rushed to the vegetable shed on the farm.

In fact, it would be faster for He Fan to take Ran Qiuye with him on a bicycle, but He Fan wanted to chat with the beauty for a while, so he deliberately pushed the bicycle and ran Qiuye on foot.

To He Fan's disappointment, the gate of the rolling mill was not far from the farm's vegetable shed, and the happy time soon ended.

When Ran's father and ran's mother saw their daughter Ran Qiuye who appeared suddenly, they were so excited that they burst into tears, but Ran Qiuye's father's inadvertently defensive eyes towards He Fan made He Fan feel very uncomfortable.

"Qiuye, why did you come here? You are such a silly child!" Ran Qiuye's mother looked at her daughter excitedly and complained.

Hearing her mother's complaints, Ran Qiuye didn't pay attention, she just cried and explained, "Mom and Dad, I miss you!
I heard that you were sent to the rolling mill, so I thought I could ask Comrade He to take me to see you!

I really didn't expect that Comrade He really brought me in, otherwise I would have brought you some clothes! "

Hearing Ran Qiuye's explanation, Ran Qiuye's parents thanked He Fan and said, "Thank you Director He! This is the second time you have helped our couple!"

"I'm friends with Ran Qiuye, these are trivial things!

It's just a little effort, don't need to care too much! He Fan said with a smile for the gratitude of Ran Qiuye's parents.

Hearing He Fan's words, Ran Qiuye's father suddenly said embarrassedly, "Director He, can we have a conversation with Qiuye alone?"

He Fan smiled when he heard Ran Qiuye's father's request, and then agreed, "Of course!"

After He Fan finished speaking, he walked to the side and distanced himself from Ran Qiuye's family.

Seeing He Fan pulling away from him, Ran Qiuye's father suddenly complained and reprimanded his daughter, "Qiuye, why are you so ignorant!
Why are you involved with Director He? "

Hearing his father's reprimand, Ran Qiuye was suddenly at a loss, and said aggrievedly, "Comrade He is very nice!
You don't need to be too defensive about him!
Anyway, he can be regarded as our family's benefactor! "

Hearing her daughter's grievances, Ran Qiuye's mother also explained, "This He Yuzhu is now the deputy director of the rolling mill, but he is just a cook, and he has reached his current position without any ability, which is not a good thing!

When something happens to him one day, it will affect you! "

Hearing her mother's explanation, Ran Qiuye felt even more aggrieved, and retorted incomprehensibly, "Our family is like this now, so there is nothing to worry about!
With He Yuzhu, he doesn't dislike us causing trouble for him.

How can we conversely consider something that did not appear? "

"Hearing what you say, it means that you are still too young!

What we are experiencing now is completely temporary!
As long as we grit our teeth and persist to the end, we will be rehabilitated!

Now you can see that He Yuzhu's reputation is boundless. When these devolved people are rehabilitated again, will there be any good fruits for He Yuzhu?
Besides, he is just a cook, and he should just focus on cooking, but he wants to be a high-ranking official, isn't he looking for death? Hearing the incomprehension in his daughter Ran Qiuye's words, Ran Qiuye's father continued to explain patiently.

Hearing her father's explanation, Ran Qiuye's heart became a little looser, Ran Qiuye's mother saw her daughter was a little looser, and quickly tried to persuade her, "Silly boy, just listen to your father!
We are here for you too!

Marriage can't just be for a moment's glory, He Yuzhu was originally a good destination.

But now that he is involved in an officialdom that he shouldn't be involved in, he is doomed to ruin his reputation! "

"Remember! Don't come to see us again!

Don't have any contact with Director He any more. Even if you find an ordinary person to marry, your parents will support you!

This He Yuzhu is just a momentary villain's success, it won't last long! Seeing his daughter Ran Qiuye listening to his persuasion, Ran Qiuye's father concluded.

Seeing Ran Qiuye's distraught look beside him, He Fan thought she was sad about what happened to his parents, so he didn't think much about it, and then invited with a smile, "Teacher Ran, I moved to a new house some time ago, do you want to come to my house for a while? "

Hearing He Fan's invitation to her, Ran Qiuye, who was thinking about things, woke up, and then said with a forced smile, "No, thank you Director He for the invitation!
I just met my parents and felt a little uncomfortable. I want to go home and rest! "

He Fan is a very sensitive person. He heard Ran Qiuye change his address from Comrade He to Director He.

Although they are all the most common titles, He Fan is still aware of Ran Qiuye's estrangement from him, and he no longer has the sense of intimacy that he had at the beginning.

Thinking of this, He Fan guessed that her parents might have said something to her, and it was not difficult to guess, it was nothing more than words to prevent Ran Qiuye from interacting with him.

Realizing the sudden situation, He Fan, who was full of joy and waiting to hug the bride, smiled wryly. It seems that he and this Ran Qiuye are still not destined enough!
"If Teacher Ran is not feeling well, then hurry back and rest!
I just didn't think carefully! "He Fan said with a forced smile.

Everyone is a smart person. After hearing He Fan's forced smile, Ran Qiuye knew that He Fan knew his intention to refuse, and then felt a little embarrassed and said, "I'm sorry! Director He, you are a good person!
You will definitely meet your suitable other half! "

"Thank you Teacher Ran for your blessing! Let's part here!" He Fan thought everything through when he heard that Teacher Ran had issued a good card to him, and then said indifferently.

Hearing He Fan's farewell, and seeing the imminent departure, Ran Qiuye hurriedly said, "Director He, I want to bring some clothes to my parents tomorrow. I wonder if it's okay?"

He Fan smiled when he heard Ran Qiuye's request, and said, "Of course! Although we can't be husband and wife, we are still good friends, right!
If you need anything in the future, you can come and find me!
If I can help, I will definitely help! "

After He Fan finished speaking, he got on the bicycle gracefully and rode away.

It wasn't until this moment that He Fan realized that the fate is really wonderful.

In the original play, the relationship between Shazhu and Ran Qiuye came to an end due to the joint attack of the third master Yan Banggui and the scheming bitch Qin Huairu.

It was the first time to travel through the courtyard world, and because He Fan ran to Hong Kong Island early, He Fan always thought that he missed his marriage with Ran Qiuye.

This time I traveled through the courtyard world for the second time. I thought I would have a good relationship with Ran Qiuye, but I didn't expect that due to unknown reasons, it would be completely dead!
Seeing that there is no possibility for himself and Ran Qiuye, He Fan also has no interest in exploring the real reason.

I can drive back and forth through the three worlds from time to time, which is really not an urgent need for women.

This second trip through the courtyard world is the most meaningful to make Shazhu's life more exciting.

(End of this chapter)

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