Self-cultivation of the Siheyuan God of War

Chapter 188 The Self-righteous Qin Huairu

Chapter 188 The Self-righteous Qin Huairu
It would be unrealistic for He Fan to say that Ran Qiuye refused her own affairs, but He Fan was helpless, and if he wanted to stalk him to pursue it, He Fan would never be able to do it, and then he could only pretend to be chic and leave.

After letting go of Ran Qiuye's business, my life continued. The weather gradually turned cold, but the rolling mill became bustling.

The chicken farm started to produce a lot of eggs every day, and as time passed, the chicken farm produced more and more eggs, and the workers in the rolling mill began to be more and more surprised.

But today's vegetable greenhouses are also in the harvest season. Baskets of cucumbers, tomatoes, leeks and other green leafy vegetables were carried out by the farm workers. The workers in the rolling mill were finally completely shocked.

It turns out that the farm they have been avoiding like snakes and scorpions is not what they think is a chicken rib, but a real cornucopia!

At this moment, they regretted the establishment of the farm, and they did not apply for transfer in the first time.

It's a pity that there is no regret medicine in this world, and they value themselves too much. He Fan didn't think about them at all.

Director Li looked at the scene of a bumper harvest in the farm in front of him, and the excitement in his heart was indescribable, and he cast his eyes on the calm and composed He Fan beside him, "Director He, I really have you!
In just a few months, the farm has had a bumper harvest, which is really unexpected! "

"Hehe, Director Li, this is just the beginning!
In the future, the scale can be increased, and the output will gradually increase!
In a few months, that is, at the end of the year, when these big fat pigs are also out of the slaughterhouse, that will be the real shock! He Fan explained with a smile when he heard Director Li acted like he had never seen the world.

Hearing what He Fan said, Director Li smiled even more happily, and then remembered the issue of distribution, and said to He Fan, "Director He, what do you think about the distribution of these vegetables and eggs?"

"I think it's best to distribute evenly. Everyone's life is hard, and it happens that they can get some.

It is very helpful to boost the morale of the rolling mill! He Fan smiled when he heard Director Li's question, and spoke directly from his heart.

Hearing He Fan's opinion, Director Li was very conflicted, and then said to He Fan, "Your distribution plan is indeed better!
But there are so many things, I think good steel should be used on the blade! "

Director Li's words are already very clear, why can't He Fan hear it? Isn't it just that he wants to send all the supplies to the big shots in the backstage? After thinking about it, He Fan explained, "This is just the beginning. The most important thing to do now is to boost the morale of the rolling mill!
Wait until the end of the year, that will be the real bumper harvest!

Director Li's considerations don't need to be urgent at this moment! "

"Now it's like the result of the experiment. When the result is out, our rolling mill must check and accept it in advance!

At the end of the year, when the farm has a real bumper harvest, that's a good time to repay your credit!

Director Li, what do you think? "

"Director He is right! I was too impatient!" After hearing He Fan's analysis, Director Li also thought it was reasonable, and then said with a smile.

Qin Huairu looked at the vegetables and eggs he had been assigned, and unconsciously thought of He Fan, guessing that as an important leader of the rolling mill, He Fan was still directly in charge of farm work, so there should be more vegetables and eggs.

With thoughts in his heart, Qin Huairu put down his work, and ran to the office area of ​​the rolling mill alone while other workers were not paying attention.

Looking at Qin Huairu who suddenly appeared in front of him, He Fan was a little puzzled. The two hadn't met each other for a year or two, and then he said with a smile, "Sister Qin, what's the matter with you?"

Hearing He Fan's question and seeing He Fan's getting more and more energetic, Qin Huairu suddenly felt a sense of loss.

In Qin Huairu's heart, the man in front of her originally belonged to her, but she lost it completely inadvertently, and then said with a forced smile, "Zhuzi, you have moved out of the courtyard, and you don't want to go back to see us old neighbors." !"

He Fan smiled when he heard Qin Huairu's words, and then explained with a smile, "You can see, I'm so busy with work, how can I have time to run around!
Seeing Sister Qin's appearance, are you here for business this time?
If you have something to say, just say it! "

Hearing He Fan's response, Qin Huairu felt a little distressed, and inadvertently saw the vegetables, eggs, and his own chicken in the basket beside him, Qin Huairu's eyes lit up unconsciously.

Seeing Qin Huairu's bright-eyed expression, He Fan was almost annoyed. He Fan hadn't seen him in the past two years, but Qin Huairu actually came up with his own ideas again.

"Zhuzi, some vegetables and eggs were distributed in the factory today, but such a little food is not enough for our family!

You don't know, the stick is getting bigger and bigger, and the appetite is also growing!

I just thought, you don't seem to be married yet, and you still eat alone, why don't you give me your share too! "Qin Huairu restrained the urge to attack directly, and said to He Fan with a smile.

Hearing Qin Huairu's self-righteous remarks, even though he had prepared himself, He Fan was still very angry, then took a deep breath, and said as calmly as possible, "My share is already settled!

I eat alone, but my sister He Yushui has a big family!

To be honest, this is not enough for me!so."

Hearing the refusal in He Fan's words, Qin Huairu glanced at the vegetable basket next to him reluctantly again, and then said with a forced smile, "It's because I didn't think carefully, and I forgot that the rainwater is also needed!"

"It's okay! If Sister Qin has nothing else to do, or you can go back first!
I still have some work to do on my side! "Looking at Qin Huairu in front of him, He Fan lost the interest in dealing with it and said directly.

Hearing He Fan chasing him away, Qin Huairu quickly explained, "I think the farm is quite busy recently, why don't you transfer me to work on the farm!"

He Fan was speechless when he heard Qin Huairu's request. Does Qin Huairu think about these far-fetched things every day?

"Qin Huairu, the workers on the farm are special, you shouldn't know about it!
Why do you still have this idea? "Seeing Qin Huairu's inability to advance or retreat, He Fan lost his temper and said directly.

"Besides, you have been working in a rolling mill since around 1960, and it has been six or seven years, yet you are still just an ordinary worker, and your salary is still 27 yuan and [-] yuan at the beginning!
Didn't you find the reason from yourself? "

Hearing He Fan's sudden questioning of himself, Qin Huairu's eyes widened in shock, and he retorted tongue-tiedly, "I, I... Isn't it because the workshop director of our workshop, Mr. Guo, deliberately suppressed me!
It's not like you don't know! "

"Guo Dazi?
Don't blame others for all your mistakes, just yourself as if you have been wronged!
Grandpa Yi Zhonghai is an eighth-level worker. If you really have a breakthrough in technology and really work hard at work, won't he fight for you?
After all, you still haven't put your mind on work!

Always think that you have a solid job, no matter what you do, you will not be fired! He Fan said with a sneer when he heard that Qin Huairu was still blaming others.

"You have been working for six or seven years, and you still look like you are dying!

How can I get you transferred to the farm?
So, Qin Huairu, stop thinking about it! "

In the end, Qin Huai left He Fan's office in a daze.

He Fan looked at the back of Qin Huairu leaving, and he was glad for a while. Fortunately, he put another vegetable basket under the desk just now. If Qin Huairu saw that He Fan had two baskets of supplies, he would not go crazy with envy. !

(End of this chapter)

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