Self-cultivation of the Siheyuan God of War

Chapter 190 Silly Zhu, do you want a wife or not?

Chapter 190 Silly Zhu, do you want a wife or not?

He Fan carried two baskets of vegetables and eggs from the rolling mill, as well as two big cocks that had been killed in advance, and hung them directly on the handlebars of the two cars.

He Fan rode on a bicycle, passed by on the street, and soon became the most beautiful kid on the street.

First, he came to the home of his younger sister He Yushui. Now He Yushui and the little policeman are still at work, not at home. Only He Yushui's mother-in-law is at home with He Fan's two little nephews.

"Auntie, these are some vegetables from my unit. I left a portion for you!" He Fan explained with a smile, looking at the unfamiliar little Pianjing's mother in front of him.

After receiving the vegetable basket handed over by He Fan, He Yushui's mother-in-law almost narrowed her happy eyes, and said happily, "Oh! You can still eat green leafy vegetables in this weather, and here is a big rooster that has been killed!
Zhuzi, you are really capable! "

"Auntie, you are busy first, I have something to do!
Just go ahead! Seeing He Yushui's mother-in-law happy, He Fan said with a smile.

"Hey! Alright! Go get busy first!" He Yushui's mother-in-law said happily after hearing He Fan's words.

He Fan took the rest of the vegetable basket and went directly to the big leader's house.

He Fan has long been a frequent visitor in the compound, and the guards have long been used to it, so he didn't encounter any obstacles. He Fan went directly to the kitchen of the big leader's house and put down the vegetable basket in his hand.

When the leader's wife heard the news, as soon as she came to the kitchen, she saw He Fan bringing a lot of vegetables, and said happily, "Zhuzi, you are here!

Why so many green leafy vegetables? "

"Auntie, this is a new farm built by our rolling mill. Today, a batch of vegetables ripened, so I brought them here for you and my uncle to taste. The chickens and eggs are all produced on our farm!" He Fan explained the doubts of the leader's wife with a smile.

Hearing He Fan's explanation, the leader's wife said happily, "That is to say, you really managed that farm?"

"Yes! The farm in the rolling mill is considered a success!" He Fan said affirmatively.

Hearing He Fan's affirmative answer, the chief leader's wife hurriedly shouted happily to the chief leader, and told the great leader the good news.

The big leader who heard the good news was also very happy, and then said to He Fan who was beside him, "Zhuzi, you have made this farm a success, which means you have gained a firm foothold in the rolling mill!

Your aunt and I are relieved! "

"You just came here today. We have news to inform you that we are going to the south in a few days. My work has been transferred to the south!"

He Fan knew that this was the great leader who was also affected by the hurricane, so he stepped aside for the time being, and then said with a forced smile, "I see, uncle!
In fact, I have already prepared in my heart!

This hurricane is really too strong, it might be a good thing for you to go to the south! "

"Hmm! What you said makes sense!
The center is too dangerous, we can only avoid the edge temporarily! Hearing He Fan's words, the big leader agreed.

"There is another happy event to tell you, do you want to hear it?" The wife of the big leader at the side suddenly said to He Fan.

"Auntie, what is the happy event?" He Fan asked suspiciously when he heard the words of the leader's wife.

"Before I tell you about this happy event, let me ask you first, Zhuzi, do you want a wife?" The wife of the chief leader heard He Fan's doubts, and instead of answering directly, she asked He Fan instead.

He Fan was stunned when he heard the phrase "Do you want a wife or not?" Isn't this the classic "Wrangler" story of sending his wife away!
Is it
"Uncle and aunt, are you going to introduce me to a wife?"

"Pillar! In the past few years, we have gotten along with each other somewhat emotionally!
See you are also 32 years old this year!
We haven't got married yet, your uncle and I are also very anxious! "The wife of the leader suddenly said sincerely.

"Your uncle has an old comrade-in-arms who was taken away due to the impact of the hurricane some time ago, and now he can't tell where he is!
I don't know whether I am dead or alive now!

In the capital, your uncle's old comrade-in-arms left behind a daughter, and we are going to the south again recently, so I want to entrust this girl to you! "

He Fan thought it was a joke when he heard the explanation from the leader's wife, but he didn't expect that the leader and his wife in front of him would really give him a wife.

"Zhuzi, what do you think?" The big leader at the side heard that his wife had already explained almost everything, and asked He Fan directly.

He Fan woke up from the shock when he heard the big leader's question to him, and quickly said with a smile, "What else do you think! I'm already at this age, if there is a girl who is willing to marry me, I'm happy Too late!"

"Okay! Since you have no objection, I will ask your aunt to bring that girl and your marriage certificate to your house tomorrow!" The leader laughed happily when he heard He Fan's reply, and then said with a smile.

He Fan was shocked again when he heard the big leader's arrangement that he would have to bring the marriage certificate directly, this is really too fast!Then he quickly explained, "Uncle, Auntie, isn't this too hasty!

Should I have a blind date with this girl first, what if this girl doesn't like me? "

Hearing He Fan's worry, the leader and his wife looked at each other, and then laughed. The wife of the leader explained with a smile, "I took this girl to meet you secretly, she treats you Very satisfied, you just don’t know it!”

He Fan felt distressed when he heard the explanation from the leader's wife. The other party had seen him, but he had never seen the other party!
In this case, if the other party looks crooked, I will suffer in the days to come!
Why!Say nothing!
Who made the two people in front of him his golden thick legs!

This face, I must give it!
Perhaps guessing what was going on in He Fan's mind, the leader's wife continued to explain, "Don't worry, the uncle and aunt introduced it to you, it must be very beautiful!

She is only 19 years old!

Work as a waiter in a supply and marketing cooperative! "

Hearing his wife's explanation, the big leader also continued, "My old comrade-in-arms, this is the only daughter!
I love it so much!

This hurricane came too suddenly and spread too far, and now their life and death are uncertain!
So, Zhuzi, you must treat this child well! "

After hearing the words of the big leader and his wife, He Fan knew that they trusted him, so he arranged himself like this.

I thought I could tie the knot with Ran Qiuye in this life, but I didn't expect to be rejected by Ran Qiuye's family in the end. In this way, there would be no suitable woman to be my significant other.

Seeing that the big leader and his wife have directly solved his life difficulties, He Fan has nothing to be pretentious, and hastily said formally, "Uncle, aunt, don't worry!

I will definitely treat this girl well!
She won't be wronged in the slightest! "

"We all believe in your character, so we entrust this girl to you!

Let's live a good life from now on! "The leader and his wife believed He Fan's assurance when they heard it, and then said with a smile.

After talking for so long, He Fan suddenly realized that he still didn't know the girl's name, so he said embarrassedly, "Auntie, what's the girl's name?"

Hearing He Fan's question, the leader and his wife realized that they forgot to mention the most important name, and the wife of the leader smiled and said, "Look at me, I almost told you the most important name!
This girl is called You Fengxia! "

He Fan was so shocked that he lost his voice when he heard the name of the leader's wife. He really didn't expect it, how could it be her!
He Fan suddenly wanted to ask the two "big thick legs" in front of him, can he still refuse now?

(End of this chapter)

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