Chapter 191 You Fengxia

He Fan looked at the ridiculously beautiful You Fengxia in front of him, and didn't know what to say.

After the big leader and his wife brought You Fengxia and the two's marriage certificates, they headed for the south in style.

"How about I take you home to get acquainted now?" He Fan, who really had nothing to say, said with a forced smile in order to break the embarrassment.

You Fengxia, who had been looking at He Fan all the time, couldn't help laughing when she heard He Fan's words, and then explained with a smile, "Auntie brought me here when you were not at home, I am very familiar with this place !"

After hearing You Fengxia's explanation, He Fan remembered that he had given the big leader a key to their house, and said awkwardly, "Haha, I almost forgot!
How about I go cook!

What do you like to eat?I will do it! "

"It's better for me to cook at home!
I know you used to be a cook and it's exhausting enough cooking and working outside!
Leave it to me at home! "When He Fan was going to cook, You Fengxia hurriedly stopped him.

After You Fengxia finished speaking, she ran to the kitchen and got busy.

Seeing You Fengxia's back entering the kitchen, He Fan sighed secretly, and went back to his room to clean up. No matter what You Fengxia planned next, he would not make hypocritical remarks.

After He Fan came back last night, he thought about it all night, and he finally figured it out. The current You Fengxia is a little girl. As for why she changed into that appearance in the original drama, He Fan guessed that it might be her parents. He didn't come back, but the resources left by his parents are limited after all, so he can only join forces with Li.

In this life, since You Fengxia is married to him, he is confident that he will not let her follow the old path in the original drama.

Soon You Fengxia prepared the meal, and He Fan ate it tastelessly, and could only say that it was edible, but He Fan didn't say anything, because they were really unfamiliar, and there was some embarrassment for each other.

"You Fengxia, how are you going to sleep at night?
There are still a few rooms on the second floor, why don't you choose one? "He Fan looked at the big beauty in front of him, and asked the most important thing a little embarrassedly.

When He Fan asked her questions, You Fengxia just paused for a while, but she didn't answer, she continued to eat, and when He Fan was embarrassed and embarrassed, You Fengxia said angrily, "You don't like me. I?"

He Fan was stupefied when he heard You Fengxia questioning him, and quickly explained, "No! Don't get me wrong, we are meeting for the first time after all, if this is... right! I'm worried that you will Embarrassing and inappropriate!"

"Hmph! I think you're all your excuses. We both have a marriage certificate!
I think you just dislike my parents' unknown life and death, and are deliberately guarding against me! "After hearing He Fan's explanation, You Fengxia didn't believe it, but retorted self-righteously.

He Fan was surprised when he heard You Fengxia's rebuttal, whether every woman is so self-righteous, and then said with a smile, "You are right!
After all, we've all received our marriage certificates. I've tidied up the master bedroom upstairs, and replaced it with new bedding! "

Hearing that He Fan was no longer pretentious, and instead directly arranged for it, You Fengxia sat on the wax instead. She wanted to give He Fan a blow, but unexpectedly, she was defeated.

Early the next morning, He Fan woke up refreshed, feeling You Fengxia lying on top of him like an octopus, He Fan hurriedly got up to look for his "fruits" of last night.

Whether it was the previous life or the previous time travels, He Fan didn't pay special attention to these things, it was just You Fengxia in this life.
Seeing the "war results" on the white bed sheet, He Fan smiled silently, didn't make any further troubles, and directly hugged You Fengxia again to catch up on sleep.

After waking up again, seeing that You Fengxia hadn't woken up yet, she put the money and all kinds of tickets on the table beside the bed.

It may be that He Fan made too much noise, You Fengxia finally woke up, looked at the money and tickets on the table, and said in surprise, "Why do you give me so much money?"

Hearing You Fengxia's doubts, he realized that she had woken up, and then He Fan explained with a smile, "I don't think you have a bicycle, you can buy one today!

I have prepared a bicycle ticket for you too! "

After hearing He Fan's explanation, You Fengxia became happy, and happily picked up the money on the table and counted it, and then said in doubt, "Why are there so many? It's 500 yuan!"

"You can't just buy a bike!
If you need other daily necessities, go and buy them yourself! Seeing You Fengxia's doubts, He Fan said with a smile.

"Brother Zhu, you are so kind to me!" Hearing He Fan's explanation, You Fengxia quickly got up and hugged He Fan's neck, and said coquettishly.

Seeing You Fengxia's happy face, He Fan sighed secretly. Now 500 yuan is enough for her. I don't know if the stable life in the future will make her feel at ease!
When I came to the rolling mill, I saw Director Li looking excited. He ran to He Fan's office and said, "Director He, yesterday I took the vegetables and eggs from our factory and sent them directly to the leader's home. He was praised by the leader, and the leader also said that he would visit the farm of our rolling mill soon!"

"Oh? This is good news! Did you mention the specific date?" He Fan responded with a smile when he heard Director Li's news.

"Not at all! What do you think?"

"It would be great if we could schedule the inspection at the end of the year when the farm has a good harvest!

At that time, the big fat pig will also be released, it must be very shocking! Seeing that Director Li was a little confused, He Fan explained with a smile.

Hearing He Fan's explanation, Director Li's eyes lit up involuntarily, and he said excitedly, "Good! Good! Director He is thinking thoroughly!

Leave the rest to me, and I will definitely arrange the date for a good harvest! "

Seeing Director Li's excited back, He Fan's face gradually turned cold. He didn't intend to punish this guy at first. Since he and You Fengxia have been involved in this life, he deserves the bad luck of this surnamed Li.

During this period of time working in the rolling mill, He Fan was not just for nothing. He not only collected a lot of evidence of Director Li's crimes, but also discovered the location of Director Li's small vault.

Director Li is really a master criminal. He has divided the location of the small vault into four different locations. If it wasn't for He Fan's patience, he really wouldn't have discovered it.

It can be seen that this person surnamed Li, no matter what time period he is, can get along like a fish in water, and there is also his inevitability.

Director Li excitedly ran to make arrangements, thinking that this was a great contribution from He Fan, but in fact this was his last happy year!
As for whether he can survive this storm, it depends on Director Li's fate.

(End of this chapter)

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