Self-cultivation of the Siheyuan God of War

Chapter 192 A Simple Wedding Banquet

Chapter 192 A Simple Wedding Banquet
After get off work, He Fan first came to his younger sister He Yushui's house, and said to He Yushui's mother-in-law, "Auntie, if Yushui and my brother-in-law get off work later, you can ask them to take the child to my house!
There is something at home! "

Hearing what He Fan said, He Yushui's mother-in-law said with a smile, "Zhuzi, don't worry!
As soon as the rain comes back, I'll let them pass! "

"Auntie, you are busy! I'll go back first!" He Fan said goodbye after finishing talking.

"Hey! Zhuzi, wait a moment! Auntie has something to ask you!"

"Auntie, tell me!" He Fan was a little puzzled when he heard Granny He Yushui's words. He stopped what he was doing, and then asked with a smile.

"It's the green leafy vegetables you brought over the day before yesterday, and the neighbors saw them and kept asking where you bought them!
It's almost the Chinese New Year, and many families want to buy some to entertain relatives! Seeing that He Fan was about to leave, He Yushui's mother-in-law hurriedly explained He Fan.

After hearing Granny He Yushui's explanation, He Fan was relieved, and then explained with a smile, "Auntie, these green leafy vegetables, eggs and chicken are all produced by our farm in the rolling mill, and you can't buy them outside!
At the end of the year, our unit will send out another batch, and then I will give you some more!

After all, the output is not large, only enough for the employees of the rolling mill to distribute, as for your neighbors, hehe."

After hearing He Fan's explanation, He Yushui's mother-in-law was a little disappointed. She was really tired of eating Chinese cabbage and radishes. The green leafy vegetables He Fan sent had really become scarce vegetables. She asked this, why not? I want He Fan to send more.

"So that's it, I'll explain it to my neighbors!

But you steel rolling workers are rich and well paid, and you even set up a farm for your workers!
It's not like in your brother-in-law's unit, there is nothing! "

"Auntie, stop talking! I'm going home first!" He Fan said goodbye again.

Looking at the back of He Fan leaving, he felt a burst of happiness when he thought that his son was able to marry He Yushui.

When I heard that He Yushui had a silly older brother who was still a single old bachelor, I was still very unhappy that my son married He Yushui.

After all, in Granny He Yushui's heart, the work of the police is also very honorable, and there is no need to worry about a good partner.

But after meeting He Yushui, seeing that He Yushui was very pleasing to the eye and worked hard, He Yushui's mother-in-law reluctantly agreed to the marriage.

Unexpectedly, He Yushui's old bachelor brother became the royal chef of the State Guesthouse in a blink of an eye, and soon became the deputy director of the rolling mill. Everything that happened was like a dream.

When He Fan returned home, he saw You Fengxia had come back from get off work, looked at the new bicycle at the door, He Fan said with a smile, "Fengxia, did you buy the bicycle back?"

Seeing He Fan who came back, and hearing He Fan's question, You Fengxia said happily, "It's not easy to spend money! Just buy it when you get to the department store!"

"My sister's family will come over later, we are married anyway, and we should have a wedding banquet!
Today, our family gathers together and has a meal, even if it is a simple wedding banquet! "He Fan said to You Fengxia with a smile as he thought about what happened at night.

"Well! Then I'll go to the kitchen to prepare first, and you will come over to cook later!" He Fan's explanation, You Fengxia said sweetly.

He Fan looked at You Fengxia's beautiful figure, swallowed involuntarily, then turned and went upstairs.

He opened a locked cabinet, took out some documents, looked carefully, and found that the evidence of Director Li's crimes collected in his hands was already sufficient.

The reason why there is no news yet is that He Fan is thinking about how to reduce the impact on himself. After all, he was promoted by Director Li.

In fact, it is not a big deal if it is really affected. My biggest reliance is actually my superb cooking skills. Being snatched by others.

After sorting out the evidence in his hand again, He Fan carefully locked the cabinet, and suddenly heard You Fengxia's voice coming from behind him, "Brother Zhuzi, what are you hiding?
Wouldn't it be a small gold bar? "

Looking up at You Fengxia who looked like a money fanatic, He Fan suddenly felt tired. After all, he had never had a relationship with such a money fanatic woman, and suddenly he had such a wonderful partner. Also at a loss, "Fengxia, is that why you like money so much?"

"Money, who wouldn't like it!

Don't you like it? "Hearing He Fan's words, You Fengxia said it as a matter of course.

"Then if you meet someone who is richer than me and has a higher official than me!
Or one day I will lose my position as deputy director and be forced to become a poor cook again. Will you despise me for being worthless? "Looking at You Fengxia in front of him, He Fan felt overwhelmed and asked directly.

Hearing He Fan's hypothetical question, You Fengxia was a little at a loss, and said dumbfounded, "I don't know either!"

He Fan felt a tinge of relief when he heard You Fengxia's words. She swore to each other before she opened her mouth, and she knew how to speak her heart. This proves that You Fengxia is not hopeless now. .

He Fan suddenly hugged You Fengxia, who was at a loss, and said solemnly, "Life is impermanent, and the big ones include the small ones!
I can't predict where I will go in the future?
However, I am very confident in my cooking skills!

Even if I become a cook again, I can guarantee that you and your future children will have no worries about food and clothing!

I just hope you don't dislike me by then! "

Hearing He Fan's words, You Fengxia felt her heart was touched, but she didn't say anything, she just hugged He Fan tightly.

Not long after, the silly sister He Yushui's family came over, and complained to He Fan angrily, "Brother silly, what's the matter with you? You asked our family to come here!"

For He Yushui's foolishness, He Fan has long been used to it. He ignored He Yushui, picked up his two little nephews, and said lovingly, "Two little babies! Do you miss your uncle?"

"We miss uncle very much. The green leafy vegetables and big rooster that uncle sent over last time are delicious!" The two little guys looked at each other happily and said with a smile in unison.

He Fan was almost annoyed when he heard the child's words, his feelings were not for his uncle, but for the green leafy vegetables his uncle gave him!What two snacks!

"Since you all like to eat, uncle will send you some in a few days! You are really two little greedy cats!" He Fan said with a smile when he heard the two children's childish voice.

"Yu Shui, I asked you to come here today because my brother and I are married!
Today, our family, if we have a meal at my place, it will be considered as my wedding banquet! After coaxing the two little nephews, He Fan explained to his younger sister He Yushui and brother-in-law Xiao Pianjing.

Upon hearing He Fan's words, He Yushui's eyes widened in surprise, and then he exchanged a glance with the little policeman beside him, and said in shock, "Really? Brother, are you so fast?"

Hearing He Yushui's questioning of himself, He Fan didn't say anything, but shouted at You Fengxia who was busy in the kitchen, "Fengxia, my sister Yushui is here!"

Hearing He Fan's shout, You Fengxia put down the vegetables in her hand, came out quickly, and said to the bewildered He Yushui, "You must be sister He Yushui, right?

I am your sister-in-law, and my name is You Fengxia! "

"Hello, sister-in-law! You are so beautiful, sister-in-law!

Brother, where did you kidnap such a beautiful sister-in-law for me? "He Yushui woke up from the shock after hearing You Fengxia's greeting, and said in a tongue-tied manner.

He Fan didn't care about whether He Yushui's words were big or small, and just said with a smile, "Your sister-in-law was sent to my brother by the government!"

Hearing He Fan's explanation, You Fengxia glanced coquettishly at the funny He Fan, and then explained to He Yushui, "Yushui, don't listen to your brother's nonsense!
We were introduced by a big leader! "

"Ah? But why do I feel that you are younger than me?
Sister-in-law, how old are you this year? He Yushui was relieved after hearing You Fengxia's explanation, and then began to wonder about You Fengxia's age.

"I'm 19 years old!" You Fengxia said with a smile.

"Ah? My silly brother is too lucky!

To marry such a young and beautiful wife!

Brother, quickly lift up the soles of your feet and show me! "

"What do you see on the soles of my feet?" He Fan said angrily.

"Let me see if you stepped on dog shit, isn't it just luck of the dog shit!" He Yushui said funny.


Soon the whole family had a sumptuous dinner. Looking at the satisfied silly sister He Yushui, He Fan didn't know whether to cry or laugh, and said helplessly, "Yu Shui, brother-in-law, tomorrow is Sunday, you guys If there is nothing else, come back to the courtyard with me to see the deaf old lady!"

He Yushui complained when he heard what his brother He Fan said, "Brother, if you don't tell me, I thought you forgot about those old neighbors?

In the past, the uncle and sister Qin next door were so kind to you, but now that you have moved out, you don't care about them anymore!
Brother, you are so heartless! "

"Hey! I'm too lazy to argue with you about these things!

Let me ask you, are you going tomorrow? "Hearing He Yushui's angry words, He Fan felt a headache, why did he put on such a two hundred and five silly sister, and said angrily.

"Go! Of course we will!" He Yushui said directly when he heard He Fan's question.

"You can go! But I'm just going to see the deaf old lady, and the others, don't make fun of me!" He Fan said directly when he heard his sister's agreement.

"You really don't care about Sister Qin's family?" He Yushui said in surprise.

You Fengxia who was at the side heard the conversation between the two brothers and sisters, and asked suspiciously, "Who is this Sister Qin?"

Hearing You Fengxia's doubts, He Fan explained with a smile, "It was a neighbor of mine in the courtyard, named Qin Huairu!

Because his husband passed away a few years ago, I usually bring some leftovers from the canteen of the rolling mill to their family!
Now that I have also moved out of the courtyard house, I don't have any contacts anymore! "

Hearing He Fan's explanation, You Fengxia didn't clear up her doubts, but sensitively discovered more doubts, but with He Yushui's family present, it was inconvenient to ask questions, so You Fengxia didn't say anything more.

She made an appointment with her younger sister, He Yushui's family, and He Yushui went home. Looking at the back of He Yushui's family leaving until she could no longer see her, You Fengxia suddenly grabbed He Fan's ear and asked, "Are you honest?" Tell me, who is this Qin Huairu?"

"Eh? It's really just a neighbor from the past!" Feeling that the ears didn't hurt too much, He Fan suddenly felt a little amused, and then explained helplessly.

Hearing He Fan's explanation, You Fengxia didn't feel relieved, but became even more puzzled, let go of He Fan's ear, and said angrily, "I don't believe it!
If you don't want to say it, I don't bother to ask! "

After You Fengxia finished speaking, she turned around and went to clean up the dishes on the table.

Seeing You Fengxia's charming back, He Fan suddenly felt angry, and immediately hugged You Fengxia, "What are you doing! I'm clearing the table!"

"Leave it alone!

I'll do it tomorrow morning!
Now I can't take it anymore! He Fan said with a smile when he heard the coquettishness in You Fengxia's words.

Carrying You Fengxia back to the bedroom on the second floor, the two went straight to each other.
After a long, long time, You Fengxia sat on He Fan's chest contentedly, and asked charmingly, "Brother Zhuzi, who is this Qin Huairu?

I really want to know! "

He Fan sighed helplessly when He Fan heard You Fengxia asked the truth out of the casserole, and explained with a wry smile, "After Qin Huairu's man passed away due to a work-related injury, their family is more difficult!

Not only are there three ignorant children, but there is also a mother-in-law to support!
At that time, I was still working as a cook in the canteen of the rolling mill, and every day I took some leftover meals from the factory leaders' treats, and helped Qin Huairu's family.

Usually, I also lend them some food and children's tuition fees!
After a long time, their family has a sense of dependence on me. If I don't help their family, I will become immoral!
Then, I moved out of that courtyard house and lived alone! "

After hearing He Fan's explanation, You Fengxia felt a little relieved, and then asked again, "Does this Qin Huairu like you?"

"She doesn't like me!
It's just that they simply regard me as their little treasury!

Do you know why it took me until now to get a wife?
Qin Huairu put in a lot of effort inside! He Fan explained helplessly after hearing You Fengxia's doubts.

"Ah? What's the inside story? Tell me quickly!" Hearing the story in He Fan's words, You Fengxia suddenly became more curious.

Seeing You Fengxia's curious expression, He Fan felt dizzy for a while. Is it true that women have such strong curiosity? Then he explained with a wry smile, "I just want to take girls to a courtyard house for a blind date, and Qin Huairu will run away." Go to my house, look around for my dirty clothes, and say that you can help me with my laundry!
But which girl, seeing me getting so close to a widow, wouldn't think wildly?
Not only that, Qin Huairu also released some plausible scandals in the steel rolling mill, causing those female workers who have nothing to do all day to arrange me wantonly! "

"From this point of view, this Qin Huairu is quite scheming!" Hearing He Fan's explanation, You Fengxia said with emotion.

After a while, You Fengxia seemed to have suddenly remembered something, and asked angrily again, "You and Qin Huairu have been neighbors for so many years, have you been with her?"

"What are you thinking! You are my first woman in this life!" He Fan said with a wry smile when he heard You Fengxia questioning him.

"Hmph! You don't even believe what you say!

When you are with me, you are very skilled, it is not like the first time at all!
I think that if you had anything to do with this Qin Huai before, there must have been other women! "You Fengxia still didn't believe what He Fan said.

Hearing that You Fengxia doubted himself for the same reason, He Fan shook his head with a wry smile, and then explained, "This is a man's nature!
I don’t know how many times I have rehearsed it in my dream!
It may make you misunderstand that I am too skilled! "


"Really! Everything I said is true!
I don't need to lie to you about this!
Hehe, if you still don't believe me, I'll come up with a few moves that I practiced in my dream."

Feeling He Fan's gradually dishonest hands, You Fengxia was out of breath again, and said angrily, "Rogue."

(End of this chapter)

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