Chapter 193 The Sad Xu Damao
The next day, He Fan bought some apples and bananas, and some bread that the elderly could eat. Of course, he did not forget the Beijing roast duck that the deaf old lady liked most.

After reuniting with younger sister He Yushui's family, the family rushed towards the courtyard. He Yushui inadvertently saw that the bicycle You Fengxia was riding was brand new, and said in amazement, "Sister-in-law, did you just buy the bicycle you are riding? "

"Yes! I just bought it yesterday!" Hearing He Yushui's doubts, You Fengxia said with a smile.

"Didn't I buy you a new bicycle when you got married?

What's all the fuss about! He Fan said angrily after hearing what his younger sister He Yushui said.

Hearing his elder brother He Fan's reprimand, He Yushui also retorted angrily, "Tch! I'm curious, but I can't do it!"

Soon the family came to the courtyard. The third master Yan Banggui saw He Fan's family and greeted He Fan's family in surprise, "Silly Zhuzi, who are you?"

Seeing the third uncle who hadn't seen him for a long time, He Fan said with a smile, "It's been a long time since I saw the old deaf lady. On Sunday, when I have time with Yushui, I'm going to visit her old man!"

Hearing He Fan's explanation, Third Master Yan Banggui noticed several people's big and small bags, and smelling the unique aroma of roast duck, Third Master swallowed unconsciously.

"By the way, third master, let me introduce you!
This is my wife You Fengxia! "He Fan introduced to the third master.

"Ah? Zhuzi! Are you married?" Hearing He Fan's introduction, Third Master Yan Banggui said in shock.

"Third Master, hello!"


Under the attention of the third master Yan Banggui, He Fan and the others came to the middle courtyard, and then saw a strange little boy playing there.

He Fan thought it might be Zheng San's son. After all, he heard Zheng San said that he and his ex-wife had a son, and then he smiled and asked, "My little friend, where is your father?"

Looking at the group of strangers in front of him, and hearing He Fan's question to him, the little boy felt a little scared, then ran into the uncle's house without replying.

He Fan was even more surprised by the abnormal behavior of the little boy. Could it be that his "father" Zheng San is at the home of the elder Yi Zhonghai at this moment?
Soon, the big mother came out with the little boy in her arms, and when she saw He Fan and He Yushui, she said in surprise, "Zhuzi, Yushui, are you back?"

"Mom, whose family does this child belong to?
It can't be Zheng San's, right? He Fan looked at the big mother in front of him and said doubtfully.

"No! This is our family's son, named Yi Xiaochuan!" The mother explained with a smile when she heard He Fan's doubts.

He Fan and He Yushui looked at each other in amazement after hearing the explanation from the aunt, and then said with incredible emotion, "It seems that the aunt has finally figured it out!"

After He Fan sighed, he quickly took out a big apple and handed it to the little boy Yi Xiaochuan, and said with a smile, "Yi Xiaochuan, call me brother!"

Yi Xiaochuan glanced at Big Mom, and with Big Mom's acquiescence, happily took the big apple handed over by He Fan, and said in a childlike voice, "Thank you brother!"

"Xiaochuan is so good!" He Yushui at the side woke up from the shock, and then praised Yi Xiaochuan.

After He Yushui finished speaking, he wanted to hug Yi Xiaochuan, but Yi Xiaochuan was a little skeptical and didn't want to talk to He Yushui.

Seeing He Yushui's actions, He Fan smiled, and then said to He Yushui, "Yushui, stop hugging Yi Xiaochuan, go and buy some toffee for Yi Xiaochuan!"

He Yushui complained when he heard his brother's order, "I won't go! Let your sister-in-law go!"

"Your sister-in-law has never lived here, does she know the way?" He Fan was really angry when he heard that his younger sister He Yushui was so ignorant.

The little police officer on the side quickly said, "Brother, let me go! I know this area very well!"

After the little policeman finished speaking, he ran out of the courtyard to buy sugar for Yi Xiaochuan in a sensible manner.

In front of outsiders, He Fan didn't bother to talk to He Yushui, so as not to let others see the joke, he simply ignored it, and then smiled and introduced to the big mom, "Big mom, this is my wife You Fengxia!"

"Zhuzi, are you married?" The first mother said with a more shocked expression than the third master when she heard He Fan's introduction.

"Yes! We just got married the day before yesterday!
It's not that I haven't seen the deaf old lady for a long time, so I took advantage of Sunday, when everyone has time, to come and see her! He Fan explained with a smile.

Hearing He Fan's words, the aunt said happily, "Good! Good! The deaf old lady was talking about you not long ago!

It seems that I really miss you! "

The deaf old lady was very happy when she saw He Fan and You Fengxia in front of her, and said in admiration to You Fengxia, "Beautiful! This girl is so beautiful!

Silly has such a high vision, you must choose the most beautiful one when you get married! "

"Old lady, I just changed jobs a while ago, and I'm too busy at work!

Don't mind if I don't have time to come and see you, I will come and see you as soon as I have time in the future! He Fan said with a smile to the deaf old lady.

Hearing He Fan's words, the deaf old lady became even happier. Once people reach old age, they especially like to be lively. The deaf old lady has no children herself, so He Fan is willing to come and visit her often, which is what she wished for.

Seeing the happy look of the deaf old lady, He Fan opened the roast duck paper bag, smiled and said to the deaf old lady, "Old lady, what do you think this is?"

"Wow! It turned out to be my favorite roast duck!" Smelling the unique aroma of roast duck, the deaf old lady said happily.

Xu Damao has been hiding in his parents' house recently, and he didn't agree to the marriage with Qin Jingru, which can be regarded as driving Qin Jingru back to the countryside. Xu Damao gradually became a little transparent in the courtyard house and rolling mill.

One or two years passed, and Xu Damao found that his affairs gradually became less hot, so he returned to the courtyard again with confidence and boldness.

As soon as he returned to the courtyard, he saw Qin Huairu walking around in the middle courtyard, inadvertently looking at something at the uncle's house, Xu Damao said jokingly, "Qin Huairu, what are you doing?

Could it be that he misses a man again? "

Hearing Xu Damao's ridicule towards him, and seeing Xu Damao's vulgar face that he hadn't seen for a long time, Qin Huairu, who was in a bad mood, thought of his younger sister Qin Jingru who was abandoned by Xu Damao all the time, and said sarcastically, "What's the matter? Xu Damao, you have cured your problem of cutting off your children and grandchildren!"

Hearing that Qin Huairu directly aimed at the biggest pain point in his heart, Xu Damao's face turned livid, and Qin Huairu was so angry that he couldn't speak for a while, so he just pointed at Qin Huairu angrily, "You"

Seeing that Xu Damao was killed by himself, Qin Huairu ignored him lazily, and wanted to turn around and leave, but Zheng San who was in the room heard the movement and ran out quickly, and saw Qin Huairu entangled with a strange man .

Zheng San's heart moved, he directly guessed Xu Damao's identity, then quickly ran to Xu Damao, and said bluntly, "You are Xu Damao, right?"

Looking at Zheng San who suddenly appeared in front of him, Xu Damao felt a little baffled. He was already in a bad mood by Qin Huairu, so he said bluntly, "Who are you? You don't understand!"

Seeing Xu Damao's arrogant appearance, Zheng San was suddenly amused, and then said with a sneer, "Boy, you are quite arrogant!"

Seeing the inexplicable Zheng San, Xu Damao wanted to speak harshly, but Zheng San punched Xu Damao directly in the face, and said sharply, "Xu Damao, next time I see you harassing Qin Huairu, I will definitely hit you!" You are looking for teeth all over the place!"

Just being killed by Qin Huairu with one blow, and now being punched inexplicably by Zheng San in front of him, Xu Damao became angry, but seeing Zheng San's rough appearance, he felt that he really had no chance of winning, so he could only stand up and speak harshly He said, "Boy, how dare you beat me, Xu Damao!
Let me tell you, you are in trouble!
I must make you pay the price! "

Seeing that Xu Damao was still threatening him recklessly, Zheng San didn't get used to him. Under the shocked gazes of Qin Huairu and other neighbors, he picked up the shovel and slapped Xu Damao heavily on the head, only to see Xu Damao lying down again. He fell, and there was blood rushing from his head.

"Killer!" It was that timid neighbor who didn't know howl loudly.

Hearing the yelling of the neighbors and seeing Xu Damao lying unconscious on the ground, Zheng San was not afraid, and directly said loudly to the neighbors who were scattered because of fear, "Listen to me all of you!
Qin Huai is my Zheng San's woman!

If anyone tries to get her idea again in the future, this Xu Damao will be his fate! "

He Fan and the others who ran out to check the situation heard the movement, and heard Zheng San's loud declaration as soon as they came out. He Fan secretly gave Zheng Sanshu a thumbs up in his heart, admiring him. Zheng Sancai in front of him was more like the protagonist of destiny in a courtyard ah!
After seeing Zheng San leave, the neighbors in the courtyard carried Xu Damao, who was seriously injured, to the hospital in fear.

The instigator, Qin Huairu, was stunned on the spot, the shock in his heart was beyond words. Hearing Zheng San's public statement, Qin Huairu unconsciously felt a sense of security.

Seeing He Fan and You Fengxia who were like a pair of Bi people, Qin Huairu felt overwhelmed with pain again.

After such a big incident happened in the courtyard, He Fan didn't have the mood to stay here. After bidding farewell to the aunt and the deaf old lady, he left the courtyard directly.

"Fengxia, you saw it!

This is the courtyard house where I used to live, every day is full of these trivial things!
At that time, I really had no other choice, so I asked the big leader to help me buy this new house. After leaving the courtyard and separated from his younger sister He Yushui's family, He Fan said to You Fengxia with a wry smile.

"Yeah! There are indeed too many troubles here!
Good thing you've moved away!

If we live in this courtyard in the future, the feeling will be unimaginable! "Hearing He Fan's wry smile, You Fengxia also said with lingering fear.

"Let's live our own lives from now on!
It's better not to get involved in these crap things in other people's houses! "

Because the old man had a new task at the rolling mill, he also went to work in the factory on Sunday. As soon as he returned to the courtyard, he heard about Zheng San and Xu Damao, and suddenly felt that his brain was hurting.

"Old Yi, this Zheng San is really outrageous!
Hit people at every turn, and be so ruthless!
We can't just watch Zheng San tossing around in the courtyard like this! "Third Master Yan Banggui thought of the bloodshed just now, and complained to the returning Eldest Master Yi Zhonghai with lingering fear.

The second uncle Liu Haizhong on the side also became afraid of this Zheng San, and he no longer wanted to have a good relationship with this Zheng San and get any benefits, so he said with lingering fear, "Yes!
Lao Yi, we have to act, we can't leave Zheng San to harm our courtyard anymore!
It's all to blame on that silly Zhu, why move out of the courtyard when you're fine!

If he doesn't move away, how can this Zheng San live in our courtyard house! "

"Hey! The last time Zheng San beat Jia Zhang and Bang Geng, I saw that this Zheng San still has a lot of background!" Hearing the complaints from the third and second masters, the first master Yi Zhonghai felt a headache. , can only say helplessly.

Hearing the helplessness in Yi Zhonghai's words, the third uncle and the second uncle looked at each other with wry smiles, and then said sadly, "Is it just watching Zheng San messing about in our courtyard like this?"

"Today I will tell you the truth!

Even if the three of us old guys went to the street office to file a complaint, there would be nothing we could do about Zheng San!

However, it is useless for you to be anxious here, but you have not noticed the most fundamental reason! "Hearing the grief in the words of the two elders, the elder Yi Zhonghai said with a wry smile.

"What's the reason?" The second and third uncles asked in unison.

"Qin Huairu!" The elder Yi Zhonghai said a name directly.

"Ah? Yes!
Everything started because of her!

Or Lao Yi, you see things correctly! "Hearing the words of the first master Yi Zhonghai, the second and third masters looked at each other in surprise, and the third master smiled and complimented.

Hearing the two people's compliments to him, the elder Yi Zhonghai could only smile wryly, and then said helplessly, "Let's all go back to eat first, after dinner, let's go to Qinhuai Ru's house together to inquire about the situation!"

Looking at Yi Zhonghai who came back, the little boy Yi Xiaochuan happily ran over and hugged the thigh of the elder Yi Zhonghai, and shouted in a childish voice, "Daddy!"

Hearing his son's milky voice, the elder Yi Zhonghai, who was still in a depressed mood just now, suddenly got better, quickly picked up Yi Xiaochuan, and kissed him lovingly.

"Dad, my brother bought a lot of things just now!

There are also delicious toffee! "Holding Yi Zhonghai's neck, Yi Xiaochuan suddenly offered a treasure and said.

Hearing Yi Xiaochuan's words, the elder Yi Zhonghai became puzzled, and the elder mother next to him smiled and explained, "Shazhu and his younger sister He Yushui are back today!
Shazhu got married a few days ago, and today he brought his new wife and younger sister Yushui to visit the old lady in the backyard! "

Hearing the big mother's explanation, the big master Yi Zhonghai was relieved, and then said with a lot of emotion, "Hey! The current silly Zhu is amazing!

He made the farm, I went to see it, it's really good!
I heard that by the end of the year, the big fat pigs in the pigsty will be slaughtered!
In the future, Shazhu will only become more and more successful! "

"Huh? Shazhu is so powerful now?

It's incredible! "The first mother said in shock when she heard the old man's emotion.

"In this day and age, whoever can get supplies and food is a capable person!
It is foreseeable that silly pillars will be reused in the future!

It's a pity that he has left the courtyard now, and we can't get his care anymore! "The elder Yi Zhonghai said with a sigh.

"Have you heard about Zheng San and Xu Damao?" The eldest mother suddenly remembered the matter of Zheng San, and then asked the elder.

"Hey! As soon as I entered the courtyard, I heard what the second uncle and the third uncle said!
What are you talking about! "Hearing the question from the aunt, the lord sighed and said helplessly.

"I really didn't realize that Qin Huairu sometimes caused trouble!
If it weren't for Qin Huairu, Zheng San wouldn't be so cruel to Xu Damao! "The first mother said with emotion unconsciously.

"Hey! Stop talking!

Let's eat first!

After dinner, I will go to Qin Huairu with the other two uncles to ask about the situation! "Hearing the expression of the big mother's emotion and seeing Yi Xiaochuan wanting to eat, the old man said with a smile.

Looking at the three uncles who came here together, although Qin Huairu was already prepared, Qin Huairu was still a little guilty. After all, what happened today was caused by her.

"Huai Ru!

I heard that Zheng San has been proposing to you again recently!

What do you think? "The great master Yi Zhonghai asked directly.

Hearing such a direct question from Eldest Master Yi Zhonghai, Qin Huairu was a little confused and didn't know how to answer for a moment.

Seeing that Qin Huairu was still silent, Jia Zhang who was at the side hurriedly said, "I think it's good for the two families to live together!
But Huai Ru just doesn't spit out! "

Jia Zhang, who thought he would be the biggest resistance, became the most enthusiastic one instead, which surprised the three uncles. The uncle Yi Zhonghai couldn't help but reminded, "Old sister-in-law, Zheng San is going to marry Your daughter-in-law Qin Huairu? You really support her!"

Hearing Yi Zhonghai's doubts and seeing the bewildered looks of the three uncles, Jia Zhang sighed and said helplessly, "I don't agree, what can I do?
In a few days, I will be taken to prison and serve three months!

Even this year will be spent in prison!

Zheng San said he could think of a way to save me from serving my sentence!

Of course I will be moved! "

Hearing Jia Zhang's sobbing explanation, the three uncles were relieved, and then they all sighed in unison.

"Huai Ru, what happened today is also because of you!

So tell me, do you have any ideas? "The great master Yi Zhonghai still asked Qin Huairu, the instigator.

Hearing the old man questioning him again, Qin Huairu knew that his "ostrich" could no longer pretend, so he could only say with a wry smile, "This is the end of the matter, and I resign myself to my fate!
As long as Zheng San agrees to hand over his current house to Bang Geng, I will agree to his marriage proposal!

As for Xu Damao's matter, I will apologize regardless of whether the matter between me and Zheng San works out! "

"Since Huai Ru has made a decision, let me talk to Zheng San!

I think he should agree. As for the house, I will let him write an agreement too!

Then the three of us took the agreement to the sub-district office to have it notarized, anyway, it won't hurt you! Hearing Qin Huairu's nod, the elder Yi Zhonghai breathed a sigh of relief, and then promised with a smile.

"Then thank you three masters for your trouble!"

"Master, you have to write in the agreement that Zheng San promises to give me five yuan a month as a pension!

You must never forget! "Jia Zhang, who was on the side, said happily when he heard the uncle's arrangement.

"Got it! I won't forget it!" Hearing Jia Zhang's words of giving up his life and not giving up his money, the third master looked at each other with a wry smile, and the elder Yi Zhonghai said helplessly.

(End of this chapter)

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