Chapter 194
Looking at the three uncles who appeared in front of him together, Zheng San thought they were here to trouble him, but when he heard the explanation from the uncle Yi Zhonghai, Zheng San immediately became excited.

He really didn't expect that hitting Xu Damao would bring such a big surprise.

If I had known this, I would have gone all over the capital to find Xu Damao, and then beat him up.

"Great! I agree to their conditions, and I will also write the agreement!
I am really grateful to the three uncles. When Qin Huairu and I have a wedding, I will definitely treat you to a drink! " Zheng San said happily.

Hearing Zheng San's surprise and inexplicable words, the third master Yan Banggui's eyes lit up, and he wanted to say something, but the elder master Yi Zhonghai, who was at the side, sighed, but preemptively said, "Whether you drink or not, it's actually up to you." It doesn't matter!

You must treat Qin Huairu, her children, and her mother-in-law kindly in the future!
They are also poor people! "

"My lord, don't worry!

I will definitely treat Qin Huairu and her family well! "Zheng San promised with joy on his face when he heard the order from the great master Yi Zhonghai.

"Don't call me uncle from now on, the three uncles happened to be here today, let me explain here, I will no longer be the uncle of this courtyard house in the future!
In the future, the second and third uncles should be responsible for the affairs of the courtyard house!

I will stop asking! Seeing that the matter finally came to an end, the elder Yi Zhonghai suddenly felt very tired, and then said with a wry smile.

Hearing the words of the first uncle Yi Zhonghai, the second uncle Liu Haizhong unconsciously showed a happy expression, tried his best to restrain the surprise in his heart, and then pretended to persuade, "Old Yi, what's wrong with you?"

"I'm fine! It's just that I'm getting older and don't have much energy to manage things!

I am going to put all my energy on Yi Xiaochuan!
So the courtyard in the future depends on you and the third master! "Hearing the second uncle's persuasion, the old neighbor for many years, how could the first uncle not understand the second uncle's mind, and then explained with a smile.

"If that's the case!

Our courtyard is going to hold a whole courtyard meeting!

You must explain it in public, Lao Yi, what do you think? " Seeing the serious look of the first uncle Yi Zhonghai, the second uncle Liu Haizhong couldn't restrain his surprise anymore and said.

"Of course!
Zheng San and Qin Huairu's marriage will also be explained in public, and it just so happens that there will be a meeting of the whole court to resolve the matter together! "Hearing the second uncle Liu Haizhong monkey's anxious statement, the first uncle said with a smile.

The three elders took Zheng San to the sub-district office and had the property notarized. Under the surprised eyes of the sub-district director, Qin Huairu and Zheng San got a marriage certificate.

"Zheng San, you can do it!

You caught a flower from our street so quickly, it seems that you really underestimated you before! "The director of the street said to Zheng San in front of him with a lot of emotion.

"It's all thanks to you, Director. If you hadn't brought me into this courtyard, I wouldn't have had the chance to know Qin Huairu!" Hearing the director's emotion, Zheng San said with a proud face, still humbly.

Hearing the humility in Zheng San's words, the street director smiled indifferently, and then said to Zheng San and Qin Huairu, "In the future, you will have a man in your family too!
Have a good time at home!

Stop thinking about things indiscriminately! "

Qin Huairu knew that the director of the street was warning him, but Zheng San who was beside him said with a smile, "Director, don't worry!
Our days to come will definitely get better and better!
You won't be disappointed! "

Seeing that Qin Huairu and Zheng San's affairs were finished, the second uncle Liu Haizhong couldn't wait to explain to the street director, "Director, Yi Zhonghai said that he is no longer going to be the first uncle of the courtyard house. How do you think about this matter?"

Hearing what the second uncle Liu Haizhong said, the director of the street looked at the silent elder Yi Zhonghai in surprise, and asked suspiciously, "Old Yi, what's going on?"

"Hehe, the main reason is that I am getting older, and now I only want to take good care of Yi Xiaochuan, and I don't have much energy to focus on the mundane things in the courtyard!

It's better to leave the burden of the courtyard to the second and third uncles! Hearing the doubts of the director of the street, Yi Zhonghai explained with a smile.

After carefully looking at Yi Zhonghai, the elder in front of him, the director of the street finally sighed helplessly, and then said helplessly, "It's good to put all your energy on the children!
Yi Xiaochuan is really well-behaved, it seems that Lao Yi will be blessed in the future! "

"Thank you, director, for your good words!" Hearing the approval from the street director, Yi Zhonghai breathed a sigh of relief, and thanked him with a smile.

After Qin Huairu figured it out, he didn't show any hypocrisy anymore, and followed Zheng San like a well-behaved little daughter-in-law, and came to the hospital to apologize to Xu Damao.

Xu Damao looked at Zheng San and Qin Huairu in surprise. When he saw Zheng Sanwu's rough appearance, Xu Damao still had lingering fears, but when he thought that this was a hospital, he boldly asked, "Why are you here?

Is it to see if I was beaten to death by you? "

"Brother Da Mao, look at what you said!

Didn't I misunderstand that you were pestering Qin Huairu?
Besides, now that I'm married to Qin Huairu, besides apologizing to you this time, I still want to invite you back to the courtyard to attend our wedding banquet! Seeing Xu Damao's arrogant face, Zheng San restrained his anger, and then apologized with a forced smile.

Hearing Zheng San's explanation, Xu Damao showed a shocked expression, and then asked Qin Huairu in disbelief, "What Zheng San said is true!"

"Yes! Xu Damao, what happened this time is indeed a misunderstanding!
We will also be responsible for your medical expenses!
I hope you can forgive Zheng San for his recklessness! Hearing Xu Damao's doubts, Qin Huairu said with a smile.

Looking at the proud Zheng San and Qin Huairu, Xu Damao always felt very incompatible with each other, but he couldn't say anything for a while, so he said with a little sarcasm, "Qin Huairu, you just found a capable man. Same!
This tone is getting louder, you don't pay attention to the medical expenses! "

Hearing the sarcasm in Xu Damao's words, Qin Huairu didn't care, just looked at Zheng San next to him, and then said with a smile, "Xu Damao, my sister Qin Jingru is still waiting for you in her hometown!
It's not a problem for you to hide!

What's the matter, let's give an explanation! "

"We are talking about Zheng San beating me now!
Why did you mention your sister Qin Jingru? "Hearing that Qin Huairu mentioned Qin Jingru, Xu Damao said with a bad face.

"Hehe, it's actually the same thing!

My sister Qin Jingru doesn't dislike you for being barren at all, but you always abandon her. I really don't know what you think!

What I said today is just to let you understand that you have always owed our family!
Let's forget about Zheng San beating you!

If you still keep tossing, I will consider bringing my sister Qin Jingru to the capital, and have a good fight with you! Seeing that Xu Damao's face changed when he heard Qin Jingru, Qin Huairu said with a sneer.

"Qin Huairu, you beat me!

Threatening me in return?

Do people like you! "Hearing the threat in Qin Huairu's words, Xu Damao said angrily.

"We don't want to threaten you either, it's just that you're too disappointing, a pile of shit behind your ass!

As long as you stop tossing, we also want to live our lives in peace! Hearing Xu Damao's anger, Qin Huairu said with a smile.

"Okay! Qin Huairu, I really have you!
Let's wait and see, I will see how happy your family will be in the future! Seeing that Qin Huairu had seized his life, Xu Damao could only put his hatred in his heart, and then said with a sneer.

Seeing Xu Damao reappearing this time, He Fan suddenly had an idea in his mind. He had been thinking about reporting Director Li's matter, and it would not affect himself. Xu Damao was the most suitable candidate.

As the year is getting closer, Director Li smiles more and more. Seeing that the big fat pigs in the pigsty of the farm are really going out at the end of the year, as He Fan said, the backstage leaders he invited, all the time. Entering the farm of the rolling mill, the smile never ceased.

Seeing the smile on the leader's face, Director Li knew that he was not far from the real success.

As long as the surname Li is happy, he wants to have a big meal with friends and friends. He Fan actually saw Xu Damao among the friends that Director Li called.

He Fan declined Director Li's invitation to him, using the excuse that he was newly married and needed to go home to accompany his wife, and then he got rid of Director Li's entanglement with him.

Seeing Xu Damao, He Fan, who wanted to go home early, went straight to the kitchen and waited.

After I left the rolling mill, my beloved apprentice Ma Hua gradually became the leader. It is really that Master Yang's cooking skills are too bad.

"Master, what is this?" Ma Hua looked at the master waiting in the kitchen and asked suspiciously.

"I'll wait for Xu Damao!" He Fan said directly with a smile.

"Ah? Why are you waiting for that grandson?" Ma Hua was even more puzzled.

"Hehe, don't worry about it!

If he gets drunk in a while, just bring him to me! Hearing Ma Hua's doubts, He Fan just smiled, and then ordered.

Not long after, Xu Damao was really drunk and unconscious again. Ma Hua dragged Xu Damao, who was like a dead dog, and put it in front of He Fan, panting.

"Master, you want Xu Damao!"

"Okay! Get off work first!" Looking at Xu Damao in front of him, He Fan told Ma Hua.

"Ah? Master, do you want me to help?" Ma Hua asked suspiciously.

"No need! Just go home from get off work!" He Fan shook his head for his apprentice Ma Hua's concern, and then said with a smile.

Seeing the back of Ma Hua leaving, He Fan took out a necklace-like thing, then patted the drunk Xu Damao, dangling in front of Xu Damao, "Xu Damao, do you see a door in front of you?

Just walk in, and you may gain fertility!
No one will laugh at you anymore! "

"Hey! I have a son!
I, Xu Damao, finally have a son! "Under He Fan's manipulation, Xu Damao was gradually hypnotized by He Fan, and then fell into a hallucination completely.

"Do you know why you have never had a son?

All because of the hateful Director Li!
As long as you report Director Li!
Not only can you get a lot of wealth, but you can also have many children and grandchildren!
Xu Damao, are you willing to report Director Li? "He Fan saw that Xu Damao was completely hypnotized by himself, and then continued to guide him.

"I want to report! I must report!

I have evidence of Director Li's crime in my hand, and where did he hide the stolen money? "Xu Damao immediately opened his eyes with red eyes, and said fiercely.

Seeing that Xu Damao was completely hypnotized by himself, He Fan was surprised. The Xu Damao in front of him was really not a dry-cooked guy. Unexpectedly, he also had the evidence of Director Li's crime in his hands.

He Fan handed over all the evidence he collected to the hypnotized Xu Damao, and then Xu Damao went directly to the Beijing Municipal Committee to report against Director Li with his real name!

The real-name reporting in this era is like a thunderbolt on the ground, completely exploding in the capital.

Based on Xu Damao's evidence and the location of the hidden gold, the leaders of the capital, after careful investigation, found that it was all true!

Seeing such a huge amount of stolen money and real criminal evidence, the leaders were collectively speechless, because the seriousness of the case was too appalling.

Director Li was taken away as expected, and later I heard that he was fed a peanut directly by his superiors, which ended his sinful life.

Many leaders of the rolling mill were taken away for investigation. They originally wanted to take He Fan away, but found that He Fan was not involved in any way. In addition, the newly appointed director of the rolling mill, Director Nie, repeatedly tried to protect him. The superior leaders also realized that The farm that He Fan is directly responsible for has become a "star project" in the capital, and then he gave up.

"Old He, this person surnamed Li is really nothing!
It's so exciting!

Didn't you know that the seized stolen goods were directly loaded into a big truck!
This guy is amazing! Director Nie ran to He Fan's office and told about Director Li's "great achievements" in shock.

Hearing Director Nie's words, even though He Fan personally collected the criminal evidence, he was still shocked by Li's insane behavior!
No wonder Director Li dared to do business directly after the hurricane. It turned out that he had his own background.

"Director He, you don't know yet!
Liu Lan in the cafeteria of our rolling mill was also taken away for investigation this time!
The higher-ups wanted to take you away. After the big leader heard about it, he called directly from the south and heard that you were not involved in it. He firmly disagreed that this incident would affect you!

It seems that the big leader really values ​​you! Seeing He Fan's shocked look, Director Nie suddenly said mysteriously.

He Fan was really touched when he heard that the great leader was far away in the south, still protecting him. This "big nobleman" of his cared more about him than his own father.

Seeing Director Nie, who had no friends or enemies, it was not suitable to directly discuss too much about the big leader, He Fan deliberately changed the subject and said, "That Liu Lan is just a lover surnamed Li, and he doesn't understand anything!

Why take her away? "

Seeing that He Fan was not interested in discussing the big leaders, Director Nie realized that He Fan in front of him could not be treated as an ordinary cook, and he was very scheming, and then he said in He Fan's words, "Hey! Liu Lan's matter , I also know some!
Committed to the surname Li, only for stuttering!
What a pity!She is also a poor person! "

"I don't think Liu Lan's matter is serious. At most, I should take it there to investigate. Or, the director, after she comes out, let her continue to work in the cafeteria!
Director, what do you think? Seeing that Director Nie in front of him also understood compassion for Liu Lan, He Fan said with a smile.

Hearing He Fan's proposal, Director Nie thought about it for a long time, and then looked at He Fan who was interceding in front of him, and then he felt relieved, and said with a smile, "Director He is right!
After all, everything is the fault of the surname Li, there is really no need to yell at poor people like Liu Lan! "

He Fan smiled unconsciously when he heard Director Nie's agreement. He Fan, who is also a woman, thinks that Liu Lan is more worthy of help than Qin Huairu.

(End of this chapter)

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