Self-cultivation of the Siheyuan God of War

Chapter 195 Wangfushi Qin Jingru

Chapter 195 Wangfushi Qin Jingru
Looking at the son Xu Damao with his head bowed in front of him, Xu's father and Xu's mother looked at each other with hatred for iron and steel, and finally Xu's father sighed helplessly, and said bitterly, "Da Mao, why are you so angry? Confused?

How could you go to report with your real name without any hesitation? "

"Don't you know what real-name reporting means?"

Hearing his father complaining to him, Xu Damao was also very remorseful, but thinking of the mysterious thought in his heart, Xu Damao still hesitantly explained, "I don't know what's wrong with me!?

As if suddenly possessed by a demon, I hated Director Li very much in my heart, and wanted to bring him down!
It was as if a voice told me that as long as Director Li was brought down, I would have everything and become a real winner in life!
Getting promoted and getting rich, having many children and grandchildren is not a dream! "

"I'm going to tell you that you have many children and grandchildren, can you have a relationship with Director Li?!

I went to your place to get promoted and get rich, and now I don’t care about the real-name report, you have offended everyone, who dares to use you! ? "Hearing his son explaining, while showing a fascinated expression again, Xu's father couldn't control his anger at all, and directly beat Xu Damao who was in a trance.

Xu's mother at the side quickly came over and pulled away the furious father Xu, desperately protecting her son Xu Damao, crying bitterly, "Old Xu, our son is pitiful enough!
Are you willing to kill him if you really want to kill him? "

"Anyway, I have already reported it, so what's the use of regretting here!"

Hearing Xu's mother defending her son Xu Damao, Xu's father also felt sorry for his son, but seeing Xu Damao's still psychedelic appearance, he said helplessly, "You are a loving mother and a loser!
Look at the current Da Mao, he is completely insane! "

"Da Mao has lost his temper, so what?
Did he really do something wrong?
Did Director Li really commit a crime?
Was it really a bribe?

I think whoever dares to punish our family Xu Damao, whoever punishes our family, I dare to sue him as an accomplice surnamed Li! "Hearing Xu's father's accusation against her son, Xu's mother was heartbroken and said sharply.

Hearing his wife's words, Xu's father was moved, thinking that it made sense, and this incident might really become the umbrella of his family.

Having figured this out, Father Xu stopped being furious, put down the things in his hand, and said with a helpless wry smile, "Just pamper Da Mao!
Sooner or later you will regret it one day! "

Hearing his wife's complaints about her and hearing the loose meaning in his words, Xu's mother knew that Xu's father agreed with her point of view, and then ignored Xu's father, but hugged her son Xu Damao and said calmly, "Son, don't Afraid!
There are parents to protect you!

No one will hurt you! "

After being beaten up by his father and calmed down by his mother, Xu Damao, who was hypnotized by He Fan, gradually came to his senses, and then muttered to himself, "That's not right! The information I collected is that there is only one gold deposit location , how come I heard that there are four places?"

Hearing his son's muttering, Xu's father didn't take it seriously, and said angrily, "Could it be that the superior doesn't investigate by himself?
The one surnamed Li won't take the initiative to confess?
What a fool you are! "

"Old Xu" heard Xu Damao's involuntary trembling when he heard his wife's questioning of his son, Xu's mother's heart was about to break, and then stopped Xu's father's questioning and said.

Hearing his wife's stop, Xu's father sighed again, and said helplessly, "Since we have fallen into this field now, let's stop despising Qin Jingru!
I plan to go to Qin Jingru's house tomorrow as a family, and quickly finalize the marriage between Da Mao and Qin Jingru! "

Hearing Xu's father's arrangement, Xu's mother agreed in her heart. After all, Xu Damao's career has almost come to an end, and he can no longer be picky about marriage.

But thinking of how hard she bullied Qin Jingru back then, Xu's mother felt a little guilty and said, "Back then our family treated Qin Jingru like that, so the one who celebrates the Chinese New Year will run over, will he be beaten out!"

"It's just a few days before the Chinese New Year, which is the most suitable time!

After all, if you don't reach out to smile people, let's prepare some generous gifts and be more sincere. For those who celebrate the Chinese New Year, their Qin family is not willing to find unhappy people! Hearing Mother Xu's worries, Father Xu said with a confident smile.

Xu's mother has always believed in her wife's judgment. Since he said that it is the best time to come to apologize during the Chinese New Year, Xu's mother didn't say anything more.

When Qin Jingru saw Xu Damao's family suddenly appearing in front of him, he was inexplicably surprised, but when he thought that he was carrying Yone Tiangong, he hurriedly left Yone Tiangong in embarrassment, and ran back to his home, hiding in the back room under the suspicious eyes of his family. Willing to come out.

The Qin family didn't have any doubts for a long time, and when they saw Xu Damao's family, Qin's father directly lowered his face, sat in the main room and ignored Xu Damao's family.

Father Xu, who had to be prepared, didn't care at all, but put the heavy gift in his hand aside with a smile, feeling the greedy eyes of the Qin family looking at the gift, Father Xu smiled inadvertently, and said, "Old Qin Brother, I only heard about Da Mao and Qin Jingru later. When I heard about it, I was also very angry, so I beat Xu Da Mao!
So today our old couple brought Xu Damao to the door to apologize!
I hope Brother Qin can forgive us! "

Hearing Father Xu's explanation, Father Qin looked at Father Xu contemptuously, didn't say anything, just sneered, "Huh!"

Seeing Father Qin's behavior, the Xu family felt very embarrassed, but thinking about the future of their son Xu Damao, they could only bear it with a forced face and a smile.

"Brother Qin, besides apologizing, we came here this time mainly to propose marriage!
Da Mao and Qin Jingru are not young anymore, why not do it for them! "Father Xu said his purpose with a strong face and a smile.

Hearing Father Xu's marriage proposal, Father Qin still tilted his head upward at ninety degrees, refusing to pay attention to the Xu family in front of him.

An awkward atmosphere gradually filled the air in the Qin family, making everyone present feel very uncomfortable.

Qin Jingru, who was hiding in the back room, sensed the situation outside and felt a little puzzled when he saw his father putting on airs. He ran out immediately and said to Xu's family, "I am willing! I am willing to marry Xu Damao!"

Hearing Qin Jingru's words, the Xu family became happy, but the Qin family's face immediately collapsed, and they could no longer maintain their airs.

But seeing Qin Jingru's urgent look, the Qin family could only break their teeth and swallow blood, but couldn't say anything.

Xu's father left 100 yuan as a bride price, and brought Qin Jing back to the capital happily.

He Fan got rid of the scumbag Director Li and completely relaxed, and the next days can finally follow his own plan.

Looking at You Fengxia in front of him, He Fan dropped his wild thoughts and asked You Fengxia with a smile, "Fengxia, do you want to know the whereabouts of your parents?"

Suddenly hearing He Fan's question, You Fengxia was a little sad, but thinking of the difficulty of the matter, You Fengxia said dejectedly, "The big leaders didn't even find out, I have given up hope!"

He Fan felt a little distressed when he heard the frustration in You Fengxia's words, then he smiled and said mysteriously, "I've asked someone to inquire about it! Maybe there will be news soon!"

Some time ago, He Fan asked the leaders of many other units who came to the rolling mill to inquire about the news of his father-in-law and mother-in-law. He Fan also thought about avoiding suspicion, but now that he is married to You Fengxia, sometimes he does not avoid it. It's better to face it directly.

The leaders who came to inspect the rolling mill farm were shocked and admired when He Fan asked about the whereabouts of his father-in-law and mother-in-law without hesitation, after all, they were in such a sensitive time now.

The reason why I mentioned this matter in front of You Fengxia today is because Director Nie sent the news of the general whereabouts of his parents-in-law. If he wants to know the exact location, it will take a while to inquire, but it is possible to know the exact location. Sex is also seven or eight out of ten!

After hearing He Fan's words, You Fengxia didn't take it seriously, because the big leader had also made great efforts to inquire about it, but it was disappointing that there was no news.

"The life of the great leader back then was not easy!
And when the hurricane just came, no one dared to talk nonsense, so it was difficult to inquire.

Recently, many leaders from other fraternal units came to our rolling mill to inspect our farm. At the dinner table, I kept asking them for the exact location of your parents! Seeing You Fengxia's hopeless look, He Fan continued to say with a smile.

"Recently, I heard news that your parents are in the southwest area. It will take some time to find out the exact location."

Hearing He Fan's explanation, You Fengxia widened her eyes in surprise, and happily said to He Fan in front of her, "Really? Brother Zhuzi, thank you so much!"

"of course it's true!

You are my wife, we are a family, there is no need to say thank you! He Fan said with a smile after hearing You Fengxia's surprise thanks.

"Brother Zhuzi, you are so kind to me!" You Fengxia said happily and sweetly.

"Like you said, let's live our lives!

I am very satisfied with my life now, and I hope you are too! He Fan couldn't restrain himself when he heard You Fengxia's emotional words.

"Hmm! I'm also very satisfied!" You Fengxia expressed her emotion directly, not knowing if she understood He Fan's words.

Hearing You Fengxia's statement, He Fan couldn't help but secretly sighed, now he can only do his best to do his own thing, do his best, and obey the destiny!
As for whether You Fengxia can follow her as always, there is nothing she can do.

I really didn't expect that I would have such a worrying partner in this life, no matter in real life or in previous time travels, this is the minimum trust I have for my lover.

But in front of You Fengxia, I couldn't trust him anyway. As a man, I really felt very tired at this moment, and unconsciously thought of A Hong and Zhong Hui!
(End of this chapter)

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