Chapter 196
Zheng San married Qin Huairu as he wished. Zheng San is not a soft-legged shrimp with a crayon and silver gun head like Xu Damao, nor is he a short-lived ghost like Jia Dongxu. Moisturizing.

Seeing his mother Qin Huairu marry the tyrannical Zheng San, Bang Geng was completely unwilling, but he was helpless.

Sensing Bang Geng's gaze, Zheng San was not the idiot he was before, but he didn't want to be used to Bang Geng, so he slapped his chopsticks on the table and asked sharply, "Boy, what are you looking at?

What is that look in your eyes? "

"I don't have it!" Hearing Zheng San scolding him, Bang retorted in fear.

"How dare you speak stubbornly!
Who is used to your stinking problem! Hearing Bang Geng's rebuttal, Zheng Sanyi slapped Bang Geng on the head, cursing unhappily.

Seeing Zheng San fight again, Jia Zhang and Qin Huairu were very distressed, but seeing Zheng San's ferocity, they didn't dare to say anything.

Feeling his son Banggeng's grievances, Qin Huai whispered to Zheng San with a headache, "Speak up if you have something to say, don't beat the child!"

"Men take care of children, you old women, stop interrupting!

You are used to it, what do you think is better now?
This kind of uneducated appearance, in the society, will definitely suffer endless losses! Hearing Qin Huairu's persuasion, Zheng San complained angrily.

"Bang Geng, don't be unconvinced!

You want it now!
You are an adult and you should know that you are responsible for your actions! "After teaching Qin Huairu a lesson, Zheng San said with a sneer at Bang.

"Zheng San, look at the stick is bigger now!
I want him to live in a room alone! "

After some cloud and rain, Qin Huairu bit Zheng San's ear and said charmingly.

Hearing Qin Huairu's words, the exhausted Zheng San smiled silently, how could Zheng San not know what Qin Huairu's family was thinking.

Don't look at Zheng San who always looks rough and reckless when things happen, but he is actually very treacherous. Qin Huairu's family wanted it, and Zheng San knew everything in his heart.

Hearing Zheng San's doubts, Qin Huairu didn't think too much, and continued to smile and put forward his own request, "Why don't we move to my old house, it would be better to leave it here for Bang."

Hearing that Qin Huairu wanted to occupy his own house as expected, Zheng San smiled, and then said disdainfully, "Qin Huairu, what I said always counts!

If you promise to give the house to the stick, you won't go back on your word, but that will be after I die!

As long as I'm alive, I won't leave this house unless I'm carried out! "

Hearing Zheng Sanqing's cold words, Qin Huairu's heart tightened, and he quickly said flatteringly, "Don't be angry!
I also feel sorry for our son, Bang Geng!
Don't you think of Bang Geng as your son? "

Qin Huairu, a scheming bitch, put herself up directly, Zheng San couldn't say anything more, sighed, and then arranged to say, "How about this! Let Xiao Dang and Huaihua live in the small room next to us!
Let Grandma Bang and Bang stay in the same house!

Bang Geng will never dislike his grandma! "

"Eh? But Xiaodang and Huaihua are too young, and I'm a little worried about the two of them living together alone!" Hearing Zheng San's arrangement, Qin Huairu thought that Xiaodang and Huaihua would not adapt, and then said questioningly.

"What do you know!
You must know that children have to learn to be independent. If you spoil your children all the time, how can they really grow up!
It's arranged like this, don't talk nonsense about it to me anymore! "Hearing Qin Huairu's opinion of a woman, Zheng San said angrily.

Seeing that Zheng San was furious again, Qin Huairu could only serve Zheng San desperately again. After a great battle, Zheng San was out of breath again. How about finding a job?"

"Oh? Find it!

One is to sweep the streets, and the other is to collect trash!
Let Bang Geng choose one for you! Hearing Qin Huairu's question, Zheng San, who was reminiscing about the madness just now, thought for a while and said.

"Ah? It's either sweeping the streets, or collecting junk!

This is too embarrassing!
Even more unwilling! "Qin Huairu, who was originally pleasantly surprised, immediately collapsed when he heard Zheng San's words.

Hearing Qin Huairu's dissatisfaction, Zheng San said with a sneer, "You guys are still picking and choosing here, do you know how many people are looking for jobs outside?

Now outside for a job opportunity, it's almost crazy!
That is to say, you don't even understand the fart. Do you know how many relationships I have left for these two jobs? "

"Ah? Are there so many job seekers outside now?" Hearing Zheng San's complaint, Qin Huairu became surprised.

"I mean let the stick do it first, and you can change it when you have a good job in the future!
Don't always think about eating a fat man! "Zheng San said angrily.

When Bang Geng heard what his mother Qin Huairu said, he hated it very much, and said impatiently, "I'd rather be idle than sweep the streets or collect trash!

My classmate saw it and didn't laugh at me!

How am I going to mess around in the capital in the future! "

"But it's really hard to find a job now, and you, Uncle Zheng, have also wasted a lot of energy!" Hearing his son Bang Geng's dissatisfaction, Qin Huairu persuaded him earnestly.

Hearing his mother Qin Huairu mentioning that annoying Zheng San, Bang Geng sneered, and said disdainfully, "He, Zheng San, is really good at home, and it seems that he is still a fart outside!
It's not much different from the silly pillar before! "

"How are you talking!
I'm not afraid that Uncle Zheng will beat you up again if he hears it! "Hearing Bang Geng's words, Qin Huairu agreed very much, and she also thought that Zheng San refused to make any effort, and then said in fear.

"Hmph! One day Zheng San will grow old!

When he is old, see how I deal with him! "Hearing his mother Qin Huai's frightened look, Bang Geng couldn't control his inner anger, and said heartlessly.

"Fengxia, I have good news for you!

Finally found the exact whereabouts of your parents! He Fan, who came back from get off work, looked at You Fengxia in front of him, and said with a smile.

"Really? Great!

Tell me quickly, where are they? "Hearing the news of He Fan, You Fengxia said excitedly.

"In the mountain city in the southwest, get ready, we will visit them in the mountain city in a few days!" Seeing You Fengxia's excited look, He Fan said with a smile.

"Great! Finally found my parents!

I will go to the unit tomorrow to ask for leave!

By the way, how long shall we please this time? "You Fengxia said excitedly.

"It takes a long time to go back and forth, just two months please!

Let's stay in the mountain city for a while, so we can see your parents a few more times! He Fan thought for a while after hearing You Fengxia's question, and then said with a smile.

"But, after taking such a long leave, will your work be affected?" You Fengxia was very happy when she heard He Fan's arrangement, but she also asked worriedly.

"It's okay! Now the farm is on the right track, it doesn't matter if I'm here or not!

Besides, I, the deputy director, is a grass-headed king, and I don't value it too much!

The deputy director of a large factory with [-] people must at least be at the deputy department level, but am I now?
I have now become a deputy director directly from a cook, and I will be resigned sooner or later! He Fan said with a nonchalant smile when he heard You Fengxia's worries about her work.

"Ah? Then what are you going to do in the future?" You Fengxia asked in confusion when she heard He Fan's indifferent attitude.

"Don't worry!

I have already made my own arrangements for my future work, and I will definitely not let you and the child in your stomach suffer from cold and hunger! "Hearing You Fengxia's worry, He Fan, who had already planned in his heart, explained with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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