Chapter 197
Bang directly rejected his mother Qin Huairu, not only because he disliked the job Zheng San found for him, but also because he enjoyed the life of doing nothing now.

After graduating from junior high school, Bang Geng's own grades did not have the hope of going to high school. In the eyes of others, he lived a life of doing nothing every day, but for Bang Geng now, he enjoyed it very much.

In the eyes of later generations, the current capital city, and even the entire country, is a desert of entertainment culture, but in the eyes of Bang Geng and other street runners, it is like a sweet treat.

Although Bang is not able to integrate into those specific compound circles, there are also many "like-minded" good friends gathered around him, and there are many things that can be done every day.

Choose the sunny weather, a few people meet to go fishing; a group of people hang out at the entrance of the cinema at night, even though they have no money to enter the cinema to watch movies, it is still a kind of enjoyment for them; seeing beautiful girls, blowing cowhide loudly , as if Bang Geng himself is the protagonist of Destiny.
Bang feels that life at home is getting better and better recently. Mother Qin Huairu no longer sighs, and grandma Jia Zhangshi no longer curses Shazhu and Yi Zhonghai. Stuffing some pocket money for himself and living a more and more comfortable life made Bang hate work even more.

The only fly in the ointment is that an inexplicable Zheng San suddenly appeared, not only annoying him, but also very tyrannical. At least he won't bother with his own affairs, and will only be tricked by his mother, Qin Huairu.

Saihanba World.

He Fan looked at the sparse snowflakes in the sky that started to fall, and sighed in his heart, the climax of "The Most Beautiful Youth" has come.

He Fan thought he would be able to return to the capital to reunite with his family before winter came, but he didn't expect to be coerced by Tan Xuemei and the others to stay.

"It's snowing! It's snowing!"

He Fan sighed unconsciously when he heard the joyful voices of the girls yelling. The snow scene is beautiful, but it probably killed everyone in the advance team.

Although he knew the development of the next plot, He Fan did not hoard food in advance, and he did not even mark the Diyang Cave.

It's not that He Fan is too lazy, it's that there is no need to hoard food at present, it is too scarce, after all, it is in a period of natural disasters.

He Fan has guessed that the forest farm did not forget to send supplies to Saihanba, but did not have to send them at all!
The following plot is the most human-testing part. He Fan is not going to change anything, but just watch their performance quietly.

He Fan went directly to the cafeteria to eat, and did not greet anyone, but enjoyed being alone alone.

Seeing He Fan's arrival, several college students looked at each other, and then Tan Xuemei gave Zhao Tianshan a look at the dumbfounded Zhao Tianshan, and Zhao Tianshan came to He Fan hesitantly and explained, " Director Feng, it's snowing in Saihanba!
Our advance team has also worked so hard for so long. The college students proposed that they want to eat dumplings, so I want your approval! "

"Ahem!" He Fan, who was struggling to swallow the cornbread after hearing Zhao Tianshan's wonderful explanation, almost choked to death, so he quickly took a sip of porridge and swallowed it.

"Zhao Tianshan, you still want to apply for eating dumplings, are you deliberately burying me?" He Fan said angrily when he heard the content of Zhao Tianshan's application.

"Captain Feng, do you agree?" Hearing He Fan's words, Zhao Tianshan didn't care about the complaints in He Fan's words, but said pleasantly.

Looking at Zhao Tianshan and the college students in front of him with happy faces, He Fan knew that they were really struggling, and really just wanted to eat dumplings to satisfy their cravings.

Originally thinking that there would be problems with the next supply, He Fan wanted to stop their profligate behavior, but seeing their eager and excited expressions, He Fan could only swallow the disappointing words again.

Qin Xuemei was sensitive to He Fan's low interest, and asked suspiciously, "Director Feng, eating dumplings is a very happy thing, but why do I feel that you don't approve of it?"

"Eh?" He Fan admired Tan Xuemei's sensitivity when he heard Tan Xuemei's doubts, and just explained with a smile, "Who would be unhappy eating dumplings!

I just suddenly remembered that at this time of year, I should eat dumplings with my family, it’s just a little sad!

Don't be too sensitive and cranky! "

When the college students and workers heard the conversation between He Fan and Tan Xuemei, their nervousness gradually subsided, and they were really worried that He Fan in front of them would stop them.

Qin Xuemei was not so easy to deceive, and realized that He Fan's words were not right, she continued to stalk her and said, "No! Director Feng, you must have something to hide from us on purpose!"

He Fan lost his patience when he heard Qin Xuemei questioning himself over and over again, and said angrily, "Since you are so smart, don't you guys know what's going on outside now?
Still need to say it from my mouth? "

Hearing the words in He Fan's words, the college students were all surprised, and finally realized that something they didn't know had happened. Meng Yue, who was on the side, saw Tan Xuemei's ugly face, and said calmly, "Director Feng, you If you know some outside news, just let us know!

We can all take it! "

"Thanks to you college students who talk all day long, you seem so amazing, you can't analyze such an easy-to-understand situation!

I am so ashamed for you guys! He Fan said angrily when he heard Meng Yue's questioning.

"Some time ago, Master Wei Fugui received a letter from his hometown, saying that his mother died of starvation, don't you know?
The fact is that this is not an isolated case, but a common natural disaster in the outside world! "

After hearing He Fan's explanation, the college students remembered Wei Fugui's family affairs, and looked at the sad Wei Fugui in unison, Qin Xuemei questioned in disbelief, "How can the outside world be so serious?
Director Feng is too exaggerated! "

"Hmph! Qin Xuemei, you are so self-righteous!

Let me ask you, originally we only needed to send supplies once to solve the winter supply problem of our advance team, why did we need to send them in two?
Could it be that the truck is too small to fit in?
Or the leaders of the forest farm wanted to enjoy the beautiful scenery of Saihanba, so they deliberately ran once or twice?

The real reason is that there is really no way to send it away!
Hearing that you want to eat dumplings, I also know that you have really worked too hard during this time, so I can't say anything!
But this winter, everyone must be prepared!
Master Wei, don't make mine for today's dumplings!

Eat yourselves! He Fan said angrily when he heard Qin Xuemei questioning him.

When everyone was resting at night, Zhao Tianshan brought Wei Fugui and Qin Xuemei to the old camp where He Fan lived.

Tan Xuemei looked at He Fan who was half lying on the bed reading a book, and always felt that he had a cynical feeling, which made her feel very uncomfortable, but thinking of the purpose of coming today, Qin Xuemei still apologized with a forced face and said, "Director Feng, I'm sorry !

Just now I asked Master Wei carefully about the specific situation in their hometown. It turns out that the outside world is really serious!
I am very sorry for questioning you just now! "

"Your apology, I accept it!

If nothing else, you guys go back to your new camp! He Fan smiled noncommittally after hearing Qin Xuemei's inappropriate apology, and then issued an order to evict the guest.

Hearing He Fan's eviction order, the three of Tan Xuemei were very uncomfortable. Seeing Tan Xuemei's embarrassment, Zhao Tianshan quickly explained, "For the next difficult winter situation, we need your arrangement, Director Feng!"

"Need my arrangement?
Are you kidding me?

Do you really need it? He Fan said with a sneer when he heard Zhao Tianshan's explanation, remembering that they insisted on staying in Saihanba for the winter.

"The reason why I insisted on going to Saihanba at the beginning was because of my family, and the supply problem was also a big reason.

But you shout cheap slogans and do some moral kidnapping, as if slogans can solve all problems!
I think you don't need my arrangement at all, you all have your own ideas in your heart! "

Hearing He Fan's merciless reprimand, Zhao Tianshan and Qin Xuemei blushed like a monkey's ass, Zhao Tianshan said forcefully, "I'm sorry, Director Feng!

It was because we didn't think carefully at the beginning, I hope you will get through this difficulty with us regardless of past suspicions! "

"Captain Feng, I'm really sorry!
I know I was wrong, and I will never be self-righteous again! "Qin Xuemei apologized again sincerely.

He Fan felt very painful when he heard Zhao Tianshan and Qin Xuemei's apology. They are actually his predecessors. They gave up too much for their ideals and suffered too much, but they are also very stubborn!

He Fan sighed, and said with a helpless smile, "Zhao Tianshan, you are also a soldier!

There is no need for my arrangement at all, just follow the wartime regulations, confiscate all privately owned food, uniformly distribute it according to the amount and fairness, and wait until this difficulty is over before considering compensation for personal losses!
Why!Let me take the lead first!
Master Wei, the package on the table is all my personal food, and I will distribute it to you! "

Hearing He Fan's words, the three of Zhao Tianshan were very happy, and then Wei Fugui happily opened the package on the table, saw the food inside, widened his eyes in surprise and said, "Director Feng, there are all kinds of food inside." Canned meat! This"

"Hehe, it's mainly because my family members are worried that I won't be able to eat well in Saihanba, so so many canned meats are mailed over!" Seeing Wei Fugui's surprised expression, He Fan explained with a nonchalant smile .

"Then Captain Feng, how much should each person in our advance team supply?" Hearing He Fan's indifferent explanation, the three of Zhao Tianshan admired them very much, and there was no longer any estrangement between him and He Fan. Wei Fugui Master Wei asked suspiciously.

He Fan was already prepared when he heard Wei Fugui's question from Master Wei, and said with a smile, "You can ask Zhao Tianshan this question!
After all, he was a soldier, so he should know the minimum daily food standard for everyone!

Just follow the lowest one to ensure that everyone will not starve to death! "

"Will this be too little?" Zhao Tianshan who was next to him asked hesitantly when he heard He Fan's arrangement.

Hearing Zhao Tianshan's hesitation, He Fan suddenly felt disgusted with his indecision, and questioned angrily, "Zhao Tianshan, have you ever been a soldier?

Why don't you have a bit of soldier's blood, I think you have only learned some soldier's fur!

It's not like you don't know the cruelty of the war. If something goes wrong with the winter supplies this time, what will happen to our entire advance team, you should be very clear in your heart! "

Hearing He Fan's reprimand to him, Zhao Tianshan suddenly felt ashamed.

yes!Since I went to Saihanba, especially in front of these college students, I couldn't help but feel inferior!

"Zhao Tianshan, remember your own identity!
You are the captain of the advance team, and now a fierce battle is about to come, stop doing your womanly benevolence! "

Wu Yansheng saw that Zhao Tianshan and Qin Xuemei came together to confiscate the privately owned food, and he couldn't accept it. He knew that this was that damned He Fanhao ghost again, so he said angrily, "Could it be that Feng Cheng again? Got a ghost?
Well, I want to say something that is impossible to scare us college students!

Not only are we not allowed to eat dumplings, but now we have to confiscate our privately owned food, which is too much! "

"Wu Yansheng, please watch your attitude!

How can you slander your leader behind your back like this?
You are too much! "Zhao Tianshan reprimanded Wu Yansheng angrily when he heard Wu Yansheng's strange words and doubts about He Fan.

Seeing Zhao Tianshan reprimanding himself abnormally, Wu Yansheng's heart tightened for no reason. What's the matter? Even the "good old man" Zhao Tianshan became tough, muttering in his mouth to retort, "I, I It's the truth!"

"What are the facts?

The real fact is that Director Feng took out all his food and set an example!
Master Wei showed them the canned food handed in by Director Feng! Hearing Wu Yansheng's mumbling in a low voice, Zhao Tianshan said with a sneer.

Hearing Zhao Tianshan's order, Master Wei Fugui quickly opened the package in his hand. When all the college students saw the canned meat in the package, they were completely shocked. Sui Zhichao said in shock, "There are so many canned meats. Field Manager Feng was willing to take it out!
It seems that the situation outside is really serious! "

Da Kui, a Chengde tough guy who has never seen the world, was also shocked when he saw so many canned meat and said, "Oh my God!

Chengde's department store doesn't have so many canned meats! "

Seeing everyone's shocking expressions at the same time, Zhao Tianshan sneered and said coldly, "Now everyone has seen it!

You are not allowed to question Director Feng in the future, have you heard that? "

"Actually, I personally think that Director Feng is the one who respects you college students the most.

As soon as you went to Saihanba, you questioned Director Feng’s full-light seedling cultivation and insisted on shading seedlings. However, Director Feng did not stop you, but instead took away all the materials in the laboratory and Saihanba. I leave it to you!
There is also the issue of winter supplies this time. Director Feng knows how difficult the next days will be for us, but just because we all want to eat dumplings, Director Feng swallowed back the words to stop it!

If Tan Xuemei hadn't been too sensitive and found Director Feng's embarrassment, I think everyone would still be living in a beautiful fantasy! Hearing Wu Yansheng's questioning of He Fan again and again, Zhao Tianshan realized that Wu Yansheng's words were in fact the innermost thoughts of all college students, and they were just expressed through Wu Yansheng's mouth. So Zhao Tianshan couldn't help but He Fan said something fair.

(End of this chapter)

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