Chapter 198
The supply truck that was supposed to arrive two days ago did not show up as expected.

Wu Yansheng, who insisted on enduring the meager food and wanted to wait for the supplies to be sent to Saihanba normally, then encouraged the college students to humiliate He Fan together, had completely given up.

The advance team thought of He Fan's warning without looking forward to the material supply truck coming to the forest farm, and unconsciously filled the whole Saihanba with a suffocating sense of depression.

The high-intensity work of storing larch seeds in winter every day makes the college students tired with backaches, but the food in their mouths can only ensure that they will not starve to death. That feeling is really too painful.

"Zhao Tianshan, from now on, each dormitory must always have a set of saws and shovels.

I'm worried that a big snowstorm will suddenly come one night, and the cellar will be buried! "He Fan thought that a real snowstorm was coming, so he gave Zhao Tianshan instructions.

"I see, Director Feng!
But our advance team doesn't have many saws, some are not enough! Hearing He Fan's order, Zhao Tianshan said with a smile.

Upon hearing Zhao Tianshan's question, He Fan was prepared, and said to Zhang Fulin, the little transparent, "Among the Saihanba advance team, Zhang Fulin has the most skillful hands, so I will leave the saw to you!

Zhang Fulin, can you finish it? "

"Don't worry, Director Feng, I will definitely complete the task successfully!" Hearing He Fan's assignment of work to him, the little transparent Zhang Fulin said in surprise.

"Captain Feng, five days have passed since the supply truck went to the dam!

I went to the back kitchen to have a look, although it can last for about ten days, but we have been waiting here, it is not a problem, right? ! "Zhao Tianshan saw that there was an arrangement for the saw, and suddenly mentioned the worrying supply problem again.

He Fan smiled helplessly when he heard Zhao Tianshan's question, and then asked back, "Then my Captain Zhao, what suggestion do you have?"

Hearing He Fan's question to him, Zhao Tianshan became a little nervous, and when he was thinking about how to answer, Wu Yansheng who was beside him said first, "Director Feng, I don't think we can just sit and wait like this!

Someone should be sent down to the dam for help! "

Hearing Wu Yansheng's proposition, He Fan knew what this guy was thinking, and then said with a smile, "Wu Yansheng is right!

But have you ever thought about the difficulty of the problem?
Once the white hair wind blows, if you walk less than ten meters, you can't see your footprints, you can only freeze to death in the snow!

Besides, who are you going to arrange to go down to the dam for help? "

Hearing the difficulties that He Fan had considered, all the people present felt tense and unanimously agreed with the horror of Saihanba Baimaofeng. Wu Yansheng saw that everyone was frightened by He Fan's words, and felt very shameless. , and then suggested with a forced smile, "I don't think it's so dangerous!
Na Dakui of our advance team is a native of Chengde, and Captain Zhao Tianshan Zhao is also a hero who has served in the army. Their physical fitness is very good, and they can go down to the dam together to ask for help! "

Hearing Wu Yansheng's proposal, all the college students present were moved, their eyes lit up involuntarily, and they all agreed with Wu Yansheng's point of view in their hearts.

"Hehe, you've really thought about it clearly!

It was said that going down the dam is not dangerous, but then Na Dakui and Zhao Tianshan were instructed to take risks!
If you really think there is no danger in your heart, and you are tall and big, why don't you go down the dam together? He Fan felt a little chilled when he heard Wu Yansheng's proposal and saw other college students' excited expressions, and then said with a sneer bluntly.

Hearing that He Fan exposed the darkness in his heart without mercy, Wu Yansheng's face suddenly turned livid. Seeing the strange eyes of his colleagues around him, Wu Yansheng retorted, "I'm just out of school. They are just college students, how can Zhao Tianshan and Na Dakui have good physical fitness!"

"You can pull it down!

For dangerous things, you encourage others to do it, and even use moral kidnapping!

There are benefits, credits, and no danger, so don't say that!

You are too stupid! He Fan said with a sneer when he heard Wu Yansheng's unconvinced sophistry.

"I you. You talk nonsense! You slander me!" Wu Yansheng's face turned from ashen to pale, knowing that what He Fan was talking about was the dark side of his heart, so he could only retort helplessly.

"How dare you speak hard! I'm too lazy to talk to you!" He Fan said with a sneer when he heard Wu Yan's stubborn expression and saw the rich and wonderful expressions of other advance team members.

"Just wait for a few days!

Since the supplies can last more than ten days, then wait another three days. If there are still no supplies, let's find a way to ask for help! "

Hearing that He Fan had made an arrangement, everyone in the advance team stopped talking and gradually calmed down.

"Captain Feng, Ji Xiurong doesn't seem to have much appetite these days?
I don't know if she is sick! "Wei Fugui and Master Wei sneaked up to He Fan and said hesitantly.

He Fan sighed in his heart when he heard Wei Fugui's words, of course he knew what happened to Ji Xiurong, don't look at Ji Xiurong's superficial carelessness like a silly girl, in fact she was very thoughtful, and still couldn't let go of Yan Xiangli's abandonment of him, This is heart disease!
"Oh! Old Wei, you are very observant, haha, you are interested in Ji Xiurong, right?" Looking at Wei Fugui in front of him, He Fan's heart moved. Isn't this the real son of Ji Xiurong, and he said jokingly.

Hearing He Fan's jokes on him, Wei Fugui immediately became shy, and quickly denied, "Director Feng, don't make such jokes!

I just saw her, Ji Xiurong, as half of my fellow countryman, so I wanted to take care of her!
Don't get me wrong! "

Hearing Wei Fugui's cover-up explanation, He Fan smiled and looked at Zhao Tianshan at the side, and arranged to say, "Since you found out that Ji Xiurong's condition is not right, do you have any solution?"

Hearing that He Fan stopped teasing himself, Wei Fugui let go of the tension in his heart, breathed a sigh of relief unconsciously, and then explained, "I'm just a cook, and I don't know anything else, so I just wanted to make some good ones for Ji Xiurong. food!

I seem to have heard her say before that the mahu made by her grandma is delicious, so I wanted to try it! "

Hearing Wei Fugui's explanation, Zhao Tianshan at the side also became happy, and quickly said encouragingly, "Old Wei, I really have you!
If you really solve Ji Xiurong's problem, it will be considered as a great achievement for you! "

When Ji Xiurong saw the horse hut brought by Tan Xuemei, she was very happy, and immediately couldn't restrain herself from trying it.

After taking a sip, his eyes lit up unconsciously, and he quickly praised, "That's great! That's the taste!
Same as my grandma made!
Master Wei is so kind! "

Hearing Ji Xiurong's praise, Qin Xuemei on the side also became happy. Ji Xiurong finally started to eat. Seeing her finish drinking Ma Hu, Tan Xuemei happily found Wei Fugui again, "Master Wei, Ma Hu is still here!" Have it?

Ji Xiurong ate up all the food just now!

You have done a great job! "

"Really? Great!

But I just tried to make a bowl, and I didn't dare to make more, because I was afraid of wasting food!
Otherwise, I'll make it overnight, and Ji Xiurong will be able to drink it tomorrow morning! "Hearing the news about Tan Xuemei, Wei Fugui was very happy, but then said in a difficult way.

"fair enough!
I will definitely show my credit to Director Feng! "Hearing Wei Fugui's explanation, Tan Xuemei thought for a while, then said with a smile.

"no, I'm fine!

This is what I should do! Hearing Qin Xuemei's arrangement, Wei Fugui quickly refused.

If Zhao Tianshan felt a little inferior in the face of college students, Wei Fugui and Master Wei felt even more inferior. He didn't even dare to face his love for Ji Xiurong in his heart, so he could only silently give from the sidelines.

If it wasn't for Ji Xiurong's blatant anti-pursuit, Wei Fugui would never have revealed his heart.

The work of storing seeds in the snow is over, and everyone can only wait for the supply truck that will not appear.

There was a sudden snowstorm in Saihanba the day before yesterday, which completely buried the cellar in Saihanba, and then everyone in the advance team lived together in the cafeteria.

Can't wait for the supply truck, Saihanba was full of sighs and sorrows, Zhao Tianshan once again came to He Fan who was lying dead and begged, "Director Feng, I really can't wait any longer!

I think Wu Yansheng's suggestion last time was very good, and Na Dakui and I went down to the dam to ask for help! "

Na Dakui, who was on the side, heard that he could finally express himself, and quickly patted his chest and said, "Don't worry! With my local snake, Na Dakui, I will definitely get help successfully!"

Hearing Zhao Tianshan and Na Dakui's statement, the college students were very moved, but they didn't dare to say anything when they thought of He Fan's reprimand to Wu Yansheng last time.

Hearing Zhao Tianshan and Na Dakui's application, He Fan scrutinized the expressions of the college students. He Fan sneered inwardly when he saw how excited they were that they wanted Zhao Tianshan and Na Dakui to act immediately.

"Your trip to the dam this time is completely useless!
It’s not far at all, and going down the dam just added two more ice sculptures to Saihanba! "He Fan spoke directly from his heart.

Hearing He Fan's words, Zhao Tianshan agreed in his heart, but seeing the expectations of everyone in the advance team, Zhao Tianshan still gritted his teeth and insisted, "I know what Director Feng is worried about!

But I still want to try it! "

"Try? You are trying with your life!

This is not when college students go to the dam, the planting of good shading seedlings, if it fails, it means wasting some saplings and time, but they will also gain experience in afforestation!
But this matter of going down to the dam to ask for help is completely different! He Fan refused after hearing the insistence in Zhao Tianshan's words.

"But." Zhao Tianshan wanted to insist on saying something after hearing He Fan's direct rejection.

Hearing that Zhao Tianshan still wanted to persist, He Fan waved his hand directly to stop Zhao Tianshan's next words, and then explained with a smile, "Actually, we are not at the end of the rope now!

I have other ways to ask for help here, there is no need to risk my life to ask for help! "

Hearing He Fan's explanation, everyone in the frustrated Saihanba advance team showed surprise expressions, and they all looked at He Fan in unison.

"Everyone should know that there is an air force base near Saihanba!
Occasionally, a plane will pass by the camp of our advance team in Saihanba. We can find a white sheet and write out food for help! Seeing everyone's surprised expressions, He Fan continued to explain.

Hearing He Fan's method, everyone in the advance team saw hope again. Tan Xuemei said ecstatically, "I have a white bed sheet, and I am willing to contribute it!"

"Hehe, don't worry!
There is a second way!
Listen to me first, before you get excited! Seeing everyone's surprise, He Fan said with a smile.

Meng Yue heard that He Fan had a second method, and then excitedly said, "Director Feng, has a second method? Say it quickly!"

Hearing Meng Yue's excited expression and seeing everyone's same excitement, He Fan continued to smile and said, "The cellar and the horse shelf are useless now, so let's dismantle the cellar and the horse shelf and use them directly." Come and set off the smoke for help!"

"Great! The second method is also great!

Now we are all saved! "When everyone heard He Fan's second method, they could no longer restrain their inner excitement and the loss of food, and jumped up directly, Tan Xuemei said excitedly.

"Hehe, look at how hopeless you all look!

I have one last method!

You don't want to hear it? Seeing the excitement of the advance team, He Fan was also very happy, and then joked with a smile.

Hearing that He Fan had a third method, everyone in the Saihanba advance team was shocked, Qin Xuemei looked at He Fan in disbelief and said, "Director Feng, you actually have a third method?

Not likely!
How does your brain grow, I really want to open it and have a look! "

He Fan, who was still complacent when he heard Tan Xuemei suddenly uttered the catchphrase of her favorite woman, suddenly became inexplicably tense.

Looking at the instigator Qin Xuemei in disbelief, after finding that there was nothing unusual about the other party, she finally let go of the fear of being caught by his wife for cheating, and continued to explain with a forced smile, "The third method is also the last method!

It's all about our good friend Saturday! "

Hearing that He Fan mentioned Saturday, everyone in the advance team was shocked again. They all knew that He Fan regarded Xiao Liu as his lifeblood. Could it be that he wanted to eat Xiao Liu?
Among the crowd, Wu Yansheng was the most excited, and quickly said in surprise, "Director Feng won't kill Xiaoliu, let us all eat dog meat!?"

Hearing Wu Yansheng's words, speaking of their own hearts, they all looked at He Fan at the same time, only to see He Fan sneering and pretending to be smart and said to Wu Yansheng, "Wu Yansheng, are you really inferior to a beast!

He actually had such an idea in his heart!

Do you just want to fart! "

"The third way is to tie the request letter around Xiao Liu's neck, and then let Xiao Liu go down to the dam to ask for help!
Xiaoliu going down to the dam to ask for help is much more reliable than us going down the dam by ourselves! "

Hearing He Fan's third method, everyone was pleasantly surprised again. Among the three methods, one is more reliable and feasible than the other. Then thinking of the dark side in their hearts just now, the college students lowered their heads in unison, regretting.

(End of this chapter)

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