Chapter 199 Chapter [-]
It was a matter of their own lives, everyone was very serious, and the execution ability naturally became very strong. The white sheets for help were hung up, Zhao Tianshan led the workers, and ran to dismantle the cellars and horse racks, and used them to light the fire and set off the smoke. help.

He Fan held the distress letter written in advance, which was signed by all members of the advance team.

He Fan tied the distress letter wrapped in kraft paper around Xiao Liu's neck, then hugged Xiao Liu with some reluctance, and whispered, "I know your life is coming to an end soon!

I don't want you to die old and useless, and I don't want you to be eaten by these ruthless guys!

You are my friend, I want you to be like a hero, even if you die in battle, it is glorious!
Xiao Liu, my friend, I hope you understand me! "

Xiao Liu didn't know if he could understand He Fan's words, but he just licked He Fan's face, and then ran towards Saihanba Forest Farm like a hero without hesitation.

Seeing Xiaoliu's gradually disappearing figure, He Fan shed tears involuntarily. With his back to the advance team members behind him, He Fan quickly wiped away his tears and regained his indifferent expression.

After finishing everything, everyone in the advance team was forced to wait patiently for rescue, but the daily decrease in food inevitably made everyone in the advance team jump in fear again.

"Captain Feng, the food is getting scarcer and scarcer, and it really won't last for a few days!" Wei Fugui and Master Wei said to He Fan, who was lying dead, with a sad face.

After hearing Wei Fugui's explanation, He Fan said helplessly, "Except for the workers who went out to dismantle the cellar and set off smoke for help, the food can be provided normally, while the other members have to lie dead like me, and then the food will be reduced again. Half!"

Hearing He Fan's arrangement, the college students showed distressed expressions, Wu Yansheng saw everyone's expressions, thought he had found another opportunity to support He Fan, and said questioningly, "Director Feng, you are too domineering!

The food has to be halved, so we college students might as well starve to death! "

He Fan sneered when Wu Yansheng questioned him, and Zhao Tianshan on the side quickly scolded Wu Yansheng, "Wu Yansheng, what are you talking about?
Director Feng has done his best for us, but you are questioning Director Feng here, you are too much! "

Hearing Zhao Tianshan's reprimand to him, Wu Yansheng didn't take it seriously, and then retorted with a sneer, "Hmph! Seeing that we are all about to starve to death!
He, Feng Cheng, a forest farm deputy director, is nothing!
If he can't even provide food, his leader is nothing! "

"Wu Yansheng! I think you are courting death!

Could it be Director Feng's fault that the supply of materials could not be supplied?

Are the leaders of the Baxia Forest Farm willing to see us in such a miserable state? "Hearing Wu Yansheng's excessive remarks, Zhao Tianshan became furious, and then reprimanded Wu Yansheng.

Meng Yue, who was on the side, also felt harsh when she heard Wu Yansheng's remarks, then she and Tan Xuemei looked at each other helplessly, and said in the same reprimand, "Wu Yansheng, you are too much!

Director Feng has paid enough for us advance team members!

You are still not satisfied, and I, Meng Yue, feel ashamed to be a classmate with someone like you! "

"Meng Yue is right! Wu Yansheng, you are going too far!" Tan Xuemei said in disgust.

Hearing that his remarks aroused everyone's repulsion, Wu Yansheng's heart tightened, and he quickly explained, "You were all deceived by Feng Cheng, he just let the dog go on purpose, if we eat Xiao Liu, we will be able to survive To the forest farm to our rescue!
But now we can only starve to death here!

I feel so wronged and not worth it! "

He Fan got up angrily when he heard Wu Yansheng's unreasonable words, and before everyone had time to say anything, he grabbed Wu Yansheng, the villain, and beat Wu Yansheng without hesitation. Wu Yansheng beat him to death, and then He Fan said to Wei Fugui, "Give Wu Yansheng my share of food!

It's an extra meal for him!
Can't let him starve to death! "

Seeing He Fan's tyrannical side again, everyone in the advance team realized that the He Fan in front of them was not a good man and a faithful woman!

"Okay! I see, Director Feng!
My share is also given to Wu Yansheng!
Anyway, he won't starve to death! "Wei Fugui and Master Wei on the side heard He Fan's instructions and saw He Fan's tyranny, he was so shocked that he stuttered.

"I feel like I can't take it any longer!

Might really be dying!

I am so unwilling! "Meng Yue imitated He Fan and said lying there dead.

He Fan smiled when he heard Meng Yue's complaint, and then said with a smile, "Hehe, you guys call me the director!
I am very honored!

If you, Meng Yue, have any wish that has not been fulfilled, just say it out loud, maybe I can help you realize it! "

Hearing He Fan's words, everyone in the advance team lying on the corpse looked over curiously, and Meng Yue suddenly said seriously, "Director Feng, I heard that you are already divorced?"

Suddenly hearing Meng Yue asking about his private affairs, He Fan became suspicious, but after thinking about it, he didn't find anything ulterior, He Fan said with a smile, "Yes! Divorced! And I have a son!
They are all living with my mother in the capital now! "

Hearing He Fan's explanation, everyone showed a clear expression, and then they were equally puzzled about Meng Yue's motive for asking this question.

"Then have you ever thought about remarrying?" Meng Yue smiled again when she heard He Fan's affirmative answer.

This time He Fan was really surprised, he really didn't understand Meng Yue's motives, and then jokingly said, "What's the matter? Meng Yue, are you going to introduce one for me?"

"Yes! I'll marry you, okay?" Hearing He Fan's joke, Meng Yue suddenly said something earth-shattering.

After hearing Meng Yue's words, all the advance team present and He Fan showed shocked expressions. He Fan sat up directly, looked at the instigator, Meng Yue, and said in disbelief, "Meng Yue, are you so hungry that you're stupid? ? Not at all!"

"I'm not stupid! I'm sober!

Never been so sober! "Hearing the doubts in He Fan's words, Meng Yue explained with a smile.

"From the moment I went to Saihanba and saw you, Director Feng, I couldn't help falling in love with you!

But thinking of my boyfriend who is far away in Wuhan University, I have been suppressing my inner feelings!
I thought that as time goes by, this feeling for you will gradually disappear.

Unexpectedly, the more I know you, the more I like you!

I am in pain, Feng Cheng, do you know?
Now at this moment, in this last moment of my life, I finally figured it out!

I want to follow my heart and confess to you loudly!
Feng Cheng, I really fall in love with you! "

Hearing Meng Yue's affectionate confession, everyone in the advance team was stunned. He Fan tossed his hair, pretending to be smart and complained, "Hey! It's all because of my damned peerless appearance that made Meng Yue your life A illusory illusion!
It was my mistake, I admit it!
Don't worry, you won't die from starvation, and relief supplies will arrive soon!

My promise to you will also be fulfilled, you will get together with your boyfriend from Wuhan University soon! "

Hearing He Fan's statement, Meng Yue became excited, and explained again seriously, "What I said is true!

I am really in love with you!

Whether I can survive or not, I will not go to Wuhan anymore, I will stay by your side and be your wife! "

After Meng Yue finished speaking, she came to He Fan's side and said to Zhang Fulin beside He Fan, "Zhang Fulin, give me your berth!"

Hearing Meng Yue's request, Zhang Fulin, who was in a daze, quickly got up and stood aside in a daze, like a child who made a mistake.

Seeing Meng Yue lying directly next to He Fan, staying with He Fan, Zhang Fulin was completely confused, and muttered to himself, "Then where should I sleep?"

Hearing Zhang Fulin's muttering, Zhao Tianshan hurriedly greeted him with a smile, "Zhang Fulin, you idiot!
Come to me with the quilt! "

Hearing Zhao Tianshan's call to him, Zhang Fulin ran over as happily as a child who had found his mother.

Tan Xuemei looked at Meng Yue's "coquettish operation" in shock, and when she heard her conversation with He Fan, she felt a sense of loss for no reason, and became jealous and envious of Meng Yue's bold pursuit of He Fan.

He Fan felt that the beauty lying next to him was very calm on the surface, but in fact his heart was already turned upside down.

Originally, according to my own plan, after this winter, I arranged Meng Yue to Wuhan, and then carried out a series of "show operations", and then came to catch all of them, and took Tan Xuemei and Meng Yue together.

But the current Meng Yue came directly ahead of time with a "coquettish operation" that shocked the ancient and modern times, which completely confused He Fan who wanted to be the "King of the Sea".

Why!never mind!

Since Meng Yue confessed to herself like this!
No matter whether she is sincere or false, He Fan has completely eliminated He Fan's desire to be the "King of the Sea".

Don't be a "Sea King" in this life!

Let's live our little life with peace of mind!
Hearing that He Fan didn't say anything, Meng Yue just lay quietly beside He Fan, enjoying the beauty of this moment to the fullest.

Among the people lying dead, someone said, "I think I heard the sound of an airplane?"

Hearing this sentence, everyone in the advance team ran out of the dormitory excitedly, went outdoors, looked into the sky, and indeed saw a helicopter.

Everyone in the advance team saw the helicopter and shouted excitedly, "Come and save us! We are out of food!"

The helicopter circled several times in the air, then flew into the distance under everyone's lost eyes, and disappeared.

The members of the lost advance team returned to the dormitory again, and seeing everyone's disappointed expressions, He Fan laughed loudly instead, and said to everyone, "That's it!
The air force must have seen our food shortage and called for help, and it may drop supplies tomorrow!

Xiaoliu should also be in the forestry department now, and they should have seen the wolf smoke we made!

The leaders of the forest farm must be trying to find a way to rescue us!

Everyone, don't worry! "

After hearing He Fan's analysis, everyone's hopes were rekindled, but Meng Yue said uncertainly, "The helicopter flies so high?
Did you not see our distress message? "

He Fan laughed when he heard Meng Yue's silly words, and said angrily, "Say you're hungry and stupid, and you're still stubborn!

The helicopters are equipped with long-range telescopes, how could they not see them!
Remember, the helicopter circled several times over us!
Don't worry, I won't take your confession to me just now seriously. After winter, I will fulfill my promise and transfer you to Wuhan! "

Hearing He Fan's explanation, everyone became excited again. Meng Yue also thought that she had said something stupid, but when she heard He Fan's next statement, Meng Yue became angry, "Feng Cheng, do you dislike me? Don't you like me?" I?"

"Eh?" He Fan was stunned when he heard Meng Yue's questioning, and didn't know how to answer for a while.

Seeing He Fan's dazed look, Meng Yue suddenly laughed, hugged He Fan's arm, and said coquettishly, "Since you don't dislike me!

I have been following you!
I mean what I said! "

Everyone in the advance team was forcibly fed a mouthful of dog food by He Fan and Meng Yue. Everyone was very envious, but they all applauded unanimously.

Tan Xuemei on the side once again showed a complicated expression, as if she suddenly lost something precious.

But the limping "injured" Wu Yansheng hiding behind showed an excited expression, because he knew that Tan Xuemei had been paying attention to this hateful He Fan.

Wu Yansheng knew that Tan Xuemei was very interested in this He Fan in front of him.

It's all right now, Meng Yue has pursued He Fan one step ahead, and no one will compete with her for Tan Xuemei anymore.

Sure enough, as He Fan expected, the next day, the helicopter of the air force came to the sky above the advance team camp again, and directly dropped a large amount of food under the expectant eyes of everyone in the advance team.

Seeing that the helicopter actually dropped supplies, everyone in the advance team immediately shouted excitedly, wishing to vent all the grievances they had suffered during this period.

Everyone happily ate the airdropped canned food and compressed biscuits, and they were all happy like children. Thinking that they would never have to suffer from hunger in the future, they once again had good expectations for life in their hearts.

Meng Yue was still happily sitting beside He Fan, looking at He Fan beside her like a nympho, as if He Fan in front of her was the whole of her Meng Yue's life.

Feeling the way Meng Yue looked at him, He Fan joked angrily, "Meng Yue, you silly girl!
None of us will starve to death!
Don't look at me like this anymore, I will take your confession as a joke, get ready to go to Wuhan to meet your boyfriend! "

"I don't! I want to follow you!
Anyway, I have already slept with you, if you still want to drive me away, I will sue you to my superiors, saying that you have always abandoned me! Hearing He Fan's jokes on her, Meng Yue said angrily directly.

At the moment of "I", He Fan was really confused.

"Anyway, everyone can testify for me!
Don't ever try to get rid of me in your life!
I will definitely stick to your body like a dog skin plaster! Seeing He Fan's shocked look, Meng Yue said with a smile.

"Haha, Director Feng, you should honestly prepare a wedding reception for us!
You and Meng Yue's wedding wine, everyone at the Saihanba Forest Farm is sure to drink it! " Zhao Tianshanhai on the side ate and drank, as if he came to life again, and said jokingly when he heard the conversation between He Fan and Meng Yue.

"Zhao Tianshan, don't make more trouble!
Meng Yue's confession to me at the beginning was completely an unreal illusion under hunger!
It can't be taken seriously! He Fan said with a wry smile after hearing Zhao Tianshan's jokes on him.

"Captain Feng, even though I'm a rough person, I don't have much knowledge, and I've never been in a relationship!

But I really feel Meng Yue's sincerity towards you!
Don't say no more!
We are all comrades who have experienced life and death together, there is no need to joke with you here! Hearing He Fan's wry smile, Zhao Tianshan suddenly said seriously.

(End of this chapter)

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