Self-cultivation of the Siheyuan God of War

Chapter 2 Don't Be a Chicken Thief

Chapter 2 Don't Be a Chicken Thief

The uncle Yi Zhonghai asked silly Zhu, "Zhuzi, tell the truth, did you steal Xu Damao's chicken?"

"Hey! Grandpa, even you are breaking things like this? You can say that I, He Yuzhu, stole the chicken without evidence!?" Silly Zhu asked the grandpa angrily.

"You and I are the only one in our courtyard, who else could it be if it wasn't you?" Seeing that the neighbors were all there, Xu Damao became bolder immediately, and yelled at Silly Zhu.

"Yeah! Silly Zhu, you are too greedy! You even stole my chicken!" Lou Xiaoe also said to Silly Zhu after hearing Xu Damao's questioning.

"Lou Xiao'e, you've been with Xu Damao for a long time, and you've become stupid too!" Silly Zhu saw the silly Lou Xiao'e in front of him, and said with a sneer, "I'm a cook, and I would steal your chicken for the sake of stuttering? "

"That's not sure! The lunch box in the net bag you bring back every day, what's in it? Could it be stolen?" Yan Banggui, the third master, said sarcastically.

"Hey! I figured it out, you guys are going to frame me for stealing chickens, right?" Sha Zhu saw the behavior of the neighbors in front of him, he thought it through thoroughly, and then said.

Looking at the situation in front of him, the uncle actually didn't believe that He Yuzhu would steal the chicken.

As for who it is, I also have a guess in my heart, it should be Bang Geng!

For the sake of harmony in the courtyard, the reputation of Shazhu can only be sacrificed, and it is indeed very appropriate for Shazhu to bear all the charges.

It's just that he doesn't know that the silly Zhu in front of him is no longer the one who obeys his orders.

"Zhuzi, let me ask you again, is it you?"

Qin Huairu heard the old man's question, but looked at Shazhu with tears in his eyes, hoping that Shazhu would quickly admit to stealing the chicken.

Looking at the neighbors around, Shazhu felt chills, as expected of all beasts!

"Xu Damao, if you believe that I stole your old hen, you should call the police!

Anyway, I didn't steal it, so I won't admit it! "Silly Zhu calmed down his anger, and then said to Xu Damao who was beside him.

"Zhuzi, we need to negotiate and resolve the matter in our compound by ourselves!
For the sake of the reputation of our compound, we can't just call the police! "The old man hastily stopped and said.

Seeing Mr. Da Debiao in front of him, Sha Zhu ignored him as if looking at the air, but continued to say to Xu Damao, "Xu Damao, don't you just think that my salary is high and I don't have a burden?
And everyone is holding me and respecting me!Then you are jealous of me, right!
So if you have evidence, go to the police!
At that time, not only will I have to pay you chicken money, but I may also lose my job!
We've been fighting for so long, if I lose my job because of this, wouldn't it just make you happy? "

Silly Zhu ignored him, and the uncle suddenly realized that he was the one who persecuted him too hard, and quickly stopped Xu Damao, "Xu Damao, I don't think you can produce any evidence.

So let's leave it at that!

In the future, I will be optimistic about my own things. This is the first and last time!Break up the meeting! "

"I lost a chicken, is this the end?" Xu Damao shouted unwillingly.

"Wait!" Silly Zhu stopped when he saw the people who were about to disperse.

"Zhuzi, what else do you want to do?" The uncle was surprisingly angry!
"What do I want to do? Simple! Xu Damao has framed me, so he has to apologize to me! Otherwise, he will be beaten up by me!" Silly Zhu said, looking at Xu Damao fiercely.

Seeing Shazhu's fierce eyes, Xu Damao felt palpitations, and said stiffly, "I lost a chicken, and I need to apologize to you? No way!"

"Xu Damao, who stole this chicken, you know best in your heart!

The neighbors in the courtyard also know a lot, but you don't identify it, but frame me instead!

Don't you just look at me as a bully?
But you are wrong, I will not take the blame for others!

So you, Xu Damao, must apologize to me today! "

Seeing Silly Zhu's reaction, knowing that the matter was about to get out of his control, the uncle hurriedly said, "Da Mao, you have no proof, and it is immoral to say that Zhu Zi stole your chicken!
Hurry up and apologize to Zhuzi!
It's so cold, do you want everyone to accompany you here to suffer from the cold? "

Hearing the uncle's urging, Xu Damao felt that he was at a loss. After thinking about it, he couldn't get any more money, so he reluctantly said, "Silly Zhu, I'm sorry! I blamed you!"

Seeing Xu Damao's confession, Shazhu didn't continue to pester, but said to the neighbors, "Xu Damao's matter is over, and I have something to talk to everyone next!"

"Zhuzi, what else do you have to do? Come on, it's so cold!" The uncle urged impatiently when he heard that Silly Zhu still had something to do.

"Then I'll make a long story short. Recently, I heard rumors that Qin Huairu and I were messing with men and women!" Sha Zhu thought for a while and then said.

Hearing Sha Zhu's words, Qin Huairu and Xu Damao's heart palpitated!
But Silly Zhu continued, "Since Jia Dongxu passed away from a work-related injury, I think it is really difficult for Qin Huairu to bring three children and mother-in-law!
I often bring some leftovers from the factory cafeteria, plus the usual food and money borrowed, just to help their family.

It is said that you should not repay your kindness, and you should repay your kindness!
I really don't want to get anything in return from their family!

However, now there are such rumors suddenly.

For the sake of our respective reputations in the future, I, He Yuzhu, solemnly declare here that I will no longer have any contact with the Jia family in the future! "

"Okay! I'm done talking about my business! Let's leave!" After Sha Zhu finished speaking, he left everyone stunned and went straight home.

"Shazhu, are you angry with me? Do you blame me for not introducing my sister Qin Jingru to you?

Tomorrow I will ask for leave to go back to my hometown and bring my sister Qin Jingru over!
do you think it's okay? "Qin Huairu said to Sha Zhu hastily.

"Qin Huairu, don't you understand human language? I just said clearly that even if your sister Qin Jing is a fairy, I won't see you! We will stop communicating with each other!" Silly Zhu looked helplessly. Qin Huairu said in front of him.

He Yushui on the side stared at his brother Shazhu with wide eyes in surprise, and complained, "Silly brother, how could you treat Sister Qin like this, Sister Qin is so nice, how can you bear it!"

When Qin Huai heard He Yushui's words, he pretended to be aggrieved and cried, "Yu Shui, please persuade your brother! I really don't know what's wrong? Silly Zhu treats me like this!"

"That's enough! Don't pretend to be pitiful for me anymore! I won't take your set anymore! Also, He Yushui, I don't need you to intervene in my affairs! You are ready to marry your film policeman during the Spring Festival, that's all. !” Silly Zhu said angrily.

"Stupid man!"

"Sister Qin, don't worry, I'll go back and persuade my brother! You know, he's always been like this!" He Yushui comforted Qin Huairu.

Looking at the silly pillar in the room, He Yushui said angrily, "Silly brother, how did Sister Qin offend you!?"

"Yu Shui, since our father went to Baoding, you can honestly say, how does my elder brother treat you?" Silly Zhu calmly asked the silly younger sister in front of him.

"Of course it's good, after all, our two brothers and sisters have lived together for so many years!" He Yushui said strangely.

"Then our father was tricked by the White Widow to Baoding, our brothers and sisters are so pitiful, don't you hate our father and the White Widow!?" Silly Zhu continued to ask.

"Hate it! But what can I do?" He Yushui said with red eyes when he thought of his own father, He Daqing.

"That's strange! I love you so much, and you hate our father and the White Widow so much.

And set me up to get entangled with a widow?
You just want me to follow our father's old path and raise children for others? "Silly Zhu said angrily.

"I didn't!" He Yushui said a little bit tongue-in-cheek when he heard Silly Zhu's questioning.

What the silly brother said was something I never thought of!
"Forget it! There is the money I left for you on the table, go out and buy something to eat yourself!
I'm a little tired, and I'm not in the mood to cook for you!

When you are free, think about what I said today! "

(End of this chapter)

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