Chapter 3 Saving Money
Jia Zhang looked nervously at Qin Huairu who came back, and quickly asked, "What's wrong with Silly Zhu today? What's wrong with you! You scared me to death!"

"I don't know either, could it be that he didn't bring Qin Jingru to go on a blind date with him, and then he got angry?" Qin Huairu thought for a while, and then said uncertainly.

"I think this may be the reason! Why don't you ask for leave tomorrow to go back to your hometown and bring Qin Jingru over here! Sha Zhu is the God of Wealth in our family, so he can easily be offended if he is not busy!" Jia Zhang breathed a sigh of relief and said with a wry smile .

"Okay, I got it!" Qin Huairu agreed, "However, you have to tell Bang Geng not to take other people's things anymore!
If he was almost identified by others today, his reputation would be ruined! "

"It's not that the child hasn't seen the meat star for a few days! The child is greedy!" Jia Zhang said disapprovingly.

Looking at the unmoved mother-in-law, Qin Huairu felt tired for a while, and said helplessly, "It's getting late, go to bed early! I have to go back to my hometown tomorrow!"

Simply cleaned the room, and the bad smell was gone!

Silly Zhu fell asleep beautifully! The capital city in the 60s is so peaceful, just as quiet as the countryside in the previous life!
The work in the cafeteria is actually very simple. For the current Sha Zhu, he hardly needs to ask himself about the big pot dishes.

As long as the small stove in the factory is done well, so more time, I usually drink tea leisurely, quietly waiting for the call of the leader.

Looking at the busy colleagues and Master Yang who was new to the cafeteria, Sha Zhu was filled with emotion for a moment.

According to rumors, Master Yang in front of him is also a related household who came into the cafeteria through a certain factory manager.

The former silly Zhu was always wary of the other party, for fear of being affected by the new master Yang.

But the current silly Zhu has absolute confidence in his cooking skills, coupled with the broad horizons from the new century, it is not enough to beat many of his current colleagues.

Silly Zhu never thinks how high his salary is, and everyone just envies his salary of 37 yuan alone.

My first task now is to contact more outside jobs, and then earn more extra money.

When the market improves in the future, you will have enough funds to do what you want to do.

Shazhu has a clear plan for his future, and is no longer the wife fan he used to be!It feels like getting married is nothing more than that.

Now that he has his own goal in life, Shazhu is no longer confused and muddle-headed!

"Master Yang, you just came to our cafeteria, so you need to show off your culinary skills recently! I will leave the leader's small stove to you first!" Silly Zhu said to Master Yang who was busy at the side.

"Hey! Master He, don't worry! Just leave it to me!" Master Yang replied happily.

Hearing the conversation between Shazhu and Master Yang, everyone in the cafeteria looked over in surprise!

Seeing the astonishment of everyone in the canteen, Silly Zhu didn't pay attention, but he glanced at his apprentice Ma Hua, and told Master Yang, "Master Yang, you must take my apprentice Ma Hua with you in the future! He is a good boy!"

"Okay! Don't worry!" Master Yang said with assurance.

After explaining everything, Shazhu came to the office area of ​​the factory and knocked on Director Wang's office.

"Director Wang, are you not busy now? Can you excuse me?"

"Hey, when did Shazhu become so polite? Come in if you have something to say?" Director Wang joked in surprise when he saw Shazhu at the door.

"Hehe, look at what the factory manager said, I will be rude someday!" Sha Zhu said with a smile, "I came today because I have something to ask you, the factory manager!"

"Oh, then tell me? Let me see if it can be done!" Director Wang asked uncertainly.

"In a while, my younger sister is going to get married! But I haven't left much savings in the past few years! It's a bit difficult to give my younger sister some dowry! So." Sha Zhu explained with a wry smile.

"Listen to you, do you want to borrow money?
Tell me about you, 37 yuan a month, the salary is not too low!Why don't you have any savings?
Is it true that as other workers said, all the wages are handed over to the widow Qin in your yard? "Director Wang said helplessly.

"It's really not borrowing money! I just want Factory Manager Wang, can you help me contact some expatriates and make more banquets, so that I can earn more income! When my sister gets married, I can also take out the money!" Silly Zhu quickly explained.

"That's it! It's not easy!
In fact, let me tell you, you should have thought this way a long time ago.In the past, you always put on airs and refused to go out to pick up jobs!
It feels like a waste of your good craftsmanship! "Director Wang said with a smile.

"Yes! The factory manager taught me a lesson!" Silly Zhu said.

"Coincidentally! I have a friend who wants to treat me tonight, so you can go there!
You must perform well, and don't let me lose the chain! "Director Wang enjoined.

"Hey, don't worry, the leader! You will never lose face!" Silly Zhu said happily.

Qin Huairu brought his cousin Qin Jingru into the factory area, and chattered endlessly, "He Yuzhu is the cook of our factory, and his salary is only 37 yuan a month!"

"Wow, 37 yuan five! Such a lot of salary!" Qin Jingru said in surprise.

"That's right! The point is, he spends it alone! There is no burden! If you get married, life will be like eating honey!" Qin Huairu continued.

"Thank you so much, sister! Hey, what are you doing when you see so many people?" Qin Jingru said happily, and then looked at a group of people at the side.

"Oh! There's a movie tonight! Do you want to watch it?" Qin Huairu looked at the crowd and said casually.

"That's great! Let's go and take a seat now!" Qin Jingru said in surprise.

"You still know how to occupy a seat?

The most important thing now is to meet He Yuzhu first!
When you marry He Yuzhu, you won't be watching movies every day, and no one will care about you! "Qin Huairu said angrily.

"Oh! Got it!" Qin Jingru glanced at the crowd and said reluctantly.

"Ma Hua, where is your master He Yuzhu? Let him come out for a while!" Qin Huairu went directly to the cafeteria and said when he saw Ma Hua.

"What a coincidence, my master has an assignment today and has already left work!" Ma Hua looked at Qin Huairu and said.

"No way! What a coincidence! Then who is in the kitchen?" Qin Huairu thought that Shazhu was hiding from him on purpose, and asked suspiciously while looking at the back kitchen.

"That's the new Master Yang! Master is really not in the cafeteria! I won't lie to you!" Ma Hua saw Qin Huairu's distrust and explained.

"Oh! Then when you come back to see your master, tell him! Just say that I brought my sister Qin Jingru!" Qin Huairu ordered, and took Qin Jingru away!
"Sister! Let's go to the movies now!" Qin Jingru was not as depressed as Qin Huairu, but said happily.

"You really are heartless! You're not worried at all?" Qin Huairu said angrily.

"He Yuzhu won't run away again! If we can't see each other today, then we will see each other tomorrow! They are all the same!" Qin Jingru said disapprovingly.

(End of this chapter)

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