Self-cultivation of the Siheyuan God of War

Chapter 4 A Box of Salted Fish and a Human Life

Chapter 4 A box of salted fish and a life

Qin Huairu is going crazy!

Qin Jingru has been here for three days, but he still hasn't seen He Yuzhu, as if deliberately avoiding himself, he leaves early and returns late.

With one more person, the rations became even tighter, and her mother-in-law's face became more and more ugly.

Qin Huairu, who had no choice but to come to the uncle.

"Master, my sister has been here for three days! But I still haven't seen He Yuzhu! There is an extra person, and our family can't get over it!" Qin Huairu said, looking at the elder with aggrieved eyes.

"I've heard about it! Are you having a conflict with Zhuzi again? Why do you feel like you're deliberately avoiding you!" the old man asked puzzled.

As the best person in the courtyard, the uncle has always considered himself a moral model, and his greatest achievement is taking care of the old lady in the backyard for many years.

So the uncle always asked Sha Zhu and Qin Huairu to take care of him in the same way.

The thing was right, but he sacrificed everything about He Yuzhu and forcibly kidnapped Silly Zhu.

"I'm wondering too! There were conflicts before, but they were reconciled soon! I didn't expect to be so cruel this time, and I really stopped interacting with our family! But I didn't offend him!" Qin Huairu said Said, while crying.

The uncle also couldn't see Qin Huairu's big killer crying, so he quickly took out a bag and said, "Huairu, don't cry, this is twenty catties of stick noodles! Take it back! As for the pillars, don't worry about it for a while." No matter how late he comes back, I will ask him to give you an explanation!"

"Thank you, grandpa! Then I'll go back first!" Qin Huairu took the stick noodles from the grandpa's hand and said gratefully.

Looking at Qin Huairu who left, the uncle's thoughts have long been troubled!
Recently, He Yuzhu has become more and more abnormal, a little bit out of his control, which he absolutely cannot allow.

In fact, if Qin Huai didn't come today, he would have to talk to Sha Zhu himself.

Ever since I asked Factory Manager Wang to help me contact outside work, I couldn't stop continuing the banquet as if I had just come and hung up.

In this era, although most of the banquets are held by rich and noble families, they can't offer much reward. Coupled with the particularity of the era, it is impossible for me to accept too much.

Except for very few families who can give ten or eight yuan, most of them give some food worth up to four or five yuan instead.

Now my salary is only 37 yuan, plus the current outside work, the income is absolutely good.

Today, the owner gave two catties of bacon and a lunch box of cooked salted fish, which cost less than three yuan.

The silly Zhu in the TV series is always so high-profile and enviable, so no matter what he does, he can't do it!

Now that I have crossed over by myself, of course I have to learn a lesson.

Although I don't like this little thing, but if I often bring things home, everyone in the courtyard will not be crazy.

Therefore, every time he got food, Shazhu would find a way to dispose of it and exchange it for money, keeping a low profile.

And the best place to deal with it is to stay near the big and small pigeon markets or vegetable markets.

When you come to the nearest Pigeon City and look at the sparse crowd around you, you can feel the hardships of the times.

"Young man, what are you going to do with the bacon in your hand?" A Chinese tunic suit with some front teeth leaking looked at Shazhu and asked.

"Two catties, three yuan! Do you want it?" Sha Zhu stated as concisely as possible.

"That's one yuan and five catties! Young man, this is too expensive! Pork is only one yuan and one catty!" The eyes of the Chinese tunic suit brightened, but he retorted pretending to be calm.

The performance of the Chinese tunic suit has long been noticed by Sha Zhu, but there is no need to expose it.

"This is bacon, or the old bacon from previous years! It can be compared with fresh meat! They are all foxes of a thousand years old, so don't talk in layman's terms here!"

Hearing Sha Zhu's words, Zhongshan Suit knew that he had met an expert, and there was no way to take advantage of it.

Infatuatedly looking at the old bacon in Shazhu's hand, he turned and left in the Chinese tunic suit.

Although the deal was not concluded, Sha Zhu didn't mind!

Because the bacon in his hand is a bestseller in Pigeon Market!
It didn't take long, and the bacon in his hand turned into three yuan.

As for the lunch box in hand, I am going to take it home and eat it myself.

Seeing that he didn't need to buy anything, Shazhu was ready to go home, after all he had to get up for work tomorrow!
An old man as thin as a bamboo pole, wearing old clothes that didn't fit well, fell directly on top of Shazhu.

"Hey! Grandpa, are you okay?" Sha Zhu helped the old man up and asked hastily.

The crowd who heard the movement gradually gathered around, "Hey, what a pity! Looks like he's hungry!"

"I'm fine! Thank you!" The old man gradually recovered his sobriety, and said blankly looking at Sha Zhu.

Seeing the increasing crowd around him, Sha Zhu hurriedly drove away and said, "Everyone, hurry up! Don't attract the police!"

Hearing Shazhu's reminder, everyone gradually dispersed.

"Master, are you alright?" Silly Zhu asked uncertainly.

"It's all right! Thank you, little brother!" the old man insisted.

"I see you are hungry. I have a box of salted fish here. You should eat some first!"

Seeing the salted fish that Sha Zhu handed over, the old man excitedly picked it up and gnawed it without any hesitation.

Sha Zhu looked at the old man who was devouring, shook his head, turned and left without saying anything.

"Zhuzi, why did you come back so late?" the uncle asked hurriedly when he finally saw the figure of Silly Zhu.

"Master, you haven't slept so late? Is there something wrong?" Silly Zhu asked.

Even though he disliked the old man very much, he was not prepared to completely tear himself apart with the old man, it was completely unnecessary.

"Recently, the leader gave an assignment, so he has been leaving early and returning late!" Sha Zhu explained.

"Oh! You should also pay attention to your body!" The elder said pretending to be concerned, "However, no matter how busy you are, you should take time to meet Qin Huairu's sister! They have been waiting for you for three days!"

"Why are you seeing her! Last time, I just said that I disagree with Qin Huai Ru's family!" Silly Zhu refused.

"How can you be so selfish? You can't just think about yourself! If Qin Huai is in such a difficult situation, why don't you help if you say you don't? He's worried about your marriage!" The old man asked angrily.

"Since Jia Dongxu's accident, I have helped a lot! My sister is getting married, and I can't even make up the dowry gift! You still call me selfish!?" Silly Zhu looked at the strange old man in front of him, and said speechlessly .

"I think your life has changed for the better and your conscience is gone! Anyway, I have notified you. As for how to explain to Qin Huairu and her sister, it is your own business! I don't care about it!" said the uncle stubbornly.

As the uncle in the courtyard, I have always been the most powerful speaker!I didn't expect the current silly Zhu to contradict himself. It seems that I have to find a chance to deal with this ignorant silly Zhu!
The uncle's reaction was not beyond Sha Zhu's expectations, but he didn't take it to heart!
Each person has his own way of doing things, the uncle is really not someone like himself who can serve him!So, do what you love!

Silly Zhu looked at Qin Huai Rujia, as if he met the three pairs of peeping eyes behind the window, sneered, and went straight home!
(End of this chapter)

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