Chapter 5
Sha Zhu didn't take Qin Huairu's entanglement with the uncle seriously.

So busy now, I haven't eaten yet, and I gave the salted fish in my hand to others.

I can only cook some food by myself. Now Shazhu is an ordinary person who doesn't particularly care about eating meat.

Due to the special age, it is very difficult to eat meat.

If anyone eats meat once, they will be able to stir up a few miles around.

Although this is a bit exaggerated, it is still the same. It is really that everyone is too poor.

Sha Zhu took out the stick noodles that he didn't eat before, grabbed a handful of millet, and prepared to make millet stick porridge.

The weather in the capital is getting colder and colder. I am so busy now, it is really beautiful to be able to drink a bowl of hot stick porridge!

I picked up some pickles, ate some steamed corn bread, and drank a mouthful of hot porridge. My stomach was immediately warmed and my whole body felt comfortable.

"Old Yi, I see today's situation, silly Zhu has grown up and has his own ideas, so don't take it too seriously!" The big mother looked at the angry old man and persuaded her somewhat helplessly.

"What do you know? If you don't subdue Silly Zhu and control it in your hands, what will we do for the elderly? Qin Huairu is such a good person, and the family is in such a difficult situation. If Sha Zhu says he won't help, he won't help! How can you just think about it?" Himself?!" said the old man.

"There are so many families in our courtyard, and the only ones who can help us take care of the elderly are Shazhu and Qin Huairu! Without Shazhu, Qin Huairu can't support us either! So we have to stop Shazhu from doing anything wrong!"

"It's all my fault, I failed to give birth to a son and a half for your Yi family! Otherwise, there would be no need for such trouble!" The first mother cried as she remembered the sad things.

"Forget it! Why are you still mentioning this!" the old man sighed and said comfortingly.

In the age without nightlife, sleep is practical.

The next day, early in the morning, Silly Zhu woke up beautifully.

Heat up the stick porridge left over from last night, have a simple breakfast, and get ready to go to work.

As soon as he walked out of the door, he saw Qin Huairu waiting at the door.

"Silly Zhu, I brought my sister, go and meet her! She has been here for three days!"

"Sister Qin, didn't I say that I disagreed at the last meeting of the entire hospital? Why do you still pester me?" Silly Zhu looked helplessly at Qin Huairu in front of him and said.

"It's not that I've always wanted to bring my sister here, but I always don't have the time. Are you angry with me because of this, so you ignore me?" Qin Huairu said smartly,
"In the past few days, without the lunch box you brought back, the three children, Bang Geng and Xiaodang, have lost a lot of weight!"

Looking at Qin Huairu who was still pestering him, if he didn't make it clear, it wouldn't be over.

"Sister Qin, tell you the truth! I don't have the ability to help your family now!"

"Master Yang came to our cafeteria recently, you know?"

"Ah! I know! Does it have any effect?" Qin Huairu asked suspiciously.

"It has a big influence! His background is very strong! It's just to compete with me for the right to speak! Now in the cafeteria, most of the small stoves belong to Master Yang. How dare I bring leftovers!" Silly Zhu explained.

It is indeed appropriate to use Master Yang's matter as a shield for himself.

"But our family is going to be out of control soon. My sister has been here for so many days! Why don't you guys meet again?" Qin Huairu said still unwillingly.

"I'm really sorry! I'm gone! Otherwise, you can introduce your sister Qin Jingru to other neighbors in our yard! Don't talk about it, I'm going to work first!" Silly Zhu thought for a while, then smiled Said.

Looking at the silly Zhu who left, Qin Huairu suddenly felt a heartache as if he had lost something completely.

"Master, why are you here so early?" Ma Hua said in surprise when he saw Sha Zhu.

"Well, I can't sleep when I wake up! Why don't you come to work!" Sha Zhu said casually, "After I left yesterday, there was no problem in the cafeteria, right?"

"No big thing happened! It's just that Director Li has a small stove, which was made by Master Yang. It seems that Director Li is not satisfied! He even asked Master Yang, why are you not here?" Ma Hua said.

"Oh! Then there's nothing wrong! You can go to work!" Silly Zhu said.

Director Li, who plays a very important role in the TV series, is a real villain through and through.

Sha Zhu didn't intend to have a deep friendship with him at all, so there is no such thing as a friend or a friend.

But to be honest, besides being lustful, Director Li is indeed a real foodie!

The opening time of the factory cafeteria is usually fixed at [-] o'clock. The former silly Zhu often went to the front to cook, and then tricked some workers who he didn't like, like Xu Damao and the second uncle Liu Haizhong, who suffered a lot!

Of course, the current silly Zhu will never be so naive again, at least he can't let others take advantage of this kind of thing.

Therefore, Silly Zhu saw that the kitchen staff were busy making meals, so he picked up the tea and drank it leisurely.

"Silly Zhu, come here, I have something to ask you!" Director Li walked into the cafeteria and shouted to the leisurely silly Zhu.

"Is there something wrong with Director Li?" Silly Zhu asked.

"Recently, you are not in charge of Xiaozao. What are you busy with? I heard that you are doing private work outside?" Director Li asked.

"How could it be, my Director Li! It's all tasks assigned by Director Wang! It's not private work!" Sha Zhu would never admit it.

"I don't care if it's private work or not! You can't leave behind the work in the cafeteria!" Director Li taught.

"Director Li, don't worry! Absolutely not!" Silly Zhu promised.

"By the way, I have a few friends here for dinner today, and you prepare some special dishes yourself! What kind of dishes did the new Master Yang cook! It's a mess!" Director Li explained.

"Okay, Director Li, don't worry!" Silly Zhu said with a smile.

"Also, you have done all the tasks assigned to you by Director Wang! If I have a task to give you in the future, what will you do?" Director Li said as he remembered something.

"Of course it can be successfully completed!" Silly Zhu said.

Director Li was very satisfied with Shazhu's answer.

I only heard Shazhu continue to say, "It's just that my sister is going to get married in a while, so I'm short of money. Hehe!"

"Don't worry! The labor fee will not be less! Do you think my friend and I are more stingy than Director Wang?"

With Director Li's instructions, Sha Zhu didn't slack anymore today.

Knowing that Director Li prefers Sichuan cuisine, he made a few new classic Sichuan dishes to open his eyes to this guy.

Director Li and his guests were amazed when the pickled fish and boiled pork slices were served in a big soup pot.

In the 60s, resources were scarce and oil was scarce. It was impossible to cook boiled dishes with heavy oil like later generations.

"This dish is delicious. I've never seen this kind of classic Sichuan cuisine! Director Li, where did you find the cook?"

"Hehe, He Yuzhu did it again! I think this guy was lazy before and deliberately hid his skills! Today he is in a good mood, so he showed his real craftsmanship!" Director Li said with emotion.

"Director Li, there will be a banquet in our factory in a few days, can you let this Master He go to town for me?"

"Of course no problem! However, Master He needs money recently, so you can't be stingy!"

"You can rest assured!"

Sometimes it's so strange, the more villainous you are, the more reliable you are in doing things.

It didn't take long for Shazhu to contact a big job.

(End of this chapter)

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