Chapter 201

He Fan and You Fengxia waited at the Labor Hotel for two days, and finally got the news that the leader of the "big third line" was willing to meet. You Fengxia, who had recovered, was very happy, and asked He Fan quickly, "Brother Zhuzi, Do you think my face looks good? Is it pretty?"

Seeing You Fengxia's nervous expression, He Fan said with a helpless smile, "You have recovered for two days, and your complexion is much better!

When the parents-in-law saw it, they would definitely thank me for feeding you so fat and white! "

"Ah? You mean I'm fat?" You Fengxia said in surprise when she heard He Fan's words.

"Uh, I mean you look good, pretty!
Parents-in-law will be happy to see it! "As for You Fengxia's focus, He Fan felt speechless, so he could only explain with a wry smile.

"Scared me to death! I thought I was too fat!
By the way, nothing has been left behind in the preparations for the past two days! ? "You Fengxia sighed happily, and then asked doubtfully.

"No! I brought canned food, winter clothes, and dog skin plasters!
I'm worried that the humidity here in the mountain city is heavy, and the old man has a backache or something, and it's very convenient to have a plaster! He Fan explained with a smile after hearing You Fengxia's doubts.

"Brother Zhuzi, you've thought too carefully! It's great to have you!" He Fan's explanation made You Fengxia really moved.

"You are my wife, your parents are my parents!

For your parents, think more, it's nothing! He Fan said with a smile.

Director Nie's comrade-in-arms looked at the big and small bags that He Fan was carrying, and unconsciously showed a surprised expression, "Director He, you have brought so many things!

How about I help you carry some! "

"no need!

You may not know that I am in the capital, and I have the nickname of God of War in the courtyard, which means that my physical fitness is excellent!

The biggest regret in this life is not being a soldier. With my physique, if I become a soldier, I will definitely be able to be a major! Hearing the other party's concern, He Fan refused with a smile.

"Haha, you are the deputy director of the rolling mill now, and you are much more comfortable than the major in the army!" He Fan's comrade-in-arms gave up after hearing He Fan's explanation, and then said with a smile.

Director Nie's comrade-in-arms took He Fan and You Fengxia to the office set up by a "big third-line" unit in a mountain city, and finally met the leader of the other unit.

The leader looked at He Fan and You Fengxia suspiciously, and asked bluntly, "Your parents are people who made mistakes. In such a sensitive period, you actually want to meet each other. Don't you know this?" Is it against the rules?!"

"Leader, we both know what you said!

I am also a member of the system, and I still have political consciousness!

It is because my wife is pregnant and misses my parents-in-law too much. The doctor said that if this continues, the normal development of the child will be affected! He Fan could only explain humbly when he heard the question from the leader in front of him.

Hearing He Fan's explanation, the leader didn't take it seriously, "Where is your comrade's exaggeration!
My wife was also pregnant and gave birth to a child. During the pregnancy, our husband and wife often quarreled, and I didn't see that the birth of the child was unhealthy! "


He Fan was really confused when he heard the leader's thoughts, and then explained with a forced smile, "That may be the leader's wife, who has a better psychological quality!
This psychological problem is very complicated!It is completely different from person to person!
You see, it's not easy for us to come all the way from the capital, so let's meet my parents-in-law once! "

"I admire your feelings for your wife! I am also very touched!
However, our unit is a military unit after all, and there are many regulations, which are also very strict. I am sorry that I am powerless, please go back! "The leader still disagrees with He Fan's request.

He Fan and You Fengxia were very disappointed to see that things were not turning around, but Shancheng is not their home capital, and there are many things that they really can't do. When the two turned to leave, the leader reminded, "Comrade , I forgot your letter of introduction here!"

After hearing the other party's reminder, He Fan was about to take back his letter of introduction, but the leader inadvertently saw He Fan's work unit on the letter of introduction, and said to He Fan in surprise, "Comrade, you are actually from the capital city!" Rolling mill personnel?

You... are you still the deputy director of the rolling mill? "

He Fan was stupefied when he heard the other party's doubts. It turned out that the other party rejected him directly without carefully reading the introduction letters of He Fan and the two of them. This is too weird!
"Eh? Yes! I'm the deputy director of the rolling mill, and my wife works in a supply and marketing cooperative in Beijing!"

"Oh? Then, does your rolling mill have a newly established farm?" Hearing He Fan's affirmative answer, the leader said inexplicably pleasantly.

He Fan was very puzzled when he heard the other party's question, and then replied, "Yes! My job is to be in charge of the farm work and the logistics work of the rolling mill!"

"Oh! So you are the famous Director He!
I heard your introduction just now, saying that your name is He Yuzhu, I have no impression yet!
If you had said earlier that you were the deputy director of the Beijing Rolling Steel Plant, any director, there would be no misunderstanding now! Hearing He Fan's explanation again, the leader ran over in surprise, held He Fan's hands tightly, and explained excitedly.

Seeing the arrogant attitude of the leader in front of him, He Fan and You Fengxia looked at each other with wry smiles, somewhat bewildered.

Seeing He Fan's confused look, the leader explained with a smile, "Director He, you don't know! You are a big celebrity now!

The farm you built in the rolling mill in Beijing has already become a star project!
Our unit is preparing to go to the capital, and go to your rolling mill to learn classics and experience!
I really didn't expect that you, a true god, came directly to our unit!
that is really good! "

"Ugh! The leader has won the award!" After hearing the other party's explanation, He Fan was still a little uncomfortable with the other party's sudden enthusiasm.

"Director He, stop calling me the leader!
I'm just the section chief of a unit's outreach!

Just call me Xiao Wu! "The leader suddenly said humbly.

"How can that work!

Then I'll call you Section Chief Wu!

Section Chief Wu, do you think we need to meet my parents-in-law? " He Fan and his group asked.

"Oops! It's so easy!
I will send a car to take you to the real location of our unit right now! Hearing He Fan's doubts, Section Chief Wu immediately said with a smile.

Seeing that the matter was resolved in this way, He Fan felt like he was dreaming, which was incredible.

On the way to the "big third line", Section Chief Wu suddenly said, "Director He, our unit also wants to build a farm like your rolling mill in Beijing, and try to be self-sufficient in logistics. Do you think it is feasible?"

He Fan felt relieved after hearing Section Chief Wu's words, it turned out that this was the reason that Section Chief Wu treated him with condescension, and then said with a smile, "This matter is also very simple!
After finishing the work in a while, I returned to the Labor Hotel, and I called the rolling mill, and asked the rolling mill to send some farm technicians to come directly to guide your unit's farm construction work!
Wait until your farm has a good harvest, and then let them go back to the capital!

Section Chief Wu, what do you think of this arrangement? "

"Great! Thank you very much, Director He!" Hearing He Fan's arrangement, Section Chief Wu immediately became excited.

Hearing Section Chief Wu's excited thanks, He Fan said with a smile, "Hehe, it should be us and my wife thanking Section Chief Wu!
If it wasn't for Section Chief Wu's help, we still don't know if we would be able to meet our parents-in-law this time! "

"Director He is too polite!

Don't worry, as long as I am in the "third line" for one day, I will definitely take care of your parents! "Hearing He Fan's words, Section Chief Wu reciprocated and said.

(End of this chapter)

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