Self-cultivation of the Siheyuan God of War

Chapter 202 Qin Huairu, the stick is even useless, let's have another one!

Chapter 202 Qin Huairu, the stick is even more useless, let's have another one!

After going through all kinds of difficulties and dangers, He Fan and You Fengxia finally met You Fengxia's parents. When You Fengxia saw her parents who looked much older in front of her eyes, she couldn't control herself and cried loudly.

"Stupid child, why are you here? Don't you know it's a sensitive period?" Mother You complained while hugging her daughter You Fengxia.

Father You on the side also looked at his daughter in surprise, and then noticed He Fan and Section Chief Wu who came together.

Seeing his father-in-law noticed him, He Fan quickly introduced with a smile, "Dad, I'm He Yuzhu! Now I'm Fengxia's lover!"

Hearing He Fan's self-introduction, Father You was surprised again, and said tongue-tiedly, "He Yuzhu, hello!"

"Dad, you can call me Zhuzi!
That's what the big leaders call me too! Seeing Father You's surprised look, He Fan quickly explained.

Hearing He Fan mentioned the big leader, Father You's heart moved, and he quickly understood everything, and then said with a smile, "Zhuzi! You bothered!"

When relatives meet, they will inevitably cry, and after a while, You Fengxia, mother and daughter, stopped crying, and then looked at the son-in-law He Fan in front of them, "Zhuzi, you should know that Fengxia is willful!
I don't know how to persuade her!
How could you bring her to us in this sensitive period! "

"Oh, mom, it's okay!
Fengxia is pregnant now, always thinking about your whereabouts, it is not good for her health!

So I asked someone to find out your whereabouts!

With Fengxia's temper, if I can't see you, I don't know how to think wildly! He Fan explained with a smile after hearing his mother-in-law's complaint.

Only then did Father You notice Section Chief Wu standing behind He Fan, and asked suspiciously, "Who is this?"

"This is Section Chief Wu of your unit, he is the one who brought us here!

If it wasn't for his help, Fengxia and I might have failed this time! He Fan explained with a smile after hearing his father-in-law's doubts.

Hearing He Fan's explanation, Father You's eyes lit up, and he quickly thanked Section Chief Wu, "Thank you Section Chief Wu for your help! I have caused you trouble!"

"Comrade You, you are too polite!
We should be grateful to Director He!
With his help, our "big third line" will soon be able to eat vegetables and pork grown by ourselves! Hearing Father You's thanks, Section Chief Wu said with a smile.

Hearing Section Chief Wu's explanation, You's father and You's mother became confused. Seeing their parents' doubts, You Fengxia quickly explained with a smile, "Brother Zhuzi is now the deputy director of the Beijing Rolling Steel Plant. He is mainly responsible for back end job!

Some time ago, Brother Zhuzi set up a farm in the rolling mill to provide supplies for the rolling mill!

Your unit "Big Third Line" also wants to set up a farm, and Brother Zhuzi can just help! "

Section Chief Wu helped He Fan so much, He Fan reciprocated and immediately contacted Director Nie of the Beijing Steel Rolling Plant.

After a brief explanation with Director Nie on the phone, Director Nie happily selected two experienced "decentralized professors" to come to the mountain city.

In the following days, He Fan led two professors to help the "big third line" build their own farm. Because of their rich experience, it was more established than the original farm of the rolling mill. easy.

Time flies like an arrow, the sun and the moon fly by, and soon the two-month holiday will pass, and You Fengxia's belly is getting pregnant day by day. As a last resort, He Fan and You Fengxia returned to the capital.

Seeing the long-lost master He Fan, Ma Hua rushed over excitedly, "Master, you are finally back!"

"What happened to the rolling mill while I was away?" He Fan asked with a puzzled smile when he heard Mahua's excited tone.

"The rolling mill is nice! But I'm so tired!

Every day, the leaders from other units who are sent to us come to inspect, and I am so busy that I don’t know the north, south, east, and west! Hearing Master He Fan's doubts, Ma Hua complained.

The farm in the rolling mill was very successful. Many units came to learn experience, and many units came to exchange supplies. When they came, they wanted to eat and drink, so Ma Hua, who was the chef of the canteen, became what he is now.

"Come on! You don't know how to cherish such a good opportunity!
Maybe one day this group of people will stop coming, and you won't have such a good opportunity to practice your cooking skills! "Hearing Ma Hua's complaint, He Fan joked angrily.

Hearing He Fan's jokes on him, Ma Hua laughed happily. Of course, his complaint was just a way of getting close to his master He Fan.

After bidding farewell to apprentice Ma Hua, He Fan returned to the office area and went directly to Director Nie's office, "Director Nie, thank you so much for this trip to the mountain city!
If it weren't for your comrade-in-arms, my wife and I might really have returned without success! "

Hearing He Fan's thanks and seeing the mountain city specialties that He Fan brought over, Director Nie was really happy, because he knew what rank the big leader standing behind He Fan was, and this time he was able to get closer to He Fan. But it's something Director Nie could only wish for.

"Director He, you are too polite!

This comrade-in-arms of mine is a warm-hearted man. When you mentioned going to the mountain city, my first thought was him! Director Nie said with a smile when he heard He Fan's words.

"By the way, Director Nie!
Next time your comrade-in-arms, if you come to the capital, you must inform me, so that I can do my best as a landlord! He Fan said with a smile.

"Director He, don't worry! If my comrade-in-arms comes to the capital, I will definitely notify you, and then we will get together again!" Director Nie responded with a smile.

In the end, Bang Geng accepted the reality helplessly, and became an educated youth working in the countryside in the Northeast Corps.

Looking at Bang Geng who left, Jia Zhang was crying like hell, she didn't dare to blame the vicious Zheng San, but directed all her anger on Qin Huairu.

"Qin Huairu, you are so cruel to let Bang Geng go to the countryside to suffer, why are you so cruel!

How can you be worthy of Baang Geng's dead father!
Qin Huairu, you will definitely suffer retribution! "

Hearing Jia Zhang's vicious curse, Qin Huairu cried helplessly, "Mom, what do you want me to do about this kind of thing?
You can't blame me all! "

"You are Bang Geng's mother! Don't blame you, who is to blame?

You are married now, you only think about your own life, and you don't care about my hard-working grandson anymore!
Qin Huairu, you are too cruel! "Hearing the grievance in Qin Huairu's words, Jia Zhang didn't take it seriously, and continued to curse with ugly words.

The neighbors in the courtyard who heard the commotion all came out to watch the fun, and when they heard Jia Zhang making such unreasonable troubles, they all sympathized with Qinhuai Tathagata.

"Jia Zhang, are you still unreasonable!

At the beginning, Zheng San found two job spots for Bang Geng, and Bang Geng could choose whatever he wanted, but your family Bang Geng disliked the job he found and was ashamed, and would rather hang out in the street than sweep the street!
Everyone knows it!
Now Bang Geng is forced to go to the countryside to become an educated youth, but at this moment, you blame Qin Huairu and Zheng San, is there anyone like you? "The second aunt said angrily.

Hearing the reprimand from the second aunt, Jia Zhang said arrogantly and unreasonably, "Our family's family affairs, what's the matter next to you!
I need you to mind your own business here! "

"I'm too lazy to talk to you, an unreasonable old man!

You should have been sent to prison for three months, so that you would be honest!

Jia Zhang, just do it!

Wait until the next time you go to prison, no one will want to get you! "The second aunt said angrily when she heard what Jia Zhang said.

When Zheng San returned to the courtyard, he heard about Jia Zhang and Qin Huairu. When eating at night, he kept looking at Jia Zhang with vicious eyes, which made the guilty Jia Zhang always feel restless.

"Jia Zhang, I warn you, let me hear that you bully Qin Huairu next time, and see how I deal with you!" Zheng San sternly warned Jia Zhang in front of him.

Hearing Zheng San's warning to him, Jia Zhang didn't dare to say a word in fear, just lowered his head like an angry child.

Seeing her mother-in-law's terrified side, Qin Huairu couldn't bear it, and quickly persuaded Zheng San in a low voice, "Zheng San, Mom didn't do it on purpose!
It's just that I don't want to go to the countryside to suffer!

Don't be angry either! "

"Hmph! I don't care what she thinks!

Bang Geng will return to the capital one day, and he will still ask me to help find a job! "Hearing Qin Huairu's persuasion, Zheng San didn't have any good tone.

"I didn't pay attention to Bang Geng who came back because I offended you, and we'll see how you and your grandson will live a life worse than death!" Zheng San looked fiercely at Jia Zhang in front of him.

Hearing Zheng San's words, Qin Huairu's heart moved, Bang Geng would definitely come back sooner or later, but this time Bang Geng had offended Zheng San badly, it seemed that he would try his best to please Zheng San.

After some cloud and rain, Qin Huairu comforted Zheng San, "Don't be so angry! He's just a child!"

"Huh! Bang Geng is so big, you still say he is a child?
Only you, Qin Huairu, can say this! "Hearing Qin Huairu's words, Zheng San said with a sneer.

"In the eyes of a mother like me, Bang Geng will always be a child no matter how old he gets!" Qin Huairu heard Zheng San's sneer, and quickly said with a smile.

"Qin Huairu, tell the truth!

Let's have another son of our own!
I think the stick is completely useless! "Hearing Qin Huairu's words, Zheng San was noncommittal, and suddenly made a proposal to Qin Huairu.

Hearing Zheng San's proposal suddenly, Qin Huairu was shocked and stammered, "Even if you don't like Bang Geng, you already have a biological son!

Why another one? "

"The more sons the better!

Besides, the two of us will have a son of our own! Hearing Qin Huairu's words, Zheng San said with a smile.

"Keep, but I don't want to have a baby!" Qin Huairu couldn't help but recalled the fact that he was already in the ring and couldn't have a baby, so he refused hesitantly.

Hearing Qin Huairu's refusal, Zheng San didn't care, just smiled, and then said with a smile, "It's up to you whether you live or not, and I won't force you!

If you are willing to help me give birth to our own son, I will consider waiting until Bang Geng returns to the city to help him find a job!

If you don't want to give birth, you can!
In the future, I won't bother with better things!

Don't bother me with his affairs! "

Hearing Zheng San's words, Qin Huairu's heart tightened, and then his head ached again.

Not long after returning to the capital, You Fengxia gave birth to a boy. You Fengxia named her son He Nianzu, which means she misses her grandfather and maternal grandfather.

"Sister-in-law, the name you chose is really nice!" He Yushui said to You Fengxia with admiration while looking at the newborn He Nianzu happily.

"No way! I just took it casually! I didn't think too much about it!" Hearing He Yushui's compliment, You Fengxia said with a wry smile.

"Sister-in-law, don't be humble!

I heard that modesty can make people fat! Hearing You Fengxia's wry smile, He Yushui didn't take it seriously, but said jokingly instead.

"Silly brother, now you also have a son!
Do you want to go to Baoding and tell our dad the good news? "He Yushui suddenly proposed to He Fan who was giggling aside.

He Fan felt very helpless when his younger sister He Yushui suddenly mentioned that handsome and cheap father, "Do you think he would care about having an extra grandson?
One must know that the life between him and the White Widow is very good now!

If we ran up rashly, we would be disgusted by our dad and cause trouble for him! "

"I don't believe it!

After so many years, I can't believe he doesn't miss us!
I think it's because you are worrying too much! "He Yushui didn't take it seriously when he heard He Fan's explanation, and then said stubbornly.

"That's up to you!
I can't convince you anyway!
Baoding is very close to the capital, if you really want to go, you can ask the police to accompany you there!

After all, the little policeman in your family has never met his father-in-law! " Seeing that He Yushui was still stubborn, He Fan was a little confused, so he simply suggested.

Hearing He Fan's proposal, He Yushui did not show any joy, but said with a sad face, "He is so busy now that he doesn't have time to go to Baoding with me!
Or brother, you can go with me!
I miss my dad too! "

"I don't want to touch the mold!
I've suffered this once, and I don't want to suffer it again!

Anyway, you suggested it yourself, so you might as well go by yourself! He Fan quickly refused when he heard He Yushui's request.

"Sister-in-law, please persuade my silly brother!

He has always listened to you the most, so let him accompany me to Baoding! Seeing He Fan's resolute refusal, He Yushui said coquettishly to You Fengxia.

You Fengxia didn't know her sister-in-law, He Yushui, and she never made any demands on herself. She unconsciously thought that she and He Fan had just returned from the mountain city, and she couldn't bear to say to He Fan, "Brother Zhuzi, How about you go to Baoding with Yushui?
In any case, we have a son, which is also a great joy! "

"Fengxia, you don't know what's going on here!

In the past, when the rain was small, I took the rain to Baoding, but I didn't even see my father, so I was driven back by the stepmother, the white widow!

For so many years, we have no relationship with this father! He Fan explained helplessly after hearing You Fengxia's unbearable persuasion.

Hearing He Fan's explanation, You Fengxia had a general understanding of this father-in-law who had never met before, and then persuaded He Yushui, "Yushui, your brother just invited two During the month's vacation, I went to the mountain city.

It hasn't been long since I came back. If I ask for leave again, the whole rolling mill may really have opinions! "

After hearing You Fengxia's persuasion, He Yushui reluctantly gave up!
Seeing He Yushui's reluctance, You Fengxia and He Fanwu looked at each other with wry smiles, and shook their heads helplessly. He Yushui is the mother of two children, and she is still so stubborn.

(End of this chapter)

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