Chapter 203 Chapter [-]

"Brother Zhuzi, this trip to the mountain city made me understand a truth, that is, being able to marry you is the greatest luck in my life!" After putting the child to sleep, You Fengxia lay on He Fan with a satisfied expression on her face. said happily.

"Hehe, as long as you can feel that your life is happy, that is my greatest achievement!

Now that we have children, I don't have too much pursuit, and I don't care too much about wealth. As long as I can accompany you through this life, I am very satisfied! "Hearing You Fengxia's satisfied and happy expression, as a man, He Fan was really proud.


With a flick of a finger, the time quickly came to [-], and the leader brought his wife back to the capital again.

The leader and his wife watched with joy. He Fan had just cooked a large table of Sichuan cuisine. The wife of the leader sighed happily, "We left the capital, and what we miss the most is the Sichuan cuisine cooked by you, Zhuzi!

We have also invited several Sichuan cuisine masters in the south, but we can't make your taste like this. Do you think it's strange? "

"Auntie, I think this is quite normal!
After all, everyone's cooking habits are different!
Although the same Sichuan cuisine is cooked by different people, there are still great differences in it!
Just like we pickle pickles, different people use the same seasoning and order, and the taste of pickling is different!

We cooks call this mysterious thing "luck"! He Fan explained with a smile after hearing the exclamation of the leader's wife.

"Hmm! What you said makes sense!
Probably the problem of "luck", we may all be used to your "luck"! "After hearing He Fan's explanation, the wife of the chief leader and the chief leader looked at each other in agreement, and then said in agreement.

"Zhuzi, I went to the south this time, and what I'm most worried about is that you will lose yourself because of being the deputy director of the rolling mill, and then lose the most important cooking skills!

Looking at the situation today, I realized that I was worrying too much! "The big leader on the side ate happily, gave He Fan a thumbs up, and said in admiration.

"Uncle and aunt, don't worry!
I know that my greatest ability is cooking, and I will never lose it! Hearing the big leader's worry, He Fan smiled and patted his chest to reassure.

"But then again, you've got a really nice farm at the rolling mill!

Now some units and enterprises in the south are also learning this model!
It seems that what you did was really successful!
Me and your aunt are very happy! "The big leader looked at He Fan who was in full bloom in front of him, and said happily from the bottom of his heart.

"Uncle, aunt, since you are so happy!

Then let me tell you one more happy event!
Some time ago, I took Fengxia to a mountain city, where I found Fengxia's parents!
They are all working in the "big third line" in the mountain city now, and they are all in good health! "He Fan suddenly said happily.

Hearing He Fan's words, the big leader and his wife's eyes lit up, and they looked at each other happily, and the big leader said with emotion, "Zhuzi, you really bothered!
It must have cost a lot to find Old You and the others, right? "

"It's not!
During that time, some leaders from out-of-town units often came to the rolling mill to inspect the farm project. I took the opportunity to inquire about it. In the end, Director Nie of our rolling mill helped to find out the "big third line" of my parents-in-law in the mountain city!
After arriving in the mountain city, it really took a lot of effort at the beginning, and finally I helped them "big third line" build their own farm, and then things became easier! He Fan explained with a smile after hearing the great leader's emotion.

"Zhuzi, you are really amazing!
The output of this wave of farm projects is really a bargain!
It seems that opportunities are reserved for those who are prepared! "Hearing He Fan's explanation, the big leader said happily.

The big leader's return to Beijing can be regarded as a small node of the times.

From this moment on, the wind direction in the capital gradually became more subtle. He Fan clearly knew his position, so he always sat firmly on the Diaoyutai.

"Old He, the capital is a bit tricky recently! Do you have any ideas?" Director Nie came to He Fan's office with a mysterious expression on his face. Discuss future plans.

Of course, He Fan knew the subtleties of the capital, but he was not afraid, so he had nothing to worry about, "What's the matter? What's Director Nie thinking?"

"Recently, I heard that the man surnamed Yang is jumping up and down, and there are rumors that he will return to the rolling mill soon!" Hearing He Fan's doubts and seeing that he didn't look anxious at all, Director Nie couldn't bear it. He couldn't stop telling the news he knew.

"Old Yang? Is he Director Yang of our rolling mill?
Isn't he still feeding the pigs on our farm now? He Fan became confused when he heard Director Nie's news.

"Yes! This is Director Yang!

While he is feeding the pigs, it does not hinder him from jumping up and down and moving around!

Looking at the situation, we have to make plans early. If we don't find a way out quickly, we are afraid that we will be swept out of the house by then! Hearing He Fan's doubts, Director Nie lamented.

"Director Nie, you are too pessimistic!

Even if he, Director Yang, successfully returns to the rolling mill, he won't arrange too much for you!

I know that the person behind you is not a simple person. Director Yang will weigh it carefully! Hearing Director Nie's pessimistic tone, He Fan comforted him with a smile.

Hearing He Fan's comfort, Director Nie felt much more comfortable, after thinking about it, he explained, "What you said is good, but I still want to do some activities in advance!
There is a high probability that you may work in which of the following provinces! "

After hearing Director Nie's explanation, He Fan's heart moved, and he said in admiration, "Yes, Director Nie!

If you go directly to the province below, you are a real party member, much better than the director of the rolling mill! "

Hearing He Fan's admiring tone, Director Nie couldn't hide his joy anymore, and then said with a smile, "Hehe, I also think this way out is really good!
However, Lao He!

I want to remind you to plan early!

Don't let your guard down just because you have dealt with this old Yang before!

I know this old Yang has a lot of thoughts! "

He Fan shook his head wryly when he heard Director Nie's reminder, and then explained, "When Director Yang was still in office, I was just an ordinary cook in the canteen of the rolling mill. Later, I was transferred to the State Guesthouse. It didn't take long for him to dismount too!
Even if he was later sent to the farm of our rolling mill, I have nothing to do with him!

To tell you the truth, I never put my future on him, Director Yang! "

Hearing He Fan's explanation, Director Nie exclaimed with a wry smile, "I almost forgot that there is a great god standing behind you, Lao Yang really didn't dare to punish you easily!
But I still want to advise you, this old Yang has a lot of thoughts, no one can say whether he will take revenge on those of us who have stepped on them, you should make plans early! "

"Director Nie, to be honest, I'm not afraid of your jokes!

From my first day as the deputy director of this rolling mill, I knew I wouldn't be here soon!

Now that Director Yang is coming back to the rolling mill, I'm curious how he will arrange for me!
No matter how he arranges me, I will sit firmly on the Diaoyutai, anyway, I have already been invincible!
I'm afraid of his balls! Seeing Director Nie treating him sincerely, thinking of the peaceful relationship between the two of them in the past few years, and the help Director Nie had given him, He Fan directly spoke his mind.

Hearing what He Fan was saying, Director Nie thought about it carefully, and then said with a smile, "Old He, what you said really makes sense!
Before Lao Yang punishes you, he will also consider the big leaders behind you!
Even if he doesn't punish you, if he sees you sitting firmly on the Diaoyutai in the rolling mill, if he feels uncomfortable, he will definitely try to arrange you!

If the arrangement is poor, he will also worry that the big leader behind you will be unhappy!

So the one who suffers from sitting on wax will always be his surname Yang! "

"Yes! That's what it means. Now I'm crying and begging the big leader to arrange me. That's too embarrassing!
Anyway, when the time comes, someone will be more impatient than me, so I have nothing to worry about!
It's like two children fighting, whoever cries to find their parents first will admit defeat! Seeing that Director Nie understood everything, He Fan said with a smile.

"Brother Zhuzi, I heard that the big leaders have returned to Beijing! I want to visit them!" You Fengxia said to He Fan who was teasing her son He Nianzu after eating.

"Of course!

Our family will be there tomorrow!
The two elders haven't seen our family's He Nianzu yet! He Fan looked up at You Fengxia after hearing You Fengxia's words, and then said with a smile.

"Well! I also want to ask the big leader, can I talk to them and transfer Nianzu's grandparents back to the capital!" He Fan agreed, You Fengxia said with a smile again.

"Eh? Don't say it!

Because the big leader has just returned to the capital, it can be said that he is walking on thin ice, and it is impossible to intervene in other things at will!
Besides, Nianzu's grandfather and grandmother, in the mountain city, are taken care of by section chief Wu, so they won't suffer much!
In a few years, when things have stabilized, their superiors will naturally let them come back! He Fan knew the pulse of the times long ago when he heard You Fengxia's thoughts, so he hurriedly stopped her.

When He Fan stopped her, You Fengxia was very unhappy, she put down the bowls and chopsticks in her hand, and instead of taking them to the kitchen to wash them, she turned around and went upstairs.

Seeing You Fengxia's self-willed side gave He Fan a headache. Their life is like this. Although they don't have the pain of firewood, rice, oil and salt, there are still differences in their views.

You Fengxia clearly knew that even though her parents were old comrades-in-arms of the big leader, their words carried more weight without He Fan in front of them.

This was also the biggest reason why she agreed to marry He Fan in the first place. Although she couldn't figure out why the big leader's family favored He Fan so much, it didn't prevent her from choosing He Fan for this reason.

You Fengxia was really excited when she heard the news that the big leader had returned to the capital. Finally, she could ask the big leader to help transfer her parents back to the capital.

But after her own careful consideration, You Fengxia still thought that if He Fan said it, the chance of success would be higher, but He Fan disappointed her, and He Fan was not willing at all.

Seeing the strange woman in front of him with a little boy less than ten years old, Qin Huairu's heart skipped a beat, and he knew it was Zheng San's ex-wife and son without the other party's introduction.

Before Qin Huairu woke up and said something, Zheng San's ex-wife said with a sneer, "You are Qin Huairu, right?

Sure enough, there is a vixen taste, no wonder Zheng San is fascinated! "

No matter how scheming he was, when he met Zheng San's ex-wife who knocked on the door, Qin Huairu couldn't hold back, and directly pulled his face down, "Be careful with what you say!
Zheng San and I are legally married now!

And you are just his ex-wife, so please respect yourself! "

"I don't know if I need self-respect, but you, Qin Huairu, definitely need it anyway!

In the entire DC area of ​​the capital, who doesn't know your brilliant name, Qin Huairu!

How shameless you are to talk about self-respect with me without shame! "Hearing Qin Huairu's rebuttal, Zheng San's ex-wife was suddenly amused.

Hearing Zheng San's ex-wife insulting him so mercilessly, Qin Huairu became angry, "Stop slandering my innocence here!

You don't ask around, since my ex-husband passed away, who said that I, Qin Huairu, did not behave decently!
If you're still here talking nonsense to me, believe it or not, you'll tear your mouth apart! "

"Hey! You still don't admit it!

It seems that she really regards herself as a chaste and martyr?
Back then, when I heard that Zheng San married you Qin Huairu, I was curious and went to the rolling mill to inquire about you!
It was you, Qin Huairu, who went to the small warehouse with Xu Damao from your backyard for a few steamed buns! ? "

"Want to prostitute your neighbor in the courtyard, Sha Zhu, not only secretly destroying his blind date, but also twisting his ass in front of a single man every day, isn't it you, Qin Huairu, who are talking about it!?"

"For stuttering, I don't even want my face!
It can also be said to be hungry!

I also heard that Yi Zhonghai, the elder of your courtyard, often delivers food to you in the middle of the night, and then touches his little hands, kisses his little mouth and so on!

You Qin Huairu are really shameless! "

Hearing that Zheng San's ex-wife was clear about his affairs, Qin Huairu was completely shocked, and then pretended to be aggrieved, "Sister, what do you want to do?
I'm married to Zheng San now, you can't just frame my reputation casually!

What you said are all false rumors!

How could you slander me like this for Zheng San!
Are you not afraid that I will sue you for defamation in court! "

Qin Huairu wept bitterly, it was really sad for the listeners, and tears for those who heard it. The neighbors in the courtyard saw Qin Huairu's wronged appearance, and they all felt the same hatred for this inexplicable Zheng San's ex-wife. When he arrived at his wife, Yi Zhonghai, he said bluntly, "You are Zheng San's ex-wife, right?
How can you be so reckless!
Our family is old Yi, just helping families in need, how could it become such a dirty thing in your mouth!
If you don't apologize to our old Yi today, I will sue you at the police station in a while!
I want to see if there is anyone who can take care of you shrew! "

"Hey! You think I'm afraid of you!
Yi Zhonghai takes care of families in need, why does he never care about other families in need?

There are not a few suffering families in your courtyard house alone!

But why have you never received help from your old Yi?
I still heard that Yi Zhonghai of your family flirted with Qin Huairu's mother-in-law Jia Zhang when he was young.

Qin Huairu's husband, could it be Yi Zhonghai's son?
Yi Zhonghai is really amazing!
This is a family killing both young and old!
Seeing that her mother-in-law, Jia Zhang, was getting old and decrepit, she went to fuck the daughter-in-law of the Jia family!

Haha, your courtyard house is really amazing! Seeing that she had aroused the public anger of the neighbors in the courtyard, Zheng Sanba's ex-wife was not at all afraid, but sarcastically said loudly.

Hearing Zheng San's ex-wife's words, the neighbors in the courtyard house all became more expressive. The more they thought about it, the more they felt that what Zheng San's ex-wife said made sense, and then looked at Yi Zhonghai with some playfulness. Feeling everyone's playful eyes, Yi Zhonghai became ashamed and angry Get up, "Lao Liu, Lao Yan, are you still reading jokes here?

Hurry up and call the police!

Hurry up and ask the police to arrest this biting shrew and go to jail! "

Hearing Yi Zhonghai's reminder, Liu Haizhong and Yan Banggui, who were in shock, quickly came to their senses and said dumbfounded, "That's right! Hurry up and call the police! Take this shrew away!"

When Jia Zhang heard that Zheng San's ex-wife revealed the biggest secret in her heart, she was so angry that she trembled all over. Before everyone was paying attention, she threw herself on Zheng San's ex-wife, "I'll tear you up, you biting mad dog!"

Qin Huairu saw that his mother-in-law was attacking directly, and hurriedly helped to tear Zheng San's ex-wife together. Soon the courtyard was in chaos. Seeing his mother being beaten, Zheng San's son was terrified. Wow burst into tears.

As soon as Zheng San returned to the courtyard, he saw his son crying in fright, and then saw Qin Huairu and Jia Zhang's mother-in-law and daughter-in-law riding on his ex-wife and tearing at him. Zheng San became angry and pinched her. He grabbed Jia Zhangshi and Qin Huairu's necks, and threw them aside like a dead dog, "Why are you here, you bitch? Do you deserve a beating?"

Seeing Zheng San who came back, Zheng San's ex-wife couldn't hold back and burst into tears, "You heartless Zheng San!

If you want to hit you, hit it!

Let your son see with his own eyes how you, a heartless father, bullied his mother with others! "

Hearing his ex-wife's words, Zheng San remembered his son, and quickly picked up his aggrieved son and whispered comfortingly, "Son, it's all right! Dad is back! Don't be afraid!"

Hearing his father's comfort, Zheng San's son finally stopped crying, but said with sobs and aggrieved, "Dad, they all bullied my mother!"

Hearing what his son said, Zheng San knew the general idea without asking, and then said to his ex-wife again, "You shrew, what are you doing here?"

"I, my son is growing up, ten yuan is not enough to spend!

You have to give me 20 yuan in the future! Hearing Zheng San's question, Zheng San's ex-wife stammered and explained.

Hearing his ex-wife's explanation, Zheng San directly took out 15 yuan, threw it to his ex-wife, and said angrily, "You won't go to my unit's towel factory to find me?

Don't come to this courtyard again next time, if I see you once, I will hit you once!
Also, 20 yuan is too much!

A temporary worker is only 18 yuan, and I will give you 15 yuan a month!
Take the money and get out! "

Zheng San's ex-wife happily picked up 15 yuan and said to Zheng San, "Give me back my son!"

Hearing what his ex-wife said, Zheng San said angrily, "Go back yourself first!
Son, I will send it back to you tomorrow!
Remember, don't come here again next time, or I'll be really rude! "

"Understood!" Hearing Zheng San's warning again, Zheng San's ex-wife knew that Zheng San always did what he said, and said in a panic.

Seeing that Zheng San's ex-wife was about to leave the courtyard without incident, Yi Zhonghai at the side hurriedly stopped him and said, "She can't leave!
It's too cheap to leave like this after making a big fuss in our courtyard! "

Hearing Yi Zhonghai's obstruction, Zheng San said with a sneer, "Your surname is Yi, do you think your life is too comfortable, and you deliberately find it uncomfortable, right?

Believe it or not, I, Zheng San, will kill you bastard! "

Hearing Zheng San's threat to him, Yi Zhonghai pointed angrily at Zheng San in front of him, "You"

"Who else?

Who else wouldn't let my ex-wife go? Seeing Yi Zhonghai resting his food, Zheng San sneered, and then said coldly to the neighbors in the courtyard.

Hearing Zheng San's question and seeing Zheng San's stern eyes, the neighbors in the courtyard couldn't help lowering their heads.

Seeing that no one was busy, Zheng San looked at the ex-wife who stopped angrily, "Why are you still standing there? Get out!"

Hearing Zheng San's scolding, Zheng San's ex-wife left happily like a victorious rooster with its big tail cocked.

Seeing that the matter came to an end, Zheng San told Qin Huairu who was stunned to the side, "Today you sleep with your mother-in-law Jia Zhang!
My son is coming, I want to accompany him! "

Then he took out another 30 yuan, threw it to Qin Huairu who was stunned, and then ordered again, "Go to the street to buy some delicious food, and make a big dinner!
What a big deal!
As for making trouble like this?
Everyone is ignorant! "

After Zheng San finished speaking, he happily hugged his son and went home, saying joyfully, "My dear, Dad will show you our new home!"

Seeing Zheng San solve this absurd matter so rudely, and then leave the back, the neighbors in the courtyard who stayed on the spot were messed up in the wind
(End of this chapter)

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