Chapter 204

Seeing Zheng San taking his son home, the neighbors in the courtyard who were in a mess in the wind all looked at Qin Huairu and Jia Zhang, shook their heads, and went home.

This time, Zheng San knew that his ex-wife was looking for trouble, but for the sake of his son, he couldn't say anything.

Based on Zheng San's understanding of Jia Zhang's and Qin Huairu's, as long as Jia Zhang's family doesn't mess with Qin Huairu, Qin Huairu will not mess around. That's why the incident of throwing down the 30 yuan just now is because he knows Qin Huairu and Jia's family. Zhang's mother-in-law and daughter-in-law were wronged by the "big stick", and then they gave another 30 yuan as a "carrot". Soon Jia and Zhang's eyes opened to calm down the situation.

"Huai Ru! This Zheng San is much more capable than the original He Fan!
He gave us 30 yuan directly. You must know that it is not the time to pay wages. Why do you think he is so good at making money?

It seems that he is the security captain of this towel factory, which is really a lucrative position! "Ms. Jia Zhang counted 30 yuan with a face of money fanatics, and said to Qin Huairu who was next to him with a lot of emotion.

"Mom! Stop talking!

I'm going to buy some vegetables first!

Zheng San's son is here, let him eat anyway! "Hearing her mother-in-law Jia Zhang's expression on Qian's face, Qin Huairu felt a little sick, and then said helplessly.

Hearing Qin Huairu's words, Jiazhang woke up from his financial obsession, and said with a smile, "Yes! Yes! Then you go!

You must not treat this little brat badly! "

Then she looked at Qin Huairu and found that Qin Huairu was not very interested, Jia Zhang sighed, and then persuaded her earnestly, "Zheng San's ex-wife made such a fuss today, which fully demonstrates Zheng San's value!
His ex-wife is just jealous of you now, but there is nothing she can do, so she can only come here to play and roll!

Besides, our mother and I almost tore her up just now, and we got the 30 yuan again, so we are not at a disadvantage! "

Hearing the joyful analysis from his mother-in-law Jia Zhang, Qin Huairu felt very speechless, "But Zheng San's ex-wife insulted our mother-in-law and daughter-in-law in front of everyone, making us unable to hold our heads up in this area. It's gone!"

Hearing Qin Huairu's worry, Jia Zhang sneered, and then said disdainfully, "What do you know? Our mothers and I rely on Bang Geng the most!

As for the current Zheng San, it is just for the nourishment of our family to live on!

And what about your reputation?Is it really that important?
If Zheng San's ex-wife doesn't come to make a fuss, no one will slander our Jia family?
Then where did Zheng San's ex-wife get the news from?

And it's not all rumors from the neighborhood and your rolling mills!

So, Huai Ru!

Don't pay attention to other people's slander against us, it's all nonsense!

Only money is the most real and important thing! "

Hearing her mother-in-law's unclear analysis, Qin Huai was stupefied for a moment, and only today did she realize that it was Jia Zhang who was the most confused on the surface.

After dinner was ready, Qin Huairu came to Zheng San's room and called Zheng San and his son over for dinner. Zheng San's son still remembered Qin Huairu's beating of his mother just now, so he didn't show any good looks.

Looking at the expression of Zheng San's son, everyone in the room didn't take it seriously, after all, he was just an ignorant child.

Seeing the sumptuous dinner on the table, Zheng San found the roast duck. This surprised Zheng San, who knew how Qin Huairu and Jia Zhang were, and smiled at his son, "Son, look at how much your aunt treats you." good!
Knowing that you are here today, I specially bought you your favorite roast duck!
Thank you soon Auntie! "

Hearing his father's order, Zheng San's son took his eyes away from the delicious roast duck, and then retorted to his father Zheng San, "I don't!

She just bullied my mom with this grandma!

They are all bad guys!

I don't call her auntie! "

Hearing Zheng San's son's words, Qin Huairu smiled indifferently and said, "Forget it! He's just a child!
If you don't call, don't call!It's fine! "

Hearing Qin Huairu's pretended generosity, Zheng San didn't take it seriously, and then suddenly said to his son with a serious face, "Son, remember you must be polite!
The aunt in front of you is just like your mother, she is your stepmother!

They are all your elders!

As for the things between them, it's all conflicts between adults, it has nothing to do with you children!

So, you have to politely call her auntie, got it? "

Hearing his father Zheng San's explanation, Zheng San's son lowered his head half-understood, came over for a while, then looked up at Qin Huairu and Jia Zhang and shouted, "Auntie, grandma! Hello! My name is Zheng powerful!"

Hearing Xiao Zheng Qiang's well-behaved and sensible appearance, Qin Huairu was no longer unhappy, and quickly smiled and praised, "Zheng Qiang is really sensible!

Much more sensible than your brother Bang!

Stop looking!eat it!Otherwise, it will be cold in a while! "

Jia Zhang who was on the side heard Qin Huairu say that her precious grandson Bang was even more ignorant. Although she knew that these were Qin Huairu's polite words and could not be taken seriously, Jia Zhang was still a little unhappy!
But seeing the ferocious Zheng San on the opposite side, Jia Zhang didn't say anything, just lowered his head and ate in a dull manner. Xiao Dang and Huaihua at the side felt the dull atmosphere, and also ate without talking much.

After Yi Zhonghai returned home, he saw his wife sighing, "What's wrong with you? What's the matter?

It's like being bitten by a mad dog!
No big deal! "

Hearing Yi Zhonghai's indifferent persuasion, the first mother could no longer control her emotions and the grievances in her heart for many years, and said in tears, "Old Yi, we have lived together for so many years!
Don't really think that I don't know about the matter between you and Jia Zhang before!

The reason why I didn't poke it was to save face for you, and also because I felt that I was sorry for not leaving you with a son and a half!
Even if you deliver food to Qin Huairu in the middle of the night, I turn a blind eye!
But now it's different, we have a son Yi Xiaochuan!

Lao Yi, let's stop getting entangled with Qin Huairu's family, okay?

Let's live our lives, shall we? "

Hearing his wife crying about the grievances he had endured over the years, Yi Zhonghai realized that he had really gone too far, and after being silent for a long time, he still sighed, and finally said sincerely, "I'm sorry, my wife!

You have been wronged for so many years!
You are right!

Our Yi family can indeed be separated from Qin Huairu's family!

Tomorrow I will take you to the orphanage in the street, let's adopt another girl! "

"I really figured it out now!

Whether they will be filial to us when they grow up is no longer important!
The important thing is that we can accompany their growth, this is our greatest happiness! "

Hearing Yi Zhonghai's sincere apology and hearing his arrangements, the first mother was moved and cried even louder. Yi Xiaochuan who was on the side didn't understand the reason, but seeing his mother crying, he hugged his mother's thigh obediently and said , "Mom, don't cry! Xiao Chuan will be very good!"

Hearing Yi Xiaochuan's milky voice, the first mother's heart almost melted, she stopped crying quickly, picked up the sensible Yi Xiaochuan, and explained with a smile, "The reason why mother cries is because she is happy!

Mom and Dad will bring you a younger sister tomorrow, okay? "

"Great! I finally have a sister of my own!
Xiaodang and Huaihua next door are not nice at all, they always bully me!
Well now, I have a younger sister too! "Hearing Da Ma's words, Yi Xiaochuan clapped his hands happily and said.

(End of this chapter)

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