Chapter 205
When I came to the Construction Corps in Northeast China, I was infected by the surrounding atmosphere at first. I felt that it was a meaningful thing for me to go to the countryside to work as an educated youth, and gradually I no longer resisted going to the countryside to work.

But as time passed, Bang Geng could no longer bear the boring working life, and he no longer wanted to pick up shit day and night.

That's right, the job assigned to Bang Geng in the Construction Corps was to pick up shit.

What BangGou said to Zheng San at the beginning did not expect to be realized in the end.

Suppressing the disgusting stench every day, Bang gradually couldn't take it anymore.

Throwing the burden directly on the ground, sticking to the squad leader of the educated youth point, complaining, "Squad leader, you're trying to trick me on purpose, how long have I been picking up shit!

Why no one replaced me, I'm going to the company to sue you! "

The squad leader heard Bang Geng's threatening words, saw the pole thrown on the ground by Bang Geng, and said with a sneer, "Jia Geng, I will give you one more chance to pick up the pole, or I will make you regret it!"

Hearing the monitor's warning to him, Bang Geng's heart tightened for no reason, but when he saw the other educated youths who were waiting and watching, Bang Geng retorted and said, "I won't pick it up!
I see what you can do to me?
If you dare to move a finger of mine, I don't believe that the leaders of the Corps will not punish you! "

Hearing Bang Geng's rebuttal to him, the squad leader laughed angrily, and then said disdainfully, "Jia Geng, it seems that you are crazy!

Let's wait and see, if I don't make you regret what you did today, I don't deserve to be the monitor of this class! "

After the squad leader finished speaking, he picked up the pole that had been thrown on the ground by the stick, then pushed the stick away, picked up the big dung on the ground, and walked towards the place where the dung was dumped.

Seeing the squad leader carrying the dung away, the educated youths thought they would be able to enjoy a good show, but they were disappointed instead.

Sticker originally wanted to provoke the squad leader on purpose, and then stabbed the matter to the top, so he became a victim, and then he would naturally receive preferential treatment.

Unexpectedly, the squad leader in front of him actually restrained the anger in his heart, and left directly carrying the dung.

Seeing that things deviated from his expectations, Bang Geng completely panicked, because he had heard a long time ago that this squad leader was a student from a large courtyard in the capital, and his background was not comparable to that of a child from an ordinary family like himself.

Bang Geng had been on guard all day in fear, and found that he had not been retaliated by the squad leader. In the middle of the night, when everyone was quiet, Bang Geng, who had relaxed, suddenly felt a abdominal pain and ran to the toilet in a hurry.

Just as he vented comfortably, Bang Geng saw a black figure, and under Bang Geng's surprised gaze, he shoved him into the latrine.

When the whole body of the stick was soaked in the latrine, he finally woke up. It turned out that this was the monitor's revenge on him!

At this moment, Bang Geng laughed silently, but thought in his heart, that's it!
Stick soaked in the latrine for a while, and found that after the squad leader left, he didn't shout for help, but climbed up with difficulty.

Then he took a deep look at the place where the squad leader was hiding, and went directly to the river near the Corps to clean it up.

The icy river water stimulates every pore of the stick all the time, forcing the stick to wake up.

At this moment, Stick has never had the desire to climb up and get ahead, and to trample all these people who have bullied him under his feet.

After cleaning for a long time, I felt that I no longer had the smell of feces on my body, so I stopped my movements, and then turned around to clean up the footprints and feces I left along the way.

After working for a long time, Bang Geng returned to the dormitory. Seeing the still quiet dormitory environment, Bang Geng sneered, and then changed into dry clothes.

The set of wet clothes that he took off on his body represented shame, and the stick was not thrown away directly, but hung outside the dormitory.

He waits until the clothes are dry, and then carefully collects them, inspiring himself to remember the harm others have done to him.

Seeing that BangGeng didn't yell, the squad leader who was observing secretly was shocked. Seeing BangGeng's "magic operation" as if nothing had happened, he returned to the dormitory without disturbing anyone. The squad leader realized that he had offended someone. "Ruthless people" who should not be provoked.

But since the matter has been done, there is no need to regret it. Anyway, this stickman dare not retaliate against himself. Thinking of this, the squad leader fell asleep in peace.

The next day, the squad leader saw that BangGong looked like a normal person, looking at him with a smile on his face, and unconsciously felt shuddering. Suddenly, the squad leader felt that this was a provocation to him, and then came to BangGiao , looked at the stick with a sneer and said, "Not convinced?"

Seeing the squad leader's behavior and hearing his stern words, BangGou knew that the squad leader was scared, and then said with a smile, "Submit! Squad leader, do you want me to sing "I'm conquered by you"?!"

Seeing Bang Geng's reaction, the squad leader was completely flustered, and then said helplessly in a low voice, "No need!

You better remember the lesson of this time!

I hope you can learn from it! "

"Thank you, monitor, for your reminder!" Hearing the reminder from the monitor, Bang Geng thanked him with a smile.

In the fierce confrontation between the squad leader and BangGiao, although the educated youths don't know the specific situation, they still know that BangGiao won the final victory.

Because the squad leader soon looked over, and the gathered educated youths arranged loudly and said, "From now on, all the educated youths, including myself, will take turns picking shit for a week!
Men and women, no one can hide from it! "

Stick just watched the class monitor's performance with a smile on his face, without any excitement or excitement, as if all this had nothing to do with him.

With the passage of time, Bang Giao found that since the last incident, no one bullied him casually, as if he had gained the respect of others overnight.

Regarding these changes, Bang Geng was not content with the status quo, but was even more eager to return to the city, because he suddenly felt that staying in the Construction Corps was a waste of life.

"Jia Geng, the logistics director of the Corps asked you to go to his office, saying that he has something to see you!" An educated youth looked at the stick in front of him strangely, and told him in an envious tone.

Hearing the notice from the educated youth, Bang Geng showed a puzzled expression, but didn't say much, just said "thank you", and then went directly to the logistics director's office under the envious gaze of other educated youths.

When he came to the office of the logistics director and saw the director who had never met before, he was still very puzzled.

"Director, I'm Jia Geng! I heard you're looking for me?"

Looking at the stick in front of him, the logistics director shot the stick back and forth as if he had the eyes of an X-ray machine, and when the stick could hardly hold on, the logistics director said with a smile, "Jia Geng, don't be nervous!

I asked you to come here this time because there is something I want to ask for your opinion! "

Hearing what the logistics director said, Bang Geng quickly said with a smile, "If you need anything, you can just order it directly!
I, Jia Geng, will definitely do it! "

Hearing BangGong's accompanying laugh, the logistics director shook his head noncommittally, and then said with a smile, "I definitely need to ask for your personal opinion on this kind of thing!"

"I read your profile and found that you are from the capital!
My father passed away from a work-related injury, and there is still a grandma, a mother and two younger sisters in the family, right? "

When the logistics director suddenly mentioned his family situation, Bang Giao became puzzled, then explained with a smile, "Yes, director!

However, when I came to our Construction Corps, my mother had remarried! "

Hearing Bang Geng's explanation, the logistics director smiled, and was very satisfied with the fact that Bang Geng had told the truth without any concealment, and then praised, "Jia Geng, you are really good!"

"It happened like this!
I have a niece, I met you a few times a while ago, I like you very much, and I want to have sex with you!
I don't know, would you like it? "

Hearing the logistics director's explanation, BangGong couldn't help showing a surprised expression, and said directly without thinking, "Director, I am willing!"

Hearing BangGong's surprise answer, the logistics director still shook his head noncommittally, and then continued to explain, "Don't rush to answer, first let me introduce my niece's situation!"

"My niece, because she is infertile, and divorced once!

If you don't dislike her past and flaws, I agree with your relationship!

If you are married, I will arrange for you to return to the capital, and then arrange a formal job for you. I only hope that you will treat her sincerely!

Knowing the specific situation, would you still like it? "

Hearing the introduction from the logistics director, Bang Geng was a little entangled, and then thought that he finally had the opportunity to return to the city, so he made up his mind and said happily, "Director, I am willing!
I would love to socialize with your niece! "

Seeing the stick and hearing the real situation, he just struggled for a while, and immediately agreed happily. The logistics director was a little surprised, and then reminded again, "My niece has been to many big hospitals in China. It is said that they are infertile, so.
Have you really thought it through? "

"I understand what the director means!

I really don't care about these, it's my honor that your niece can see me!I can't know what is good or bad!
So, I thought very clearly!

I will definitely treat your niece well! "Hearing the logistics director's reminder again, Bang Geng said seriously.

BangGou clearly knows that with his own family situation, it is really more difficult than reaching the sky if he wants to stand out.

Seeing such a good opportunity in front of him, how could he not know how to cherish it.

As for the infertility of the other party, Yi Zhonghai, the elder of the courtyard, and Xu Damao, his uncle, are both infertile, but this does not prevent them from living a happy life.

At worst, wait until his two younger sisters, Xiaodang and Huaihua, get married, and after they have children, it would be nice to adopt one of them.

Seeing that the stick in front of him really thought about it clearly, the logistics director didn't say anything, but suddenly felt that the stick in front of him was quite scheming, wondering if his niece would be really happy if he married him?
Although he has seen through the scheming of the stick, he is powerless. After all, his niece has taken a fancy to the scheming poor boy in front of him, and as an uncle, he should not be a villain in vain.

"Okay! Then you go back!" After thinking through everything, the logistics director said to the stick.

"Then director, goodbye!" Stick said respectfully.

When the educated youths saw the stick that came back, they all inquired in confusion, "Jia Geng, what did the logistics director ask you to do?"

Hearing the educated youth's curiosity, Bang Geng smiled, and then responded with a smile, "I didn't say anything!
I just saw that my recent performance is good, so I just praised a few words! "

"Can be praised by the logistics director!
Jia Ji, you can do it! Hearing BangGou's casual explanation, the educated youth showed envious and jealous expressions.

The squad leader standing next to him had been secretly paying attention to the sticks on this side. Hearing the compliments from the educated youths on the sticks, the squad leader snorted angrily and looked to the other side with disdain.

The squad leader knew clearly that everything that BangGong did today was due to stepping on him.

But when he thought of Bang Giao's attitude like a pervert, the squad leader didn't dare to toss about any longer, and could only silently bear the pain of his reputation being damaged.

The squad leader had already noticed his jealous and envious expression, and he sneered secretly in his heart, and then thought, this is just the beginning.

In the following days, it was as if he had never been found by the logistics director before, and he continued to work seriously, and when it was his turn to pick up shit again, he didn't have any complaints.

BangGong's work performance as usual made the educated youths and the squad leader who were secretly observing BangGeng heaved a sigh of relief. It seemed that he was really just praised casually by the logistics director.

What they didn't know was that during an ordinary vacation, Stickong had already obtained a marriage certificate with the logistics director's niece.

Seeing the beautiful and charming niece of the logistics director, Bang Geng was completely relieved, and he was grateful for his own vision and foresight.

In this way, Bang Geng and the logistics director's niece received a marriage certificate, and not long after, they left the Construction Corps, which made him feel ashamed, and returned to the capital city after a long absence.

"Something happened! Something happened to our Construction Corps!" An educated youth hurried back and shouted.

Hearing the exaggerated yelling of this educated youth, all the educated youths stopped their work at the same time, and looked at the owner of the voice in doubt, "What's wrong with our Construction Corps?"

"A major accident happened to our Construction Corps!
Jia Geng has been approved to return to the capital!

And still in the capital, was assigned a formal job! "The educated youth saw that everyone was puzzled, looked towards him, and then said it out loud.

The words of this educated youth, like a nuclear bomb exploding in the crowd, completely shocked all the educated youth present.

The squad leader digested the news brought by the educated youth in shock, and then murmured in disbelief, "Impossible! This is absolutely impossible!
Jia Geng just comes from an ordinary family, and he doesn't have such a big background and ability at all!
I know, you must be lying! "

The educated youth felt very aggrieved when he heard the class leader's accusation against him, and then said with a wry smile, "Squad leader, if you don't believe me!
You can go to the company headquarters and ask the company commander and instructor!
Besides, what's the point of me lying to you about this? "

When the educated youth heard this educated youth's explanation, they accepted this fact in disbelief, and then all of them felt envy and jealousy towards Haoming's stick change.

(End of this chapter)

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