Chapter 209 Chapter 110
As soon as Qin Huairu went out the door, he saw the third master Yan Banggui standing in the yard smiling like a Maitreya Buddha, and then Qin Huairu's heart skipped a beat, it seemed that the third master started to calculate again.

"Qin Huairu, I heard that Bang Geng is back? Has he been assigned a formal job?" The third master Yan Banggui looked at Qin Huairu who came out, and said with a smile.

Hearing the third master Yan Banggui's question, Qin Huairu explained with a smile, "Yes! Banggen was assigned to work in the Jingcheng Electric Appliance Factory, and he will go to work soon!"

"Wow! Jingcheng Electric Factory?

Is it the big factory that makes TVs?
Where did your family find the connection?
This is too powerful! "Hearing Qin Huairu's explanation, the third master Yan Banggui widened his eyes in shock and said in disbelief.

Seeing the shocked look of the third master, Qin Huairu suddenly felt a sense of elation, her mother-in-law Jia Zhang was right, the Jia family's greatest reliance was sticks, and then explained with a smile, "Who can we know!
This is all achieved by stick stems through their own efforts!

We really didn't do anything! "

Hearing Qin Huairu's explanation, the third master Yan Banggui believed it. They were all neighbors in the neighborhood for many years. The neighbors were all aware of who's relationship, and then said flatteringly, "Your family is blessed now. up!
Stick is so promising now, isn't it going to get better and better in the future? ! "

"Haha, let's count on the good words from the third master!" Qin Huai said happily after hearing the compliment from the third master Yan Banggui, who had never enjoyed it before.

"I also heard that Bangjiu got married!

Are you going to have a wedding and a wedding reception?
It just so happened that the neighbors of the courtyard house also came to congratulate your family on the new year! "Seeing Qin Huairu's happy expression, the third master Yan Banggui saw that the time was ripe, and quickly asked about the main purpose.

Hearing the question from the third master Yan Banggui, Qin Huairu realized that the third master was waiting for him here!Then he explained with a smile, "Bang Giao has just started working in an electrical appliance factory, and he is not familiar with the work, so wait a little longer!"

Hearing what Qin Huairu said, the third master Yan Banggui became disappointed. This was Qin Huairu's excuse, and it seemed that he didn't want to hold a wedding banquet.

Seeing the back of the third master Yan Banggui leaving in disappointment, Qin Huairu sighed helplessly. The third master Yan Banggui had been honest for a while, but he still started to plot, but this time he chose the wrong target.

The third master who turned to leave suddenly remembered something, turned around again, and said to Qin Huairu, "Qin Huairu, I heard that Sha Zhu was transferred from the rolling mill two days ago and then became the deputy director of the Archives Bureau !
Tsk tsk, our courtyard, this is a real dragon! "

Hearing the news of the third master Yan Banggui, Qin Huairu of course knew that Sha Zhu had left the rolling mill, but what he didn't expect was that He Fan became the deputy director of the Archives Bureau.

Silly Zhu became a real high official, but he didn't get any benefits, Qin Huairu couldn't help being messed up in the wind.

Seeing Qin Huairu who was messed up by his own news, Third Master Yan Banggui smiled triumphantly.

But I thought in my heart, Xiao Mian, playing tricks on my third master Yan Banggui, you, Qin Huairu, are still too immature!
The Jia Zhang family in the room had long heard the conversation between Qin Huairu and the third master Yan Banggui, and then said to Qin Huairu who came back, "This Yan Laoxi has started to calculate again!"

"Hehe, isn't the third master just like that? We've been neighbors for many years, yet you still don't understand!" Hearing Jia Zhang's complaint, Qin Huairu said with a smile.

"Mom, who was that just now?" Yu Manting, who had woken up early, also heard the conversation between Qin Huairu and the third master, and asked in confusion.

"Oh! Manting, are you awake? It's just an old neighbor in the front yard, nothing happened!" Qin Huairu saw Yu Manting's doubts, and explained with a smile, but didn't say anything about He Fan.

"I'm going to make breakfast now, after you have breakfast, go to work again!"

"Thank you mom! Do you want me to help?" Yu Manting asked politely after hearing Qin Huairu's simple explanation.

"No, you rest first! It will be fine in a while!"

When He Fan came to work in the Archives Bureau, what he felt the most was depression.

It's no wonder, after all, the people who come here are all with bleak career prospects, and it's inevitable that they will feel a little weak at work.

"Director He, we have a dinner at the Archives Bureau today, would you like to come over?" Another deputy director of the Archives Bureau came to He Fan's office and invited him.

After coming here, He Fan would often go out to participate in some gatherings and banquets, but it was almost the end of [-], and the most important news that he was waiting for to resume the college entrance examination was about to be announced, so He Fan did not Ready to go out for a drink.

After all, from the announcement of the resumption of the college entrance examination to the real college entrance examination, there is only a short month, and there is really no time to waste. This period of time is my final sprint.

"During this time, I have some personal matters!
I won't go out with you guys anymore, I'm going to rush home after get off work in a while! With an idea in his mind, He Fan refused with a smile.

Hearing He Fan's refusal, the deputy director was a little disappointed, and said helplessly, "Oh! Then Director He has something to do, forget it! Let's go there first!"

"Then have fun!" He Fan said with a smile.

He Fan, who had just sent off his colleagues here and was about to go home from get off work, heard the phone ring, and quickly picked it up, "Hello! Who is it?"

"Zhu Zi, it's me!" The leader's voice came from the phone.

"Uncle! You are calling me now, what's the matter?" He Fan asked suspiciously when he heard that it was the big leader.

"Zhuzi, tell me the truth!

Did you already know that the college entrance examination will be resumed? "The big leader heard He Fan's doubts, but asked directly instead of answering.

"Ah? There is finally news of the resumption of the college entrance examination?
Haha, Uncle, I guessed it all!

real!Didn't it recover once in [-]?

It's just that it was not very successful that time, so I thought that the resumption of the college entrance examination next time must not be far away! He Fan heard the meaning of the big leader's question, and then explained with a smile.

"You boy, there is no truth in your mouth!
Since you don't want to say it, I won't inquire about your source!

However, you must prepare well for this college entrance examination!
Be sure to give me a good grade in the exam!

Be sure to surprise those who look down on you! "Hearing what He Fan said, how could the big leader fail to recognize that it was He Fan's excuse, and then said with a smile.

He Fan was really moved when he heard the three affirmations from the big boss on the phone. It seems that only the big boss understands the pressure he has endured over the years.

"Thank you! Uncle, don't worry!
I have waited too long for this day!

It will not let you down! "He Fan said emotionally.

Within a few days, the news of the resumption of the college entrance examination spread completely, and He Fan signed up immediately.

When the Archives Bureau heard that He Fan was going to take the college entrance examination, they were all shocked. They really didn't expect it.

"Director He, the big leader called me just now!
Say you are going to take the college entrance examination this time, let me approve your one-month long vacation!
I think it is very necessary. Starting tomorrow, you should prepare for the exam at home! "The director of the Archives Bureau called He Fan to the office, and then explained with a smile.

"Then thank you, Director, for your understanding!" He Fan said thankfully with a smile after hearing the explanation from the Director of the Archives Bureau.

"you are welcome!
Remember, you will always be a member of our Archives Bureau!

This time, we must do well in the exam and win glory for our archives bureau! Hearing He Fan's thanks, the director said with a smile.

"I heard that He Yuzhu, the deputy director of our Archives Bureau, will also take the college entrance examination! I don't know what he thinks!"

"That's right! He seems to be 41 today! It's really incomprehensible for such an old age to participate in the feast of young people!"

"The most important thing is that he is now the deputy director. Even in a marginal unit like our Archives Bureau, this kind of behavior is very surprising!"

He Fan didn't take anything seriously about the discussion inside and outside the Archives Bureau that He Fan was going to take the first college entrance examination.

Although I have been preparing for this day for ten years, I still want to make the final sprint.

Ever since they knew that He Fan was going to take the college entrance examination, the leader and his wife were worried about affecting He Fan's review, so they never came to He Fan's place again.

December [-], [-], the most important day for He Fan, finally arrived. He Fan walked into the examination room without any pressure. Three days later, He Fan finished the college entrance examination with ease.

As soon as he left the examination room, He Fan came to the leader's house and came to visit the leader and his wife.

"Zhuzi, how did you do in the exam this time?" The leader's wife asked with a smile when she saw He Fan who came to visit.

"It shouldn't be a problem!
I feel that there should be no problem in going to college! He Fan said with a smile after hearing the question from the leader's wife.

Hearing the full confidence in He Fan's words, the leader and his wife looked at each other happily, and then said with a smile, "Zhuzi, you really have it! You are so proud of us!"

After the college entrance examination, He Fan continued to go back to the archives office and commute normally like a normal person.

Seeing that He Fan was neither excited nor happy, the archives bureau thought that He Fan did not do well in the exam, so no one mentioned the college entrance examination in front of He Fan.

But in private, the Archives Bureau was talking about it.

"I think Director He doesn't seem very happy when he comes back this time. Could it be that he didn't do well in the exam!?"

"It's possible! After all, Director He didn't graduate from junior high school before. He is just a cook. He may be very good at cooking. Do you want to study? Hehe."

"You want to die! How dare you laugh at the deputy director, be careful that he will kill you like a twisting ant!"

"Ah? No way! Chief He seems to be very talkative! He shouldn't be so tyrannical!"

For this college entrance examination, He Fan is very confident, but the results have not yet come out, normal work still needs to be done, He Fan can't always do special things.

Unexpectedly, this led to discussions among his colleagues. He Fan smiled helplessly when he heard their discussions in private, and he didn't seem to care too much.

Anyway, after a few days, when the results come out, their jaws will definitely drop.

Sure enough, without waiting for a few days, He Fan found out the scores, because He Fan took the exams in liberal arts, politics, mathematics, Chinese, and history and geography.

In addition to politics, he only scored 90 points, and mathematics, Chinese, and history and geography all scored more than 350 points. The total score was a high score of [-]. After that, He Fan directly applied to the Department of Literature of Peking University.

After He Fan's results came out, the archives bureau was completely shocked, which was really unexpected.

There are not a few young people in the Archives Bureau who took the college entrance examination, but none of them got such a high score.

At this moment, no one would doubt He Fan anymore, because he used his actions to completely conquer the entire staff of the Archives Bureau.

"Haha, Director He!
You really are doing too much honor to our Archives Bureau!
This is the direct release of a nuclear bomb!

Haha, this time I see who dares to say that our archives bureau is a nursing home! When the director of the Archives Bureau heard He Fan's college entrance examination scores, he hugged He Fan happily and said in an excited tone.

"The director's words are too exaggerated!
I applied to the Department of Literature of Peking University this time, but I don't know if I can be admitted! He Fan explained with a helpless wry smile after hearing the director's exaggerated tone.

Hearing He Fan's explanation, the bureau chief shook his head, then said with a smile, "The total score is only 350 points, and you just passed [-] and [-] in the exam, and being admitted to Peking University is a sure thing!
Even if something goes wrong, you won't fail if you are transferred to another university with such good grades! "

After hearing the director's analysis, He Fan couldn't restrain his joy, "The results this time are really unexpected!

I thought that a score of [-] in the test would be pretty good!
I really didn't expect that a super performance came directly!

Haha, I still feel like I'm dreaming! "

"Director He, you can be regarded as a carp jumping over the dragon's gate!
I really want to congratulate you! "A deputy director of the Archives Bureau, seeing He Fan in front of him, also said with a smile and congratulations.

In this way, He Fan was congratulated by a group of old men and women from the Archives Bureau, but he couldn't contain his joy.

After work, He Fan declined his colleagues' proposals for a banquet, and went directly to the chief executive's house.

Looking at He Fan with a happy face, the big leader knew that He Fan got a good grade in the test, and asked happily, "Zhuzi, the grade is out? How is the result?"

"Uncle, Auntie, the total score is four hundred, and I got 350 and five!" Seeing the curious expressions on the faces of the chief leader and his wife, He Fan said with a smile.

Hearing what He Fan said, the leader and his wife's eyes widened in shock, and they said in disbelief, "Zhuzi, your uncle and I are cowardly!
Don't joke with me!

Did you really pass 350 five? "

"Really! Uncle, how could I lie to you about this!

Also, I have already directly applied to the Literature Department of Peking University! Seeing the shocked and puzzled look of the chief leader and his wife, He Fan quickly explained with a smile.

"Haha, great!
Zhuzi, you are so proud of me! Hearing He Fan's affirmative answer, the big leader said happily.

(End of this chapter)

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