Self-cultivation of the Siheyuan God of War

Chapter 210 The Regretful You Fengxia

Chapter 210 The Regretful You Fengxia
After receiving the admission notice from Peking University, every pore of He Fan was trembling with excitement. He really never thought that he would also enter the world of top students. Supreme glory.

He Fan was very happy, but he didn't want to make too much publicity. Apart from the unavoidable banquet at the Archives Bureau, he also had a happy meeting with the big leader and his wife. My younger sister, He Yushui, did not notify me.

In February [-], He Fan walked into Peking University with excitement and became the oldest university student.

After registering his name, He Fan was taken into his dormitory by the worker, peasant and soldier college student volunteers, "Student, this is your dormitory!
You go ahead, I'll go back! "

The worker-peasant-soldier college student said with a forced smile to He Fan in front of him, and then left directly.

"Thank you, senior!" He Fan thanked with a smile, feeling a little lonely from the senior's back.

How could He Fan not understand the complicated mentality of him and these workers, peasants and soldiers college students? If he could not resist the temptation and agreed to the recommendation of the big leader to go to college, he would now be a member of the workers, peasants and soldiers college students.

The difference between college students who passed the first resumed college entrance examination and college students of workers, peasants and soldiers is like the difference between those who were born in ancient science classes and those who were born in the Imperial College. The future of college students who take the regular college entrance examination is brighter.

Seeing the back of the other party leaving lonely, He Fan shook his head and walked into his dormitory.

Eight people lived in this dormitory, seeing the situation inside, He Fan guessed that he might be the last one to report.

Seeing He Fan walking in, the other seven students all paid attention to He Fan.

Feeling everyone's attention, He Fan smiled and introduced, "Hello! My name is He Yuzhu! I'm from the Department of Literature!"

"Then you must be from the capital, right? You were the last one to report!" A classmate with thick eyes asked with a smile.

"Yes! Because we are so close, I didn't rush to report!" He Fan replied with a smile when he heard the other party's doubts.

"Oh! That's it! All the students in our dormitory are here!
Now you can show your age and rank your size! "Suddenly a voice with a Tianjin accent came through.

He Fan looked over suspiciously, feeling the doubt in He Fan's gaze, and introduced in a Tianjin accent, "I'm Su Chaoran, from Tianjin, from the Department of Journalism!"

Soon Su Chaoran's proposal got everyone's consent, and then they all told their ages.

When the man with thick glasses said that he was 35, the other six students in the dormitory were shocked, and Su Chaoran exaggeratedly shouted, "Wow, Zhang Jie, you must be our big brother!
There are several children! ? "

Zhang Jie, a man with thick glasses, heard Su Chaoran's exaggerated words and felt the surprised gazes of other students, his old face turned red, and he said hesitantly, "Cough! Yes! I have three children!

Two men and one woman!The older ones are 13 years old! "

"No way!

I was terrified!

I want to find a mouth-watering Shun Shun! "Su Chaoran, with a Tianjin accent, said in an exaggerated tone.

Seeing that Su Chaoran really went to drink water, the other student looked at He Fan who was on the side, and said with a smile, "Student He Yuzhu, hello!
My name is Gao Ming, and I am also from the Department of Literature!
The home is also local to the capital!

I am 25 this year, how old are you? "

To be honest, He Fan really didn't want to answer when he heard this clever question. Zhang Jie, the man with thick glasses, was only 35, which already shocked them. If he told his real age, they would not be crazy.


Seeing He Fan's embarrassed face, Zhang Jie quickly smiled and guessed He Fan's age in order to get rid of his embarrassment, "I think you have such a tender face, you are only 21 or [-] years old at most, and you are almost the youngest among the eight of us in public. of!"

He Fan wiped off the non-existent cold sweat after hearing the analysis from Zhang Jie, the man with thick glasses, and said in embarrassment, "Yes! It's almost the same!"

Gao Ming at the side noticed He Fan's abnormality, but he didn't intend to let He Fan pass the test easily, he still smiled and said, "Student He, how old are you?

Speak up!There is nothing to worry about! "

When the other students heard Gao Ming's questioning, they all looked over in confusion. Feeling everyone's doubts, He Fan's heart sank, and he directly said his real age, "I'm 42 this year!"

"Pfft!" Su Chaoran, who was drinking water, sprayed out the water in his mouth in surprise, and sprayed it directly on the back of Gao Ming's head.

Gao Ming looked at He Fan in shock and felt what had happened to the back of his head. He suddenly turned his head angrily, and shouted hoarsely at the perpetrator, "Su Chaoran, do you want to die?"

Hearing Gao Ming's hoarse voice, Su Chaoran woke up from the shock, quickly took out his own towel to wipe the back of Gao Ming's head, and said apologetically, "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry! I didn't mean it!

He Yuzhu's words are too exaggerated! "

Then, feeling the eyes of Gao Ming looking at the towel in his hand, Su Chaoran quickly explained, "This towel is brand new!

Just bought it!Haven't used it yet! "

Hearing Su Chaoran's explanation, Gao Ming was so angry that he directly grabbed the towel from Su Chaoran's hand, and then ran to the public restroom outside to wash it.

Seeing the back of Gao Ming leaving, Su Chaoran felt a little lucky, finally settled Gao Ming's anger, and then said to He Fan who was beside him, "He Yuzhu, you are really 42!"

"Really! There's no need to lie to you with your age!" He Fan explained with a wry smile when he heard Su Chaoran's doubts.

"Oh! My God!

This is an uncle in our dormitory! Hearing He Fan's affirmative answer, Su Chaoran said in an exaggerated tone.

"Hehe, since you want to call me uncle!
Uncle, I have to say something, today in the cafeteria, I invite you to dinner! In order to ease the embarrassment, He Fan suddenly said with a smile.

Hearing He Fan's words, the dormitory became lively again. After cleaning, Gao Ming saw that the dormitory was lively again, and asked suspiciously, "What's wrong?"

Su Chaoran heard the doubts in Gao Ming's words, and explained with a smile, "Uncle He in our dormitory wants to invite us to the cafeteria for dinner!"

Next, the eight people in the dormitory went to the cafeteria to eat together.

"Director He, hello, I am the head of our literature department, and my surname is Zhou!" The head of the literature department looked at He Fan in front of him, smiled and stretched out his hands, introducing himself.

"Hello, director! I'm a student now, you can call me classmate He or Yuzhu He!

Don't call him Director He!
In school, calling it that way would cause misunderstanding! He Fan stopped him with a smile when he heard the head of the department addressing him.

Hearing He Fan's explanation, the head of the department thought it was necessary, and then agreed with a smile, "Student He is right!
I didn't think carefully! "

"Where is the director! You also know that I still have a public job. Although it is an idle department like the Archives Bureau, there will still be some occasions and jobs that must be attended!
So, I am going to ask for leave if necessary! He Fan said his purpose with a smile.

Hearing He Fan's words, the dean of the department laughed, and then said in agreement, "Student He is fine!

There is no need to ask for leave, I will explain clearly to your counselor in advance! "

"Then director, look, can you just say that my situation is special, and don't reveal my official status, can you?

In school, I still want to be an ordinary student! He Fan asked again after hearing the department head's consent.

Hearing He Fan's request and explanation, the head of the department thought about it and thought it was necessary, then nodded and said, "Don't worry, student He, I will help you arrange it!"

"Then thank you, Director!" He Fan thanked him with a smile when he heard the head of the department take care of him.

You Fengxia heard the news that He Fan had been admitted to Peking University from nowhere, and suddenly felt as uncomfortable as if she had missed hundreds of millions.

Seeing her daughter's sudden uncomfortable expression, Mother You became puzzled, "Feng Xia, what's wrong with you?"

"Mom, I just heard that He Yuzhu was admitted to Capital University!" Hearing her mother's doubts, You Fengxia explained with a wry smile.

Hearing her daughter You Fengxia's words, Mother You was shocked, and after thinking for a while, she said, "Fengxia, did you make a mistake!
He's just an uneducated cook, how could he pass the university entrance examination, the best university in Beijing!

This is too unbelievable!

If it is said that he is relying on the recommendation of college students from workers, peasants and soldiers who went to college, I still believe it! "

Hearing her mother's questioning and disbelief, You Fengxia felt even more regretful, then shook her head helplessly and said, "I've confirmed it!

Either workers, peasants and soldiers college students, or those who passed the college entrance examination for the first time this time! "

"Ah? This is too crazy!
He's just a cook! "Hearing her daughter You Fengxia's affirmative answer, Mother You was really shocked.

Father You, who was looking at the document at the side, heard the movement of the mother and daughter, and looked over suspiciously, "What's wrong? What happened?"

Hearing You's father's doubts, the shocked Mother You quickly woke up, and then explained with a wry smile, "Fengxia heard that Zhuzi took the resumed college entrance examination this time, and even got into the best Beijing University!"

"What?" Hearing Mother You's explanation, Father You was also stunned in surprise, and then showed an expression of disbelief.

After a while, the family digested the explosive news, then Father You shook his head helplessly, and said to his daughter You Fengxia with a wry smile, "Fengxia, what are your plans?"

Hearing her father's question to her, You Fengxia didn't know how to answer it, she just looked at He Nianzu who was enjoying herself.

Mother You knew her daughter best, sighed helplessly, and then proposed, "Old You, why don't we go back to the capital and visit the big leader!
Since our official reinstatement, we haven't sat down with them yet!
Just take this opportunity to talk about Zhuzi and Fengxia! "

Hearing Mother You's suggestion, Father You thought for a long time, then sighed helplessly, "Alright! Let's go to the capital tomorrow!"

The wife of the chief leader looked at You Fengxia's family who came together, sighed helplessly, looked at the chief leader who had been sitting on the sofa reading the newspaper, then directly hugged He Nianzu, and said with a smile, "Nianzu, why don't you come here?" Do you remember grandma?"

He Nianzu, who was already seven years old, said happily, "Nianzu remembers!
My dad said that grandma and grandpa are the best! "

Hearing He Nianzu's still childish voice, the angry leader quickly put down the newspaper in his hand, also showing a happy expression, and then reached out to take He Nianzu, "Nianzu, come to Grandpa!

It's been a long time since we saw He Nianzu from our family, Grandpa misses you so much! "

"I miss Grandpa too!" He Nianzu said obediently while wrapping his arms around the chief's neck.

The big leader hugged He Nianzu lovingly for a while, then sighed, and said helplessly to Father You who was sitting beside him, "Old You, our comrade in arms for so many years!

You are so disappointing to me! "

"Back then when you and your wife were deported, no one knew your whereabouts, not even whether you were alive or dead!
You entrusted Fengxia to us, and we have always treated her like our own daughter!
Not long after, I was also transferred to the south. I really don't know what my future will be like!

Then we entrusted You Fengxia to He Yuzhu. To be honest, we never asked He Yuzhu's opinion at all! "

"Looking back now, I realize that we were too arbitrary back then!

Now that You Fengxia and He Yuzhu have reached this point, no one wants to see it!
But since two people have no feelings, don't force them to be together again! "

Hearing the big leader's earnest explanation, Father You and Mother You felt uncomfortable, and Mother You said again without giving up, "Boss, look at our friendship for so many years, if I help Fengxia again, I will I guarantee that Fengxia will cherish this marriage!"

Hearing Mother You's swearing promise, the leader shook his head helplessly, then analyzed with a wry smile, "Do you all think that after Zhuzi was admitted to Beijing University, everything will go smoothly and everything will be fine?
Four years later, after graduating, he is still facing the pressure of work and life, and he will not directly become a god who does not eat fireworks!
Above him, there will still be more high-ranking officials oppressing him, and now that reform and opening up are proposed, there will be many rich people in the future!
At that time, He Yuzhu's official position will not be as big as others, and his wealth will not be as much as those rich people, so Fengxia will still despise him!
So, I think it's better to just do it like this, everyone is relaxed! "

Hearing the big leader's words, the three members of the You family couldn't sit still, and then they all blushed, said goodbye and left.

"Grandpa Nian stay with us!
When Zhuzi comes back, I'll ask him to send you back to Shanbei! "Looking at the lonely back of the You family leaving, the big leader finally couldn't bear it, sighed, and then said with a wry smile.

The You family couldn't understand the meaning of the big leader's words, so they quickly said thankfully, "Thank you, big leader!"

"Don't get your hopes up too much!

I understand Zhu Zi's temperament!
For those who cherish him, he can't wait to sacrifice his life to love them!
As for those who abandoned him, he would never look back! "Seeing that You's family showed joy again, the big leader poured cold water on them and said.

"However, this is all your young people's own business!
Or handle it yourself! "

(End of this chapter)

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