Self-cultivation of the Siheyuan God of War

Chapter 211 The Beautiful Counselor

Chapter 211 The Beautiful Counselor
When I got home, I saw the leader and his wife waiting at home with He Nianzu. He Fan happily picked up his son, "Son, do you miss Dad?"

"Think about it! I miss you so much!
I'm an adult now, and I'm in first grade this year! "Seeing his father whom he had not seen for a long time, He Nianzu was so excited that he seemed to have endless words.

"Yeah! My Nianzu is really good! He has grown into a man!" He Fan said happily.

"Zhuzi, You Fengxia and her parents went to our place just now!
What they mean, I don’t need to tell you, you should know it too!
Tell me, what do you think? "The big leader explained to He Fan.

"Uncle, Auntie, to be honest, I'm not afraid of your two old jokes, being with You Fengxia, I'm really under a lot of pressure!

Whether she likes me, I can still feel it!

I originally thought that as long as I treat her sincerely, and live a good life, it will be fine!
The reason why I took such a big risk and inquired about my parents-in-law without avoiding suspicion was also to curry favor with You Fengxia!

It's just that in the end I still fell into this field! He Fan said what was in his heart with a wry smile after hearing the big leader's explanation.

"So, I'm not going to remarry You Fengxia!"

"Alright! Since you know what's in your mind!
We will not say anything more!

Wait until you and Nianzu make out for a few days, then send him back to Shanbei and the others!

When the time comes, tell You Fengxia clearly what's on your mind! Hearing He Fan's explanation, the big leader sighed, knowing that it had been difficult for He Fan these past few years, and then ordered.

After hearing the instructions from the big leader, He Fan knew that it was the big leader who wanted to make himself and You Fengxia clear and solve the problem between the two of them thoroughly.

"Uncle, I know!
Don't worry, you and your aunt!

I'll definitely take care of personal issues! He Fan promised with a smile.

Nowadays, college students have to go through three months of formal military training, which is not the kind of formality in later generations.

During the day, He Fan endured the torment of military training, and at night he had to run home to be a babysitter to take care of his children. A week later, He Fan asked for leave and sent He Nianzu back to You Fengxia in Shanbei.

Knowing that He Fan was going to send He Nianzu off, the You family came out to greet He Fan together for the first time.

Seeing such a dramatic scene, He Fan really felt the irony of reality.

"Fengxia, let's go out and talk alone!" He Fan said hello to Father You and Mother You, and suggested to You Fengxia who was beside him.

Hearing He Fan's proposal, You Fengxia showed a feigned shy expression, and said happily, "Okay!"

After leaving You's house and walking on the unfamiliar streets in the provincial capital of Shanbei, He Fan's cold voice came into You Fengxia's ears, "Fengxia, in fact, our marriage back then was a mistake of the times, I don't like you!
I can also clearly feel that you don't like me either!

At the beginning, I also thought that it doesn't matter whether I like it or not, but after getting along with each other, I found that the differences between the two of us are getting bigger and bigger!
I also thought about sticking to it for the sake of my child, but I was very worried that our bad relationship would affect the child instead!
So as soon as you proposed divorce, I agreed without any objection! "

"I only have one request, after you remarry, the child will be brought up by me!

I don't want my son of He Yuzhu to recognize someone else as his father! "

"Okay! That's all for now! I'm going back to the capital first!"

Looking at the back of He Fan leaving, You Fengxia kept thinking about what He Fan said, and suddenly felt that she had paid too little for this family, not even a little affection, could it be her fault?
After solving You Fengxia's matter, He Fan returned to school to participate in military training again, and did not do anything special.

Three months of inhuman torture made He Fan stronger and his skin darker. Standing there without speaking will give others a sense of intimidation.

"Uncle He, you are too strong!
I didn't realize it at first, but after three months of military training, I suddenly realized that Uncle He is a hunk! "Su Chaoran sighed exaggeratedly while touching the muscles on He Fan's body.

"Little Susu, you are exaggerating a bit!
Is it that you Tianjin people are born with the talent to talk about cross talk?

Listening to you every day is like listening to cross talk! He Fan joked angrily after hearing the exaggeration in Su Chaoran's words.

"The crosstalk talent of our Tianjin people is similar to what you said!" Su Chaoran said with a smile when he heard He Fan's joke.

Gao Ming on the side suddenly said, "Uncle He, I heard that the counselor of our literature department will be here today!
I heard she is still a big beauty! "

Su Chaoran, who was exchanging business with He Fan, heard Gao Ming's news, his eyes lit up suddenly, and he said happily, "Really? Will there really be a beautiful counselor in your class?"

"It should be true!" Gao Ming said angrily when he saw Su Chaoran's excited face.

The military training was over, and normal study and life finally started. Gao Ming ran to the classroom excitedly, and saw that the counselor was a beautiful woman, and whispered to He Fan beside him, "The rumors are true! Our counselor is really It's very beautiful!"

He Fan didn't respond to Gao Ming's exclamation, because the world is too small, and the beautiful counselor in front of him turned out to be his acquaintance.

"Students, hello everyone! My name is Ran Qiuye, and I am your counselor!"

When He Fan heard the familiar name, he felt a lot of emotion in his heart. He really didn't know what to say. After turning around, He Fan and Ran Qiuye could meet again.

Of course, Ran Qiuye saw He Fan sitting beside her, and she wasn't surprised at all. After all, she already knew the list of students in the class and had been notified in advance by the head of the department.

Seeing He Fan who was about to leave after school, Ran Qiuye quickly caught up and said with a smile, "Director He, I haven't seen you for a few years, you don't know me anymore!"

"How could it be! I didn't expect that after so many years, I would still meet your Teacher Ran!

What's more, I didn't expect that you really became my teacher! He Fan responded with a smile after hearing what Ran Qiuye said.

Gao Ming on the side was shocked when he heard the conversation between He Fan and Ran Qiuye. He heard Ran Qiuye call He Fan "Director", and then showed a puzzled expression.

He Fan noticed Gao Ming next to him, and also saw his doubts, and then explained with a smile, "I used to be the director of a street office, so Teacher Ran is used to calling me the director!"

"Oh! That's how it is!" He Fan said after hearing He Fan's explanation.

"By the way! Gao Ming, go back first! I'll talk to Teacher Ran!" He Fan said to Gao Ming.

Seeing the back of Gao Ming leaving, He Fan said with a wry smile, "Teacher Ran, please call me He Yuzhu!
I am no longer a director, so don't let other students misunderstand me! "

"Well! I see!
I would also like to thank you for taking care of my parents back then! "Ran Qiuye suddenly said gratefully.

"Teacher Ran is too polite! It's easy to do, there is no need to thank, we are friends after all, right!" He Fan said indifferently.

"My parents have returned to work now, and they are both teaching at Beijing Normal University. Someday we have time to get together!" Teacher Ran said with a smile.

"Alright! Let's talk later when we have time!

You go ahead, I'm going back too! "He Fan said copiously.

Looking at He Fan's leaving back, Ran Qiuye smiled, and didn't know what he was thinking!
(End of this chapter)

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