Self-cultivation of the Siheyuan God of War

Chapter 212 Qin Huairu Borrows a House from Silly Zhu

Chapter 212 Qin Huairu Borrows a House from Silly Zhu
Time flies like an arrow, time flies, and time soon came to 1980, and He Fan was already a third-year student.

Seeing He Fan leaving, Ran Qiuye hurriedly chased him over, smiled and invited He Fan, "He Yuzhu, we have a banquet at our house tomorrow, and I want to invite you to help, can I?"

"I have always missed your cooking skills back then. I wonder if I still have this honor?"

Looking at Ran Qiuye who was chasing after him, He Fan had some headaches. Ran Qiuye has been approaching He Fan non-stop for the past few years.

But He Fan is not a person who likes to "turn back" and he doesn't plan to remarry. The most important thing is that Ran Qiuye is already married. He really doesn't want to have anything to do with her, so He Fan has been avoiding her as much as possible. .

"Eh? Excuse me, Teacher Ran!

There are still children waiting for me at home, so I will not go there!

As for cooking, I haven't cooked for many years!

How many are a little rusty!

I won't go there to make a fool of myself!

You guys have fun! "For Ran Qiuye's invitation, He Fan refused with a helpless smile.

Hearing He Fan's rejection of her, Ran Qiuye didn't know how many times this was already, but she couldn't tell why she wanted to approach He Yuzhu.

Anyway, I feel that the current He Yuzhu no longer has the vulgarity of the past, but has more of the elegance of a scholar, who is better than his current husband. Over the years, he has always wanted to understand the mysterious him.

"He Yuzhu, many of the professors who will come tomorrow are university professors, it will be very meaningful for you to assign work in the future!
You'd better think carefully, are you sure you don't want to go? Hearing He Fan's refusal, Ran Qiuye tried again without giving up.

He Fan turned around and smiled when he heard Ran Qiuye's words, and said gratefully, "Thank you, Teacher Ran, for caring about me!

It's just that I really don't have time, sorry!
I still have something to do, so let's go first! "

Looking at He Fan who left, Ran Qiuye really didn't understand why He Fan would avoid him like a snake and a scorpion?
He Fan in the past was one of his fanatical suitors. He never expected that after a few years of separation, the two met again on the campus of Peking University, but everything had changed.

He Fan also couldn't understand that Ran Qiuye was so unabashedly close to him, and she was already married!

Isn't she worried at all that her husband will have an opinion?
Don't many women care about what their husbands think?
After I divorced You Fengxia, I really had no intention of remarrying, it was because I was already disappointed.

Long-term dedication may not necessarily be rewarded, and anyone who does it will lose passion and motivation.

It's not that I really lack women. In the other two worlds, which of my women doesn't love me deeply!

There is really no need, in this world, too much love between men and women is wasted.

Since I entered university, every New Year's Eve, the big leaders would call He Fan to his home, and let He Fan get to know many important leaders while others were giving him New Year's greetings.

He Fan's own network, just like this, was broadened by the big leader.

The great leader's concern for He Fan's future moved He Fan very much. After getting along for a long time, He Fan really regarded the big leader and his wife as his relatives.

So whenever He Fan has time every day, he will come to the big leader's house to help cook. When he came to the big leader's house today, he saw a guest.

When the big leader saw He Fan who came back, he quickly introduced to the guests beside him, "This is my nephew, He Yuzhu!
Now I am a student of the Department of Literature of Peking University! "

Hearing the introduction from the big leader, the guest's eyes lit up, and he stood up happily, reached out his hands and shook hands with He Fan, and then introduced himself and said, "Director He, hello! I've heard of you for a long time!
My name is Li Guoqiang, and now I am the secretary of Jingcheng Electric Appliance Factory! "

"Secretary Li, hello!" Upon hearing the other party's introduction, He Fan greeted with a smile.

"Guoqiang, didn't you come to ask me for help?

He Yuzhu in front of you can solve your problem, but it depends on you, whether you have the courage! After seeing that He Fan and Li Guoqiang knew each other, the big leader pointed to He Fan at the side and said to Li Guoqiang with a smile.

"Really? Great leader!" Hearing what the great leader said, Li Guoqiang's heart moved, and he said in surprise.

"Pillar, I cultivated it myself!

What level is he, of course I know best!

I will not deceive you with this matter! Hearing the surprise in Li Guoqiang's words, the big leader explained with a smile.

He Fan was a little puzzled when he heard the conversation between the big leader and Li Guoqiang. Seeing He Fan's doubts, Li Guoqiang explained, "In recent years, TV sets, the main product of our Jingcheng Electric Appliance Factory, have become less and less popular among ordinary people. Welcome!
There is already a lot of inventory in the warehouse!

Now the pressure on our Jingcheng Electric Appliance Factory is getting bigger and bigger! "

"Probably not!

Televisions in this era are in short supply!

How could this happen to your electrical appliance factory? He Fan was surprised when he heard Li Guoqiang's introduction, and then asked suspiciously.

"Hey! The quality of our TV sets is getting worse and worse!
Our TVs often have some difficult-to-resolve faults, and gradually they are no longer popular! Hearing He Fan's doubts, Li Guoqiang explained with a wry smile.

"Since you already know that it's a quality problem, let's improve the quality!
Isn't this a very simple thing? He Fan became even more puzzled after hearing Li Guoqiang's explanation.

Hearing He Fan's doubts again, Li Guoqiang was a little speechless. He looked embarrassed. Seeing Li Guoqiang's face, He Fan knew that Li Guoqiang was not a vigorous and competent secretary.

The big leader also saw Li Guoqiang's embarrassment, then shook his head helplessly, and said to Li Guoqiang, "Guoqiang, you should go back first!

I will help you pay attention to what you said today! "

Hearing the order from the big leader, Li Guoqiang quickly got up to bid farewell and left. Looking at the back of Li Guoqiang leaving, the big leader shook his head helplessly again, and said to He Fan, "This Li Guoqiang has no problem with party spirit and principles!
I just don't have courage, always hesitate to do things, and look forward and backward! "

"Zhuzi, their electrical appliance factory is a large state-owned factory and a key enterprise, and then many people focused on the electrical appliance factory and kept stuffing people into it, and it turned into a big problem now!
This Li Guoqiang has the character of an "old woman" and likes to be a good old man the most!
The former director of the electrical appliance factory just wanted to make a difference, but it was difficult to do so, so he just picked up the pick and transferred away! "Looking at He Fan in front of him who understood a general idea, the leader explained with a wry smile.

"This situation is really difficult!

Without courage and the ability to withstand pressure, it is difficult for the electrical factory to change! He Fan knew all the causes and consequences after hearing the big leader's explanation, and then said with a wry smile.

"The most terrible thing is that this is not an isolated case, but a common problem among domestic enterprises now!"

"Yeah! So, Uncle, I want you to try it!
To be the director of their electrical factory!

what do you think? "Hearing what He Fan said, the big leader agreed, and then suddenly stated his purpose.

When He Fan heard the words of the big leader, he knew that the big leader wanted him to go to the grassroots for real training, and then said with a smile, "I am confident in solving the problems of the electrical appliance factory, and I am not afraid of offending others!

But judging by Secretary Li's behavior today, it is very difficult to do it!


Hearing what He Fan said, the big leader agreed very much. Realizing that He Fan had confidence, the big leader suddenly became interested, "Unless what?"

"Unless the real factory director responsibility system is directly implemented!
Then I will be the director of this electrical appliance factory, and I will be responsible for all production, sales, and operation matters!
As for Secretary Li, it's better not to worry too much about specific affairs! He Fan explained with a smile when he heard that the big leader was interested.

Hearing He Fan's explanation, the big leader didn't answer directly, but thought about it carefully, and said after a long time, "There is no precedent for the factory director responsibility system!
How about this!
Let's not talk, just do it!
It can be regarded as an attempt!
As for Li Guoqiang, I will tell him! "

"Zhuzi, don't be afraid of offending people when you go over this time!

Well done!
Uncle, I will support you behind you! "

archives office.

Since entering university, He Fan seldom came to work in the Archives Bureau, except for some necessary meetings or occasions, He Fan would only appear in the Archives Bureau.

I came here today for an important meeting. After the meeting was over, He Fan saw a familiar figure as soon as he left the archives office.

Seeing He Fan's appearance, the familiar figure immediately ran over excitedly, "Zhuzi, I'm finally waiting for you!"

"Qin Huairu? You waited for me specially, what's the matter?" Seeing Qin Huairu suddenly appearing in front of him, He Fan was really surprised.

"I have something, I want to ask you for help!" Hearing the surprise in He Fan's words, Qin Huairu said with a wry smile.

"Qin Huairu, we haven't seen each other for ten years!
How could you think of me again when something happened?

You are already married to Zheng San, so if you have any problems, you can solve them yourself, can't you? "He Fan didn't care at all what Qin Huairu was looking for you for, and when he heard what she said, He Fan said with a little disgust.

Hearing the disgust towards him in He Fan's words, Qin Huairu's face turned pale unnaturally, and when he thought of his own difficulties, he still bit the bullet and begged, "I really have no other way, that's why I thought of you!
You see, for the sake of our neighbors in the past, you can help me! "

"What's the matter?" Seeing Qin Huai's acting like this, He Fan said angrily.

"Isn't BangJie married a long time ago?

But there has never been a child!
I was thinking, is it because my mother-in-law Jia Zhang and their husband and wife lived in the same house, which affected the harmony of their married life?

Then I thought, can my mother-in-law Jia Zhang move out! Hearing He Fan's angry words, Qin Huairu quickly explained.

He Fan was even more confused when he heard Qin Huairu's explanation, "You are right!

When resting at night, thinking of an old woman sleeping next to me, it does affect harmony a bit!

Then let Zheng San build a small bed in your room and let your mother-in-law live there, then everything will be settled!

Why are you still begging me here? "

"It's not that Zheng San doesn't get along with my mother-in-law, Jia Zhang, and doesn't want to accept my mother-in-law!

I was thinking that when the deaf old lady in the backyard passed away, she gave you her house.

You don't live now, why don't you let my mother-in-law live for a while first! "Hearing He Fan's words, Qin Huairu revealed his purpose with a wry smile.

He Fan's eyes widened in shock when he heard Qin Huairu's smart request, and he said in disbelief, "Qin Huairu, I haven't seen you for so many years, you still have this virtue!

You are too good at thinking about good things!
I think you want Liu Bei to borrow Jingzhou, but if you borrow it, don't let it go!
Besides, this is your own family matter, caused by the bad relationship between your mother-in-law Jia Zhang and Zheng San!
You don't want them to ease the conflict, but you come to me to play the autumn wind, I don't know what you think! "

"Qin Huairu, let me tell you clearly!

You have your own man, if there is anything wrong, go discuss it with your man!
Don't come to harass me and Yushui again, or else." He Fan finished speaking angrily, no longer interested in wrangling Qin Huairu with you, and then rode directly away from the gate of the Archives Bureau.

Seeing He Fan's back on his bicycle and his last warning, Qin Huairu realized that there was an insurmountable gap between herself and He Fan.


Jia Zhangshi looked at Qin Huairu expectantly, but seeing Qin Huairu's expression like an eggplant beaten by frost, he knew that things were not going well.

"How is it? Did Sha Zhu agree?" Although Jia Zhang already had a guess in her heart, she still asked Qin Huairu unwillingly.

"Silly Zhu, he doesn't agree!
He also said that in the future, let me stop harassing him and Yushui! Hearing her mother-in-law Jia Zhang's question, Qin Huairu explained with a wry smile.

"This damned idiot!

After becoming such a great leader, he is still as stubborn as an iron rooster!
No consideration at all, our neighbors for many years!
It's not a thing! "Hearing Qin Huairu's explanation, Jiazhang became angry.

"If it doesn't work, let Xiaodang and Huaihua live in the dormitory of their unit!
Free up their little house for me to live in! "Jia Zhang then suggested.

Hearing her mother-in-law Jia Zhang's suggestion, Qin Huairu said with a wry smile, "I've been thinking about it for a long time!

But Zheng San disagrees!

I just don't want you to live with him! "


Hearing that it was Zheng San who disagreed, Jia Zhang did not have the guts to say anything. They all said that ghosts are afraid of evil people, and Jia Zhang was most afraid of this vicious Zheng San.

"Then what should we do?
How many years have you been married and you still don't have a child? I'm so worried! "Hearing Qin Huairu's words, Jia Zhang said painfully.

"Now there is only one way!

Just in the yard, like the second uncle in the backyard, I will build you an earthquake shelter!

It's because I promised my uncle not to mess around in the middle courtyard!

In this way, I am worried that the uncle will have opinions! "Hearing the pain in mother-in-law Jia Zhang's words, Qin Huai seemed to empathize with her, and then suggested.

Hearing Qin Huairu's proposal, Jia Zhang's eyes lit up, and he became excited again, thinking of the uncle, Jia Zhang said disdainfully, "Yi Zhonghai, that old bastard!
You ignore him!

If he dares to stop him, I will deal with him!

If we are not allowed to build an earthquake shelter, at worst I will live in his house! "

(End of this chapter)

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