Chapter 213 Chapter 110
When He Fan came to the electrical appliance factory, Li Guoqiang and He Fan held a grand welcome ceremony. Seeing Li Guoqiang's vain behavior, He Fan's perception of Li Guoqiang was a little bit worse.

"Welcome Director He to join our electrical factory!"

"Secretary Li, this is too unnecessary! Let them all go back to work!" He Fan shook his head helplessly, and then said to Li Guoqiang with a smile.

"What Director He said makes sense, Xiao Cui, let the workers go back to work!" Hearing He Fan's request, Li Guoqiang said to his secretary.

The secretary Xiao Cui, Li Guoqiang and a group of leaders of the electrical appliance factory came to the meeting room after seeing it.

Seeing the high-spirited new factory manager, Bang Geng among the workers showed a complicated expression, Yu Manting, who was next to him, saw the stunned Bang Geng, and said with some doubts, "Bang Geng, what are you thinking?

The secretary's secretary asked everyone to go back to work! "

"Oh, I see! I'm fine!" Hearing his wife's reminder, Bang Geng woke up from his daze and explained with a forced smile.

"If it's okay, go back to the workshop!"

He Fan on the other side followed a group of leaders from the electrical appliance factory to the conference room, and got to know each other.

After seeing that he had introduced all the leaders of the electrical appliance factory to He Fan, Li Guoqiang said with a smile, "Director He, in order to welcome you to take office, I have reserved a large private room in the Beijing Hotel. Let all the leaders go together later. I'll cleanse you up!"

He Fan was a little surprised when he heard Li Guoqiang's explanation, ""Capital Hotel"? Secretary Li is quite expensive!"

Hearing the astonishment in He Fan's words, Li Guoqiang couldn't restrain his complacency. In the electrical appliance factory, Li Guoqiang was the sky. Li Guoqiang felt very excited to be able to shake his prestige in front of He Fan, the big red man who was the leader years ago, " Haha, it's all trivial!
After you get used to it, you will get used to it! "

Seeing Li Guoqiang's extravagant and voluptuous demeanor, He Fan's heart was completely chilled. Only then did he realize that today's electric appliance factory is all due to the "credit" of Li Guoqiang in front of him. Already! Take me to the warehouse first!"

Hearing He Fan's refusal, Li Guoqiang was a little surprised. After a while, Li Guoqiang realized He Fan's displeasure, and quickly said with a smile, "That's fine! I'll take you to the warehouse now!"

"Secretary Li, I heard from the big leader that your prostate has always had serious problems!
It just so happens that I can help you now, so you should go to the hospital to have a look! He Fan suddenly said with a smile to Li Guoqiang who was on the side.

Hearing He Fan's words suddenly, Li Guoqiang was a little stunned, and quickly said with a smile, "Hehe, this is an old problem of mine!

No big deal!

Do not go to any hospital! "

Seeing that Li Guoqiang didn't understand what he meant, He Fan turned his head, looked at the "good old man" in front of him coldly, and said again, "I think you need to go to the hospital for a physical examination immediately!"

Seeing He Fan's stern eyes, and hearing his words again, Li Guoqiang's heart tightened, realizing that He Fan was driving him away temporarily, because he disliked him and would hinder his next actions, and then said with a forced smile, " Director He, what you said makes sense!

I really need to go to the hospital! "

The confrontation between He Fan and Li Guoqiang made the leaders of the electrical appliance factory tense, feeling inexplicably that the electrical appliance factory was about to make a big move.

"By the way, Secretary Li!
During your hospital stay, lend me your secretary Xiao Cui for a few days!
If you really care about the electrical factory, you can contact Xiao Cui directly! "He Fan once again made a request to Li Guoqiang.

When He Fan arrived at the warehouse of the electrical appliance factory, he saw the TV sets piled up like a mountain. He was shocked beyond words. The electrical appliance factory was on the verge of bankruptcy, and they still wanted to go to the "Beijing Hotel"!
"Xiao Cui, your next announcement!

New production will be stopped tomorrow, and all the products in these warehouses will be sent back to the workshops for further inspection.

If any problems are found again, the responsible workers and workshop directors will be fired directly! "He Fan had an idea in his mind, so he told Xiao Cui who was beside him.

"Yes! Factory manager!" After hearing He Fan's order, Xiao Cui was shocked, and then replied.

"Also, starting tomorrow, the factory will check the personal hygiene of every worker!

Long fingernails and long hair are not allowed. If you find someone who is not hygienic, you will be fined one yuan directly!

Each workshop must also be kept clean and hygienic. If any mess is found, the workshop director will be fined [-] yuan! He Fan ordered again after hearing Xiao Cui's answer.

"Ah? I know!" Xiao Cui's eyes widened in shock, and finally replied.

"But... I'm worried that the workers will have opinions!" Xiao Cui couldn't help reminding He Fan.

"Anyone with an opinion!
Immediate suspension of work without pay!

Not negotiable! He Fan said with a sneer when he heard secretary Xiao Cui's worry.

Xiao Cui's actions were quick. As soon as He Fan made a decision, the workers on the other side were officially notified by the factory, and the pot exploded among the workers.

"Oh my God! It is said that the new official takes office three fires! This new factory director is too much! We are just ordinary workers, and the poor quality of the TV has something to do with us!"

"Xiao Duan, pay attention to what you say! I heard that the factory manager's backstage is very hard! Just now, Secretary Li was sent to the hospital to see a doctor! It's amazing!"

"Ah? The new factory manager is so powerful? The factory manager is so over the top, don't let others tell! Is he going to fire us!"

"We are just workers, and we have to pay attention to personal hygiene! This is too outrageous! We even have to pay fines!"

"You didn't hear, the workshop director will also be fined! Anyone who has any objections will be suspended without pay!"

The workers talked about the new factory manager, but Bang Geng didn't participate, and they were still thinking about seeing He Fan's shock in their hearts!

I haven't seen him for more than ten years. The stinky cook at the beginning has become more and more powerful. He became the director of the electrical appliance factory in a blink of an eye. He is not comparable to the ordinary worker he is now.

"Bad, what are you thinking?

You have also seen the notification just now, do you have any thoughts? "Yu Manting on the side asked the stick who was thinking about something.

"What do you think, don't grow long hair, don't grow long nails, just cut it off!" He Fan said with a smile when he heard Yu Manting's question.

"But you have to be fined! The factory has never been fined before!" Yu Manting said with emotion when she heard the casualness in Banggun's words.

"One emperor and one courtier!

We ordinary workers, as long as we do things according to the regulations, let's not bother with other things!

When I get home from get off work today, I will cut your fingernails and toenails for you!

I'll shave my hair short too! "Hearing Yu Manting's surprise, Sticker said with emotion.

"Huh? Toenails should be cut too? It wasn't mentioned in the notice!"

"It wasn't said in the notice, I said it!"

 I finally wrote the last chapter, but I was locked up in a small dark room. I don’t know if I can be released!It affects the mood too much!
(End of this chapter)

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