Self-cultivation of the Siheyuan God of War

Chapter 214 Shazhu's Killing Chickens and Monkeys

Chapter 214 Shazhu's Killing Chickens and Monkeys

After the workers in the electrical appliance factory got off work, Bang Geng took his wife Yu Manting on the way home, when the thoughtful Bang Geng suddenly stopped, and said to his wife Yu Manting, "Man Ting, come home later! Don't mention the new factory manager to our family!"

Suddenly hearing the command of the stick, Yu Manting was surprised, and said doubtfully, "Ah? Why is that?"

"Well, this new factory director is an old neighbor of our courtyard house!
I'm worried that my family will feel unhappy if they find out! "Hearing his wife Yu Manting's doubts, Bang Geng said with some indescribable explanations.

"Oh no!

Then why have I never seen this Director He? "Yu Manting was surprised when she heard BangGong's explanation.

"Hey! When you came to the capital, he had already moved out of the courtyard!

He used to live in Zheng San's house! Stick stem sighed and explained.

After hearing that there were a lot of secrets concealed in the sticky words, Yu Manting asked suspiciously, "Is the relationship between our two families not good?"

"Uh, how to put it! It's complicated!

Used to have a good relationship and almost became my stepfather!
Afterwards, it was very bad, and I didn't even have any contacts!

So, I am worried that my mother and grandma will feel very sad when they know the news about him! "Hearing Yu Manting's question, Bang Gan explained concisely.

"Oh! Now I know!
Then, among the five members of your family, who disagreed with your mother's association with this director He? "After hearing BangGong's explanation, Yu Manting gradually lost her doubts, and then asked the most critical question.

Hearing Yu Manting's direct point to the crucial question, Bang Geng felt embarrassed, then shook his head helplessly, and said with a wry smile, "The people who stopped me are me and my grandma!"

"Okay, I get it now!
I won't say anything when I get home! "

The next morning, all the workers from the electrical appliance factory came to work in the factory. He Fan and a group of leaders had already waited at the door of each workshop, carefully checking the personal hygiene of the workers.

After seeing the notice yesterday, the workshop directors of each workshop led the workers to carry out a surprise cleaning, which completely restored each workshop to a clean and tidy appearance.

Seeing each worker cut their nails and hair as required, He Fan nodded with a satisfied expression.

Of course, it is unavoidable that there will be people who are willing to challenge He Fan's authority. There are six slick male workers, each with long hair, rushing in front of He Fan arrogantly, "You are the new factory director. ?
I heard that you dared to send my dad to the hospital as soon as you took office yesterday!
You are very arrogant! "

After hearing Chang Mao's words, He Fan knew that this was Li Guoqiang's son, and as expected, Xiao Cui explained to He Fan in a low voice, "He is Secretary Li's own son, and he is usually a little ignorant!

Director He, don't mind! "

"Li Meng, don't mess around here again!

Hurry back to your own workshop! Xiao Cui explained to He Fan, thinking that He Fan would let the six of Li Meng go for Li Guoqiang's sake, and then pretended to reprimand Li Meng.

"Oh boring! Let's go!" Hearing Xiao Cui's words and seeing him winking at him, Li Meng glanced at He Fan again provocatively, and then said coquettishly.

"Stop!" Seeing the "chicken" stretching his head over, He Fan looked again at the many "monkeys" who were watching here, and said directly with a sneer.

"Where's the security chief?"

"Director, I am the security captain!
My name is Zhang Xiaodong!
What's the matter, you order! "A middle-aged man hurried over and said respectfully to He Fan.

"These six obtrusive things have now been fired by the electrical appliance factory!

Drive them out of the electrical appliance factory, and they are not allowed to set foot in our electrical appliance factory again! "He Fan said directly in a cold voice.

"This..." Security captain Zhang Xiaodong was shocked when he heard He Fan's order, and didn't know what to do for a moment.

"What? You, the security captain, don't want to do it either!" He Fan sneered when he saw the security captain who hadn't acted.

"No! No!" Hearing He Fan's sneer, the security captain Zhang Xiaodong quickly denied it, and then said to the dumbfounded security guards, "What are you still doing?
Hurry up and drive these six guys out of the electrical appliance factory! "

Hearing the reprimand from the security captain, the stunned security guards came to their senses, and immediately ran over to catch the six "chicks".

"I see who would dare! My father is Li Guoqiang!" Seeing the security guards rushing towards him, Li Meng said arrogantly.

Hearing Li Meng's words, the security guards quickly stopped what they were doing and looked at He Fan.

Seeing this situation, He Fan directly said to Zhang Xiaodong, the security captain beside him, "It seems that the security guards in our electrical appliance factory are not doing well!"

Hearing the sarcasm in He Fan's words, Zhang Xiaodong felt overwhelmed, and personally controlled the domineering Li Meng. When the other security guards saw Zhang Xiaodong's actions, they no longer hesitated, and all rushed towards the stunned man. Five "chicks".

Seeing the six "chicks", who were actually fired and driven out of the electrical appliance factory, the workers erupted in a tsunami of cheers, "That's great!"

Seeing the excitement of the workers, He Fan could guess how unpopular these six idiots were and how they made trouble for the electric appliance factory.

"He Yuzhu, just wait for me!

I will not let you go!

My father is Li Guoqiang! Seeing that he was really fired, Li Meng said threateningly to He Fan.

"Director He, is it too much for you to do this!

When Secretary Li comes back, it's hard to explain to him! "Secretary Xiao Cui persuaded with some embarrassment.

"Hmph! You can tell your Secretary Li right now!

If there is anything, let him call me himself!

Tell him, I, He Yuzhu, are waiting for him! He Fan said with a sneer when he heard Xiao Cui's persuasion.

"That's right! Let all the sales department wait for me in the conference room!
I want to give them a meeting! "He Fan gave Xiao Cui an order and left directly.

meeting room.

Looking at the confused sales staff, He Fan smiled, and said directly, "The sales volume of our Jingcheng brand TVs has not been high!
However, the inventory in the current warehouse has been returned to the factory for testing, and quality problems will definitely be guaranteed in the future! "

"In the future, everyone in the sales department will go out to sell TV sets, and every time they sell one, they will get a commission of five yuan!

Of course, your basic salary will only be ten yuan in the future! "

"What? How is this possible?"

"This is too outrageous!

If you only have a basic salary of [-] yuan, and you can't sell a few units, our sales department won't all drink the northwest wind! "

"If you have an opinion, keep it!

If you really don't want to, you can go to your superiors and sue me!

But the rules made by me, He Yuzhu, you must implement! Seeing the salespeople talking a lot, and knowing that they were resisting, He Fan said coldly.

Hearing He Fan's warning, all the members of the sales department unconsciously remembered that the six Li Meng who had just been fired didn't dare to say anything, but they felt resentful in their hearts.

Seeing the expressions of the sales staff, one can guess their inner activities, and then He Fan directly said to the secretary Xiao Cui beside him, "You write a notice now to recruit temporary sales staff among the workers in the electrical factory. There is no basic salary, and a commission of five yuan is also paid for every TV sold!

You are not willing, some people are willing to rush to do it!And no basic salary is required! "

Hearing He Fan's words, all the salespeople present felt their hearts tightened, and they all became scared in unison.

They all thought in their hearts that what He Fan said made sense, they were unwilling, and some people were willing to do it!

After all, TVs are still very popular!
"If the workers in the factory are unwilling, they can recruit outside the factory. There are so many unemployed young people outside the factory now!
I can't believe that no one wants to take this commission! Seeing that the salespeople were all scared, He Fan added fuel to the fire again.

He Fan returned to the office after finishing a series of "coquettish operations". He heard the phone ring just as he sat down.

Picking up the phone, He Fan asked directly, "Who is that?"

"Director He, it's me! Old Li!" Li Guoqiang's voice came from the phone.

"Director He, I apologize to you on Li Meng's behalf!
He is still young, just a child, so don't fire him! " Li Guoqiang said pleadingly.

"Secretary Li, you may not know me well!
No one can change what I decide!
The decision to expel Li Meng and the other six cannot be changed! He Fan sneered when he heard Li Guoqiang's pleading, and then directly refused.

Hearing He Fan's direct refusal, Li Guoqiang felt a chill in his heart, and pleaded again, "Li Meng is just a child!

Just give me face and don't fire him!

I will definitely ask Li Meng to apologize to you in person! "

"Secretary Li, there is a saying you should have heard, that is, it is easier to ask God than to send God away!
If you invite me here, you must follow my rules. If you really can't stand it or regret it, you can find a way to transfer me away from the electrical appliance factory!
Now, there is no need to discuss your son's matter! "

"And tell your son Li Meng for me, if he wants to take revenge on me, He Yuzhu, he can!

If he was sent to the police station by me, he would be sentenced!
Don't look back and beg me! "After He Fan finished speaking, he hung up the phone directly.

On the other end of the phone, Li Guoqiang was shocked when he heard the busy tone on the phone. He invited a master back!
"Dad! How did it turn out?
Will we be able to go back to work as usual tomorrow? Seeing Li Guoqiang's stunned look, Li Meng couldn't help asking anxiously.

Hearing his son Li Meng's question, Li Guoqiang became angry, picked up the phone next to him, and slammed it on Li Meng's head, "I'll kill you, you prodigal bastard!

Don't make trouble for me! "

"Dad! I was bullied by that surnamed He in the electrical appliance factory, and you still beat me when I got home!

Is there a father like you? "After being beaten violently by his father Li Guoqiang, Li Meng felt wronged.

"I'm not your father! You are my father!" Hearing Li Meng's grievance, Li Guoqiang became angry.

Seeing his son Li Meng who ran out, Li Guoqiang shook his head in pain. What the hell did he give birth to? !

"Brother Meng! What did Secretary Li say?

Can we go to work normally tomorrow? A "chicken" asked anxiously when he saw Li Meng coming down.

"What are you panicking about!
Let's not even think about going back to the electrical appliance factory!
After a while, I will ask my dad to find a relationship for us and find a better new job again! Seeing the excited look of the five "chickens", Li Meng said stinkingly.

"Ah? That means the six of us were really fired?" Hearing Li Meng's words, "Chicken" immediately became excited.

"Uh, almost!" Hearing the excitement in "Chicken"'s words, Li Meng said with some embarrassment.

"The surname is Li!

Do you know how much my father has gone to for my job in the electric factory?

Now it's because of your grandson that we lost our jobs!

You must give us an explanation today! "Chicken" became angry when he heard Li Meng's words.

"How dare you scold me? Are you looking for death?" Hearing that he was scolded by "Chicken", Li Meng became angry.

"Not only do we want to scold you, but we also want to beat you up!

Brothers, hit him! Seeing that Li Meng was still so arrogant and domineering, the "chicks" immediately started to fight.

"Bang, isn't this Uncle He of yours too good!?" Yu Manting thought of He Fan's operation in the electrical appliance factory these two days, her eyes widened in surprise, and she said to the stick next to her in disbelief.

"Yeah! It seems that Li Shuji was sent to the hospital yesterday!" Hearing Yu Manting's emotion, Bang Geng was equally surprised.

"It seems that we have to be more careful in the electrical factory in the future!
In case of being caught by Director He, my uncle has nothing to do! "Yu Manting said in shock.

Hearing Yu Manting's words, Bang Geng's heart tightened, thinking of the tense relationship between himself and He Fan, and hoping that He Fan would not take revenge on himself!

"By the way! BangJiao, I saw the recruitment notice for the sales department, do you want to try it?" Yu Manting suddenly remembered today's notice, and then asked BangJiao.

"Uh, forget it!

Although the commission of five yuan is high, it is not stable!
There are no guarantees either!
Let's wait and see! "Hearing Yu Manting's proposal, Bang Geng was a little entangled. In fact, there was a commission of five yuan for a TV. The conditions were really good, but thinking that there was no basic salary, Bang Geng finally hesitated.

"Hmm! What you said makes sense!
I heard that the basic salary of the regular staff in their sales department is only ten yuan!
If you can't sell the TV, you won't even be able to eat! "Hearing BangGong's worries, Yu Manting said in agreement.

"Zhuzi, you just took office these two days, and you made so many big moves!

You are really not afraid of offending people! "When the big leader saw He Fan who came back, he shook his head helplessly and said with a wry smile.

"Hehe, Uncle! I won't hide it from you!
This is just the beginning, not even an appetizer!
You have to support me behind me! He Fan explained with a smile after hearing the wry smile of the big leader.

"Is this an appetizer?

Zhuzi, what on earth are you thinking? "Hearing He Fan's words, the big leader was a little shocked.

"Uncle, let me tell you this!

As long as I complete a series of operations, I can guarantee that the electrical appliance factory will have no problems for another 20 years! Seeing the shock of the big leader, He Fan said seriously.

"Ah? Zhuzi, are you so confident?" the leader said in disbelief.

"This is just my conservative estimate, after all, no one can guarantee how long I can stay in the electrical factory!

If I can stay in the electric factory all the time, I can guarantee that the electric factory will become a real world-class manufacturing giant! "He Fan said seriously, the huge plan hidden in his heart.

"Uncle, do you think I'm bragging again?

In fact, the electric appliance factory has a very good background and relies on such a huge domestic market. If coupled with the broad vision and thinking of the business leaders, it is very easy to make the electric appliance factory take off! "

(End of this chapter)

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