Self-cultivation of the Siheyuan God of War

Chapter 215 Lou Xiaoe Wants Chapter House

Chapter 215 Lou Xiaoe Wants to Return to the House
The big leader helped He Fan complete all the formalities and got the transfer order. He Fan was the deputy director of the Archives Bureau and took up the post of director of the Jingcheng Electric Appliance Factory.

The Archives Bureau found out about He Fan's job transfer. Although they had expected it since He Fan was admitted to university, they were still shocked when this day really came.

After packing up his few things, He Fan left the place where he had been staying for nearly five years under the envious gaze of the archives staff.

After leaving the Archives Bureau, He Fan went straight back home and found a notification letter at the door.

Seeing the notice above, He Fan became puzzled. It turned out that he was notified to handle the real estate dispute.

He Fan thought about it carefully, he didn't have any real estate disputes with others?
Putting things down, anyway, there are still a few days of rest for the time being, He Fan simply went to see their "performance", and just like that, He Fan came to the place in a daze.

"Comrade, what business do you want to do?" A staff member looked at He Fan in confusion, and then asked in confusion.

"You guys asked me to come here! This is the notification letter!" He Fan directly handed the notification letter in his hand to the staff member.

Seeing the notification letter handed over by He Fan, the staff showed a playful expression on their face, and then said to He Fan, "I see, come with me!"

After seeing the playful expression on the staff's face after seeing the notification letter, He Fan saw it, his heart moved, and then he realized that this was a bureau specially set up for himself.

After understanding everything, He Fan sneered silently, and followed the staff directly to an office.

"Student He, isn't it!

Letting you come here this time is to inform you that you will vacate the house you are currently living in within three days.

Because the real owner of the house has returned from Hong Kong Island, you cannot continue to illegally occupy this property! A staff member wearing glasses said in a stern tone when he saw He Fan coming in.

After hearing this person's explanation, He Fan's heart moved, and he guessed that Lou's family had come back again, but when he heard that the other party said that he was in illegal possession, He Fan smiled, and then forced his smile to say, " Oh? So how did I illegally possess it?
At the beginning, I passed the formal procedures, and the house I owned was handled by the staff of your unit and the street!
How did this suddenly become illegal possession? "

Hearing that He Fan was not scared, the man with glasses was very angry, sneered, and then continued to say threateningly, "The one who helped you with the formalities in our unit was just a temporary worker, and now I don't know where it is!

So the procedure is invalid!

The Lou family is now a big businessman, you must stop your illegal possession!

I heard that you are a top student of Peking University, there is no need to destroy your own future just for a house! "

"At the beginning, I made up the price difference of 200 yuan!

My original property is gone!

So I don't have nothing now? He Fan resisted the urge to laugh and said pretending to be wronged when he heard the man with glasses threatening him.

Seeing He Fan's aggrieved look, the man with glasses became excited. He was indeed an inexperienced student. Everyone said he was a scholar who was useless. The man with glasses said disdainfully, "That's your business!

It has nothing to do with our unit!

Student He, for your own future, it is necessary to make some sacrifices!
No wonder you shouldn't have wanted this house in the first place!

In order to get capital invested, you have to make concessions! "

"You know, we have never allowed real estate transactions in our country, and your matter is a matter of speculation!

I didn't arrest you and put you in jail, it's already because of your face as a college student, I gave you preferential treatment!

Don't you know what is good or bad! "

"its not right!

I got this house through real estate exchange!
How did it become opportunistic! ? "He Fan showed a puzzled expression on purpose, and said puzzledly.

Hearing He Fan's question, the man with glasses didn't know how to answer, and suddenly said angrily, "Stop talking to me here!
I'm just informing you, not here to answer your questions!

Within three days, you must vacate the house!

The original owner will move in three days later! "

"Then what if I don't vacate the house?

What are you going to do to me? "Seeing the other party's angry look, He Fan realized that he was just a pawn, and the mastermind was hiding behind his back, so he lost his patience and said with a sneer.

Hearing He Fan's sudden indifference, the man with glasses realized that something was wrong, and then thought that he was riding a tiger, so he could only bite the bullet and threaten, "If you don't vacate the house within three days, I will let the police Get you in!

I will directly sentence you to a prison sentence!

At that time, your future and future will be over! "

Seeing that the man in glasses looked determined to eat himself, He Fan lost his patience, and directly grabbed the other man's neck, and pinched him hard.

Feeling the pain on his neck, the man with glasses panicked, and said sternly, "Let go, what are you doing?
You must not be overwhelmed! "

He Fan sneered when he heard the stern threat from the man with glasses, and said disdainfully, "I think you are a reckless idiot, you dared to come here to blackmail me without finding out my real identity!
talk about it!
Who is the mastermind behind you? "

Hearing He Fan's words, the man with glasses realized that he had offended someone he shouldn't have offended, but thinking of the mastermind behind him, the man with glasses bit the bullet and denied it, "I don't understand what you're talking about?"

"Don't understand?" He Fan stepped up when he heard the man with glasses refused to admit it.

The man in glasses soon felt suffocated, and only then did he become really frightened. Seeing that he couldn't break free from He Fan's clutches, the man in glasses could only desperately call for help, "Help! There's a lunatic here!"

The voice was too low, and worried that his colleagues outside would not hear him, the man in glasses kicked hard to the chair next to him.

The colleagues outside heard the movement in the office, opened the door directly, and then saw a shocking scene.

Some people yelled in panic, some called the police, and of course some ran to the leader.

Soon the leader came to the office, seeing the chaos in front of him, his heart tightened, and he quickly shouted at He Fan, "Comrade, don't let yourself get lost!

There is something to discuss! "

Seeing that the leader behind him was finally attracted, He Fan immediately let go. The man in glasses who had been frightened for a long time, then looked at the leader who spoke with a sneer, "You ordered this idiot to deliberately blackmail me, right? "

Hearing He Fan's questioning to him, the leader felt a chill in his heart, bit the bullet and denied it, saying, "I don't understand what you're talking about!"

Seeing that the leader was also denying it, He Fan ran up to him quickly, grabbed his neck, and punched him directly under the shocked and terrified gaze of everyone.

Soon the leader's face was covered with blood, and then He Fan let go of the muddy leader, picked up the phone on the table, called the big leader, and after explaining, he heard the big leader on the other side of the phone. The leader asked, "Zhuzi, what do you want to do with them?"

"Uncle, if it weren't for my special status and a little background, if I were just an ordinary college student or ordinary person, I might really be eaten to death by the other party!" He Fan heard the big leader's question. Hearing it, the big leader was also very angry, and then said what was in his heart.

"What I hate the most is this kind of trash who bullies ordinary people wantonly with a little ability!
I want to take advantage of this incident and uproot these moths! "

The big leader on the other end of the phone heard He Fan's thoughts and didn't speak, but thought for a long time, then sighed and said, "Zhuzi, what you said makes sense!

Next, don't bother asking, I will take care of it! "

Putting down the phone in his hand, he glanced mercilessly at the two puddles of mud lying on the ground, and with a cold snort, he left here directly under the shocked and terrified gaze of the crowd.

The big leader acted very quickly. Not long after He Fan left, the police and his superiors came here. They didn't care about the surprise of the staff here, and directly took away the two puddles of mud.

The matter was not complicated. When the Lou family heard that the policies in the Mainland had improved, they ran back to the Mainland to try to invest. First, they contacted a small leader who was a good friend in China.

In order to please Lou's family, this little leader directly followed He Fan. After a superficial investigation, he found that He Fan was just a college student of Beijing University. This absurd scene was staged.

He Fan doesn't need to pay attention, the ending of this little leader and his "husband and dog friend" must be very tragic, and it must make He Fan feel very relieved.

The Lou family, who lived in the Capital Hotel, had long heard about the tragic end of the young leader and his "husband and dog friends". Lou's father was so frightened that he packed his clothes in a hurry and was about to run away.

When Lou Xiao'e came back to the hotel, she found her father running for his life in a panic, and asked suspiciously, "Dad, what's wrong with you? What happened?"

"Xiao'e, it's just in time for you to come back!

Hurry up and pack your clothes, something big has happened!
The little leader and his "hunters and dog friends" were all arrested!
I'm afraid it will be our Lou's turn soon! "Father Lou hurriedly explained to his daughter, Lou Xiao'e, who was old enough to come back.

"Ah? How did this happen!" Hearing her father's explanation, Lou Xiao'e was also startled.

"Hey! It's all because the little leader is too greedy!

He said that the current owner of our house is an ordinary college student without any background, so he will try to get it back for our Lou family!
I thought about it and agreed! Hearing his daughter's doubts, Lou's father explained with a helpless smile.

"Who knows, the other party doesn't have no background at all, but a background that reaches the sky!
The line of the little leader has been uprooted! "

"Ah? The little leader is too stupid!

What do you say you know!

Our Lou family has also been in business for generations, so we don't even have this awareness!

We managed to return to the country this time, and you just want to engage in these dirty tricks, isn't it just looking for trouble for nothing! "Hearing her father's explanation, Lou Xiao'e complained angrily.

"Hey! Stop blaming me, Dad!
I'm also full of regrets now! Hearing his daughter Lou Xiao'e's complaint, Lou's father said in pain.

Seeing her father in the same pain, Lou Xiaoe sighed helplessly, said nothing more, and hurried to pack her luggage.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door, the father and daughter looked at each other blankly, and then Lou Xiaoe ran to open the door, "Who is it?"

Opening the door, Lou Xiaoe saw a young man in a formal suit and glasses outside, and asked suspiciously, "Excuse me, who are you looking for?"

"You are Lou Xiao'e, right?
Then you must be Lou Dong?
I am the secretary of the leader above, just to inform you that the mainland welcomes your investment, and you will definitely get preferential treatment!

But the premise is that you must abide by the laws and regulations!

This time, it is the first time and the last time! "The stranger looked at Lou Xiao'e in front of him and Lou's father behind her, and said in an emotionless tone.

After the stranger finished speaking, he turned around and left, leaving Lou Xiaoe and Lou's father alone in a mess, and Lou's father happily put down the luggage in his hand, "It's okay! It's okay!

We were only warned this time!
It seems that in the future when doing business in China, you can no longer mess around! "

"Dad, do you know who this new homeowner is?" Lou Xiao'e was also very grateful when she heard what her father said, and then her heart moved and she asked suspiciously.

Hearing his daughter Lou Xiaoe's doubts, Lou's father was also at a loss, "I don't know either!

When I got back to the capital and met the little leader, I told him about the house!
He readily agreed to help.

The next day, he ran over and told me that the new home owner was just an ordinary person, a college student from Peking University, without any background, so it was easy to handle! "

"When I heard the introduction from the little leader, I immediately became happy and offered to buy back the house at a normal price!

But the little leader said it was completely unnecessary, I knew it was because the little leader wanted to ask for bribes, and the matter of preparing the house was settled, so I gave him a huge sum of money! "

"Dad, I guess the background of this new owner must be Tongtian!
Seeing that we didn't do anything too extreme, he just warned us and let us go! "Hearing her father's explanation, Lou Xiao'e analyzed happily.

"Dad, let's stop thinking about this house!

Just honestly invest and do business in China!

Keep a certain distance from those crooked little leaders, and don't go too far! "Lou Xiao'e, who had figured everything out, said with a wry smile to her father.

"Xiao'e, what you said makes sense!

Let's do business legally, and we won't have anything to do with people like little leaders anymore! Hearing his daughter Lou Xiaoe's persuasion, Lou's father agreed.

(End of this chapter)

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